DIY CNC Plasma Table Build First Run

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[Music] all right this is going to be test number one of the plasma cutter actually cutting uh we're going to be cutting a little tab that I doodled up uh just uh to test uh so let's uh see if it's doing what it's supposed to to do and move all right so first test did not go very great uh it's either I didn't have enough amperage based on the book values it may be too low low but it could also be a grounding issue so I'm grounding the uh machine ground closer to the uh part so we're going to try to recut it over here you can see I got the ground on the slat that's in direct contact with this which all of these grounds are grounded through the rails here so I don't know if you can see this here all of this ties all these grates together uh to ground so we will give this another shot so bear with me just a moment everything's reset uh let's give this another shot all right here we go all right let's go take a look so now I'm thinking it's not enough amperage because it is not cutting so let me reset some stuff and we'll give it another shot all right all right so I've increased the amperage I did not move the plate uh so I'm just going to jog it over and reset to about there and let's go ahead and reset our [Music] Z and so now we can come in here here we're going to tell it we're in this bottom [Music] corner all right so that zeroed that out all right let's try this again and the plate moved all right let's take a look [Applause] all right it is still not cutting through so maybe it is the ground so maybe let me try to uh move the ground directly on the work piece and then we'll try again all right so I've been going through doing a few different test cuts uh they're not terrible but they're not great I uh forgot to set my offset for the torch cut with so got some like funkiness on some of these uh this is my last one I just did came out pretty good uh not very much drw on there at all uh uh only issue I had is that the uh the torch touched the material actually moved the plate again uh so I did that right here on this last part of the hand you can see it uh messed it up just a little bit uh so what I did is I took the little uh hand torch Dale off this is what cuz it sits slightly lower than the torch tip to keep like if you were using it by hand it would uh keep your torch at the correct height but with the automatic torch height controller you want that to be done by the arc voltage and not this so I took it off uh we're going to do another test run without it and see how that comes out so uh let me run one and I'll uh be right back all right I was going to show you the uh the cut and everything but the air compressor kicked on and made it impossible for you to hear anything uh so I did cut this out uh with about the uh little uh tip spacer on the plasma cutter it did not actually touch the plate this time and move it so that was the issue uh I went ahead and knocked the dross off of this just just with a cold chisel it uh was very easy to get off I probably uh would just use a uh cup brush on a angle grinder uh in the future just to make it quicker uh I actually dropped it and half of the draw fell off off when I dropped it so uh but that's the front side uh you can see it it does a pretty good job on these little small cuts and stuff uh because this is actually I scaled this file down to 50% or 75% excuse me 75% uh and you can see it's still got quite a bit of detail in there it's good Christmas ornament size piece uh so I think that that was one of my main issues cuz kept dragging on the plate and moving the plate when I was trying to cut and messing stuff up so uh looks pretty good so uh I will uh be listing some of the items uh in the com or excuse me in the it the description of some of the items that I've used to actually build the machine uh so if you're interested in what all I've used to make this uh I'll list some stuff down in the in the description for for you if you have any questions just hit me up I'll be happy to answer if I can I'm still pretty new at this myself so uh that being said uh I will do some more videos in the future once I get a little bit more under my belt with this uh thank you for [Music] [Applause] [Music] watching
Channel: Guy Stuff Workshop
Views: 14,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Plasma Table, cnc, cool tools, diy, electronics, fabrication, homemade tools, machine, maker, metalworking, robot, tools, welding, CNC, PLasma, Welding, Machine, metalwork, signs, how to, build it yourself, technology, nema, automation, stepper motor, my plasm, torch hieght control, thc, homemade tool, plasma cutter, metal cutting, welder, workshop
Id: AMN_2GQgirU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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