DIY Crown Race Removal & Install - No Special Tools, Screwdriver, or Damage!

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all right so it's an exciting day you've got new fork to throw on your bike or maybe you're swapping out forks and selling the old one maybe you're just putting on a new headset for something a little bit nicer and newer and everything you're installing everything it's going smoothly you're super excited to try your new equipment and then you run into a little issue this guy here the crown race problem is you don't have a crown race removal tool and you don't want to mark up this fork putting a taking it off and putting on a new one that's what this video is all about is removal installation of the crown race without any specialized tools let's get to it i just wanted to say this is my first time doing any sort of tech tip thing so go easy on me okay guys thank you [Music] so [Music] okay so like i said we're gonna be removing this guy with some things you can get from the local hardware store however just so you know it is always the best bet to just take it to the local bike shop where they have the right tools and the knowledge and it's always nice to support a local small business and support somebody's dream however maybe they're closed maybe you don't have a local shop or you're just that avid diy or whatever the case may be these steps are going to help you to remove this and put it on so let's get started so a lot of people use a screwdriver to pop this sucker off i don't really like to do that because you can mar up and mark the heck out of this crown and if you're selling the fork you really don't want to do that plus you just like to keep your things looking nice so i use a method using razor blades now the issue with razer blades is that they're sharp so it can be dangerous you can definitely cut your hand and everything so if you are using this method please please please be careful have adult supervision you know whatever it may be i like to use a nice thick pair of gloves when i'm doing this and it just helps to reduce the risk of injury you're also going to need a hammer for removal and then when we're installing it we're going to need a piece of pvc like so this piece is an inch and a half pvc and it'll slide right over and go down to help us install that crown race so let's remove this sucker okay so i picked these razor blades up for 97 cents for a five pack now we're going to do is we're going to take the beveled edge and we're going to hold it in place right under the crown race and tap it in until it's in place then we're going to take another razor blade do the same thing from the other side like so [Music] then we start to get a little lift [Music] on the crown race so then all we do is we continue to take razor blades and stack them up on top of one another and hammer them in and you can see we're starting to get some separation continue to do so until it comes off it's a little tedious but it's not too bad in the long run and it's really cheap [Music] [Music] and then once you get to a good point you can take them just kind of hammer down on the blade like so [Music] and boom there it's off we didn't have any real bad marring or anything and we're good to go it took me about five blades per side and it came off really well see here and it is removed so now we can get on to installation okay so you have the crown race removed and now you want to put it onto a new fork or put a new crown race on this one or whatever it may be simply take it slide it down take your pvc put it on you can see here that it's going to make contact on that crown race from all sides now all you need to do is support the fork come up the pvc and that's it it is installed and ready to go so it's pretty simple stuff again just pvc some razor blades hammer and some nice gloves just to protect yourself i used about 10 razor blades it was 97 cents per five pack so two dollars there this sucker was like two dollars and thirty cents and it is an inch and a half by like two foot or so and we're good to go so a lot cheaper than buying the actual crown race removal tool and it's just something you can do from home now i use the stand you can probably just do it on a bench top or whatever maybe anyway if you know a better way throw it in the comments i'd love to hear it so thank you so much for watching i hope this was helpful and this is where if i had a really cool catchphrase i would throw it in but i don't so i won't have a good night [Music] pick up this mess bringing my wife's car she kills me i better pick up these razor blades so i don't get a flat in it she kills me more she won't kill me she's an awesome lady i love her
Channel: TKolbo
Views: 107,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, do it yourself, mtb, mountain bike, mountain biking, tech tip, crown, race, removal, installation, no special tools, crown race, fork, fork crown, fork crown race, headset, bike hacks, bike repair, repair, bike, bicycle, fix it, replace, garage repair, do it yourself projects, crown race removal, bicycle (sports equipment), bicycle fork installation, bicycle crown race removal, bicycle fork upgrade, mountain bike upgrades
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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