DIY Custom Packaging | Dollar Tree DIY

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so what's up icons it's the iconic fashion figure  back with a new video and i'm not going to do too   much talking because i know you guys are excited  for this video especially those of you that follow   my instagram and you saw the sneak peek about  this video so today's video is do it yourself   custom packaging for your business and it's all  with dollar tree products so i didn't spend any   more than a dollar on anything that i'm using  in this video now the one thing i do want to say   before i get into the video is a lot of it i did  with my thermal printer versus my regular printer   just because thermal printers you don't  have to pay for ink so it makes it even   more cheaper to do and then the labels that  i get which are the shipping labels first of   all i get them for free from ups hopefully  they're not watching this no money spent so   didn't have to buy ink didn't have to  buy the stickers the only drawback to   it is that it's all black so you can only  do black and white with the thermal printer   because it doesn't print color so if you want  to do the same projects but in color you can buy   the avery stickers so the brand avery does sell  stickers in different sizes buy those and you   can print directly from your regular printer  in full color now let's get into this video so for this first project we're going to be  doing the tissue paper with your logos on it   this is full color so you can use your original  logo or if you want to keep the black and white   theme going you can everything again from dollar  tree so you'll want to get the tissue paper i just   got white since i'm going with the black white and  gold or either silver theme but you can get color   too i recommend going with a lighter color instead  of dark so that way your logo can really pop on it   or whatever you choose to print on it but get  the tissue paper there's 35 sheets in there for   only a dollar you'll need a pair of scissors  because we're going to cut this tissue paper   get a piece of scrap printer paper get  the full size eight and a half by eleven   if your printer does legal prints so 11 by  14 if you can do a larger size go ahead and   do that that means you can print a bigger piece  of tissue paper the reason for the printer paper   is because the tissue paper is so thin it won't  go through your printer on its own so it needs   something to give it a little weight so that  way it can actually glide through your printer   and the only other thing you'll need is the  artwork that you actually want to print onto the   tissue paper oh and i also forgot you're going to  need some sort of tape so make sure you have tape   because we're going to be using that right now so  i have one sheet of tissue paper ready to go as   you can see the tissue paper has a glossy side  and it has a matte side now i print on the max   on the matte side so i can make sure it actually  dries on there and not on like this waxy side   because i don't think the ink will actually adhere  to this i haven't actually tried it you can try it   if you want the glossy look but i have a feeling  the ink will run on this side from experience   of trying to print on different things that have  like a glossy texture it usually doesn't stick so   i go with the matte size so i can make sure it  dries properly there's no smudging or anything   like that so what you're going to do is take your  scrap piece of paper i'm actually just going to   lay it on with the matte side down glossy side  on the top and lay my piece of paper on there   now it has the folds on there so you could  try to find somewhere where there's no folds   but i'm going to fold this up anyway inside the  box and you want to leave a little extra space   around it and then i'm just going to cut a piece  of tissue paper that i'm going to tape onto here   the cuts does not have to be perfect because in  the end i'm going to cut those edges off anyway now we don't need that piece don't throw this  out because you can actually print more on here   so i'm just going to throw that to the side and  then the piece that's cut i already have the   matte side down so that'll be my outside  i'm just going to try to center this and   all you're going to do is fold these edges  towards the back and then just tape it down okay now it's all taped down it's pretty flat for  the most part so it'll go through the printer no   problem matte side is on the top so now i have  to do is run this through the printer make sure   you know which way your print your paper actually  feeds through your printer so like mine i have to   put the mat side down so this part will be up on  top because mine turns as it goes through because   we need it to print on this side so let me show  you how i create the artwork before i actually go   to printing which i'm doing this in canva but  you can do it in pages or like word document   you just need a eight and a half by eleven  canvas with your artwork with a transparent   background whatever you're printing onto your  tissue paper just spread it out how you want to   create your own layout i just eyeballed mine  and add whatever information you want on there   before you print and then once you get a  layout that you actually like you'll go   ahead and save the document and then you'll  go ahead and send it to your regular printer so this is it once it's actually printed out you  guys saw how i did the artwork so that was artwork   and now here is the actual printout i could have  put more logos on there to cover up more space i   didn't want too many logos i wanted a little more  white space to put my website underneath the logo   too there's so much you could do with this um i  