[OLD] Divinity Original sin 2 Speedrun explained - 2021 In depth guide

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what is up guys and welcome back to the channel today i'm gonna be redoing my divinity original sin 2 speedrun guide i made one about six months ago i think but since then the run has changed quite a bit so today we're going to be going through that guide as in detail as possible so that you or anyone else can be able to speedrun this game without any real issues so long as they follow the guide there's been a few big updates to the guide but overall it is relatively similar except for the end of act one the start of act two and act three as a whole is a lot different okay uh act four is still the same i'll try to leave timestamps below for each act if you guys want to see that so as long as you follow along and my guide is good enough i really hope you guys can all speedrun this game and get to that finish line i just want to say a big thanks to the community you guys have been awesome uh everybody who's been coming out to the streams even though they're few and far between right now i am trying to upload divinity original sin 2 shorts um which have been a lot of fun to edit i actually just uploaded my first balder's gate 3 short which was kind of hilarious too so go check it out um all that stuff over on my channel and uh yeah we'll get into it all those shorts are over on my channel so after you finish watching this one head over to my channel page and uh yeah go check out the shorts they're kind of funny and they're like 20-30 seconds each so not a big deal so let's get right into the guide okay so just letting you guys know i do have my hand set up here so you guys will be able to kind of see what's going on on the keyboard um and you'll be able to see my mouse as well so the first thing you're gonna do when you get into here is you're gonna go into your profiles and you create a new profile this will basically allow you to speed run without worrying about deleting any of your saves because you're going to be deleting your saves a lot during speed running because the more saved files that you have the higher chance you have of crashing so you always want to delete your save files before you start a speed run like a real speed run so i'm going to turn down the music for this so that you guys can actually hear me uh just a little bit i'm pretty sure it's fine so so we're gonna come into our settings real quick once you've created your new profile you're gonna have to readjust all these settings so the first thing you're gonna do is you're gonna change your camera zoom in and zoom out to page up and page down um if you don't have a keyboard with page up and page down you'll just have to set them to something like error like arrow keys or something um that's your choice so it's just so that you can rebind your scroll wheel so for your the next thing you want to do is you want to scroll down to what is called ui select slot 1 this is how you scroll through text so mouse scroll up and mouse scroll down you're gonna want this um scrolling through text will help you uh being able to scroll through text accurately will help you speed up this run by a lot anyways um toggle waypoint so the next thing you wanna wanna change is the toggle waypoint menu um you're gonna wanna switch that to your graveyard your tilde key so that's the key that's on the end of your keyboard beside the one key um this helps you really navigate the menus faster so then the next thing you're going to want to do is you actually want to remove these keys the ui hotbar next and previous uh because if you accidentally hit them it really does slow down the run because you need to use those skills now coming to toggle inventory you're going to want to change this to tab um that will allow you to just open your open your inventory on the fly instead of having to press i on the keyboard you can actually just press tab instead okay and then then lastly oh yeah okay it's called show chat that's kind of weird um so you want to show chat by default is actually the enter key so you want to remove you want you just want to clear that uh so that you don't accidentally you don't keep bringing up the chat when you whenever you use the enter key to skip text to help skip text okay and i think that's everything we're gonna go just over to gameplay i'm just gonna hit accept if you're just starting the speed run so you can turn on auto saves but if you're trying to get into into like real get real times definitely just disable this because it can slow you down a lot every time the game auto saves it stops whatever you're doing so just keep that in mind um set your max quit saves and auto saves to whatever you like and then if it is a new game if you're starting a new profile you want to go to show tutorial boxes and turn that off um and make sure that that and make sure that that's not set to new tutorial reset and everything so turning this on here combat highlights might actually be helpful um i've never tried it so you know what let's let's turn it on for this for this tutorial and try it out um because you're using the tilt key for the waypoints you can no longer tongue toggle the combat highlights so we'll try it out um you do want to lock the cursor to the inside in your game change your panning speed to maximum speed because you're going to be doing a lot of it uh you do want the rotating minimap it's required for a bit of the setup and you want to make sure you're you've checked only checkbox to these two skills okay so hit apply hit accept um and if you guys want you can mess around with the settings to get more fps or whatever if you can get over 120 fps that's great um anything over anything around the 100 mark is just fine so if you are only playing at 60fps you're losing a bit of time to uh to chat scrolls to text scrolls so just keep that in mind otherwise there isn't really any significant advantage to uh higher fps okay so now that you've got the uh the hotkeys set up um we're gonna set up the start of the game so you go to story go to single player and make sure you select this story mode because explorer mode is not the easiest mode it's actually the second easiest story mode is the easiest and i don't know why they put it on the bottom but they did do it after the regular patch so so original divinity 2 or divinity originals into is like there is no story mode but for some reason in definitive edition there is so we play story mode enemies have very little health super easy to kill them okay now if you guys don't know how to set up the speedrun timer there's another video on my channel that explains a lot of it so uh you guys it'll show the link and everything um so go check out that video if you need help setting that up uh it is a bit of a process but once you've got it set up once you don't really need to ever do it again so we choose fein because his when if you've played divinity his god placement in one of the hall of echo scenes is better than the rest of the rest of the undead characters so his is closer whereas some of the other other undead characters are at the far end but you can still do the speed run with any undead character you would just lose like an extra 10 seconds 10 15 seconds to that okay so if you guys don't want to play spain you don't have to but we're going to play fame but you're going to select feign as either a wizard or a battle mage um either one doesn't really matter doesn't make any difference they have the same items the reason we select these guys is because they have fireballs in a fireball scroll in their inventory uh you can use that right at the start of the game so we're going to go to our preset first we're going to remove the intelligence constitution and add one point to strength and we're going to leave this point available here so make sure you have 12 strength in this window so now you're gonna come to the combat abilities remove the two that you already have and we're gonna put two points in polymorph this gives us more bonus stats in our attributes so we can get more strength later on we're gonna remove persuasion and pick up telekinesis telekinesis allows us to pick up any object regardless of its weight but no matter stop texting me so no matter how heavy it is so no matter how heavy it is you can always pick up that item um now with our polymorph we we take tentacle and chameleon cloak you don't need chicken claw or bull horns um although i guess you yeah you don't need chicken claw or bull horns because um the way that your memory works so the more skills you get um if you pick up a third skill you're gonna have to do skill swapping which is a real pain during the run so i would not recommend picking up either of these two so anyways so that's the build preset now for our talents of course we're going to take lone wolf it just makes us way stronger and you're going to see that our strength is now 14 and we have three attribute points and we want to leave it at that don't put any more points in and i can i will explain why in a few minutes and you can choose any instrument you if you that you want as long as it's the cello because the cello is the best uh if you set up the auto load remover like in my other video you can set the time to zero or negative 1.85 otherwise you have to start and pause the timer manually journey during loading screens all right and with that we're ready to start our speed run um it's just going to say playing as undead poses unique risks and benefits yeah yeah yeah bail whatever um and then