DIVORCE COURT Full Episode: Braswell vs Crosby

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today on divorce court I love Paul to death and I want this marriage to work we've only been married eight months it seems like Andre was more in love with me before we got married but ever since we've been married seems like she has gotten too comfortable he calls all the time but he doesn't give me a chance to talk I drill says that I don't let her talk during the argument lately I've been willing to become a listener and she still has nothing to say if Paul doesn't change we're not going to make it he don't have to pack his bag and get up out my house divorce court is now in section good day ladies and gentlemen I'm here with Andrea Braswell and Paul Crosby ms r as well and mr. Crosby you have been married for eight months and we're in trouble already you don't have any children together but each of you have children from previous relationships MS Braswell you want a car transferred into your name if in fact this union does does not survive but I do believe you want me to take a shot and help when you make it work so Ms Breslow I'm going to start with you why are we here in divorce court today well I met Paul in 2014 on facebook when he sent me an inbox telling me that I was pretty asking me was I in a relationship and I said no I was talking to somebody but it wasn't serious so we proceeded to talk from there we made it official last year so it was just exclusive supposedly then we got married this year in March and come to find out last month that he was cheating on me how did you find out he was cheating on you and what was he doing well he called me at work well he takes me at work told me to call him and when I called him he said somebody is coming up there to talk to you because I've been texting his wife and I was like what it was just out of nowhere no no I'm gonna give you an opportunity to respond good so I was like okay so why is it a big deal if he was just you know chatting with his wife or whatever but then later that my my cousin sent me a message and say you need to come over here so I went over there and the husband got in touch with her because he didn't come up to my job that day I guess he didn't make it but he got contact with her and said that they've been sleeping together for a year and a half and he had all the screenshots or whatever all the pictures they had together no no no no no the person claimed that they had something to show her they never showed her anything first of all second of all this is before we got married I man up today I hold it up today and I even suggested that we went through counseling to get rid of all the old thing that was not before that happened before we got married when you cheated on her at some time when she thought of doing business but while we carry around it was lying or nothing either one of you young I have something to say this occurred at some time when you were in an exclusive relationship with her whether it's pre or post marriage you two don't agree but you were in the exclusive relationship when this occurred am i accurate about that yes yes okay we both have done a lot of things before marriage okay always known a lot of things before marriage well has she done anything to cause you to mistrust her yes well tell me because yes because I found out like four months before we got married I found out that when we first started dating that she was still dealing with someone that she told me she wasn't dealing with when I asked her what she's in anybody know it's not that serious it's not that serious going on for almost a year yeah I found out that she went okay stop stop stop don't argue don't interrupt bring me up to post marriage what do you say has happened that caused you to mistrust him since you've been married he's always in his phone all other girls pictures liking them and loving him or whatever and then he's he's sitting there texting his it's his ex-girlfriend yeah no yeah sitting there tasting his ex-girlfriend chatting with her asking her how she is you know what why don't you know how she does why do you need to talk to her talk to me I'm not the one always in my phone I'm not the one that's not trying to give her my attention and make things right it's always she always always in her phone she always doing other things we just got married mm-hmm so you're saying she doesn't she plays more of attention to her Yii life and she does our real life yeah yeah always and we're going to talk about that a little later because I know that is an issue of yours but first I want to get to trust issues out between the two of you because I understand that you're very uncomfortable with things that she does like the way she dresses you're worried about the the kind of interactions she has with her ex talk to me about those things dressing the way she dresses I don't think sometimes she just first of all I think she dresses a little too provocative I don't think she dresses like a married woman she dress and her excuse is when I can't help it because of the way I'm saying first of all you're going out with your girlfriend huh huh okay I understand you can't help but you have a beautiful body but you do everywhere you go so you want to wear our waist training come on oh yeah yeah come on oh you want to push out as are not with me women do them this is no no women walk your honor you're going to Walmart late night to go get tissue and how supplies and you got to be come on but wish with Lea she'll just throwing her loose let me throw my little jogging pants in my pajamas but when she's not with me I'll be back baby I'm going to the snow you just got to strap that on and stuff this in and push this out there we go Crosby you also say don't wear underwear she's a lot underwear it doesn't matter if I have panties on her night my butt is gonna stick out that's what he has a problem wit my lips sticking out in me and looking at it I'm trying to try to get no but he don't I got you I got you I will roll on to another point all right I got enough on the clothing yeah it wasn't even 30 days that we got married don't have no