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[Music] hey lovely Jesus me Jen and him back with another home decor DIY so previously you guys in another my earlier videos I did a DIY with Dollar Tree products and I made a wall sconce DIY walton's and I've had a lot of feedback from you guys a lot of you guys have come in and where to find these napkin rings or not a napkin rings um what do you call these the place card holders and I don't think the Dollar Tree carries them anymore so I found a new way to do them and I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys how I do them I'm gonna be redoing this DIY using other Dollar Tree products and probably gonna glam it up a little bit more I just want to tell you guys before I start this this champagne glass from the Dollar Tree comes in a pack of four it has these beautiful like the bottoms of it and what I did was I wouldn't hit and use my soldering guns just cut up the tip of them like that little tip here that little tip right just cut that off using the soldering gun you guys could use a hot guy a hot knife as well please be careful when using that it's really really hot and really dangerous so I use that it's kind of tip off two of these glasses because I'm gonna be making two wall sconces so yeah I hope you guys liked this video don't forget to give me a thumbs up and subscribe for more videos and don't forget to hit the bell so you can get notified as to when I upload new videos have a good thing you guys enjoy the rest of the video and I'll see you in my next one bye guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I'm just gonna wait until they dry up a little bit then I have these little tea light candle holders just in like candles that I use all the time you can get bigger candles the bigger ones yeah I think the doll she carries the silver ones that are bigger just place them in there but yeah we're gonna see you when it's all done how I'm gonna attach these to the wall then I just add a little hook on the bottom on the back let me just show you guys hold on so on the back of the mirror on the back of the mirror ward from the Dollarama on the Dollar Tree you get these boho so because these are not very heavy you can go ahead and walk through these to the back of the merit or you can go ahead and come and fit which are always always handy and amazing to you I'm just gonna go ahead and add Titus to the back of this mirror and then I'm going to show you guys the finished product [Music] so hey guys this is the finished product this is really pretty you just take it like this you can put the light in there before you or again you can use the bigger lights at the Dollar Tree but I'm just using this one for now really cute and I absolutely love this one a little bit more than I like the other one so yeah and there's separate two you can put them in your hallway or in your room or whatever they're really cute I hope you like this video you guys thank you so much for watching and enjoy the rest of your day [Music] you
Views: 127,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy dollar store decor ideas, dollar store wall light, dollar tree wall sconce diy, diy wall light, diy dollar tree wall decor, diy wall sconce, diy glam wall light, diy glam wall decor, diy dollartree decor, dollar store wall art, dollar tree haul may 2019, diy bling room decor, glam, dollartree decor diy, home decor on a budget
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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