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Awesome video you did great with the renovation. I worked in Japan for 1 week but feel like it had a major impact on the way I see life so I've always got a special place in my heart for your home.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SignificanceIll2546 📅︎︎ May 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
A 30-year-old second-hand condominium that began production in May 2020 I've been working silently for about a year This time is the omnibus of the [second-hand apartment] series Please see the video for each process for details and precautions of the work. First of all, from the dismantling work. Demolition the wall. Garbage is separated and thrown away. The ceiling and wood parts of the Japanese-style room will be dismantled. Dismantle the kitchen. Dismantle the bath. Dismantle the washroom. Dismantle the toilet. Peel off the cushion floor directly attached to the concrete. Grind the nails left on the floor or wall with a grinder. After cleaning up the trash, the dismantling work is complete. We will make the foundation for walls, floors and ceilings. First of all, from making a soundproof wall I am measuring the distance from the wall. I will fit the sound absorbing material on the wall. Paste the soundproof sheet from above. Secure the gypsum board. On the window side, add insulation and remake the wall. Add a ceiling skeleton. Add sound absorbing material to the ceiling as well. Layered soundproof sheets Add more insulation. Stick the plasterboard on the ceiling. Remake the floor so that it is flat. Fit the insulation. I will lay a board. Fill the gaps in the gypsum board with putty. Make a wall to divide the bedroom. Put the flooring on the floor. "Lasissa D floor" Walnut flooring will be attached to the bedroom. Install a door called "Mode Collect" from NODA. Paste the gray wallpaper "FE6208" of Sangetsu. It's hard to put wallpaper on the ceiling because it doesn't stick easily. Paste the kitchen panel. Install the silver parting material. Install the kitchen. Stick the eco-carat "Stone Grace" all over the wall. Put white wallpaper on the bedroom. Make a shoe box using the rails. Put cushion floors on the washroom and toilet. Install the lights. Attach the timber to the wall. Go up to the entrance and make a stile. Tile the front door. Make a dining table using a single plate. Shave the surface with an electric sander and a plane. Paint with wax. Protects the surface. Make a shelf next to the kitchen. Painted with iron paint. Assemble the wood to fit the size of the kitchen. File the plate used for the top plate and paint Completed after fixing the top plate of Mortex Make a PC desk using laminated wood. Make a TV stand to fit a 55-inch TV. Assemble the painted wood. This completes all the work. We have self-renovated one apartment for a total of 2 million yen. Living kitchen before renovation Renovation of a second-hand condominium for 2 million yen Bedroom before renovation Bath before renovation Entrance before renovation This channel summarizes the work scene of self-renovation in a video. Please subscribe to the channel if you like.
Views: 11,285,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, セルフリノベーション, リフォーム, 部屋, ビフォーアフター, リノベーション, リフォーム費用, 住宅DIY, 内装, 総集編
Id: nNvbiN3zED0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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