it's saying basically we have stats left which we know in the uh attributes but we can't add them right now oh we could but it wouldn't ruin the speed run so we're actually going to start our speedrun as you see it's negative 1.83 and there we go so first off you're going to unlock your skills i like to put my skills like this in the hot bar um you guys can just look million cloak and tentacle lash just because of the way my fingers are used to it but you guys can set it up however you want so you're going to be using the scroll wheel anytime there's a text unless it's a precision text so requires anything but the one key so you can actually see here that to use my it would do this to use my tentacle lash i actually have to use my scroll wheel i can't i can't use my uh keyboard so if i use one on my keyboard it does nothing so make sure you guys are aware that anytime you need to use your one key slot you need to use your uh you need to use your scroll wheel and anytime you're skipping text as soon as you finish that text your character is likely to use whatever is in your first slot so you have to remember to hit cancel or hit escape right after any text and that's why we move it to the third slot and leave this slot open because now i can use my mouse wheel freely without any issues so there was one more hotkey i didn't mention and that was using my f key to toggle camera rotation this allows me to move my mouse up and down freely and say pick up an item and move it if i need to so you can see here like i can actually move it while still rotating the camera the other thing is that say see how i can't see this area if there's always a chance if you rotate your camera that you'll be able to see more of this fog of war so keep that in mind it's really important for the very start of the game not so much later on but so moving on immediately after finishing the text with the skull you're going to want to click on here this will bring up the are you sure you want to leave the tutorial deck what you can actually do preemptively see even if i use my mouse wheel it doesn't work but if we use enter we can actually skip that text skip that immediately so you don't need to move your mouse and click on that although you could you can use the enter key with your left hand or your right hand so if you have a number pad you're at a slight advantage in terms of being able to use something but if you only have a 60 keyboard you can actually just use that key right okay anyways so coming up the coming up the hatch you're gonna actually wanna you're gonna actually wanna click over here first and then click on the door this is because your character may auto path over to the left side i mean uh if you click on the door too quickly has to get used to its leash so here we're gonna do our first tech skip uh this one's a precision tech skip so anything that refers to not using just the one key i'm going to refer to as precision so for the first one you're going to do one one four which would actually be scroll scroll four so we can use the enter key to select one if we're doing a precision one because the scroll wheel can be a bit fast and you might miss it so we can press enter enter and then four and that gets us through that text immediately or if you're good you can use try and use the scroll wheel for two clicks and then it to press it is faster to use the scroll wheel just saying but it's more accurate to use um to use the enter key so you're gonna walk over here grab this bedroll don't forget it as soon as you grab this bedroll you're going to click over here and head up towards this door while you're heading over to the door you're going to move your bed roll to the fourth slot and then this guy's going to talk to you and this is your just speed speed scroll so you just use your mouse wheel to skip it now here you're actually going to walk up to the this area and once your character gets about near this pole you're gonna press the bedroll and then you're going to press tentacle lash and you're gonna attack this guard now i mentioned before that we couldn't put all our points in strength that is because if we did we would one shot this guard and essentially the fight would just start and then immediately end and we wouldn't be doing anything so the bed roll gives us knockdown immunity which stops windigo here from knocking us down with her source blast so we're going to click over here use our bed roll tentacle lash the guard and then walk upstairs okay so all at once it looks like this below the pole tentacle ash and then actually we're going to go into our invent our equipment level up strength choose a source blast see how we're still standing spam click on the stairs and then walk upstairs it is a little bit complicated but once you get it once you're pretty much gonna know what to do just don't forget to level up the strength okay coming up the stairs you want to first grab this water barrel and then head over the fire if you try to click too far ahead your character will auto path through these doors like probably like so yeah just like this so you want to make sure you click through the fire uh and then once your character takes a tick of damage you're actually gonna grab this bed roll so right there he took the two damage we grabbed the bed roll now or sorry not the batter the barrel the barrel now coming up to this wall um this is where our first wall clip comes into play and is a very easy trick um you just have to position yourself correctly so the first thing you need to make sure is that your character is running when you come up to the wall it makes the trick a lot easier if he's walking it might not work so now we're under this we're under this uh lamp here and we're as far in as we can what we're gonna do is take that water barrel that we picked up over here and we're gonna drop it behind feign and he's gonna walk and and then we're gonna drop it behind feign and then we have all the time in the world to click on the other side of this wall and clip through okay so take the water barrel drop it and now if you watch i'm i'm not doing anything as long as you don't do any other action i can click through the wall and he will auto pass through the wall this is where things get a little bit tricky and and fast um what you want to do is once you reach the top of these stairs you want to use your bed roll this gives us an extra 10 strand or one string and enough weight to carry two of these barrels or enough enough strength to give carry two of these barrels so use the bed roll pick up two barrels and then from here you're gonna grab this one and you're gonna place it right about there right on this log and then from here you can actually place it on top of these stairs so the way divinity works is that as long as an item can see where it's going uh you don't have to have vision with fane as long as feign sees the object and then that object has vision of where it's going you can move that object using telekinesis provided you have enough strength and telekinesis as well as the fact that divinity has no ceilings so you can place objects on the on top of walls and such because why would they animate why would they put the put the effort into making a ceiling if it you would never gonna see it so that you can do so see how we're overweight now we're overweight by like point one so we have to use the bed roll to keep that weight up and we have to make sure we have the knockdown immunity when we go upstairs so we're gonna bed roll and from here you want to run into this corner with the with the shelf here okay so you want to just click in this corner and then we're going to take that second barrel we picked up that was uh right here and we're going to use it to clip through the wall once our once our knock we're just gonna use our bedroll to do so place it oh so i can't reach it but what you can do is actually pick this up and walk through the wall if that doesn't work um in the event that you can't figure out why it's not working i believe this one actually has a timer versus this one because you're not completely trapped so you have to you have to do this quick enough that the game doesn't realize that you're actually not trapped there so um if you did everything correctly you should be able to clip through this wall bed roll one time pick up the two barrels move the third barrel to this position by this uh i don't know if this is going to be the same every time but by this above this body then you can move the barrel to here run to the corner flip through this wall and then or using the barrel that you picked up over here then you pick up this barrel and you shouldn't have to use your bed roll at this point it's still a knockdown immunity should still be available so but i gotta use it so we're going alright now because we don't have our helmet on this guy's going to talk to us and immediately die from here you'd think oh you have to like run all the way over and talk to this person but you don't what you can do is use your fireball scroll on this boat then once the cut scene starts you're gonna open your inventory using tab and you're going to move these barrels into your backpack during the cut scene and then equip your tattered cowl so all together it should look like this so fireball scroll and it is a bit harder like i think vertical is a lot easier to be able to hit this fireball um if you're sideways like so it's a bit harder to find that area it'll go vertical the reason this works is because there's actually a high ground advantage on the boat for whatever