Divers Get Stuck in Tunnel Named "The Intestine" | Cave Exploring Gone Wrong

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hello everyone and welcome back to scary interesting in this video we're going to go over three more terrifying cave stories to put it plainly if you ever happen to be caving and encounter a section known only as the intestine it's probably time to turn around unfortunately for the people in the final story they didn't and instead found out how the section got its name as always viewer discretion is advised [Music] in December of 2002 three friends Kylie Megan and kir and the other girls staying at a group home in Cedar City Utah gathered together to hear an announcement when the girls had quieted down one of the counselors told them that a special field trip had been planned for them on Christmas Eve this group home was a facility that provided treatment programs for girls with substance emotional mood and behavioral issues and field trips were common but this one was very different from the rest each of the girls in the house also had a unique story that led them there but if anyone seemed like they didn't belong there it was Kylie the first impressions of her was that she was a goody two shoes just from the way she looked when she first arrived at the home she had glasses dirty blonde hair with bangs and dressed rather plainly giving the impression that she was a bit of a nerd as the other girls got to know her though they discovered how sweet down toe and most of all how funny Kylie was they were always amazed by her ability to make even the saddest girls among them laugh when no one else could get them to so much as smile Kylie was given up for adoption as a baby and was eventually taken in by an upper class family but unfortunately that wasn't enough to keep her from walking a destructive path as a teenager she supposedly used drugs often and did a lot of parting and she eventually ran away from home and that's how she ended up in the group home there she made friends with Megan and kir and the three usually enjoyed field trips that were planned for them when the announcement was made about the Christmas Eve trip however kir couldn't shake this sudden feeling like something bad was going to happen and she couldn't figure out why she tried to tell the counselors and therapists at the group home about it but her feelings were dismissed as nothing once the destination of the field trip was announced though Kira understood what her instincts were trying to tell her the counselors would be taking the girls to Bloomington cave which is a remote but popular underground tunnel system in the southwest corner of the state if anything terrible was going to happen that month Kier just knew it would be on this trip however the rest of the girls including Kylie and Megan were excited and thought that it was a cool idea for a field trip for more than 100 years after its Discovery Bloomington cave was a favorite hangout for Boy Scouts and cavers unfortunately it was also the perfect place to do elicit substances or participate in underage drinking which Drew people who weren't terribly respectful of the Cave the walls were eventually covered in graffiti and the ground was constantly lit with bottles garbage and even human waste in addition in 1952 Utah's Dixie Grotto caving Club took an interest in Bloomington cave and spent time evaluating how safe it was since the caving club's purpose was to preserve and further the study of caves the club's conclusion was unexpected they recommended that bloom lton cave be blasted closed so no one would ever enter it their conclusion was that there was just far too much potential for inexperienced and unsupervised exploration plus they believe the entire cave was geologically unstable making it prone to rock falls and Cavin so in January of 1953 the Cave's five entrances were wired with dynamite and blasted to Rubble the closure wouldn't last long unfortunately because access points were created by teens who moved the broken rocks out of the way a second attempt at blasting them shut occurred in 1954 with the same results the effort was just abandoned later the Salt Lake Grotto caving Club caught wind of the Cave's existence and took it on as a mapping project in 1977 they managed to measure 3,000 ft or 9914 M of tunnels but at that point they deemed the project too dangerous to continue as well then in 1999 members of a local Grotto Club spent 3 years picking up where the previous group left off and measured Bloomington cave to be 7,136 ft or 2,175 M in length then finally on the morning of Christmas 2002 five counselors and 15 girls loaded up in a van and headed south on Interstate 15 to Bloomington an hour and a half later and after a long unpaved road they finally reached the parking area before they went inside the girls were split into two groups among the five counselors and then told to form a straight line a counselor was at the front of the line then three of the girls then another counselor and another three girls and so on from the outside the group had a hard time telling where the cave was at all the South entrance was basically a hole in the ground after all the blasting so the counselors and the girls had to CR Crouch and crawl just to get inside then once inside it was a maze of tight corridors and wide tunnels that can be reduced to just a few feet by large Boulders and rock piles once they got in the counselors reformed the line and instructed the girls to hold hands after some cautious walking and crawling around the interior the group squeezed through a narrow tunnel one by one and entered a chamber aply named the big room this room is EAS the Cave's largest area and is littered with stalactites hanging from the ceiling and large Boulders spread out across the floor this natural beauty of the air was lost on many of the girls though after going through the tight passage to enter the big room some of the girls started to express their growing fear before entering the cave many of the girls were excited but the further in they went the more they recognized that what they were doing just didn't feel safe but regardless the counselors reformed the line once everyone had made it through the small tunnel and they grabbed each other's hands and continued on Kylie and Megan were in the same group and the two grabbed onto each other Tighter and Tighter as the line continued forward at around this point Megan noticed fear and Kylie which automatically made her all the more scared this was the first time Megan had sensed any fear in her at all in all the time she'd known her Kylie was eventually so scared that Megan had to encourage her to keep going and assure her everything was going to be all right just then for reasons Megan can't remember she let go