purposely ran some off the edge because it's never   you know perfectly aligned on the paper but if  you don't want yours running off the edge you can   create your layout how you want to but this is how  it looks and then once you get your desired look   you're just going to untape it from the printer  paper just be careful not to rip your tissue paper and then that's it off the tissue paper and all  you would do is just cut off this extra that you   don't need or if you didn't rip any of those edges  like some of mine i did like right there then you   could just take the tape off and have the edges  on there but i would just use a rotary cutter   or a paper cutter and then just cut the edges off  and that's it for that project really quick before   i get into the next project i know this piece of  tissue paper seems small especially for those that   are selling clothing to have an eight and a half  by eleven sheet of tissue paper with your logos   may not be ideal but if you want to go with a  bigger piece if you need a bigger piece there   is a way of doing it let me just grab a piece  of paper so i can show you really quick because   i didn't show you in the video so when you get to  the point of taping your tissue paper down to the   computer paper so your scrap paper cut it so that  it's the exact same width as a regular piece of   paper so eight and a half but the length you'll  want to do 22 because the paper is 11 inches in   length so you'll do eight and a half and then 22  long and what you'll do is you'll tape one side to   the front of the paper you'll fold it and tape the  other end to the back so that way you have front   and back of tissue paper then when you go to put  in your printer you'll want to print two pages of   your logo now if you have a printer that can print  front and back you can just select to print on the   back side so that way it'll flip it over and print  on both sides or me personally because i want to   make sure i'm printing in the right direction i  would print one page on the front first take it   out my printer flip it and put it in again and  then print again on the other side so that way   i know for sure my logos are running in the same  direction and i won't have opposite directions   once you take it off of the paper and have the  full sheet so again print two pages just tape the   tissue paper on both sides of it and fold it  don't cut two separate sheets and tape it you   want to keep it all one continuous piece and then  just tape it down and you'll get a longer piece   of tissue paper so another way of a tissue paper  option you don't need scissors or tape actually   for this one but i'll show you really quickly  how i made this so i'm back in canva to create   the artwork for the sticker for the tissue paper  this time i'm on a four by six canvas so not a   full sheet of paper just because i'm printing  this on my thermal printer and everything that   i'm putting on here is going to be in black and  white just because on the thermal printer you   can only print in black there's no color now if  you need if you're printing on a regular printer   dollar tree does have shipping labels that are  the 4x6 you can use those and print on a regular   printer and also print in full color but to save  me a little money and save me ink i'm using my   thermal printer so all i'm doing is trying to get  everything centered on the 4x6 canvas i'm going   to then save it once it's to my liking and then  of course we'll go ahead and start printing this   just make sure it's all centered so you don't  mess up your sticker like you're about to see that   i did but before i even print of course  i gotta get my printer set up right so   that it prints on the 4x6 for my actual thermal  printer and not send it to the regular printer because this is what you'll end up getting which  is a sticker now when i originally created the   artwork i could have sworn i centered  it but maybe i didn't center my paper   inside the printer because it did print off a  little bit but you guys get the idea you can   create your own black and white stickers and we'll  use this to close up the tissue paper so now that   this is already printed out because really all  you have to do is create the artwork and print it   now we're going to cut it out so i'll probably  leave a little edge around the dotted line   of course you cut yours out how you need to  based off of your logo shape and size i decided   to go with the rounded sticker and i like the  idea of having the black border around it now   of course i free balled it cutting that out so  it's not perfect but you can actually like use   a cup or something trace the circle around and  then cut it but let's say take the tissue paper   you can get something packed in it so  you guys can see hold it how you want to and then add your sticker to close this and there you go i did a sloppy job folding this   but just so you get the idea  you put the sticker on there you can do more than one piece  of tissue paper so that way you   can actually see through it you can do a  darker color tissue paper or you can use   your printed tissue paper that we've  done and then add the sticker on it so for this project you'll need the gift boxes  that i got from dollar tree it comes with   three pieces in a box you get three gift  boxes in there i printed a sticker off of   my thermal printer which i'll show you how i  created that artwork but just get a sticker   or i did buy stickers from dollar tree two if you  want to put on each letter or number whatever you   need one by one so you can use those two but  i just did a sticker off my thermal printer   and then i need scissors because i need to cut  this out so there it is cut out of course is not   cut out perfect so i eyeballed