reason um you can't see it with the fireball but with a molotov cocktail you can actually see the high ground advantage on the water anyways that's why it works so fireball go fireball then we're going to put on our tattered cowl throw these three death fog barrels into our backpack i'm actually going to place this here to give me an extra slot it makes it a little easier to pick up items uh later on but with that you're past your boat your boat split um so if you're using the autoloader mover it will pause automatically as soon as you hit a loading screen or a cut scene at most cut scenes not all of them though now starting off the first thing you're going to do is drop the overweight backpack um you have to be careful because the text will mess it up you can just drop this backpack anywhere here uh because the timing doesn't matter later on you're gonna pick it up later with prince okay you're gonna drop the bear or drop the backpack so as you're running along the beach you're gonna open your backpack and see how we have this three slots here now i can click and drag this into my backpack for the fastest way to pick up the crate um this if you don't do this here i'll actually show you if you don't do this and you're running along you have to right click once your character will stop you have to right click twice and then pick it up it's so much extra work than just going like this and dragging it into your inventory okay make sure that this is in a spot where you're gonna remember where it is because there's another crate that looks exactly like it but weighs a lot more coming over here you're gonna hold the alt key on your keyboard and that is gonna show up or make all the items show up here so we're gonna pick up these leather scraps they're the first part of two the first of two items you need to to craft the dagger so running up here we're gonna do the same thing with this crate and i'm going to place this somewhere where i know the difference between these two so this one's 10 pounds this one's 150. definitely don't mess up so sir laura here is going to talk to us he just scrolled to skip his text click scroll once and then press 2 to dismiss him so coming up to prince you're gonna want a quick save this is very important because if you mess up the prince prince text you have to restart the save or restart the game so this is probably the hardest tech skip to do in the game so the first one first thing you have to realize is that there's actually 42 skips before the correct text so on my mouse wheel while it may not be the same for your you i encourage you to quick save and practice this lots but on my mouse wheel it is six scrolls for me roughly and then i use the enter key to precisely find the one i need so we're gonna count it out one two three four five six if you get to this page um you are right on the right spot as a born fighter i prefer the perfection of the blade myself while blah blah you're basically choosing your class for prince so you want to say that here you're interested in magic so you're gonna press four is embedded and then you're gonna press two on your keyboard and that's going to make him an enchanter and then you skip the rest of the text so the enchanter has two skills that are really important rain and discharge so electric discharge only has a range of about there and we need it to have a range of about here so we use rain to extend the range of electric discharge just keep that in mind now this next bit is time sensitive so i'm only going to be able to show you and try to explain it as best i can but it is time sensitive because the rotation of the crocodiles on the beach starts as soon as you get into vision of them so from here we're fine but as soon as we go up past past this rock area the actually i believe it's over here um as soon as we get up past that area the crocodiles will start their rotations and you have to catch them on the first rotation so i'll show you guys that real quick use oh the other thing you want to do is use f1 and f2 to switch between your characters you double tap it so you can tap it once to choose that character or you can tap it twice to go to that character okay so just keep that in mind so our characters are chained right now um in order to unchain them you just drag them off to the side uh to re-chain them you just drag them onto each other okay so coming along the beach we come up here and what i'm going to do is run up to this area and then i'm going to adjust my camera to try and get better fog of war this tree i'm going to click feign to i'm gonna disconnect prince and he's gonna go over here to this spiked rock we're gonna go back to spain use our chameleon cloak and that allows us to run through this scene i'm gonna click up here in the fog or then here i'm going to use rain with prince and we're going to use electric discharge on the water and that should hit the crocodile this is very time sensitive um because all right i'll as long as you guys get that first try your your gold so here we're gonna walk up to this gate everything here is time sensitive you can walk up to this gate use your 10-pound crate to clip through the wall you're gonna skip the text and then you're going to switch back to prince and end his turn so this is very time sensitive because if you wait um too long to attack this crocodile and end your turn this this crocodile will walk somehow get way up into the fight before this crocodile can get into this position so it's very important that it gets here okay um but you do have a few like you do have leeway is just you'll lose a lot of time if that happens so first thing we're gonna do we're just gonna end our turn until this crocodile teleports to prince okay so end our turn we're gonna switch back to fame now you can see fein is in this fight with the three characters but they can't attack them we're gonna just walk up to the store now once you're through this door you're going to switch to prince with the f2 key see that he actually did teleport on that turn which is great and then we're gonna switch back to fane just so the only thing we need to know is if that croc teleported although i have no idea how he teleported because he used scale potassium like one turn ago maybe i skipped two turns on that rock um but basically just keep skipping prince's turn until that crocodile teleports if that crocodile does not end up teleporting for like 10 turns or something um or isn't getting into combat properly you need to verify your game files and make sure that you're also playing on story mode because on explorer or harder modes they're not that stupid so okay so we came through this door and we just walk up to the edge of the stairs here it's kind of weird because it like shows that we should be in combat right now but we're not no it's [ __ ] um you can use the shift key to see to see this so we're going to use chameleon cloak and we're just going to click on the boat our character should auto pass through the through the oil and uh we're going to talk to the boat we're gonna skip it and we're gonna immediately go down uh east on the beach so while you're running along the beach what you wanna do is open up your inventory you're gonna put two points in strength two points in widths one point in all skilled up or you can head over to talents put one point and else killed up go to civil go to civil abilities put your two points in telekinesis go to combat abilities and you're gonna put one point in huntsman one point in scoundrel and one in warfare now just it's really easy to remember these um as the third slot the third last slot and then the last slot i'm trying to actually read them all is kind of really like can be like kind of jarring to the brain when you're speed running so just keep that in mind third slot third last slot and last slot now what you're going to want to do is send bain up past this chest and while you're doing that you're going to switch to prince you're going to use hail strike on the crocodile or you can use electric discharge it doesn't really matter um heel strike does more damage so we're going to use that so you want to attack the crocodile finish him off so now we have one ap sorry we're going to take the gloves but when he's dead you're going to loot him take the gloves and you're going to drag them over to feigns icon this will this will give fane the gloves and now you can see my turn is over but it hasn't ended we have to actually have to close this box before it ends so close that the box the turn ends we go back to fame don't put on the gloves just yet we're going to run we're going to run over here and the pigs are going to automatically talk to us i sense great supplement you do so pig talks to us then we're just going to run up over here okay so you want to make sure you wait um just until this is all exploded and then you're going to pick up this barrel you're going to open your inventory you're going to drag this barrel into prince's inventory and you're going to drag this barrel into prince's inventory so prince now has two barrels you have one barrel and the reinforced crate then you're gonna run up here you're gonna switch to prince and you're gonna just flee combat and then hit travel ah um there was one thing i didn't explain before sorry so there was one thing i didn't explain before and this is for joy as you're coming through the gate uh while you're in viz you need to walk right up to this brazier because this gives you the waypoint for the town so just make sure you guys go to here and then you can head over to this