of Kylie's hand for a second in that Split Second the sound of tumbling mixed with screaming echoed through the massive chamber before a thud brought it to a stop Megan whipped around expecting to see Kylie behind her but she was gone by that point all the lights the group had were or pointed in Megan's Direction that's when they noticed a rock ledge that dropped 150 ft immediately to their left they had no idea about the counselors then shine their lights around the lower floor and there was Kylie laying motionless on the Rock several of the counselors then rushed down to her while the others led the girls out and called for help when they arrived menx ran into the cave and started making their way to Kylie knowing every second could be the difference between life and death when they finished climbing down more than 100 ft to reach her though they immediately knew it was too late it didn't take more than a single glance at her to know there was no saving her afterward it took a search and rescue team the rest of the day to remove Kylie's body and transport her to the morg the group home then informed Kylie's adoptive parents of the accident and as you might imagine they were devastated and wanted answers surprisingly this would become controversial the person who was still in charge of the group home as of 2022 told the salt leg Tribune that the group home Bears no responsibility in Kylie's death he pointed to the autopsy and claims the medical examiner told him that Kylie would have died no matter where she was that day because of an undiagnosed heart problem according to his interview with the salt leg Tribune he was told that Kylie's fall was the result of cardia Aras and that no one was at fault the more accepted explanation obviously was that there was a complete lack of preparedness when the girls followed their counselors into Bloomington cave that day the group had only eight light sources between all 20 of them five had Lambs which each of the counselors wore and just three flashlights for 15 girls to share this is a sixth of what would typically be recommended for a group that size apparently just before Kylie's fall visibility was so low among everyone they were literally feeling their way forward with their feet that was the only way they could tell if there was Solid Ground ahead of them it's still unclear if Kylie took a wrong step or if she lost her balance but when the areas lit up it's easy to understand how much of a difference being able to see makes to safety and it's important to note that the official police and autopsy reports list her cause of death as liver lacerations and blunt trauma both caused by the fall and not her heart the group home was never held accountable for its role in the accident on the evening of January 15th 1995 Frank closed his eyes as he ducked his head under the shower spray the sun had just set outside as his mind wandered through a review of the day and what was to come in the next then suddenly he was snapped out of his Daydream a feeling had come over him and it was a horrifically uncomfortable one Frank's son conli who was known by con was supposed to be home by then after a weekend of adventure with a handful of friends con was a member of the Kevin Street caving Club at the Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland and was part of a group planning to explore the Cradle hle cave just across the border from Ireland in the United Kingdom the 10 college students spent the previous day checking out tunnels in a different cave system that really tested them so on Sunday a more leisurely exploration was planned once that was complete they'd begin driving the 2 and 1/ half hours back to Dublin however even with all that plant con should have been home by then Frank then turned the shower off and the sound of running water was replaced by faint voices coming from downstairs in an instant he knew his instincts were correct after drying off and getting dressed he rushed down the stairs to find a police officer talking to his wife when they both turned to look at him their expressions told him everything among the landscape of Northern Ireland where Bedrock has formed sink holes caves and springs cradle hole is the largest known locally as duine which is another term for sinkhole cradle hole measures more than 100 m long 60 M wide and 35 M deep it was once several smaller caves beneath the surface but collapsed long ago thanks to the river that flows to the area thousands of years of erosion weakened the Limestone and eventually it all sank into the Earth the river then re-rooted itself to run through cradle hole giving the cave a constant echo of Rushing Water the cave is also divided into two sections upper cradle hole and lower crle hole the upper portion requires visitors to Wade through the river into large Chambers with beautiful formations all around from there water then flows into an underground Lake which is 230 ft or 70 M long incredibly the waterway that connects the upper portion with the lower portion was only discovered in 2010 and much of the river inside the cave is cold and deep this is sort of a unique experience even in caving making the single system a must visit for Avid cavers at 21 years old KH was already a passionate inventur who enjoyed climbing mountains his dream was to one day Summit Mount Everest but he enjoyed caving equally as much also among the group of 10 entering cradle hole that Sunday were 20-year-old Philip and 22-year-old Patrick both were members of the Kevin Street caveen club and Patrick is one of the founders and Philip joined about a year after its formation and despite being a caveen club everyone in the group was relatively inexperienced at it this was far from their first cave experion but there was still a lot they didn't know about the way different caves behave around noon on that Sunday the college students entered cradle hole and advanced into a huge chamber on the other side of it was a narrow tunnel that continued on into the system the group then waited to the river in the direction of the tunnel and when they neared it Patrick told the rest to wait while he checked to see if it would be safe to enter he noticed the river was moving pretty quickly in the wide open chamber so he was concerned that the current might be too strong when it concentrated in the more narrow tunnel on top of that the water level was almost in line with the top of the passage of course the quarter could widen out just beyond the opening which would allow them to pass through it but there was only one way to find out horrifyingly by the time he figured things out it was too late the area around the cars landscape surrounding crit hole had experienced several days of heavy rain leading up to January 15th and although it was a beautiful