it but you can draw  your circle in there first and then cut it out   this is the same template from the tissue paper  that i used to close the tissue paper so now i'm   going to do is just put on the outside of the box  again you can do any shape or any size that you   want to do if you want to go bigger you can use  two separate stickers and then just line them up   obviously i already took one out stick it on  here try to center and there it is so now i have   a box that has my label on it since it's a white  sticker in a white box you can't see the outline   as much it actually looks like it's printed on  there but this box is too big for the printer   i'm using which is why i had to go the sticker  route but if you have a printer that can print   legal size paper so 11 by 14 you can actually run  this through your printer and put a bigger logo   on it you can do colors since thermal printers  only print in black but you can do color if you   can print on your regular printer because this  box size is what like nine this is 14 by nine   and a half so this is too big for my printer but  if you have legal size this will work in there   and now you can see the two together so it's the  sticker on the tissue paper versus the sticker on   the box i personally like it more in the box and  then just use the tissue paper that has the logos   on it but it's your choice but that's another way  you can brand your packaging by doing it yourself   okay so this next project i got these favor boxes  from dollar tree it comes with a total of eight   boxes in the pack they are like paper thin so  you don't want to put anything too heavy in there   it's just really like construction paper that's  already got the cuts and folds for you so you just   close it up and you have your own box so i would  use this for like promotional items to give away i   wouldn't actually use this like to package  my product in but the next step of this video   i'm going to show you promotional products so i  figured this would be good to actually put your   promotional products in if you need something for  that so for this one i could do a thermal sticker   and stick it on i could use those stickers from  dollar tree but i'm actually going to run this   through my regular printer and print in color or  actually this is black and white i didn't even do   the color logo but i already made the template so  here's how i made that template which is back in   canva again all i did was take a square that only  had to outline no fill because we don't need fill   this is only being used so that way i know exactly  where to tape down the favor bag when it's time to   print on it but i'm going to put everything in  black since it's going to print out actually i'm   printing this on a regular printer so you don't  have to do this in black if you don't want to   and it's going to be on an 8 and a half by 11  but once you get your layout the way you want   it and how you want it to look on your favor bag  you're then just going to save this and once it's   saved of course we're going into print and print  on your regular printer eight and a half by 11.   so that square is about the same size as the  square of the favor bag i already has my logo on   here now when i print i'm going to take the square  off because i don't actually want that on there   now of course if you want to border around your  local you can keep that on there but otherwise   mine is just going to have that center part so  i'm going to tape this down on this paper right   over the square and i'm gonna run it through my  printer hopefully it doesn't jam in my printer okay so i gotta tape down pretty flat i want  it as flat as possible so it doesn't get jammed   in the printer i hate this stupid dollar tree  tape but it actually works good for these type   of projects since it's not a permanent stick it's  easier to peel right off but i think we're good i   just wanted to make sure i don't cover this square  up with any tape i'll be fine there because it's   going to print right there so i'm going to run  this through the printer and i'll be right back   okay and there it is it's done so i just need  to take it off of here i do want to show you   guys i messed it up at first so it didn't come  out perfect the first time but let me show you   what i did wrong first printed it it was on this  side i didn't pay attention to the direction i   was putting it in through my printer so i printed  upside down so make sure you pay attention to the   direction you put it in your printer otherwise  it'll be upside down but then i went ahead and   reprinted it because i originally wanted the logo  on both sides anyway so if you want logos on both   sides of the bag you just have to do the process  twice but this side came out right this side did   it but let me just put it together so you can at  least see the one size now like i said this bag is   a little flimsy i would recommend getting a heavy  duty tape so something stronger than that dollar   tree tape and put a piece at the bottom of  the bag from the inside because otherwise   everything's gonna fall right through just  to secure it a little so now there's our bag   now when i first tested out tissue paper project  um i originally did it from my phone so i want to   print from my phone but you can do it from your  phone but i saved it as a picture instead of a   pdf and end up printing out this little piece of  tissue paper for me with my logo on it because it   printed like right at the center of the paper  instead of covering the whole thing so now i   have this little tissue paper that i really don't  need anything with so i could probably use it for   this once i put the other stuff in there so i  use it to like decorate this bag once i put the   promotional