DIY RV DUMP STATION 💩How to dump your RV tanks into your home Septic System

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[Music] [Music] [Music] snap your fingers [Music] hey guys my name's james and i'm ashley three years ago we sold our house and we've been traveling across the country ever since hi i'm goose i'm athlete join us what's up tricklets so today we're going to be talking about something that anybody with an rv and a septic tank can do today we're talking about poop and what to do with it so as you probably know already today's video is all about installing a diy dump station at your own home now if you have city you probably uh can't do this actually you can't do this but if you have a septic tank this is the video for you today we're going to be installing a diy dump station for less than ten dollars at your home so in order to do today's product there are a few things you need to purchase a three inch pvc cleanout adapter with a plug as well as a three inch coupler and that's pretty much all you're going to need other than your standard rv dump hose which you probably already have if you don't you will need to purchase one of those but i'm guessing if you have an rv you already have a hose to dump with so realistically these couple pvc parts is all you're going to need so for less than 10 bucks you could be dumping for free at home all right let's jump into it because of that filter valve thing that's off to one side what i'm going to do is put the hole on the opposite side and i don't want to do the big circumference i want to do the small one and that gives me that little tiny margin of air right there so put that off to the side pretty centered go then [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right so now that i've got our hole cut to the three inch diameter that we need uh it would have been a little bit cleaner if you had a three inch hole saw uh for your drill but i just don't have that so i went ahead and used uh the tools that i had available at my disposal so it's going to go ahead and be fine even though those edges are a little rough because what i'm going to be doing is using the self leveling dap for it's in just basic uh 100 waterproof interior exterior uh sealant i'm just going to put a nice generous coating around the edge here and put that in and then do the same thing on the interior piece with this guy here so it'll basically sandwich the lid like that and then it'll be locked tight on there and then we have our lid that we can just easily screw on and off just like you would at any old rv park except for with the convenience of home all right [Music] no it's good for the top flip it over to the yummy side do the same thing [Music] make sure you hold this until he's i out a place to go [Music] boom and now before we dump anything down into the septic it takes about 24 hours for the sealant to dry i mean you could probably do it before that but might as well be better safe than sorry so we're going to go ahead and let this dry till tomorrow and then we'll test out dumping all right guys so it's been about 24 hours since we installed our three inch fitting into the top of our septic tank and one of the things i wanted to point out that you want to definitely be aware of is how your septic system is set up before you do this because if you go ahead and just install this willy nilly without knowing how your system is set up you could do a major damage to it so first off before you go ahead and move forward with this listen to this segment there are many different types of septic systems our system is a basic gravity fed system with a two chamber septic system here some of them have three chambers some old ones i've heard even have just one chamber but i think this is a fairly common setup here so what you want to know is you want to make sure you know where your line is coming in from and where it's going out to your drain field so your basic system is you have your house or whatever it is where all of your water and other goods come from and they come into your system they go from one chamber where it kind of all the solids settle and then it filters over to the next one with a much more of the uh the liquids and then it goes from there to your drain field it's a very simplified uh explanation of it but you want to make sure you are putting this three inch adapter right here into the intake side of your tank so that way it's the exact same thing as all the solids being flushed into your tank because if you accidentally put it on the other side the other chamber and if you're jumping all of your solids your toilet paper and whatnot right on top of that it could get into those tubes it could get out into your drain field do all sorts of damage and clogging we're talking thousands of dollars of damage so be sure that you're putting this in the correct side of your septic tank hey love what's going on can you say hi say hi guys dad are you talking to i'm making a video okay so now that we've now that it's dry let's go ahead and hook up our hose and let's test this bad boy out so this is the part of the setup that's gonna obviously vary on a case-by-case basis on how close you can park next to your septic system where you just installed your three-inch fitting so i'm approximately i'd say about 30 feet away from uh the front of the trailer and then probably closer to 40 feet or so from the rear of the trailer so i bought the most affordable option i could just two of the cheap 20 foot long hoses and then some fittings to attach them together because i'll need about a 40 foot run obviously if you can park closer you'll need less further you'll need more so this is actually i think we're the most expensive part of the setup comes from is getting the hoses run and if you buy the really expensive rhino hoses it's gonna cost you a lot more versus i got these basic 20 foot hoses for i think eight dollars a piece and i apologize my daughter is jumping on the trampoline in the background so if you are in a hurry and you uh have a few extra bucks to spend i highly suggest getting the rhino ones i was mentioning earlier because they are so much more convenient but it will probably triple the cost of your install going from you know getting one of these short these 20 foot hoses for about seven eight bucks i think it's what i paid for each 20-foot hose and then another probably three or four bucks maybe five bucks per coupling you will probably pay about 20 bucks for a 15-foot hose of the rhino maybe maybe even more 25 30 depending on where you buy it but you won't have to go through this process of installing them like this because they simply just click onto each other and come pre pre-ready to go so i'll leave that up to you i'm cheap so i went for the cheap kind but if you're okay with spending an extra 20 maybe 30 bucks depending on the length of your run you might want to go with the rhinos [Applause] [Music] all right 30 minutes later now that we got it all hooked up simply just like an rv park unscrew our lid and screw our hose on nice and snug attach our hose in the right direction [Applause] here we go [Applause] [Music] so i ended up having to add one extra attachment 40 feet might have made it there because these hoses do have to stretch out the cheaper ones they don't just automatically get 20 feet we have to stretch them out after like under tension but uh i had an extra hose lying around so i went ahead and just added that third hose to it and that is my run so i can get from here and i can probably now reach all the way to the rear with about 60 feet of hose so let's pull the plug and watch it flow all right i can hear it working uh one of the other things you might want to be aware of when you're doing your run we lucked out in that our rv is probably a good 10 feet higher than our tank and you want to have that gravity to push everything down if you're going if your tank is higher than where you're going to park you're going to have to figure something out there because obviously just like any rv park your tank has to be higher than your dumb point or your have issues so thankfully for us this worked out really well maybe i'll do a follow-up video in the future to see if i have any issues or anything like that but so far it's working pretty well alright guys so this is one of those ideas that seems like a good idea when i'm thinking about it but as i am placing the camera inside of my own septic tank i can only imagine the horror that might happen if i drop the oh my dreams have come alive all i need to show you how to believe
Channel: The Chick's Life - RV Travel
Views: 41,356
Rating: 4.8711753 out of 5
Keywords: The Chick's Life, RV Life, RV Living, RV Living Tour, RV Tour, RV Living With Kids, Full Time RV Living With Kids, Boondocking, Full Time RVing, Full Time Family, rv dump station, black tank, black water, rv dump station at home, rv dump station procedure, diy rv dump station, how to dump your rv at, how to dump your rv tanks at home, septic tank, adding rv dump station to septic tank
Id: T0VpZXRfo8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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