Dixie Belle Transfers for Furniture

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hi everyone denise from salvaged inspirations and thanks for joining me today today i have a super cute vintage desk makeover i added a little bit of sunshine i've added the new bells and whistles dixie belt transfer and i have a few tips and tricks for you along the way one being how to disguise a transfer if you come up a little bit short so just let me get set up and i'll be right back [Music] found this desk on facebook marketplace it was selling for fifty dollars it's really cute super solid uh the only issues it has is really a few scratches missing hardware uh but i can't wait to get started and share what i'm gonna do with this i started by cleaning this desk giving it a really good cleaning with dixie bell's white lightning which is a tsp substitute if you don't have white lightening or tsp you could always use a mixture of vinegar or water and sorry vinegar and water or dawn dawn dish liquid works fabulous just make sure that whichever cleaning method you use you do give it a really good wipe down afterwards once the piece was all dried i rolled on two coats of slick stick and slick stick is awesome when you need a hundred percent certainty your paint will adhere without sanding uh the slick stick is a super tough gripping primer that works on shiny factory finishes plastic metal ceramic and mirror to name a few and you just have to keep in mind that it's not made to cover bleed through though as i've mentioned in a few of my other videos i really like applying primers with this four inch foam roller that i pick up from home depot or the dollar store they're very inexpensive they're like a dollar fifty for two something along those lines but what i do with them as i'm demonstrating here is i use the tip of the roller to get into furniture crevices i don't really need a brush when i'm using these um you just the foam roller gets into all the nooks and crannies and then you roll it out nicely and it gives a nice smooth finish base for your paint so here's what it looks like all cleaned it's been primed and the hardware holes have been filled with the dixie bill mud now it's all set for paint i brushed on two coats of dixie belle's rebel yellow which is like sunshine in a jar i have to say this color made me happy using it it's it's really nice using a cheerful color when you get to paint furniture i used two coats using my dixie belt synthetic mini brush and i have to apologize i got myself a new ring light to try and lighten up my videos a little bit but quite honestly i haven't gotten the hang of it yet because it seems like i'm blowing out uh some things including my face in my intro and uh and the end credits there i've been noticing that you know half my face is lit up weird the other half not so much but don't worry i will get the hang of it promise um but as you can see here i'm just painting up the drawers and painting the top and like i mentioned two coats of rebel yellow went on this as a base coat just a quick tip when painting a smooth flawless finish with the paint brush as you'll notice here i'm i'm just getting the paint on and i like my first coat to be applied fairly thick and it's just getting the paint on in even strokes as possible and then what i'll do is i'll take my spray bottle now this works especially well if you're working with thicker paints such as dixie bell or any sort of chalky type paint usually tends to be a little thicker so a spray bottle a misting of water or on your brush and or the top as i'm doing here goes a long way to help even things out so i will get the paint on then i will spray it give the whole top a nice little spray with water and then i'll even it all out to make a nice even finish i'm in the habit of also sanding in between my coats which i find is a huge help but these two little tips using a little bit of water a misting water and a sanding in between really goes a long way for a super smooth finish after i finished with the drawers and i finished with the top i went ahead and started painting the front of this piece making sure i got into all the front of the drawers and getting into all those little nooks and crannies on the inside as well here's another quick tip if you can flip your piece of furniture onto its top so you can get kind of get a bird's eye view of what's going on underneath your piece it's extremely beneficial and that's what i did to paint these feet in a natural wood a big huge thank you for all of you who chimed in on the blog last week and gave me the idea to use this faux wood paint technique on a piece of furniture because i'm not sure i would have thought to use it on the legs and the knobs of this piece if you guys hadn't mentioned it so thank you so as per all your requests to see this faux wood paint technique on a piece of furniture i decided to give the legs and the hardware knobs of this desk a natural wood finish by using the two colors of paint one is a base coat of burlap and then the second is a chocolate wash and then i wipe it off with a shop towel and then to add the little extra detail i just do a little bit of dry brushing with the chocolate so again it's the base coat of burlap then you add a chocolate wash which is the chocolate color just mix with a little bit of water you wipe it off with a shop towel and then you take a cheap inexpensive chip brush and you do a little bit of dry brushing in the direction that the wood would be would be going i really really like the looks of this i did the knobs as well to match i found a really inexpensive i think i got two nubs for a dollar something i'm not even sure where i picked them up actually but i did the same faux wood technique on the knobs and i think the knobs and the matching legs look adorable on this piece what i find really helpful when painting knobs is to paint them up holding onto the screw in the back and then stick the screw through a piece of cardboard and let them dry otherwise you know when you kind of put them down and they roll willy-nilly on on your table or even on a newspaper if you put them on there you end up with not such a clean paint finish but this way sticking them in the cardboard works fabulous [Music] as i mentioned earlier i really like flipping my pieces when possible obviously some are way too heavy or way too cumbersome to do so but if it's light enough to flip it on its top i really enjoy doing this because it's inevitable that when you're painting a piece right side up you're going to get paint on the underside you're going to miss a few little nooks and crannies here and there and when you flip it it really gives