stuff in there which i'm about to  show you how to make so this next section i'm   doing is for promotional products which basically  like giveaways to your customers if you want to   reward certain customers maybe for a referral  program bringing in new customers or if you're   doing different events you can give these products  away now i will say at this point of the video i   started getting really tired because i was  working on this for quite a while like i had   a few hours of footage i had to edit through for  this video so i did get sloppy with this did get   tired so i will say some of these turned out to be  a fail but i still wanted to show it to you guys   anyway because if you actually take your time  and do it unlike me yours would actually come   out nice if you do it right so you guys will  see once i show you what i'm talking about   and now on to some of the promotional products  which there's so many things you could do with   the promotional products like water bags candles  all that stuff whatever you want to give away   tote bags just having your business name on there  i just selected a few different pieces from dollar   tree while i was in there at least that my dollar  tree had in stock because you know they all have   something different and stuff so i got the  charger block because everyone always needs   one of these seems like everything uses these  now a lip balm just because i saw something   cute on pinterest with that so i wanted to do  that a pin because if you're in business and   you're out working with other business owners  you can add your business name to the pen   and then hand these out also i'll be showing you  a notebook in a moment too so you can always pair   this with the notebook and then these tin cans  right now i have my pens in there for sewing but   you can literally put anything in here that you  want and just put your business name on here these   at the dollar tree come in a pack of two i already  had them at home so i didn't bother buying more   and of course now i can't find the second one so  that's why i'm using the one that has my pins in   it but i just ignore the fact that there's pins  in there you can put whatever you want in there   and i already created all the artwork for them on  the computer so i'll show you that really quickly   and how i made those and then for the last time  in canva because i'm almost done i just want to   show you these promo products and how i created  the artwork again i started with the square and   i'm just getting it to the measurements needed  that i eyeballed for my promo products now in the   screen you can see right now i use the square that  actually has a fill but you don't need that you'll   see in a moment that i'll eventually change that  as well as the colors i don't need any color on   this because it's going through my thermal printer  so all the color is going to change to black but   i wanted to create this artwork because i saw  this on pinterest i thought it was really cute   and i thought it's another option to show you  guys so you can see that you don't have to just   use only your logo so you can create cute little  things like this you can use different graphics   if you're printing in full color or if you have  a graphic that you're okay with in black only   but create different graphics have fun with it put  your social medias on there just put a thank you   note on there for your customers whatever you want  to do to get your point across and then i just   added my website so that way it does still tie  back to my brand and people remember where they   got it from and why they have it and then they  can have that reminder to go shop on my website   so i created that artwork based off of  my pinterest inspiration and then now   i'm just changing it all to black because like  i said it's going through the thermal printer   and then now here i'm doing the artwork for the  charger block which you'll see me using this line   because like i said or you'll hear me say that  my measurements were way off because i didn't   actually measure this i eyeballed it and i was  using this little line to help me as my guide to   somewhat get measurements but it was way off  so actually measure your stuff so that way you   can actually have decent product especially if  you're going to be giving this away but in this   video i just eyeballed it because i needed to  do it quickly i was tired i've been doing this   all day and then once i actually get this lined  up you're going to save it and print it as usual   so again this is going to the thermal printer so  i'm getting my settings right to go to my printer and then before i go to actually show you guys how  i put this stuff on i just want to show you the   other promo products because i just showed you the  lip balm and i showed you the charger block but   we still have the pen and what else did i do i'll  realize it once i see it but we have to create the   artwork for that so first i'm doing the pen and  this one i'm going to just do my logo or at least   my brand name and the website on this one so all  i'm doing is trying to get the layout that i like   do what you want to do get the layout you want put  all the information you want on there just make   sure it fits within your measurements because that  square or the rectangle it is now is your guide to   know what you can fit within the printable area  oh the other sticker was for the tin can so this   i'm doing the little circle logo like i did before  and this time i printed two for some reason i felt   like i was just going to mess it up i don't know  why so i went ahead and printed two of them since   i had the space on the 4x6 canvas so that's the  only reason you see two i didn't really need to   unless