DIVORCE COURT Full Episode: Fisher vs Mayran

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today on Divorce Court my husband and I are arguing all the time he speaks Hebrew I speak English I asked him to take lessons he completely denies needing to do that there is nothing wrong with my English he's just using it as an excuse because he's Israeli and I'm American he thinks that he has to be macho and that's really cool and it comes off being chauvinistic I can take care of myself I want the judge to tell Alisa that I'm a good man I'm I'm not a and I'm here to take care of her divorce court is now in session good day ladies and gentlemen I'm here today with Elisa Fischer and Leah myON uh the two of you have been married for 10 months you're already having a little trouble so you've come to see me I'm going to start with Miss fiser why don't you tell me a little bit about your marriage and why you're here to see me today well I thought it would have been a good idea for us to get married married but his native language is Hebrew mine is English we have a breakdown in communication I think you should get some English classes oh told you uh why do you think it's a language barrier and not uh an otherwise intimate communication barrier because his answer is always I don't know for anything that I say when he's doing something wrong I don't know why don't you explain yourself that's what I ask him oh say I don't know all the time they just shut us up you know I don't know baby Mr myON do you say I don't know a lot sometimes all the time all the time now Mr myin do you not understand or do you just want her to be just want to uh avoid arguments I told you it's not the language only with with small issues you know big issues what are you talking about why don't you tell me some of the big issues about which he will not speak for instance he goes to my mom's house without telling me what's wrong with that yeah what's wrong with that I mean there you Jud ma' your honor your honor I like him already I like him I I love her mom we have a good communication it's like let let let's rewind let's rewind Miss F why don't you tell because it's only been 10 months tell me about how you got together and what it is you like about one another well I thought it would be a good idea he has strong family values I come from a broken home he's strong with Judaism I've sort of let my faith you know dribble dribble away and I just but it was a wrong decision I'm 11 years older I already have my life planned I know how I do things he tries to come in and orchestrate everything differently chauvinistic I'm just I'm just trying I'm just trying to he hey hey hey hey he hey now now miss Fisher work with me I want to know how y'all met why why did you think it was a good idea to marry to begin with well professionally you two uh found one another explain that to me we met on the job I'm a musician professionally he's a musician professionally I saw him on stage playing drums he looked hot that was all a facade she's just cold um um Mr myin I will ask you this do you believe that your language barrier does have something to do with your failure to communicate with her or is it something else all together no not really not really most of the people you know understand my my my language and I think it's fine she's just using it as an excuse okay can you give me some examples some literal examples of things that he misunderstands or doesn't yes ma'am your honor he texts me I'm going to send this person a massage really it's message then he texts me yeah but it's funny what's wrong with that it's funny it's funny no it's not no it's insulting give me some other ones Miss Fisher If he if he was in a professional business situation like for his job and he wrote that to one of his clients they would think he was like some kind of pedophile or something do what everybody else does that autocorrect that you know what I mean autocorrect you know tell me something else well he texted me that he wants to leak me leak so L A instead of l i k oh okay I got it I I got it I got it yeah but you you you understood it right you understood what what I meant not really I really didn't and besides why would I want someone to leak me don't even say it again no it sounds too you know okay how about out of the woods your honor what about out of the woods we were working on a project and I said to him oh cool we're out of the woods and he goes you need another 2x4 I wasn't familiar with the phrase IDI it's an idiom it's idiomatic you you know you it doesn't translate literally are you going to get mad about that yeah I I mean but that's just this tip of the iceberg that's like the start of it well show me the whole Iceberg underneath it there's communication issues like for instance I said go and take that parking spot it's available and in Los Angeles parking is very hard he goes to the parking spot stops Waits then drives drives off the thing is that you're making Miss fer Miss fer hang on hang on M Mr myON can I ask your question yeah sure what did you see in her what's that I said what did you see in her I mean what was [Applause] the I'm just asking so far so far I don't get it now look when I met her she was like a hot rock chick you know she is a bass player amazing B Bas player and uh you know for me to be with an American girl it's like a fantasy so uh well