DIY Jointer Restoration | ...and we bought a house!

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we bought a house which means through pandemic evacuation and abandoning the old one I finally have a new shop space [Music] my first project is refurbishing this hand-me-down circa 1985 JJ aids jet jointer to kick things off had to see if I needed to become a small Motors mechanic so after testing the kinetic elements to see if they had freedom of movement I tried to turn the thing on [Music] it worked this job just got a lot easier I started by disassembling the table top of the machine from top to bottom removing the broken cutter guard fence the fence carriage and carriage table [Music] the rusted table lock bolts [Music] the opposing cutterhead table [Music] the tired belts and very rusty cutter head then after clearing the literal rat's nest from the dust collection chamber I scrubbed the first layer of rust and 30 years of grime from the entire machine [Music] [Music] [Music] after getting the main machine in better shape I said about the same task on the disassembled parts scrubbing and using a deer ester gel to get them back into fighting shape [Music] [Music] the cutterhead needed to do resting bags the first to remove enough rust to loosen the bolts that hold the housing and knives in place and the second to remove all the remaining roughs from the freshly free components [Music] with the cutterhead I'll be rested I rinse with water used a compressor to dry and ran the blades over my great-grandfather's indian oil stone a few times to try and tidy up the edges not sure exactly how successful I was but I think new blades are in my near future with the pieces of the cutter head ready I turned to the task of really breaking down the rust on the table after letting the chemicals do their work I used an orbital sander with tiered grits to remove the pox and imperfections left behind [Music] doing the same for all the disassembled surfaces as well [Music] once I could see my reflection in the tabletop I taped off the sanded surfaces [Music] bagged up the table adjusters and power switch and painted a quick top coat on the rest of the machine to try and help mitigate any further rust damage [Music] then applied and buffed a layer of Johnson's wax to butter up the tabletop [Music] that looks like it'll do with everything tidied up and refinished I began to reassemble creasing a few of the kinetic pieces where necessary replacing the tired belts [Music] reseeding the blades [Music] [Applause] reinstalling the fence and carriage components then dialing in the blades in tabletop [Music] and finally giving her a whirl [Music] to say I'm over the moon excited to have this level of tool working my shop would be an understatement [Music] next time I continue to rebuild my wood shop and tackle the restoration of a hand-me-down 15-inch jet planer until then [Music] you
Channel: HonestWork Designs
Views: 47,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, tool restoration, jointer, restore, refurbish, diy, how to, derust, clean jointer table, replace belts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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