안 입는 바지의 재활용을 감상 하시죠. | 마음 편히 보시죠.
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Channel: 신의손이선생 - DIY edigna
Views: 937,631
Rating: 4.5037746 out of 5
Keywords: 옷만들기, 무료패턴, diy, 신의손이선생, 신의손 이선생, 패턴없이, 패턴, 리폼, 패션, 디자이너, DIY, 패션디자이너, making clothes, reform, 옷 만들기, Teacher Lee, skirt, sewing, design, fashion, funny, healing, tips, 패턴없이옷만들기, 셔츠, 원피스, shirts, do it yourself, change, Reformed, 청바지, jeans, pants, baby clothes, blue jeans, don't wear, pattern, clothes pattern, designer, fabric, 나시, DIY エディナー, 스웨터, 겨울, winter, 가디건, cardigan, 옷, sweater, idea, refashion, transform, 변신, 낡은, tutorial, sew, 안 입는 옷 리폼, 여성, 여성옷, 바느질, 이선생, 헌옷, old clothes, How to, 재활용, recycling, upcycling, 리폼하기, down jacket
Id: gS7Cf9CeIFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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