children she goes to drop her kids on to their father my kids are with their mother I get all work I come home any wind got no kids let's do something I already made plans with the girls I'm going out with the girls did you go out and leave things on three four hours and I heard from you [Music] Braswell you say that mr. Crosby is uncomfortable with your relationships with your ex and with your friends and family in general why don't you explain that to me well see my excellence dropping off our boys at the house I don't let him in the house because out of respect for my husband so he was at the door and just talking about what the kids did over the weekend and here come Paul walking through the house slamming cabinet doors throwing stuff around like a big kid you know I didn't say anything I just kept talking to you know my ex or whatever because I don't have nothing to hide I can talk while he's there I don't have nothing to hide I'll go I'm gonna keep going okay so when he leaves he want to come in the front room and be like oh you could sit in the front room and watch lifetime all day but when he comes you got to jump in his face no what are you talking about I'm being cordial with my son's father that's how we are that's how our relationship is okay mr. Crosby do you have concerns about her relationships with her ex and if so why oh now you can't tell Jesus Jesus is she 100 and high when the man come over and drop the kids off but she goes out on the porch and closes the door and I walk past the door and you just that door was my clothes no got in hi why you know why open eyes are you sure that's what you saw because you know parents do have to talk about their children they just have to there's there's always stuff baby babies anybody to miss my baby is 21 years old I and I got a 24 year old we still talk about the 44 year old you told me Oh hallelujah how is he wearing doing all of it when me and her first met he wasn't doing all of it what causes you to believe they'd become doing something inappropriate no no you had a lot with the criminal there girl when do they go out together yeah without me being around he'd be hung up you guys go out together no there you go no yeah yeah she didn't got one more of her friends and her exes did she do me and willing to be Meg much well tell me about that yeah it wasn't even 30 days that we got married we'll have no children she goes to drop her kids off to their father my kids are with their mother I get on work I come home honey we got no kids let's do something now automated plans we make plans with the girls I'm going out with the girls did you go out and leave you've been gone three four hours and they heard from you all of a sudden here it is 2:30 now you're pulling up rolling up announced at 2:30 in the morning time ight you left your phone in the car I didn't leave my phone in the car MA and although they're kind of tacky within 30 days you okay go out and get drunk with your homegirls come rolling in it to dirt it's a little disrespect okay yeah nothing wrong okay I understand that but at the same time he's been cheating he'd been sleeping with that coworker this whole time so I'm wrong for going out there once before we got married listen I was library is the coworker thing happened last month no no no the co-worker yeah that's me since I met you no no that's a lie what it was often I will never agree on that we'll never agree on everybody's let's move on to let's move on to something else I want to talk about your sex life but you say has dwindled to almost nothing I think even loudly I want to keep it lively for about two minutes and I'm done he wants us to sit here could see going for like four or five hours no nobody has profited I gotta be to work at 6:00 in the morning [Music] should Andrea believe that Paul has ended the affair with his coworker tell us with utha at facebook.com slash divorce court divorce court we'll be right back if you would like your case to be heard on divorce court call us toll free at one eight seven seven three one one twenty two twenty two or log on to our website at divorcecourt.com follow us on facebook twitter and instagram at divorce court so mr. Crosby ins you that said your sex life has dwindled to almost nothing why don't you explain your concerns in that regard we first started dating that's all we will that's how she wanted to do right I mean I she get off work at eleven o'clock I got to be working 6:00 in the morning but she would come over to the house I stay with her I said we're all night long that's all she wanted to do how she want to do layup I said I got good merit all of a sudden oh you sleepy you tired do you want to go to bed you want to go to bed you want to go to big man that's true man I'm looking at - your honor we wasn't even married a good two three months and I'm thinking she's gonna tell me I gotta wait a whole week because I had sex two nights in a row I got away the whole week now did you do that I mean did you you know at all where the hoe I got him now so I can I can use bat don't have to do it we weren't living together I didn't get to see him that much but when I did get to see him yes is what I wanted to do cuz I haven't seen him all day but now that we living together should I be tired cuz I gotta take care of the king of a hill and I get that and I think both partners usually have some part to play in that women kind of got get leg they may use all the while I got a med you know what I mean and don't and don't feed that sexual thing cuz men really like that stuff i doing you know and men sometimes she falls into the I'm taking care of him the house doing this at role and become they feel less romantic towards you and they feel more tired so you both are contributing to the absence of section or what I'm saying and it's not just you I think it happens to a lot of couples so if you were more into it into it in tune five-minute foreplay take all day long I love you on the phone come by touch that big butt you like so much what waffle oh that's what she wanted she would understand together should get on work she come by we watching TV all that turned into her