DIY Elevator Dumbwaiter Conveyor Hoist Lift with Smart Electronics Project

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hey everybody this is MJ with off grade online so I'm a bit excited I'm visiting my parents over here in the wonderful Tampa Florida my reason for coming this week also is to implement a homemade elevator that I designed I'm using a hoist from Harbor Freight and I made an Arduino project that will allow me to have the up and down buttons that you would normally have on an elevator and I've integrated it with the Harbor Freight hoist and it's going to control this elevator which my dad has already gotten started there's the platform down there we still got to put the casters on there and gotta put some bracing up here to the wall and the hoist is going to mount right up here and will attach to the elevator down there I hope I got that in the shot but uh I'll be working on getting the frame ready and getting the hoist installed and now give you guys an update so here we are it's actually day 3 we spent all day yesterday assembling the elevator platform and hooking up the hoist to control it and then I actually got all of the electronics and everything hooked up the few little steps left to go but for the most part the system is already functional and ready to be used ok so we still got a little bit of work to patch back up but we had a you know we wanted all the wires to be run through the walls and stuff installed a switch with the outlet so that the switch can manually shut off the elevator system this of course was my first prototype but got a status indicator tells you what floor it's on it's all controlled by an arduino nano I installed some relays in the actual hoist system that are 5 volt input and will operate the 110 volts that the hoist runs on so for simplicity the entire elevator systems brain works on this little nano powered by this USB plug this extension cord is running into that switch so that I can turn it off now when I turned this system on it bypasses the manual control of the hoist if you turn this system off the man the host is returned control on that the hoist controller you know the the dangling one that normally comes with it but whenever the elevator system is operational it bypasses that manual control so here we are there's the cable running up the pole and there's the hoist it's braced off at the top this concrete this pole has got a it's been concreted on the inside just for extra strength and the platform basically just sits on some rollers that roll up on down on it a pretty simple design we're still got to put a couple of casters that are gonna ride on a track up against this wall going straight up all the way up to the where the second floor ends right about there possibly a foot higher but basically that's just going to be a guide and plus it'll give it a little bit of ability to lean on the wall and it'll help stabilize it because right now it wobbles a little bit you know just to go on side to side but once we have the casters on the that corner and on that corner leaning up against the wall whenever there's weight on there it's gonna push up against the wall between the pole so it'll stabilize it this wire that's dangling right here has not been hooked up permanently yet it's just temporarily enabling the use of the system just to make sure everything is working right but this will actually tie into the onboard controls and I have a couple other controls right here installed on this pole so you know if your elevator is up at the second floor you can call it you know here's your down button is your up button emergency stop on the both floors and there will be in there emergency stop on the elevator itself as well [Music] just press the up button [Music] you washers on the first floor you have the main limit switch on the top backup limit switch on the bottom if for some reason the top one fails and as you can see is just a little angled piece to set it and the elevator will stop right when it hits that switch so if you are interested in obtaining this elevator system this is a dumbwaiter platform mover however you want to describe it I'm not sure quite yet how I want to name it but I am going to make it available on eBay most likely if you are interested please send me a message through YouTube I'll make sure that the comments are available and you can send me a message tell me if you're interested and I'll be assembling a kit that will hopefully be fairly easy to assemble and of course if you have any issues during installation and I'll be more than happy to help you through it with that said this is MJ with off-grid online hope you have a great day
Channel: OffGridOnLine Videos
Views: 61,402
Rating: 4.3913045 out of 5
Keywords: OffGrid Online, offgrid, off grid, Wind Generator, Michael Julbe, Elevator, Conveyor, Hoist, escalator, Lift
Id: I0iIsQSLcaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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