gate to do the wall clip okay now circling back so now we've come up now we've come up the vine and we're going to start walking this way now you want to put on the gloves of teleportation you want to leave it in the first slot and what you're going to do is you're going to switch back to prince you're going to go to his skills and skill strength you can do this at any point as long as he's leveled up it doesn't really matter now the fastest way to pick up this backpack is to hold alt and click the name because if i want to pick it up this way it won't work so hold alt click the name um and actually actually he actually can't um he actually can't pick this up normally because it's too heavy but for whatever reason you can always pick up bags with tel uh sorry you can always pick up bags i don't know why junk he shouldn't be able to pick it up because he doesn't have telekinesis and i don't know if that works with other objects but that's what we're going with so when you've picked up that bag you're gonna switch to fame and on the way over here you're going to put oops that's the wrong bag on the way over here you're going to put this barrel and this barrel and this barrel and this crate into the backpack and your weight should total about 616. um it may be a little more or less depending on the rng of whatever was in that crate now we have a 615 weight bag um and right here if you hold alt you're going to see a sharp piece of metal we're going to pick that up and we're going to head over here so if i adjust my camera i can see the stairs we're going to click to the middle of the stairs here and then we're going to switch back to prince you're gonna teleport prince to the fort joy square then go to your inventory and combine the two items here the sharp piece of metal and the leather scraps this crafts the dagger for fame which allows us to backstab with the bag using telekinesis it's such a broken like bonus stat that we use it to one shot the worm so 615 actually we needed 610 but 615 weight is the perfect amount to actually kill this worm in one shot here i would recommend quick saving if you haven't um you're going to quick save a couple times in this in this bit so we're going to go invisible and we're going to walk right up to this little l shape right here this puts us just out of range for alexander to talk to us and it puts us just in range for this now if you see the guard walk up to this area as soon as he reaches it do a quick save and reload the game whenever a guard is walking or has just walked to a position you can quick save and reload to actually manipulate that enemy to walk back to their previous position so you can see that the guard just moved back okay so we haven't put on our dagger yet so make sure you equip that you can equip that at any time uh i would equip it right here when your character is right here and then as you're moving you can throw this off the hot bar move this to the seventh slot um at least or higher go to prince or click on prince's icon go to his civil abilities and give him thievery now from here we're going to we have to wait for that rotation so if you've done you can do all this prior and uh then you can just immediately teleport this guy down but in our sense since we're since we're trying to show you guys obviously we're gonna be a bit slower so once you're in this position and ready to fight you're gonna take the bag the 615 weight bag and you're gonna place it over here on the ground i'd like her to be late now as soon as this guy comes around you're gonna use teleport and you're gonna teleport him into this position and then while the turn is going you're going to switch to prince and position him correctly now that he's not overweight but wait for this character to come down drop him right around there right around that point the fight's gonna start we switch to prince now we're gonna position prince right behind butter here and just switch back and just leave prince there so he used staff of magus magus but the silence failed so in the event that you actually got silenced you wouldn't be able to use play dead so what you would do is you would use the bag to kill me kill the metamorph kill alexander um end your turn and then the worm will show up somewhere around here and all the enemies will go for the worm so you would just start murdering them one by one with the bag just like a normal fight with a heavy bag um yeah so unfortunately that's kind of the way it goes if you get silenced but assuming you didn't get silenced you want to use two ap to walk up here and then you're gonna quick save and so we already placed the bag on the ground so we don't have to waste one ap placing it on the ground um but it's not a big deal if you forgot you just you would just kill two enemies instead of three but we're gonna kill the metamorph here um and the reason we quick saved was because it can actually miss and if you missed on like if you needed to kill one of the enemies um then you definitely would like to uh reload so to hit the geist it's not just on his foot you actually have to get really int like really inside this circle um on the ground so hit him and then you can't see him but there's actually an enemy right here on this line so we're going to place that as far over as we can and kill him okay so now we have one ap and we can use play dead now this is the part that requires a lot of accuracy and speed so once you play dead you're gonna spam the alt key to grab the backpack and kill alexander with it while you're playing dead for whatever reason the game doesn't actually register that you're in combat while you're playing dead while throwing a backpack around a backpack around so you're gonna it takes two hits to kill alexander so you're gonna hit him once and then hit him again while he's walking um he has a tough hitbox so this will take a lot of practice and when he dies you want to adjust your camera to about this position and then you're going to drop the bag on the worm while it's coming up so if you do that all correctly it's going to look something like this play dead use the alt key hit alexander once hit alexander twice adjust the camera hit the worm worm is now dead kill the knight throw the backpack right up on this corner that will allow you to move it again so i wasn't quite fast enough if you are if you do everything nice and quick you can kill all these enemies without initiating combat again so we just have to throw the backpack uh we got kind of unlucky so see how it says three ap it means our character is going to move quite a bit so anyways so we kill him and assuming you did everything right you want to loot alexander before malady talks to you but i was too far away um yeah so we're gonna actually go to prince remember how we got thievery did we get theory yeah we did we're gonna pick pocket butter and take tactical treat it's always the second last box or second last book so take that press your tild key and just travel to the beach and that's all you need to do so and if that doesn't work then you might need to i would recommend quick saving before before stealing but once you get the hang of it it's not too hot it's not too tough sometimes the game doesn't realize that you put a point in thievery and you have to reload to fix it so anyways so we're gonna skip all this text now coming over here we're gonna walk just down this ramp a little bit and open our inventory from prince's backpack we're gonna learn tactical retreat then we're gonna use it to jump down here we're going to talk to amadia and just use your scroll wheel to skip through the text you do and then while you're right here before you do anything you're going to grab the backpack and you're going to place it on this corner until thing goes to a weird position that means if you tried to pick it up before he would have went to this position and then just been overweight now we need to loot alexander you actually only need his cloak but you can just press space to loot everything and then you're going to walk beside malady you're going to hold alt grab the backpack now we're overweight again you're going to talk to malady and now this is the part where skipping text very quickly be is a bonus so if you skip her text and spam the enter key you can actually keep the source point that she gives you without using bless so let's try that um i don't know if i'm gonna get it but anyways if you're too slow your character automatically casts bless so we'll see how it goes so we're gonna spam the enter key and see how it goes so that is the end of the bag sweat there so coming into the start of act 1.5 which is the fire nation you can actually see we did get uh we did keep our source point we didn't use we we used bless but we didn't use it on a melody this is good because later on we don't have to get the source puddle this is where all the rng in the game is everything else is pretty not orangy so coming up to this place um prince is gonna talk to you you're just gonna skip through his text real fast and now he's gonna walk away you're going to be using teleport so hit escape you're gonna open your inventory and you're gonna open your backpack because you're severely overweight these three barrels we picked up are used um in a fight later on so you want to place them so this position here i mean you could place them here i guess i'm gonna try it we're gonna place them here so you wanna place these on top of each other now i'm gonna show you guys something there is a basically a rhythm to dropping barrels uh if you drop them fast