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[Music] brent here with bring your own tools on today's yours to make tutorial presented by dickies we are making coasters out of scrap plywood so if you want to learn how to do it keep on watching let it started so i had an old piece of apple ply that i really didn't know what to do with and i wanted to see what we can make out of it because tis the season for gift giving so let's get this bad boy cut up there are plenty of different types of plywood that you can use for this project but this plywood is apple ply it's extremely thick dense and very straight which is exactly what we want for this application i first go about cutting a smaller manageable chunk to bring to my table saw because this stuff is so dense it's actually quite heavy obviously due to the fact that it's one inch thick as well as the fact that we have 18 layers in this one piece of plywood pretty impressive that large blue thing if you don't know already is actually a feather board and it basically acts as a third hand because it provides pressure against the fence of the table saw it reduces wobble when i'm pushing the wood through the table saw and allows me to focus more on the cutting which is always important each piece of wood that i'm cutting is approximately a half inch thick and i did have quite a bit of chip out so before i cut these even further i want to make sure i sand those off with my oscillating spindle sander if you don't have one of these go ahead and use just your standard sander which is just fine just might take a little bit longer once i have all the edges sanded down i then proceed to moving over to our chop saw i actually create a stop block because i want all of these cuts to be very precise and the same exact measurement and i don't want to go back and forth on taking my tape measure on every single one this makes it a lot easier and a lot quicker to make numerous cuts at the same exact size at this point in time i want to make a mitered edge style coaster as well so i actually set my angle to 45 degrees on my chop saw and that way i get a completely different look to my coasters by just changing the angle of the cut now we can make a numerous different things with this type of material but i think especially for gift giving it's a perfect product to make coasters out of and i'm cut two different styles this one is obviously square which is gonna be a square version this is a mitered version or mitered edge so it's gonna have a bit of a unique feel and look to each type of coaster but first things first we gotta start gluing so let's get to gluing i take a bit of plastic wrap that's actually meant to protect carpet in a construction area place that on a board of melamine and that's my basis to work off of now these large blue things are actually from rockler and they're positioning squares mainly used for setting cabinetry corners because it provides a perfect 90 degree edge or in this case our two 45 degrees i set them in place with a couple screws on top and then proceed to gluing plenty of glue on this project there are obviously copious amounts of glues to choose from but on this project i'm using titebond 2 which is normally my go-to for any type of woodworking glue up i'm obviously doing the mitered edges version first and i basically dunk one end and one side in the glue and then press both of them together then basically do the same exact thing over and over again if you're using a lot of glue you really only need to apply it to one side at a time and you don't have to apply it to both sides so just keep that in mind as you're proceeding to glean all of these pieces together now the only difficult thing about the glue up is to make sure you have as minimal of a gap between each board as humanly possible i've personally decided not to use any clamps on this project because i want a finesse angle on each specific location and therefore making sure i have the necessary angle that i want is key with every single piece i do snug up a secondary side rail in order to have a cohesive edge that runs all the way across and that does provide a bit more support for the entire unit as we proceed with the second square pattern it's basically the same concept go ahead and apply glue to the top and one of the sides then stick them together and proceed with doing it over and over again now in all honesty i found this version was actually a bit more difficult to align perfectly than the mitered edge with that being said all i need to do is apply a bit of filler which is just some sawdust from the wood itself along with plenty of glue obviously in some of these locations i'm a bit nitpicky but i do want to have as much of a perfect seam as possible as i proceed to sanding and finishing these pieces i let these units dry for approximately 24 hours and then release them from the form since i installed that plastic on the bottom it was extremely easy to remove both these units just by using a six inch putty knife to get underneath them at this point in time we are now ready for sanding i'm taking my bosch sander which actually has a turbo mode and i use 60 grit sandpaper to remove all the excess glue up from both boards you obviously have to be mindful of making sure that the actual surface is completely flat and as you can see it looks quite beautiful at this point you're not only trying to remove all of the excess glue but you also need to be mindful of if there's any elevation differences between each board which there might be slight changes but luckily for us we have a powerful standard to take care of all those variations because come on no one likes a wobbly coaster right no at this point in time i just had to take a moment to realize look how beautiful that edge looks and it's gonna be an awesome pattern for coaster but let's get it into a coaster shape i take my level and apply a line down the end in order to accommodate where i'm gonna have some cutoff of material to accommodate a properly sized coaster so these boards are fully sanded down and now i want to cut all this miscellaneous material that i'm not going to be using later on so i took my level took a couple clamps made a nice perfect straight edge so i can utilize this in order to utilize my actual