DIY MEGA Microwave! - Microwaving a Microwave

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hey guys backyard scientist here now everybody has a microwave in the kitchen but do they have a mega wave in the backyard probably not so we're gonna be making one today so what is a mega wave do us well we're gonna take these five microwaves take out the internals and then slap them on top of here this bad boy can fit so many microwaves on it anyway we're gonna make this a super powerful microwave we're gonna microwave all kinds of stuff in here we're gonna microwave a hot pocket we're gonna microwave a microwave microwaving a hot pocket aluminum foil and whatever else I can find in the garage so let's get started I wanted to make my own giant microwave because I saw some people tried before on a TV show I don't think they did it right though because one of the guys watches stopped working and they tried microwaving a cup of water and it actually came out colder than it was before so I want to see if I can improve on the design and this is one you should definitely not try at home I mean I look like it but I actually kind of know what I'm doing sometimes just want to give a quick mention that this video was sponsored by google signs fear and more on that and just a little bit I thought taking apart microwaves would be easy but they were so full of security screws that it was a major pain in the butt to take them apart still 12 seconds isn't too bad this is what I've been after these are the main parts to the microwave oven first let's take a look at the magnetron this is the part that actually makes the microwaves that cook your food so this is the actual magnetron that's hiding beneath all the heatsinks and stuff and if we take it apart we can clearly see how it works we have the heating element and the no I'm actually pretty sure this is black magic but if you want to learn more I'll put a link in the video now that I've taken apart all the microwaves it's time to build the box to put them on but let me just save you the agony of watching me put in a million rivets into this box let's talk about something a little bit more riveting instead I want to tell you about the 2018 Google science fair Google's science fair is a global online competition available to anybody aged 13 to 18 it's really simple it's just like a project fair for your school but instead of submitting it to your school you send it to Google instead every idea has the power to shape our world even if it doesn't seem like a great idea at first it could be a big idea a small idea your brand-new own invention or you can be building off with somebody else's idea for example if I was able to submit my own project to the science fair I would probably do something about their red tide that's currently affecting a bunch of Florida beaches right now so for all you 13 to 18 year old scientists watching the video you have until December 12th to submit your project and try there's some great prizes this year we have educational scholarships we have travel experiences so you better start working on it today find out more information down below at the Google science fair website I'll put the link in the description and I hope you have some cool submissions cuz I'll be watching them perfect timing looks like I just finished building the microwave let's take a look and see how it works well here's the finished product it's a 2 foot by 2 foot by 2 foot cube and I ended up putting floor magnetrons on top of it so it's about 4 times as powerful as a normal microwave oven the sides are made out of sheet metal riveted to pieces of aluminum I got this piece of perforated sheet metal for the door and I used this stainless steel braided rope between the body of the microwave and the door to form a gasket so microwaves can't get out locking it up is pretty simple I just closed the door and then I use these little latches right here to pull it in tight to really clamp down on that piece of braided wire so no microwaves can get out and this right up here we have our light bulb it is extremely bright and on better be extremely bright says a $30 light bulb now we know how it works it's time to test it out I got this microwave meter on Amazon and it should tell us how much microwaves are leaking from this thing and I don't say this too much but you probably shouldn't try this one out yeah [Music] well it looks like the microwave does leak just a little bit not enough to be dangerous but I don't want to take any chances so I built a Faraday cage that I can hide in microwaves have a pretty big wavelength of a couple inches and the holes on the Faraday cage are really small so the microwaves really can't get into the Faraday cage and instead are directed through a cable into a steak I put in the ground over there I probably could have made this a little bit better design what's the reading say perfect all right so far so good doesn't look like anything caught on fire so let's change that into our first Test tin foil it's a classic it should make some nice sparks hopefully let's try it out all right [Music] everything's warm which means all the magnetrons are working oh that one's actually extra hot oh yeah Oh can you smell it it's stinky why is it stinky look it's burnt oh yeah just burns holes right in it alright so what's another good thing in the microwave like a CD oh yeah so which CD are you ruining Mars Attacks is actually a good movie I like it so I feel bad about destroying it but send it off with our techno Viking funeral and flames and electricity and smoke that's how I want to go out keep doing stuff like this and you will [Music] it really melted the heck out of that CD looks like you got run over by a car maybe like a car that was also a flamethrower you know something I've always wanted to try but you never let me do on the inside microwave lighters yes yes lighters I'll be right back so I think that if I put the lighters really close to each other they should make a spark and then we'll have a big old explosion I think so okay so unfortunately that didn't work so I'm gonna try lighters and tinfoil together who are later lighters down and put some tin foil on top that's good whoa it's on fire all right so there is definitely a fire there I went back and I watched the video and I could see that as soon as the lighter got melted or there's hole in it you could see it starts spinning away and as soon as that happened the tinfoil sparked at the perfect time and made this lighter turn into a little rocket yep it was melted right there and haha this one still works now we're gonna try some Christmas lights at this Christmas in September [Music] now I just want to see if they still work so let's plug them in and see and see what happens all right safety squints nada nothing Christmas is ruined all right well we've been having some fun with this thing but I actually built it to solve a problem you know when you're microwaving something and you take your food out and it's lava on the outside and ice cold on the inside well I've got an idea that'll make it lava everywhere by adding another microwave we should be able to microwave our food exponentially faster let's try it out and now we load our pepperoni flavored scientifical standard snack into the microwave and two minutes now I'm gonna have to be fast on this one let me fix the camera first all right here we go two minutes [Music] [Applause] here we go [Applause] all right and that is two minutes let's go see what it looks like okay well uh I'd say that's the result let's take a look on the inside and see what happened oh boy let me let me let this air out for a second and it is still smoking all right let's does it even still turn on well still make some noise uh no doesn't work anymore oh man I was sure that would work well let's let's still feel it oh no it's still cold in the center still oh look at that but but the cheese isn't even melted it still smells good not too bad not too bad look at that all these little circuit traces are probably perfect little antennas for the microwaves and yeah well you know what I'd call that a success it took me about two weeks to build this microwave so I'm amazed it even works at all I mean hey I'm microwaving your kitchen has been refined over a period of like 60 years and and you know I made this in two weeks and I think it cooked stuff just fine even though everything I put in there does catch on fire it's still being cooked anyway hope you guys enjoyed watching this video and I really do hope some of you sign up for the Google science fair if you have any ideas of what you want to do or what you think other people should try to do put them down in your comments or just comment below what you think about my microwave thanks for watching and see you later
Channel: TheBackyardScientist
Views: 1,978,314
Rating: 4.7991986 out of 5
Keywords: Google Science Fair 2018, Google Science Fair, Google Science Fair thought starter, Question ideas google science fair, Inspiration google science fair, Project ideas google science fair, Science fair project ideas, Science fair questions, Science fair inspiration, Science fair help
Id: mnCzYaIW50A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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