enough or if you drop them with speed sometimes you can get it perfectly on beat but other times it will you'll have to drop it twice so if you go one two three and kind of count like on the second one two three but i'll show you guys oops if you drop them too quickly see how my character actually didn't drop that one um or if you drop it a little offbeat sometimes that it won't it won't actually place it so let's try it yeah see so i waited a little bit and then i let go and it didn't place it so just make sure you guys are dropping your barrels on beat um so we got the three barrels here actually we actually want them want them there and then we're going to place this one death fog barrel um it's a little bit hard to see but we're gonna place one death fog barrel right about uh i would say right about there and then the reinforced crate we're just gonna drop off to the side here so all in all you have the three barrels stacked up right in front of this line you have this one off center and off center forwards as well and your crate over here this gives us makes us not overweight anymore we want to walk up to this position by the railing here and move less into the sixth slot and here we're going to use tactical retreat and jump to the stairs melody's gonna talk to us we're going to cast teleportation accidentally and then head downstairs and head downstairs now from here you want to get your positioning correct you want to come up right to this this pillar um that should be okay now this one is actually quite hard to do as well but oh actually something i didn't mention is that you want to move these barrels over to your inventory as well uh so we're just going to close our inventory we're going to drop the barrel and then click through the door just like so and then we're going to come up to this area behind the pillar we don't want tarquin talking to us so we're going to come right to this position use teleport on the book pick up the book you didn't have to right click that by the way so pick up the book and then pick up the ornate chess and then you're going to walk into the corner here use the ornate chest and you're gonna click through the door this again um this cl this side of the clip is actually very easy because the chest is so huge but yeah so you're gonna walk through the door pick up your death log barrel and then head upstairs now exeter is going to be right here you're going to talk to him sell your alexander's club and grab the third club or grab the third scrap scoundrel book which is cloak and dagger you can hit add gold but we actually don't need gold anymore so whatever you want to do and click on the stairs and then open up your inventory learn the book use cloak and dagger first you can swap these if you like i prefer tactical retreat to be on five and then use tactical treat to go to the front press four to skip this text and just sing the song you're going to skip this text just regularly do skip the text no melody's going to come talk to you i recommend quick saving here as if your barrel is set up is wrong then you need to come back um but once you get good enough at it you can just reload and hope for good rng so here you're going to skip her text and you can actually use the enter key whenever there is a pop-up like this or prompt so just spam the enter key and scroll so dallas is going to talk everybody's going to talk now right when she says the word act you're going to quit you act dude so the rng here is the fact that we need this death vlog to kill everyone but that geist actually lived so we have to reload not everyone sorry to kill these four characters here um specifically the two geists if the guys live it becomes a very long fight now hope that you get this on the first try what are the odds man i don't know what the odds are that you actually get this but i would say it's about 35 chance all right there we go so we got the fog to kill all four the other thing is that the fire damaged this monk and that's very important the best rng is if this cloaked figure uses curse on the flames and actually does more damage to the silent monk um that is the fastest it can be so if you all four die and you get cursed flames but otherwise we have to do it this way so we're gonna walk just up to the stairs here a little bit use teleport on the silent watcher do teleport him into the death log then jump over to this position using retreat head downstairs we're going to walk to this position go to our skills level up strength use our bed roll then we're gonna select the civil abilities tab and we're just gonna leave it like that if you killed all four but didn't damage that monk what you want to do is use cloak and dagger go upstairs oh sorry not clogged use chameleon cloak go upstairs then use cloak and dagger to the top of the mast then you can teleport that monk into the death fog but if you're unsure and you just don't really want to deal with it you can actually just wait it out and it will end naturally anyway so the fight is still progressing while we're down here um we got bad rng like i could have walked up there and done it and but it'll be over in about five seconds anyways so hopefully there it is so we want to level up telekinesis you can leave the other abilities and uh right here as soon as you skip this you can actually use cloak and dagger and jump down to the bottom area so skip it jump down to the bottom area and your character will do the text up here if you don't feel comfortable doing that just wait for the text skip the text and do that so now if we didn't already have this source point we'd have to walk into this puddle but because we already have it we're gonna cast it on the second character amadia here she's gonna talk to us we're gonna skip her text with the scroll wheel and uh that's pretty much that now we just have to walk up here use tactical retreat make things a little bit quicker walk downstairs walk downstairs now you're gonna want to walk to this position right behind this barrel and you're going to adjust your camera so that you can see both fein and this area here so as soon as fein reaches the barrel there's always going to be a spot let me zoom in if i can so these bolts there's always going to be a spot right here that is available as long as you position fane correctly so i can just barely see the bolts i don't know if you can see them on the recording but if i do this thing can jump there have you been and i can skip the text and that is the end of the fire nation split um all like i said all time stamps are going to be below if you guys need to re like redo or look through all this um but yeah okay if you made it this far congratulations you got through the hardest splits in the game you got through the hardest split in the game and uh we're going to be moving on to some more fun stuff so this is more skill-based fun stuff so [Music] act two is a bit of a fickle now this new setup is called item fling and it requires you to do something kind of like tough so it'll be a it'll take a little bit to get used to i'll admit i was very bad at it for a long time but now i can almost get it every first try every time so you're gonna skip the text and now you're just going to position vein by these stairs you're going to so once you finish act one you're going to automatically have these pyramids in your inventory you're going to take the red one or the blue one whichever but i prefer to use the red one as the blue one is always first on the hot bar when when going through too many scenes so so you're gonna take the red pyramid you're gonna place it on this roof now from here you're actually gonna place it as close to this edge as possible not like pixel perfect but very close uh to here then you're going to back up your camera and adjust it so that it's nice and high uh backing it up over something else that's high so this this thing right here allows us to see a lot farther than we normally would so you can see how many um there's actually four dots here one two three four so you want to position the corner of your screen to be on the fourth dock and not farther or not any farther or less so if you're new to item playing you're going to want to quick save here so now we go into our options and we're actually going to initiate the frame cap i didn't mention this before but if you are running um if you are running a frame cap i suggest taking it off because otherwise you have to manually adjust this bar every time instead of just selecting frame cap so we're going to frame cap at 10 which is the lowest hit apply or actually just hit except you don't need to hit apply um and then from here you're going to make sure you want you either have a high dpi or a lot of mouse space so i'm going to position my mouse closer to my chest showing you guys here um on the on the second camera and we're going to drag this around and you can see that it's really really laggy so it's almost like it's on a fishing line so what we're gonna do is we're going to drop the pyramid and throw our mouse into the top corner and if you do it correctly it should look like this and that is called item fling and basically what it is is a frame perfect trick so basically the game checks for if the item is allowed to drop somewhere and then it throw and then it makes the calculation to throw it if you drop it and throw it on the same frame or if you drop it on the ground where it's allowed to go and then throw your mouse on the same frame you can pretty much go wherever you want so after you've thrown the pyramid you're going to go into