there are a lot of us out there you know yeah but I got to meet her I got to meet her and uh and uh it was like it was like amazing you know I got to meet her and it was amazing I mean I in the beginning it was cool but then I realized that it's like I have my own life you know for I thought he was the LA kind of like my last last chance to have a I am your last chance I am your last [Applause] [Music] chance is [Applause] toally you can you can keep it please keep it okay really really you can keep it yeah really like look honey really M Fisher you're so in over your head you have no idea I'm I'm going to move on from here try to give you a chance to recover we're going to talk about the difference in your ages and how you believe you're too old to change so he needs to change this is my country this is my country and he has to listen to me this is my this is my country he has to listen to me this Fisher good Lord of Mercy I'm going to try to get you out here without getting stoned so [Music] so Miss Fisher my understanding is you believe he's trying to change you when in fact you say you're you're set in your ways and you're not looking to be reorchestrated why don't you explain that to me I am 11 years older than him I have my life setup plus this is my but sometimes you're acting like a baby you're disorganized don't disorganized your time management is bad Mr M hang on I'm going to get to you in a second finish out what you're going to say that's exactly that's a perfect example I explained something to him and because he comes from a culture where the men are more important than the women in Israel no it's not like that you know Mr my hang on I was there I lived on a kabut very close to him very close to where he his birthplace is okay so you found that it was a side where uh it was it's patriarchal they that the men make the decisions and you believe that he's trying to come into your life and superimpose that on what you do exactly like for instance my phone was stolen he goes and runs to the 14-year-old kid that stole my phone and gave him $150 got a call from the thief to and he off hang on hang on Mr my $150 to a 14-year-old kid telling him that it's okay to to steal someone's phone cuz he's going to make money off of it okay um Mr minin why don't you explain your your actions someone stole her phone cell phone she left the the car windows open someone stole her phone after three days I got a phone call from the thief he told me that I can come and meet him I knew that I would have to pay something so I I drove all the way to the other side of town I met that the the kid I paid him I took the phone and but you didn't tell me though I mean tried to for it that's what I supposed to do I try to do something nice for her I know but I don't talk to him Miss don't talk to me talk to me tell me where he went wrong there cuz I failed to see it I have my phone completely backed up on my computer cuz I am technologically savvy no you're not and I had insurance on my phone your honor which means that I could have had a free phone I I could have had a free free phone that was a lot better than the phone that was stolen because of the insurance and instead you had a better you had a better plan I mean it clearly was a better plan and I get that part it was clearly a better plan a way way to handle it she's too slow she she's too slow with it you know she could I think you let me help Miss fer out here a little bit cuz she's she's she's in trouble with the audience and everything um this is very know her point is her point is it w i I understand you it was a Galant thing to do you were trying to be shiverers I get that part but she's a grown woman and it's her device and you should have consulted with her like hey baby I'm good I'm gonna get a new phone I've got insurance give her an opportunity to have her own input input on how her own business is being conducted take it away with the my thank you your honor I I agree I agree but I had like I had short time to make a decision because it could disappear so everything's a short time though communication relationship is commun you know when you get a phone call from else that's your one opportunity you take it or not take it that's it we're going to move on cuz you didn't do well here either so so so so we're going to we're going to move on no put your hand put your no put your hands put it's like the same thing with their parking tickets you say he's jealous of your music family and I want to know what what you mean by that like she has a musical body that she spends too much time with him and I don't know what is going on there hopefully she's not cheating but uh I you think she could be I she she said no and I believe her ma'am do you know who do you know who we're talking about I do do you believe leor is a male chauvinist or a gentleman tell us what you think at facebook.com/ Divorce Court Divorce Court will be right back if you would like your case to be heard on Divorce Court call us toll-free at 1877 31122 22 or log on to our website at divorcecourt.com follow us on Facebook Twitter and Instagram at divorce court so miss fiser what do you mean by he's jealous of your music family yes ma'am most of the musicians that we associate with they're all men most of them unless you're hanging out with an all women group and most of the time uh they are all men so I want