DIY Ombre Air Dry Clay Bowls

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join me as I turn this into this my DIY ombre clay bowls hello social crafts friends KC here thanks for joining again today we are going to show you how to make these ombre ombre clay bowls we are also going to show you how to cut a bunch of different textures into the bowls and how to use air dried clay which is not a very difficult thing to do but to make it look expensive like these cute little bowls that you can basically these little trays maybe like more to say and you can basically find in stores this has been one of my favorite crafts not only because it's just easy but the product that ends up turning out is just beautiful and I am thrilled with it so I'm so happy you're going to join me if you got our craft box I will show you what comes in the craft box if you did not hit the crap box I will still show you and you can go out and get these things or you can go to our site social crafts comm and get a whole box with everything in it so you don't have to battle the craft store and we will send you everything straight to your door you can buy one for you you can buy ten and have a crap party that is what we're all about we're all about gathering over crafts and doing it together and that is what we're here for but all in all we are happy you are here I am happy you are here to do this crap with me and let's get started so first off let's put these aside first off you will obviously get a type of air dry click so air dry clay this is one of my favorites and this is in white you will get then also get a rolling pin this is a rolling pin we got it specially cut and make sure you guys a pack of food coloring and you will get some gloves you don't have to use it but when you mix the food coloring in to the clay it tends to get all of your hands I personally don't mind but I know some of you might so there are some plugs to arm so you will also get a paper clip then you'll end up bending like this to help you cut around the clay and section so paper clips some plastic bowls that you can use you can also use any bowls you have at home I've used all different types depending on what kind of shake you want when it dries then we give you a couple different textures that means will help make your textures into your grade oils trays and sandpaper I have a 20 or 220 grit sandpaper here a couple piece pieces of wax paper and a plastic bag plastic bag is great for when to open your air dry clay you don't want it to dry out so you want to make sure all that air stays away from it you will also get a printout of a few different leaves and this will help me make your leaf bowl if you decide to make one and also this cool little instructional that I put my heart and soul into so you will get all of this stuff in your craft box and it will come straight to your door so without further ado let's get started and I will show you how to do this press I will show you four different clay bowl examples in this video first up is our ombre leaf bowl this ombre technique you can use in any Bowl but we're gonna show you how to do it with the leaf bowl that we're making you're gonna take about a two inch by two inch or so piece of clay I'm taking more here which was a little bit too much so take about a two inch by two inch piece fold up your clay put it actually in a plastic bag so it doesn't dry out the air will obviously dry out the clay so put it in a plastic bag you're gonna start kneading your clay here and that just means pressing it in between your hands to make it a little bit softer go ahead and flatten it out just a little bit and this is where you're gonna add color we're gonna add about ten drops of food coloring if you are mixing colors maybe and you're using two colors then maybe do five of each color here I'm not doing as many as I'm telling you to and I had to go back and add more color so do about 10 drops total this is also where your 1 I'm gonna put your gloves on if you don't want to get the food coloring on your hands this is where it gets messy I don't really mind getting on my hands but the gloves are there if you don't want to get it on your hands it will wash off it is food coloring you're gonna fold the clay over the food coloring and kind of put the food coloring in the inside of the clay and then you're gonna just start kneading the clay which means pressing it together in your palms and folding it on top of each other pressing it together folding it on top of each other you're basically doing everything you can to mix in that color this we did a purple color doesn't look purple right now but as you mix it together it will be purple it does you is you know you have to use a little bit of a strength here and so we have a few other techniques you can do you can pull it apart and then fold it on top of each other and press it together you can also use your rolling pin if it's getting a little hard on your hands go ahead and also use your rolling pin to roll it out fold it back on top of each other you can see here I'm adding a little more color because it wasn't enough and you could have them add more or less than I suggest of course but I would say about 10 drops symbols is where we ended and again just keep kneading keep kneading and you can use like I said your rolling pin roll it out fold it on top of each other roll it out fold it on top of each other and you're gonna do this until basically you don't see those dark spots anymore which if you want those dark spots totally keep them which is also a cool technique but we're just showing you how to achieve the ombre technique for now so that's what we're going to show you so you'll see I'm gonna keep doing this until we get a smooth color and you'll see it's starting to look a little more purple that marbling colors really cool I like to sometimes leave it like that but we're gonna get a smooth color for this ombre [Music] so next once you get a smooth color don't mind our color change here I decided to leave the purple for one of the later examples I decided to do green now so just pretend like the green is the purple so you'll take a little more of the plain white clay and then also your colored clay you're gonna shape them into kind of like a teardrop form you'll see I'm rolling them so it turns that one and has a point and one and has a thicker int so kind of like a teardrop squeeze in the end together and make sure all the clay is intact and you're going to do this for both colors once you have that they're about the same once you have that you are then going to squeeze the two pieces together opposite ends together so the thinner end of one color next to the thicker and the other color and you're going to gently squeeze them you want to keep them in somewhat of a teardrop shape this is what is gonna help you achieve an ombre look so if it's diagonal like that that's exactly what we want to kind of squeeze it together next take your rolling pin and start rolling it out I'm gonna roll it out till maybe it's about approximately 1/4 inch and at this point you are not going to roll side to side you're just gonna roll front and back so this technique is basically to start mixing the Clay's so they start to create a blended look so then we're gonna fold it back on top of each other once it gets about 1/4 of inch think it thick and kind of long fold it back on top of itself roll it again and we're