you i guess i said a bird's eye view but maybe it would be more a snail's view because you're looking at the underside so what i do is i just take it i usually uh sand the drawers or the drawer frames clean if any paint has gotten in there and i just make sure that everything is painted correctly having a super hard time deciding between magnolia garden or floral romance bells and whistles transfer they're both really gorgeous and i ended up going with the bells and whistles dixie bell magnolia gardens transfer i found this sheet that i absolutely fell in love with it was a full sheet however it came up short on the three drawers i had about an inch up top and an inch on the bottom that was not going to be covered so um [Laughter] i tried a few things to cover it um but first i'll tell you how these apply uh this is my second time using the bells and whistles line transfer line and i don't know if it's the mylar plastic that's a little thicker or if the applicator stick is a little more substantial but they do feel a little weightier and a little more substantial than other transfers that i've used in the past they apply beautifully they really really do and their designs are phenomenal like i said i had a really hard time choosing between a few of them so i ended up using i needed two rolls of the magnolia garden because i wanted the large design one on each side of this desk and here i'm just applying it if you've never applied transfers before you just measure it out here i put the three drawers side by side so the design would flow down the front of the piece and then you remove the backing and they stick um if there's there's an adherence there you stick them on exactly where you want them because once they go on they're not coming off uh you smooth them out and then you rub them on to get a really nice crisp edge on the sides and on the tops of the drawers what i did was i just used my applicator stick and rubbed it back and forth and as you can see the transfer just it tears perfectly actually because they're very very thin so it gives a nice nice clean look but if you felt uncomfortable using the applicator stick you could always use an x-acto knife and just run it right where the drawers meet and you'll end up with a nice clean line that way as well here i'm installing the hardware so i measured center and then i used a brad point drill bit to drill this actually saves a lot of time for me because i don't often have to drill pilot holes when i use these brad point drill bits and they're very very precise they're designed for wood it gives a clear and accurate positioning and you can drill exactly where you need to also reduces splintering and tear outs etc i mentioned the transfer design was about an inch short on the bottom and the top and the first fix i tried for this was a stencil i did not like the looks of that at all you can actually probably see it beading through this uh transfer that i also tried tried piecing together the transfer on the top of the left hand side of the drawer and then i thought you know what no i'm just gonna paint over the stencil and i'm going to use dark wax and the dark wax worked beautifully it worked perfectly and it blended everything in very very nicely so if you ever come up short with the transfer you can either piece them together or you can use a similar color wax or a wax that will kind of blend in and darken or lighten it out and it really really helps with the blending i also wanted to point out that i think some new furniture painters they may be under the impression that uh seasoned or professional furniture painters that have been in the business for ten plus years or numerous years uh that their pieces you know they picture them in their mind and then it turns out exactly as they're envisioning that is not the case it's a process it really really is you kind of you know choose a color that you that you like you in this example i chose the transfer that i fell in love with and uh issues come up such as you know this is falling short and there's an inch up top and an inch up bottom that's not working for me and then you as as you can see i tried numerous fixes such as piecing together the transfer using a stencil on top and bottom sometimes things aren't going to work and it doesn't matter how much experience you have you just kind of have to work with the piece and make the best of it as you go along and and really work with the piece and try different things and just keep in mind that it's just paint and it's just product it can always be sanded off it can always be fixed it can always be painted over there is always always a fix if you don't like something another tip to blend in your transfers to your piece is to give it a soft sanding with a high grit sandpaper 220 or higher here i'm using a 320 and it just makes the transfer blend into the base color that you have below um you can do a heavy distressing in this case i just did a light distressing with the sandpaper and just very little of the rebel yellow kind of beaded through some of the areas which really blends everything in together beautifully [Music] to finish this piece off and blend everything together i use the brown wax and i blended uh a little on the details the corners etc i used my dixie bell french tip brush which is fabulous for blending wax i really love it and it's quite inexpensive i think it's i don't know five or six dollars i'll actually link to it uh in the source list underneath this video if anybody's interested but it's really really easy to blend uh darker waxes with this brush um and then i stenciled the sides of the drawers uh in rubble yellow with morocco stencil by dixie bell and i think it just gave it a little bit of extra when that drawer is opened so this is how it all came together i just love it it there were a few issues along the way uh but it really came together nicely and i think this desk is adorable i hope you like it too [Music] so i hope you found this tutorial helpful and you enjoyed this desk makeover if so feel free to give it a like feel free to comment down below i always love hearing from you and you can also find me on pinterest instagram facebook and as always salvagedinspirations.com where i have over 400 furniture painting tutorials teaching you how to make your furniture beautiful until next time have a fabulous day stay safe and i'll see you again soon
Channel: Salvaged Inspirations
Views: 28,553
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Id: qpngRgnKToI
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Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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