DIY Dethatching Your Lawn | Scarifier VS Power Rake | Cobra S40C Scarifier

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel Aces Lawn Care here hope you're doing well so with lawn renovation season just around the corner I thought it'd be a really good idea just to sort of talk to you about some tips and tricks for scarifying your lawn and a huge shout out to COBRA for sending us out the s40c machine I've tested out already and I'm very impressed so we're going to show you this machine and also show you what else Cobra's got to offer as well if you've got a bigger lawn then you want to consider the s40c there's three different sort of machines that you can get you've got a battery you got corded so I'll leave a link in the description if this interests you and you can check them out on the website and see if there's something that you might be interested in getting but let's crack on with the video shall we okay so let's talk about two things to start off with when you get a scarifier usually you'll get the scarifying blades which are not these this is a power rake this is what I class as a power rake and this is designed to scratch the top surface of the lawn and it kind of just rakes anything that is maybe just lying above the fatch area cuz fatch builds up and just drops below the crown level and then sort of you've got the soil of fatch and then the springtime rake is what is going to sort of just scratch away at the top of the fatch that's not going to get rid of it so this is just perfect for kind of just your if you want to do it yearly just give your lawn a good scratch if you're quite a keen scarifier then this is a good device to use just to sort of if you haven't got much fatch but you want to just remove any anything laying flat between the crown then this is your your tool to use but if you're looking to remove quite fix fatch or Moss then you want to use the scarpine blades these will dig deeper and they will pull out any fatch or any Moss that will be in the lawn it will also air rate the lawn it won't air rate like a plugging machine whe but it will leave sort of track marks in and that's also great for if you're looking to seed as well something for that seed to fall into so this is the s4c it's E10 compatible which is great and it's got 212cc engine it will give you a 16 in cutting width working WID should I say it's got a reasonable fuel tank as well which is quite nice to have a large fuel tank on it thing I really like about this machine already is the height adjustment there's no sort of steps um as you as I would say you don't have to you can't don't have to just Notch it down one you can just rotate it and raise it up or raise it down so you can get the perfect height that you want comes with a good size box as well I don't usually like the boxes because that's on any machine any any scarify I've ever used I just find that you get so much fatch out of the machine that you're emptying the box every sort of 2 m so I tend to sort of take it off anyway right so a couple of things before we start obviously always safety first but make sure that you're scarifying your lawn in the springtime or in the fall so you're really looking between end of March beginning of April to sort of miday to sort of mid September to end of October time is the perfect time to do it if you do it in the summertime the lawn will dry out it cuz it does take a bit of a batter in so what we want it to do is still have those perfect growing conditions so that the LA can bounce back but once I'm done with this it is going to look a little bit like it's been beaten up a bit but that's not to worry about it will recover and especially if you're looking to do a top dress over the top and add seed as well you won't have an issue there at at all so don't worry about if your lawn looks like it's been beaten up by Mike Tyson okay so I've got this machine set out the right High cuz I've already tested it on the lawn but before you do any scarifying always start high and work down low you don't want to go in just and tear up your lawn especially if you've had a new lawn down and you're sort of maybe looking to do it a year later sometimes you can just rip up a bit of a chunk of lawn which is never good and so yeah let's crack on [Music] [Music] so guys you can see already just how much fat has come out and this is this is a Year's worth of growth because we we do a light scarify over this every year I'm only going lightly on this as well I just want to lift up any of the rubbish on on the surface really I'm not going too deep with this one but I'm really impressed with it and also what I really enjoy about using this is that I can raise up the blades start the engine and then when I'm ready to drop them I'm ready to go so I don't have to worry about starting the blade in the down position and then accidentally sort of digging a hole in the lawn if the blades are too low that's quite a good sort of little feature on this machine [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Music] Guys 1 minute let's see if I can pick up all this pile of fatch here using the doc grab and lift 1 minute [Music] [Music] is right guys we have done the first pass I'm not going to bore you with the second just cuz it's going to be the same thing over again but what I will be doing is I'm going to go across this time anyway but thank you for watching guys check them out really enjoyed using this scarify honestly it's it's a brilliant bit of Kit and I really enjoy the height adjustment of with this it's just easier just to if you feel like you want to go a little bit lower you can just rotate it and it would turn and drop it or you want to raise it up just the other way as well as the the blade drop it's just it's just a good bit of Kit you know it's it's welld designed I really enjoy it and plus it looks quite I don't know it just looks quite funky kind of reminds me of something off a robot wars but hey he thanks for watching guys just remember tips scarifying blade and then you've got the twin time sort of rakes spring time sorry spring time rakes you use um for just sort of raking the surface this is what you want to go this blade on here the scine blade is what you want to use to really dig deep get that Moss get that fatch out remember you want to be doing this in springtime or in the fall make sure the grass is kind of um the ground can be moist but the grass can't wet when you do this just make sure it's dry but a moist day and yeah you'll be good with it guys any comments just let me know shoot them in there sorry it's is not the best type of educational video I'm just more used to sort of plants not Lawns but should have named myself Acres plant care but anyway brilliant guys take care catch you soon
Channel: Acres Lawn Care
Views: 16,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that tech teacher, diy, do it yourself, home improvement, dethatcher, sun joe dethatcher, lawn dethatcher, lawn care, spring lawn care, greenworks, greenworks dethatcher, sun joe, overseed, dethatch and overseed, scarifier, how to dethatch, dethatching a lawn, how to dethatch a lawn, how to dethatch your yard, dethatching, powerrake, sacrify
Id: 8DZLtp9kOjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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