jumping on me yeah now jump on her she want to roll over well the song is over here you got a fish it all and keep keeping lively I can keep it lively I want to keep it lively for about two minutes and I'm done he wants to sit here could see going for like four or five hours no nobody has proffered I got a morning [Applause] believe is Brazil has a drinking problem why don't you tell me about that your honor when I first met her about a year and a half ago it's like every nine then she would dream I had no mama with that with it it keeps going and keeps going and keeps going and keeps going and we would get into a disagreement I'm sure I would want to sit out and work it out with her no she wants to run to go get something to drink so how often is she drinking now is it every day if she can every day she will your honor she will and it's not the fact that I don't want my wife to drink I love my wife I concern about her health I had people in my family i watch them drink they sell to do and you don't want it I got that flavor to her mrs. Radwell do you having a few too many cocktails now so how much hang on you smile it again no play poker they will wear you out no I'll do much and do you drink I drink when I get off work every day not every day when I get off work no I take a day or do you think a glass of wine or we have a couple of shots of you know the whole bottle and she drinks straight she don't chase it not the hard work with a bottle like this and by at 5 o'clock she get off work with a bottle like this by 8 o'clock OMGs of the news just talking that's what you do here you doing something close because people always minimize their own drinking that's number one - you grinning like a Cheshire Cat so I know we sell shoots over there and he's got too many details let me tell you something miss Braslow look I can get ahead of you don't let it so you have to get ahead of it and you've got to put put self-imposed restrictions on how you how much you drink just so it won't get ahead of you that's all I'm saying I'm putting that out there which marital problems should Andrea and Paul make their first priority to fix share your opinion on Twitter and Instagram at divorce court divorce court we'll be right back mr. Braswell you say you want a transfer title on the car when you go but I don't think you want to go am i right about that I don't want to go what do you need and what you listen to this course what do you need from him to be satisfied and content within this relationship I want him to be able to trust me I'm not the one that was doing the dirt while we were married and I need him to understand that okay women need their space they like how much what he's all in your business about where you're going who write what you know it feels like in the first year of marriage I should be home just working home all day every day for the first year of marriage then I can wean myself off and and go out and have girls night out mm-hmm mr. Cosby is that an accurate reflection of your liars no your and what is what is God's answer is we ain't even married a year we still need to get time to learn each other know each other you rather choose that you better hang out with friends you already knew before me then spend a lot of time and a lot of time with me we need to do commitment we are going to be married a year we still trying to figure each other out these girls you didn't knowing all your life and you just asked her a question she answered it but my thing is when it's time to talk I'm passing her things what would you like what do you want to do I don't know I don't know what do you mean you'd be contented within the confines of this marriage I just need my wife to understand that I want us to have this connection I want us to be able to communicate talk be able to work things out without going the other way or turning the small thing big let me say this to the two of you number one mr. Crosby I think you're a very vulnerable guy you talk a lot and and you're a good talker and you think you're very convincing and I think sometimes what a woman needs more than anything else is to understand that she's been heard and I think that she may not feel heard by you because because you don't even let me finish the sentence I got a role on this but you gotta come you're interrupting me right now right better no you cannot what mr. cross let me tell you something when you're interrupting people that tells them a couple of things one you don't respect them enough to let them finish a sentence that says another thing that you're thinking about what you want to say while I'm telling you what I want to say so that means you didn't pick up what I wanted to say because you're thinking about what you want to say you're interrupting me again I can't talk to you because you don't know how to listen and you have to learn how to listen I'm telling you that wait till you see the tape of the show and you'll be like oh man I never shut my mouth I never let her talk and that's how she feels I'm telling you I'm you telling me what the problem is you can't fix it I'm trying to tell you how to fix it you can accept it or not accept it but that's the answer to that problem you be quiet and you hear her as opposed to telling her all the time things may work out a little better for you I wish you both the best this matter is adjourned not only do I need to be a listener I need to be more understanding towards her and go figure out how to save my words in the right way where she don't take offense of things and be more understanding even though our communication is off I still want to work on our marriage because it's still fresh I still believe that we can get back to where we were in the beginning it's just going to take a lot of work [Music]
Channel: Divorce Court
Views: 601,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divorce Court, divorce, marriage, Lynn Toler, lawyer, television show, reality tv, judge, 3147, divorce court, love, relationships, advice, new, show, reality, full episode
Id: jvI5DsPpeHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2017
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