you want to put a sticker in the bottom but  i think it'll look weird plus that has a magnet at   the bottom because you can stick it on like any  magnetic surface but now that i have the artwork   for that one as well we'll go ahead and save it  and then we'll also send this one to print as well but now that they're already out i'm going to  go ahead and cut them so i have them all cut out   and from the way that i cut this stuff out  you guys can probably tell i'm getting tired   because i've been doing this all day so these  aren't going to look the best i just want to get   the idea across i'm going to show you now with  this charger i don't recommend using this for   your phone because it's not a strong charger as  you can see the amps on there i would probably   use this for something like my toothbrush because  i have an electric toothbrush and it needs one of   these i actually need a new one now this is what  i'll probably use mine for but when you're giving   these away i will probably give that disclaimer  out don't use this for your phone because it's not   that strong and hopefully i got my measurements  right on here i kind of eyeballed most of the   measurements but the business name on each side  of like the bigger sides okay yeah i messed this   one up for one my logos aren't and at the right  measurement i should actually take it out the pack   and measured it first because it's off this one's  a little closer but my sticker is also crooked   because i didn't cut it straight and then i'm a  little short on the side so this one was a fail   but you guys get the idea if you take the time  and do it right unlike me you could probably get   this one right next is the lip balm let's see  how bad this one is because i didn't take this   out the pack to measure either and i just cut  it eyeballing it so i'm sure it's not straight   but this i have to take their sticker off first  which is probably what i should have done i should   have took the sticker off and then use theirs  as a measurement okay i got their sticker off   now i wanted to keep it like black white and gold  themed but i couldn't find a chapstick that was   either black or white or even gold so i just went  pink because everything was like bright colors for   easter i guess but that's that one i'm not crazy  about that either this is kind of a fail too   okay this next one's the easy one so the tin  cans already there and i know this one's gonna   be a fail it's definitely off because look at  the way i cut this like look at this edges and   stuff i almost threw away the sticker i need  that part this is literally all i'm doing is   taking this sticker and putting it on the top  of this tin can you could put whatever in there   if you want you can use this for packaging too  i would just make it pretty like i do have this   stuff i just cut it up but i do have this stuff  that i have gotten from the dollar tree before   i would probably put these around you can even  put it on the sides you just have to glue it down   because these don't stick so put it on the side  and you have your logo you can put it around that   top let me just show you the pin really quick  because that's the last one hopefully i did the   measurements right in there i actually didn't need  to do a sticker on that one because i'm literally   taking this out and sticking this inside of here  so you can print this on a regular printer and do   color i printed on my thermal printer so if i  wanted to i can go outside but i don't need to   now i had to get tweezers to help push that  in because that was hard to get all the way   in there's actually smaller on the inside than it  is on the outside and think about that but it has   my business name on there and then website  on the other side and you can do this with   any pen i just grabbed a purple one because  i had it nearby but you want one that has the   clear casing that you can actually open and put  something on the inside so they didn't come out   as good as i was expecting them to or at least how  they were supposed to just because i rushed it but   i think you guys get the idea and then you can  take the gift bag and put the promo items in here and then stick my little baby tissue paper  in there and there's your promo gift okay so   for this next project this is a really simple  one um all you'll need is scissors some tape   and a piece of construction paper you can use like  scrap paper that already has a print on it you can   do like i did and i took the template from the  tissue paper and printed it on the construction   paper so that my logo would be on it i probably  should have redone the template made the logo   smaller and closer together for this but i just  went ahead and printed it out just because it   was already ready but what i'm going to do is  try to use this top part since they're close   and i'm just going to get like those two logos in  there so you want to cut a strip out i would do it   small because it's going to be a little fortune  cookie that you can put like promotions in and   give to your customers cut out a strip and for  this i recommend double sided tape but of course   when i needed it i couldn't find double sided tape  so i am going to just use this clear tape just to   get my point across but i recommend double sided  tape or if you want to glue it and wait for it to   glue together for the glue to dry then you  can do that too but what you're going to do   is wrap this around and we're going to take this  together like in a circle okay so now that that   is taped closed you have to tape one end together  so this side now i'm going to put a strip of tape   there but if you had double sided tape you could  just put on the inside which you want anyway if   you're giving this to