your options and you're going to unselect frame cap hit ok and now we're back to normal we're going to use tactical retreat down to this spot this is to get the waypoint and then from here we're just going to uh we're going to change so from here we're going to move our pyramid over to the first slot and this is where fps comes in handy because at 60 frames per second it's almost impossible um but about 80 to 90 it becomes more possible so we just scroll spam the scroll wheel even though the destination is blocked it still brings it up for whatever reason so yeah we can teleport to the pyramid which is open now over here on the docks now trying to follow along um this isn't super complicated it's just positioning and placing the pyramid in the correct position um if you find that you the pyramid is like in the water or whatever you may need to use teleport to get it out but uh yeah so we're going to place the pyramid on this this pole we're going to place it over here at the end of the dock then we're going to teleport to place it by this post and if you can't see this post i recommend moving the camera so that you can see it because you don't want to mess this up uh it's just a pain teleport and then from here you want to go to the top of these stairs from here you want to go to these sandbags from here you want to go to the last mossy rock on the left pretty much straight ahead and from here you should be able to move it straight up into this position at the top if you can't you'll need to move it onto the rocks here and then over it just means you didn't place it properly on this rock so from here if you can place it up here this is better i recommend placing it here and then placing it over in this position uh it's just it it makes for a better it makes for a better setup so from here if if at any time faint is blocking the teleporter pyramid like so you can hold alt and click the name to pick it up just an fyi so now we can go near this rock but in the middle of the road here and we wanted to position between these two trees like towards our destination so remember how i said in act 1 or on the boat as long as the item has vision you can throw it so long as you have vision of the item and the item has vision vision of its destination and you have enough telekinesis and strength to do it so we throw it up here under the path then from here we're actually going to throw it here first and throw it again without teleporting um that's because if you mess this up your character can sometimes teleport on the opposite side and uh it initiates the conversation with jhan so from here to get it on this rock you actually just have to hold it anywhere in like this area uh and then you just let go and your character should drop it on top pyramid movement becomes very very is is pretty hard um to get down to master so it will take a lot of practice to get any sort of real speed out of it but once you get it once you're decent at it um you get pretty quick as shown in some of my speed runs so we're going to drop the pyramid into the water um you can see the shoreline here you just want to drop it a few inches off you know not not like crazy far because faint won't be able to reach it but just a little bit though that we can throw it onto the other beach so i actually have a hotkey um it's caps lock to switch to fane immediately the center on vein and this is one of those things that it becomes really handy because you can center on fane and just use the pyramid here really quickly so you want to pick up the blue pyramid walk over here you're going to drop your death fog barrel and i recommend quick saving in case you mess this up somehow but um if you're doing a real speed run you don't have that is it's eyes so you're going to talk until you see this green line and then you're going to move your hands over to your keyboard and you're going to press enter enter and then the sixth key to skip his text with the precision now this is the neat part you can use your pyramid and then attack this death flog by using control i don't know if i mentioned that before you can hold control to attack things um it'll kill the advocate and then teleport out if you teleport too quickly uh it's actually bad but uh you can test it yourself see how fast you're allowed to teleport before jaehan actually realizes you killed him i think you just need to get the experience i think you just need to get the experience for it to count but i always let it go for like an extra second just to be sure so you're going to drop the pyramid on the rocks here and then head over to jay han in the darkness this is all just tech skip with jhon so spin your mouse's mouse wheel as fast as you can um you can hit escape to cancel the tel pyramid teleport you're gonna pick up the red pyramid and then you're gonna press your tilde key to or grave key to go to driftwood square adjust your camera so it's facing uh north and you're just gonna drop the red pyramid here then you're gonna move it up to this position and teleport to it so and pick it up and we'll just head down into the and just head down into the basement so this is your first out of bounds right now um it's not super complicated um just remember that the pyramid has to have vision of where it's going no ceilings exist and uh we're able to go out of bounds so we're gonna place the pyramid right about here make sure so make sure that the pyramid is pointing outwards uh towards us towards our camera and not away from us like so we're gonna place it on here not super not super important where you wanna make sure your camera is always all the way to the left and then you're going to drag it over to the right side right actually right about there and then you're going to use the pyramid and you can see that we're actually in another room now you're gonna click into the room and then once we get past this line you're going to use tactical retreat to get farther into the room so click into the room and now you can see so now you can see we're on top of this rock we have high ground advantage so we're going to use tactical retreat and we're going to go right to this book here um we need to read this book so we know the recipe for the black root so just skip the text that it gives you um you'll likely try to use your pyramid so just hit escape go into your inventory and you're gonna double click the lan set then you're gonna right click it and combine it with black root and ritual hit combine now you're going to drop it don't drop it right in the middle try to drop it like a little bit closer to you because for some reason this fire doesn't land properly sometimes anyways so keep in mind you do have to have a source point in order to use this if you don't there should be one on the ground here you're gonna skip all the text you're gonna run up this way uh and then you're gonna use tactical retreat it'll likely be on cooldown for a bit but it's always helpful to use it you're gonna run over to this position here and as you're running you're gonna move your pyramid to the ninth slot or just off of the first slot uh because our character is automatically going to use spirit vision once we talk to him so or you're going to throw it off the hot bar and then he's going to get vampiric source or source vampirism which you're going to use on him and then you're going to switch that with the pyramid and then you're going to move teleportation to your second slot so if you do it all right it should look like this talk to him hit accept throw it off your hotbar and then we can add here so now we go to the lady vengeance and malady should be right here in the event that she is not right there you just have to walk to the front of the boat talk to the boat and wait around for a little bit something probably happened during the fight on the blood moon aisle that you need to i don't know it just messes with things this is a precision text so you're gonna have your fingers on enter and two when you get to this this position and uh you're gonna do one one two one two so or one being enter so one one two one two and then just spam the enter key until it's done because there's a prompt and everything you know that it's gonna be uh you know that enter is gonna work better than using the scroll wheel so that was the end of that act two so the whole purpose of act ii is just to get the three source points now coming into act three this is the hardest item fling in the speed run so setup is very particular and you want a quick save before doing it if you do not feel comfortable doing a speed run like this you can watch my old guide um and just watch the act 3 part where i do act 3 and you can see the whole puzzle and everything how i do act 3. um but if you can get item fling and get this item fling correctly you're gonna have uh you're gonna save about a minute and 40 seconds or a minute yeah about a minute um on this act or on the split go or you're gonna skip melodies text and without moving fane you're going to adjust your camera you're going to drop the teleporter pyramid on the roof just like in act 2 you're going to place it close to the edge just like in act 2 then you're going to place your icon so that it stabs into the edge of this busted boat so this is this is how my setup for it so the second um the edge of spirit vision should be just poking right into the edge of this boat this little half circle so if you run out of spirit vision setting up just use your bed roll as a as another check so now the bed roll is in the edge there you can click save now um but remember when