circular saw to have a nice perfect cut all the way down so let's start cutting note that this skill saw cut is just for one side on each board because i then can take it to my table saw and cut both ends evenly because i have a straight side that i can rest up against my table saw fence and just like any project that i work on number one priority is safety so making sure you have some type of push stick especially in these tight knit locations is key as you can see right there we have our sides cleaned up and now i'm going to cut each coaster to the appropriate size just make sure they are actually square if you want them square i use my chop saw and my stop block for this to ensure that i have the same exact length and size that i want on each specific coaster i also wanted to provide two different sizes of coasters which is why the mitered size actually is a 4x4 and the square block coaster is actually a 5x5 let me know in the comments which size you like more at this point in time we have all of our coasters fully cut up and i must say i'm loving all three of these styles yes we have the mitered style we have the square style i even use the meyer style but i actually cut them in half to make them kind of a cool unique shape so very unique pieces but i actually wanted to put a little more character into these which is why i have my router table which i'm going to be routing all these edges with a round over bit just to have a nice crisp edge on one side so let's get to it [Music] i personally love a round over bit because not only is it extremely easy to use and utilize on a wood project but it actually also transforms your woodworking into something that looks much more professional you wouldn't think it until you really saw it and it's so easy to use i would highly recommend anyone that wants to take on projects like this or any other woodworking endeavors the white table that you see here is also quite important for this project because of the fact we're working with such small pieces of wood you want a very stable working environment to work off of and therefore it's a lot easier to do it like this than to try and use your router in your hand while routing all of these edges which does take some time and energy now because we have a lot of small pieces of wood i wanted to have a secure sander and that's why i used a tie-down strap to actually tie down my sander to a working surface and then hand sand each piece individually this makes it actually a lot easier to control all the edges especially for all of our finishing sanding that we're going to be doing here i'm using 200 grit sandpaper to not only get the top and bottom but all of the edges perfectly smooth and as you can see here because of the rounded over edges you're easily able to maneuver the coasters evenly and consistently on all four corners so you have a perfectly smooth coaster and something about a perfectly smooth surface on wood is always satisfying in my personal opinion now that we have all of our coasters sitting down perfectly i want to give it a little byot love and with that i'm going to use this brand from gearheart industries which is now close to 300 degrees yeah pretty hot we're gonna do that before we finish just to give it a little bit of extra character let's do it this is a custom brand that i had made up and the best thing about this brand is that all you have to do is plug it in you don't have to use a blowtorch to try and heat it up to a perfect temperature and then continuously add more heat when you're doing more and more of these coasters it's the perfect temperature throughout the entire process which is always valuable now after finishing these coasters we are using walrus oil furniture finish and no there were no walruses hurt during the making of this finish it's actually all 100 plant-based and it's a perfect finish for this type of application and one of the best parts about this finish is the easability of use all i did was take an empty container pour in some of the solution and then basically hand dipped every single one into that solution submerged it for a couple seconds removed it and actually let them set overnight this finish truly shows off the beauty of the wood and the nice thing about letting it sit overnight is that it just soaks in all of that excess finish and makes the coasters more durable in the long run the next morning i grab my coasters and as you can see they look absolutely beautiful i just need to make sure that i'm wiping off all the excess finish that may be on there and at this point it's our final step applying the feet that is the plastic or padded feet for these coasters now there's two different styles that i apply to these coasters depending on what you like because the plastic ones have a very nice firm grip and once you put a drink on them they're not going anywhere but the felt pads are really nice because they're smooth and they can glide across the table without damaging it very easily which you'll see soon enough but guess what after i have these installed we are done [Music] i truly love how these coasters turned out and the best part about it is that it came from scrap pieces of wood that i could have very well just thrown out it's something that really adds a beautiful character and as you can see is one beautiful sexy beast but before we send these beautiful homemade coasters out as gifts we gotta test them out right i mean i am feeling a little parched after talking so much today and there was a lot of dust created with these coasters but wait did i forget something no sorry i just had to close one
Channel: BYOT
Views: 56,574
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Keywords: byotools, diy, do it yourself, how to, bring your own tools, tutorial, start to finish, byot, diy coasters, coasters, plywood, plywood coasters, scrap plywood projects, how to make coasters, wood coasters, coasters diy, drink coasters, diy gift ideas, diy drink coasters, scrap wood coasters, diy coaster, how to make a set of coasters, how to make coasters from wood, wooden coasters, diy wood coasters, how to make wooden coasters, woodworking, walrus oil
Id: H4ASbmWhR7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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