DIY Gutter Protection

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[Music] what's up everybody it's Russ today I just wanted to bring you a really simple home maintenance tip that anybody can do regardless of skill level and the idea is just to get up on your roof inspect everything if you have a blower great blow it off maybe if you don't have a blower just use a broom kind of brush all the leaves off and get it ready for a winter and then while you're up there use a little bit of a like a little trellis or a little garden shovel or a scooper if you have one and just get in the gutters and clean all the leaves and crap out of there so that's gonna help your your roof drainage is everything worked better so as the water runs off the roof gets into the gutters and hopefully down to the downspouts away from the house and foundation but if everything's clogged up up there then it can start to flow off your roof not in the gutters they're all clogged up and then that's going to go to areas that could fall right around the foundation of the house and cause bigger issues we experienced this last winter and so learn from my mistake get up on your roof and check everything first I just said I'll keep doing it and I said that for every weekend and that I didn't do it until it was too late and we started having some issues so I'm gonna take it a step further today I went to Home Depot I picked up some locking style gutter guards if you want to know exactly what they are right now they're a dollar ninety seven these guys here they're made by Mara Maxx metal lock and gutter guard so I went out there I clean everything off this morning we have five inch gutters this works for four or five and six inch gutters and it's pretty simple I'll show you how it works [Music] alright so if you've got your stepladder or you get on your roof it's pretty simple from here still got some crap in here it looks like I do a better job of cleaning it out but anyways the gutter guards installation is really simple so there's a flat side and there's a side of the lip or a little Ridge here it's gonna flip it over so it's facing the right way the lip kind of goes attaches to the outside of the gutter and then you're gonna slip the flat and under the roof line the shingle so just lift a bit of the shingles up it's under there and then once it's like that just kind of pull it back against one gutter line here and then I've got about an inch overlap here so on and bring that out about a half an inch so that way I get the maximum coverage here without having to use too many of these gutter guards they are only a dollar ninety seven at Home Depot so it's not too bad and then three feet long I think I mentioned that it works for four five and six inch gutters these are five inch gutters and you can just kind of measure with a measuring tape from the edge of the shingle line here off to the gutter and I'll show you how much coverage you need so I saw a little bit left to do but this should help for this winter to keep a lot of those leaves out and prevent some issues thanks for watching you
Channel: Russ Layton
Views: 10,032
Rating: 4.0943398 out of 5
Keywords: Gutter Install, Gutter Guards, Russ Layton, Realtor, Sacramento, Citrus Heights, Rancho Cordova, Sun River Realtor, Galster Group, Home Depot, Water Issues, Foundation, Trees, Mesh
Id: 1Ns5Tp_y17g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 15sec (195 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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