gonna keep doing this over and over and tell the Clay's start to look blended in the middle and not such a harsh line so again folding it back over on itself and rolling it out again you can see here it's starting to get a tad bit wide and I tend to push the edges in here and there you don't want to push them in so any of the colors start to overlap because that will that will not make your ombre the blending effect happen but if it starts to get more wide then long start to push in the ends and then keep rolling so you want to keep folding it on top of each other roll folding on top of each other roll and finally when you get to a point that you like the color this is a nice blended color that we want we then start to go side to side with the rolling pin so it starts to make more of a circular circular surface then we can make our bowl out of so rolling side to side now before I told you only to go up and down to blend but once you get a good blending effect then start to create the shape of your clay by going side to side at this point we're ready to start with the leaf cutouts so choose a leaf we have four different Leafs that we gave you mmm so choose a leaf and go ahead and cut it out with some scissors [Music] and then you're going to lay the leaf on top of where you want your play bowl to be take that paper clip we gave you and unfold it so it becomes a point and this is gonna become your cutting wire so we'll just reference it as you're cutting wire from here so go ahead and follow the leaf paper pattern around with the cutting wire and don't worry about the rough edges you can sand those down at the end with sandpaper so you can see here that I am making the lines of the leaf with the cutting wire and again you'll see some rough little edges and that's okay we can sand those down after and then you're gonna place it in any Bowl and let it dry example 2 is a lace doily Bowl so we're just gonna use some plain white clay make sure you have a good amount a little bit more of a mouth than maybe last time you want enough to have the holey stylee on this project so go ahead and knead your clay make sure it's a little soft and then we're going to roll it out and this one we just roll out front to back side to side we want to roll it out evenly so we get a good circle so start to roll it out so it is an even looking circle and about 1/4 inches where you want to stop if you roll it out and you don't have enough add some more and roll it out again now you take your lace doily and place it on top and you want to make sure your lace doily or your whole lace doily fits even if it is like on the very edge like I have it that's fine if your clay is a lot larger that's fine as well but you want to make sure that the lace will fit on the entire piece of clay go ahead and take your rolling pin and roll the lace into the clay so the surfaces become even you don't want to roll too hard just roll gently so that the surfaces of the clay and the lace become even once we're there remove the doily take your cutting wire and you're gonna go around the edge cutting out the lace doily you can do it really precise which you know you can but I actually just ended up starting to do squiggly kind of lines around the edge you'll start you'll start to see that I start to do squiggly lines and that created a great edge effect for the lace so you go all the way around the doily creating a little kind of a lace wave and again like I said you'll see some really kind of rough edges and don't worry about those after it's completely dry you can go to those edges with sandpaper and smooth everything out and it looks super polished [Music] next take an appropriate sized bowl for your doily get it off that waxed paper and place it in the bowl gently and let dry it takes about 24 to 48 hours to dry and there you go next is our marbled lace bowl for the marbling effects super easy just take two colors of clay push it together knead it just a little bit mix it up just a little bit not as much as we did in the first first example where we wanted to get a clear like solid mix of color you just want to kind of push them together and eat it together and roll it out if that's not marbled enough you can always push it together again and roll it back out and play around you know play around and it's super fun to see what the clay comes up with I use this lace doily again for this one this one I'm only gonna use the you know it doesn't have to fit the whole thing because I'm gonna end up making this into a circle not Elise so I just use the texture of the lace for the top again pushing the lace gently into the surface and then taking the lace off and this time I'm going to make it a round Bowl so I find anything that has a round type of surface or diameter place it lightly on top of your clay not hard because you don't want to make an indent of the circle and just trace around it with your cutting wire so you have a perfect circle remove the excess clay from the outside again not worrying about the rough edges you can go back after it's dry with sandpaper place it in a bowl gently in a bowl pushing the sides down like very very gently just so it's not curled up like that but I don't really push the bowl really far down and you let it dry 24 and 48 hours they'll be ready and you can see on those edges example 4 is a multicolored texture Bowl this you can use really as many colors as you want we did a few different gradients of purple and then I kind of fold it on top of each other kind of did a marbled look again really experiment in with this one and this example is to show you that you can use really anything around the house for texture we used a lace piece of trim but think look around the house look at whatever else might have texture maybe even like the you know bottom of a pen or just look around to see what kind of textures that you can push into your clay to create some really cool new looking bowls again here we're gonna cut out a circle so finding a circle shape here I use the glass and then trace around it with our cutting wire remove the excess clay and then put it in a small bowl to let it dry again smoothing out those edges just a tad not pushing it too far into the bowl but just to create a neat you know really smooth sides and from here you just let it dry you can add some glaze to your bowls but not necessary and you've got some pretty good-looking bowls here so thanks for joining me in making these perfectly cute gorgeous clay baubles trays anything ring balls you want to call them um thank you again for joining me again remember they have been social crafts calm if you want to grab up this box also don't forget to follow us on instagram at social crafts Pinterest the same Facebook the same just look up social crafts and you will find this also if you like this video please help us and give us a thumbs up below and don't forget to subscribe here share our channel with all your friends and I will see you next time
Channel: Social Crafts
Views: 94,601
Rating: 4.8715258 out of 5
Keywords: how to use air dry clay, air dry clay tutorials, tutorials on air dry clay, diy lace clay bowl, diy ombre clay, air dry clay, air dry clay creations, air dry clay diy, lace bowls diy, diy ring bowl, diy air dry clay projects, ring bowl diy, ring tray diy
Id: ALOspxDeM4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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