customers so they don't see  the tape and then of course inside fortune cookies   there's always a fortune so that's why i say this  is good to give away promos to your customers   so you would print out i just have a sticky note  just to get the point across but you will print   out the promo code to your customers throw it  inside of the fortune cookie spins one way you're   going to bend this side the opposite direction  and then again yours would have double sided tape   on the inside so it would just squeeze closed but  i'm going to take mine on the outside and now you   have a fortune cookie with a promo inside that  you can give your customers and if you use your   custom paper like i did you'll have your logos on  it make them smaller so you can have more logos on   there or you can do it big and only have two like  mine has on there but there's a fortune cookie for   your customer when they get it all they do is  rip it open and their promotions on the inside and then lastly is the notebook which i almost  forgot about but this one is pretty easy because   you don't have to print anything for this  i got a notebook that already had a cute   cover on it and i'm just gonna add a business card  upside down one of my old business cards to it   because i don't need it i have new business cards  so i'll just use this for that so all i'm going to   do is take one of the clear covers that you use  for like binders stick the business card in here   just for my measurement guide then i'm just going  to cut this i'm going to leave a little space on   the top just in case i don't cut it straight i can  go in and fix it because the top part i want to   leave open like that's going to be a raw edge the  side i'm going to actually glue down or for video   sake i'm going to take down but i would recommend  glue it down if you're giving it to someone so   you would just glue this side of it closed so that  way it can stay closed you don't lose the business   card i'm just gonna put a piece of tape on it  though okay so i closed mine up all you do is   put the business card inside so you  got a slot for a business card i would   recommend putting yours in there because  the whole point of it is promo for you   and then just figure out where you want to put it  so i can put on the front of the book or whatever   book you have if you have one that has a saying  in the center you could put it at the bottom but   mine has it at the bottom so i could put it on the  front you could put it on the inside on this one   i think i want to put on the back just because it  has this ugly barcode on the back so to cover that   up i can just put that right there and just glue  that right down but anywhere you want to put it   most people will put it on the front just because  it's supposed to be promotional for your business   so you can add the business card there but i'm  just going to do the back so mine is attached to   the back quick and easy now if you want to close  this so people can't take your business card   out and as always with this notebook you can glue  that close too but i recommend keeping it open um   especially if you have information on the back  of your card is easy for them to pull out and   get the information off the back of it i would do  it like that and then you also have your pen that   you created that you can give with now i did  buy these tags too you can get at the dollar   tree they come with six in a pack originally i  was going to print on these two but i got tired   and stopped doing crafts but i did want to show  you guys really quick you can get these as well   they are chalkboards you can actually write on  them i got a bunch of chalkboard pens so if you   wanted to write directly on here you can you can  use the thermal printer and print out the stickers   and stick on here or you can probably run these  directly through your printer and print directly   on here the only thing is it's black so it's  hard to print on here if anything i would do   the sticker route so that's it for this video  i hope you guys enjoyed this this is definitely   something different than what i'm used to doing  but i actually have fun doing it even though i   did get tired in the end you guys know i'm all  about saving money especially when it comes to my   business because the whole point of me running  a business is to make money so i'm all about   saving a penny so if i can find stuff at dollar  tree and do it myself i will you guys know like   i did that photo shoot with dollar tree props  and created the whole beach scene dollar tree   has a lot of really good finds if you really  search in there and then you get creative with it   now all dollar trees don't have exactly the same  product so maybe something i found at my dollar   tree you may not have but if you check a couple  of them because they're everywhere you may find   something similar or the same exact item but  if you like this video make sure to give it a   thumbs up and i'll definitely do more like  this but until next time thank you guys for watching
Channel: IconicFashionFigure
Views: 20,428
Rating: 4.8981614 out of 5
Keywords: DIY Custom Packaging, Custom Packaging for clothing, Custom Packaging Boxes, How to create custom packaging, Custom Packaging, dollar tree, dollar tree diy, custom tissue paper, dollar tree haul, dollar tree finds, custom packaging boxes, Diy shipping boxes, Diy branded packaging, custom packaging diy, dollar business packaging, diy product packaging, custom packaging ideas on a budget, branded packaging, custom labels, create packaging for my product, dollar tree crafts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 43sec (1903 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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