us to associate with them and create other musical relationships other musical families and he gets jealous I'm not jealous she just can't make the separation between hang on let her finish let herish go ahead I don't bring them into my personal life are you taking care of everyone you can Mr explain that to me why do you feel like that life bleeds into her personal life because because she uh she she wants to take care of everyone um she brings her work issues to our personal lives and um well give me an example give me an example of some of the things that she does that you say allows her music life to bleed into your personal life I think that people can take an advant ad advantage of her you know by by by helping them uh like she has a musical body that she spends too much time with him and I don't know what is going on there hopefully she's not cheating but uh do you think she could be I she she said no and I believe her do you know who do you know who we're talking about I do do you understand that he has concerns in that regard I can understand that but I can go and Shake someone's hand and he would think I was having personal relations outside of our relationship you know you know that it's not true an now yes it's true this is other people in our musical family some of them are very accomplished very professional and that's an opportunity for him being here being new in our culture being new in our country this is an opportunity for him to have a musical relationship with somebody who has already had a full career and has their now fer you claimed not long ago that he's trying to superimpose his his plan on you you sound like you're trying to superimpose your plan on him this is my country this is my country and he has to listen to me this is this is my country he has to listen to me Miss fer good Lord of Mercy I'm going try to get you out here without getting stoned so I'm I'm I'm going to turn the tables yet again you say that you came from a broken home and he came from a functional home why don't you tell me a little bit about the difference between your two homes at the end of the day when I'm by myself I can have feelings of Abandonment feelings of being alone I would left home when I was 14 I was sent away to an all girls boarding school Mr still talking that's what I'm talking about he interr me all the time you know and I mean I'm really not joking about this it's like at the end of the day I have am by myself and when I feel misunderstood or he goes and does things behind my back I feel abandoned and it brings up all those feelings that like I'm still going to be on my own you just have to let go sometimes you just have to let go I'm I'm ahead I'm trying to help her you know I think that I can help with her family issues I'm coming for a from a from a solid family you know traditional family where the man does nice things for the woman and you know that's how it it should be in a in a good relation good relationship I'm not trying to take over I'm not trying to M Mr my let me ask you this what one thing could I give you if I could change one thing about her what one thing would you like me to help you with before you leave here just tell her that I'm a nice person I'm trying to do good and she has to to do something with her bad time management okay I do not have bad time [Applause] management can Alisa and Lor's marriage survive the cultural differences between them share your opinion on Twitter and Instagram at Divorce Court Divorce Court will be right back you play rock or what do you play rock and roll rock and roll rock and roll yeah you good yes my band is called Sonic Temple and his is called something else it's Stone Temple Pilot but stoned with a d so what's wrong with the name of his band because it has a d stoned you know like that well I I like it but no I it's it's great it's it's wonderful we met in that in that regard and we connect through F let me I wouldn't have met him if Mrs fish let me tell you something yes ma'am you need to go home you need to be quiet you need to go you know get up on the couch and just do like this in a happy dance because he's bothered with you he's he loves you he wants to be nice to you he he's funny he's got a sense of humor you complain you got an irritating voice you go on and on and on on you're on I'm telling you wait a minute he's young he's hot and he loves you that's not going to be common out there love him back be joyful be happy be you know play your base you know everything but don't mess this up they lining up at the door for him right now thank you you need to appreciate what you got cuz cuz Mr Myan is all that and a bag of chips this matter is a j thank [Applause] you you know Judge Lynn thinks my husband is a perfect catch but at the end of the day I'm by myself and I still feel like he's going over my head doing things without my permission doing business without me I don't need someone running my life after Judge Lynn make the decision I don't think that I have to make any um [Music] changes
Channel: Divorce Court
Views: 1,351,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divorce Court, divorce, marriage, Lynn Toler, lawyer, television show, reality tv, judge, 3179, new, full, episodes, music, Israel, rock, musician
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2017
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