you reload you'll have to reset up the camera and everything but go into your options do the frame cap hit accept now this is the biggest uh well one of the hardest so um make sure you are have enough you make sure you have enough mouse pad to do this but yeah once again drop it and then fling your mouse basically throw your mouse as far as it will go so we're gonna do this now if we did this correctly so we're gonna hit options go to frame cap hit accept now we're just gonna spam our teleporter pyramid from here now we are in the correct position so if you manage to get in this position but your pyramid is not right here on this tip um what you can do is you can use teleport to possibly get grab it from wherever it is and if it's in a position where you can't really get to it use your page up or page down or arrow key or whatever just to like zoom in and try to select it from wherever it may be and then you should be able to teleport it up to this position okay so we don't need to do that um once you get to this position you can just grab the pyramid now from here i don't believe it's faster but you can oh yeah so you could drop the pyramid throw it up here teleport to it now this is a bit tricky because there's only a little bit of room here but it would be faster than running up the vines now if you're down here in this position you can actually just use tactical retreat and you can jump right up to here uh and then you can click on these vines and your character will go it is quite quick but i think if you were fast enough with the pyramid you would actually be faster kind of hard to say so from this position you're gonna drop your you're actually gonna click because for some reason you can't do anything for the first few seconds okay so you're gonna drop the pyramid out of your inventory and then you're gonna place it over by this bit here from here you're gonna go to this side try not to get hit by this fire if you do you're going to need to use your bed roll most likely so what you want to do is just basically just pyramid your way across up to these stairs now from these stairs what you need to do is adjust your um adjust your minimap so that the north pointer is actually covering this northeast spike like so and then you're going to position your camera as far as it'll go into the top right corner and you're going to position your portrait so it's in this crevice of this rock it doesn't have to be perfect um you know right there is fine right there is fine uh but the closer you are to the the little crevice of this rock the better so we're gonna try and get it perfect just for the speed run just for the tutorial that's good enough so this is where the third item third and final item fling comes into play go under your options enable um frame cap hit accept now this one is relatively easy for some reason it's just easier than the rest of them but what you want to do is you want to place this as far over as it can go or right about here and then you're going to drop it and fling your mouse into the top right corner ah see it didn't work um i don't know why that happens but or actually i do know why it happens but um if i could place it next to something that makes it not want to move it would be better but first there's just not really a lot of play in this area and wasting the time to do it and set up for it would just not be fast so practice your item flings because they're very hard to get done um they are technically a frame perfect trick so well they're supposed to be a frame perfect trick so yeah so you're gonna go into your options turn off frame cap uh and then you're gonna teleport using the pyramid one step closer to the council uh near the end of act three so if you normally came through you'd have to walk all the way through here um but we're not doing that we just threw the pyramid down and we you should always land right here you can actually land right in front of the titan but it doesn't really make it any faster because uh what you need to do is go to your skills you need to level widths to 22 and then you need to spam your skill or spam your equipment window what this actually does is it refreshes the game's um like save data so when you click save it doesn't accidentally save at 14 widths which will happen if you just do the widths and then close the window and then talk to the guardian uh because we need to quick save reload very soon here so i i spam the window like four or five times and then i will talk to the guardian go enter two and then skip the rest of the text and you're into the last part of this uh act so coming up to this fight the this it's all like for some reason doing these scenes um but we're going to skip through the arbiter's text and you're going to do one text skip on alexander and then you're going to click save and reload so when it says end like but don't click end just yeah um you may want to quick save before test like before skipping through the text just in case you mess up but here we can now skip text and it should be our turn now we are going to use cloak and dagger and tactical tree so cloak and dagger down to the bottom here um to this little point then use tactical retreat down here and while that's going you can move your pyramid over so this is time sensitive what you want to do is walk up to this pillar as soon as your character goes out of combat you want to level up strength and you want to level up warfare then you're going to talk to the pillar you're going to go into here and level up hot head if you do this all before the text it's very beneficial because you're you're basically using you're using up down time so if you can do that that's very good so you're going to be skipping all this text it's sometimes you will get a prompt for spirit vision here um so i suggest spamming the enter key as you're skipping this text anyway uh sometimes you won't i do know why but it's a little bit hard to explain so just moving on uh from this position you're actually going to jump you're just gonna use tactical retreat to here you're going to make sure you know where your bed roll is on the hot bar run up to this position use your bed roll before you get into combat drop your death fog barrel off to the left side and then you're just going to run into combat skip the first text now right as she talks she's going to jump and you're going to quick save while she's midair and reload as soon as that's done this is a bit tricky and sometimes it won't work if it doesn't work it's not the end of the world um but i suggest trying to do this as it is much easier and much faster so we got the skip if she attacks you just reload do the same thing you did with alexander click save on the last text and then reload oh um the other important thing if you do need to do the reload on the last text make sure her voice line is completed i don't know why but if the voice line is not completed she will still attack you okay so here we have the bed roll we have the strength we have the warfare so our tentacle lash is actually gonna do a fair bit of damage so we're gonna use tentacle ash on her and if you get lucky like i just did she will turn into the titan if not if not you just have to run up and attack him uh attack him once so now we're going to actually use teleport on the titan and you're going to place him directly uh south of the barrel here that south no it's not well you place him directly down of the barrel here then from here as soon as he dies you're going to use tactical retreat and jump up to this position and start running up here if you take too long like you don't want to wait for this text right you want to use all your down time so here you're going to actually skip all the text and just keep running so skip all the text and keep running the whole reason we moved our teleporter pyramid out of the first slot was because we didn't want to accidentally use it while skipping that text so just hit escape to skip the cut scene skip all this and you're going to run to here then you're going to use cloak and dagger use tactical retreat jump down here and while your character is jumping actually move your teleporter pyramid to the first slot you're going to talk to the boat then you're going to talk to melody and that is the end of act three and we're moving into the final act the final act is extremely quick um requires a bit of precision and a lot of out of bounds but uh i hope you guys are having a good time make sure you subscribe if you enjoyed this um or if it helped you in any way if you guys like the content go check out some of my shorts man they're they're getting better i won't say they're good but they're getting better all right so you're going to skip all of malady's text then immediately open up your waypoints and just hit travel that will bring you back to the hall of echoes you're going to run up to this position in front of the stairs and while you're running you're going to open your equipment with e and you're going to level up your wits as high as it will go you're going to come over to the combat abilities and put as many points in single-handed as possible and that's all for that so coming over to this position now you can do this so as soon as your character is in this door you can do this trick you don't need to wait for him to get here um but what you want to do is place your red pyramid above the chest here and then you want a quick save because this is a if you mess this up is game breaking so it's soft locking so quick saving is good so all you do is roughly align these sorry roughly align this here and your hot bar to be parallel and then you can just drag the pyramid up and move it about an inch to the left maybe a little less than an inch um this should put it in the right position but you do want to be more to the left than in the center okay so we can teleport to it yeah we would i would prefer if we were a little bit more to the right so if we click into position here um once our character is at this rock point this this high point in the rock we're going to use teleport like just press teleport and it will stop your character you do stop your character and then we're going to teleport the pyramid into the imbalance the inbounds should should be right around here now if you can you would you don't want to be like way over on the right here you want to be around this position is better but uh sometimes you don't get so lucky it all depends on your character's positioning here so we got that's that's perfect positioning right there so what you want to do is grab the pyramid and throw it up on this table then you want to click so that feign starts walking down these stairs and hold alt so click so that fain's walking down the stairs and then grab the magister sword you're gonna teleport through the pyramid and then you're going to throw the pyramid over here open up your inventory um you're actually going to open up both your inventory and your equipment and you're going to swap the sword with the shiv there's no better spot to do this so i just suggest doing it now so you attack hold control to attack the sewer gate grab your pyramid and then uh yeah go through the gate so once you're past the sewer gate you're gonna start running and you're just gonna place your pyramid over here right in front of the statue and uh you're going to next place it close to this wall like as close as possible and in like in this vicinity by this box so right here is a good spot teleport to it and for whatever reason the pyramid doesn't see this wall as a wall because it is destructible so we can just go right through it now this next placement you want to place your mouse anywhere on this pillar and it should place it right at the top so doing that teleport to it and then from here this one is a bit tricky but you should be able to see a like a light a light like a lighter black and then a darker black and you want to place it uh in this u-shape just perpendicular to it where it says target's too far come back a little bit and then drop the pyramid from here you're going to teleport to it and then you're going to hold your camera rotation and adjust it the to the right or left right or left so you can see this line at this angle now you're going to use teleport and you can see here that i have high ground advantage right here this is good i can see that this area right here should be where i place my pyramid so i'm going to click on the pyramid and now it goes away but if i'm if i do it correctly i should be able to teleport into one of these positions so you just want to click on your pyramid and then move in down into this position so from here you're actually going to use your teleporter pyramid and then click on these stairs before he talk before the little skitter bug talks to you um it's actually like a tiny like voidwagon now as soon as you load into here you're going to click off to the right and then adjust your camera and use tactical retreat to land in this area so you want to do it when your character reaches like this point so if you do it right it should look like this click the reason being is that there's actually a cut scene here so you want to skip it not a cut scene but like a scene so now we're going to go straight up and this is the biggest glitch in the game have no idea how it works but uh basically i'll try to explain it there's basically a trigger wall here for for illusion and what we're gonna do is we're going to cloak and dagger down into this position and quick save at the same time so what this does is it will quick save while we're mid air and it will actually will be in this position in the air before lucian talks to us but after the trigger so when we reload the game won't realize that we've passed the trigger and it will allow us to just be in this position uh in the event that you're doing a casual play through and this happens to you all you have to do is take lucian and teleport him up onto um the merchant i can't remember his name anyways moving on to the b run so cloak and dagger to this position and spam the f5 key as soon as you click here so if you do it right it should look like this so it quick spam the f5 key as soon as you do that and then as soon as it finishes quick saving you can reload and your character should be in that position without talking to lucian and like so we've actually accomplished that now um you could kill everybody in this area if you wanted to and it wouldn't matter they wouldn't do it wouldn't even bat an eye so here we're actually going to uh you can see we have an 88 chance to hit uh the cloaked figure that's because we maxed our strength we maxed our wits for crit chance and we maxed our warfare um and our single handed is as high as we can get it and uh none of the other abilities help us so all you're gonna do is you're going to use your control button to attack the cloaked figure um he won't attack back so every time you attack him your character is going to finish the animation and put his sword away so even if i spam clicked this it would be really slow because if i missed like one or two attacks he would get all his armor back so yeah so if i wait too long he'll get all his armor back there it goes okay so to remedy this what you're gonna do is something called attack canceling so as soon as feign attacks and his swing follows through and actually hits him you're going to click you're just going to click on the character to try and or to cancel the animation and him putting away the sword so we hit him now there doesn't actually have to be somewhere where fane moves just clicking cancels the animation but if you played uh any like moba sometimes there is attack cancelling so you guys might might know how to do this but you know in general attack canceling is very easy you just want to click on his foot area you want to press control attack him and then let go of control and just click and then press control and attack him again so it'll look like something like this um it is not you can actually just spam click and as soon as you let go of the as soon as you let go of control it's gonna help so all you have to you can spam click uh however whatever works for you just practice it and uh get used to it that is how you kill and finish the game here we're almost done we just have to skip all the text and head towards the end of the game uh spoilers so once you reach this point uh by this by these steps you can use cloak and dagger to jump up onto the mast and then we can use tactical retreat now keep in mind tactical retreat will not give us any advantages i have no idea why but that's just the case watch the end of the boat let's keep all the text and you have successfully completed your speed run of divinity original sin 2. all right if this helped you i am asking you to consider subscribing i know you've heard it a thousand times but um if you enjoy the content and you want to see more i'll be i'm trying to upload shorts uh youtube shorts every day for divinity i think they're kind of funny and i'm getting better at editing so yeah we'll see we'll see um if you want to see me streaming i do stream on twitch and uh youtube but i work a full-time job now so that's a little bit less so if you guys just want to watch the youtube videos i won't blame you but if you do want to see the streams head over to my twitch or just subscribe because i also stream on youtube if you have any questions or would like to know anything about the speedrun feel free to ask in the comments below and i will try to get back to you and if you want to be a part of a awesome community feel free to join the discord all links are in the description below um i also want to say thank you to everybody who supported me at agdq that was almost two months ago now but uh i feel like it was just yesterday i ended up doing agdq i ended up not having to move i ended up getting a really good opportunity to rent an apartment um as a lot of you know i was living in a little trailer for a very long time almost two years um and uh yeah so now this is my space and i'm i'm really happy about it so i think in the future i may start doing more true glitchless speedruns which are about four hours long um that include no death fog barrel no pyramids no glitches uh and no teleport pyramid so while pyramids are not a glitch they're not really meant to be used that way so and if you're wondering yes this speed run can be adopted into honor mode so if you have any questions about that feel free to ask below but i have beat it you can go check out the video on my channel it is up there it's like one of the top five there so go check it out anyways guys thanks so much for watching always appreciate it i hope you have a great rest of your day and as always stay worldly [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Worldlyy
Views: 22,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: divinity2, guide, in depth guide, fane guide, speedrun guide, dos2 speedrun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 42sec (5202 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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