day outside when they entered the cave rainwater was still seeping through the Limestone and into the river this greatly increased the depth and power of its current Patrick didn't seem to recognize the danger he was in and smiled at the others as he took a big deep breath and tried to swim against the current all of a sudden he disappeared Philip was the closest to Patrick and he entered the rage and curent to help his friend but Philip was immediately trapped in the curent too and just like Patrick it swept him away Han was the next one in to try to help and within moments he was gone just like the others the current had swept all three of them into a narrow passage that was so flooded there was very little space between the surface of the water and the ceiling this menant that air would be scarce until they were spit out on the other end of the tunnel the danger of this seemed to be lost in the other seven group members they stood there expecting to be let in on the joke any second thinking this was all a big prank however this anticipation slowly transitioned in fear just 20 minutes earlier they first entered cradle hole for what they believed would be a casual cave exploration before heading home and now they were faced with a tragedy the seven remaining members then split up to try to see if the other three were maybe trapped in another chamber but despite searching the various passages there was no son of them they searched for almost 4 hours before realizing they were going to need help from emergency services so around 4:00 the seven cavers exited credle hole and called in the instant that sparked about 50 Rescuers into action as experienced cavers and police divers raced to the cave outside two helicopters from Britain's royal Air Force searched the outlet area of the river but not a single sign of the three was found before the search was suspended for the night around the same time the effort was wrapping up authorities began informing family members that their sons were missing there was something inside Frank that knew better though something inside him knew that he'd be identifying his son's body within the next few days the next morning the search continued and by that point the current and height of the river had reduced dramatically and the Hope was that the three men managed to find a pocket of air or a large chamber where they could wait out the water tragically that wasn't the case around 24 hours after they first entered cradle hole Patrick and Philips bodies were found and it would take another day for cons to be recovered today there is a memorial plaque outside credle hole in remembrance of the three young lives that were taken too soon on Friday August 19th 2016 12 Italian scuba divers were preparing for the brilliantly Blue Waters on the coast of poeno Italy situated 124 Mi or 200 km southeast of Naples pauro is a beautiful quaint Resort town that sees tourists from all over the world every summer especially divers the day's dive plan was to check out the imersion onor which translates to immersed wall this massive underwater Cliff is dotted with several cave openings and is a beautiful natural habitat for all sorts of underwater sea life making it perfect for diving the dive organizer was moral Cardella the owner of a local Diving Center and a dive instructor who taught three different types of certifications Cardella lived like he belonged in the water and rarely did a day go by without the 49-year-old getting in the water along with him for the dive was Moro t who is an assistant instructor at Cardell Diving Center and their 58-year-old friend Sylvio Sylvio wasn't a dive instructor like the other two but he was an expert in scuba diving and shared cella's passion for underwater exploration now in addition to poo being known for its gorgeous underwater rock formations and mysterious caves it's also known for the curse of pauro the town has had several diving accidents and tragedies over the years in 1984 two underwater speleologists drowned during research dive then later three divers from Poland died was becoming trapped in one of the caves in 1996 then in 2012 four more divers were killed when the roof of the cave they were explored collapsed this wouldn't be anything for the group of 12 to worry about though because they didn't have any plans to enter any of the caves soon enough all 12 divers were in the water taking the breathtaking views of all the beauty beneath Pino's Waters then a little while later they began resurfacing at the agreed upon rendevu time around 11:30 when nine of the divers surfaced they waited in the water for the dive organizer and his two friends excitedly sharing what they thought of the immersion wall with one another considering the diving expertise of the three men who hadn't returned yet there was very little worry among the others they just figured the three of them decided to extend their dive for a while longer or maybe they came across something they had never seen before or they just lost track of time then when the other three still had returned to the surface after more time had passed others began to suspect something had actually happened some of the divers on the Excursion hurried to the wall to see if they could see any of the men but none of them had cave diving certification obviously no one wanted to be added to the list of the missing so they remained outside the cave and continued to search the sea for them through the night eventually exhausted without any luck the authorities were finally contacted which is something that probably should have taken place at least half a day sooner but in any case the pauro fire service arrived sometime later and although they were trained in underwater rescue its members were not expert cave divers so authorities reached out to a 61-year-old local named Fabio he was another of Poo's diving experts he was actually the first to map out one of the caves in the wall called the gr de skeleta this translates to Cave of the ladder or ladder cave which was named for two long sections that run vertically the cave entrance which is only about 4 ft or 1 and 1/2 M wide sits on the wall about 46 ft or 14 M below the surface from the entrance the first tunnel extends horizontally until intersecting with the first vertical shaft going down into the shaft the bottom curves and gradually Returns the horizontal and then to the end of the bottom tunnel at the end of this tunnel is an extremely tight restriction at around 164 ft or 50 M below the surface along the bottom of this tunnel is also a combination of sand and silt and because found Naro is a silt out is a virtual certainty especially for inexperienced cave divers who don't know how to handle that type of situation when Fabio mapped it he called this cramp tunnel the intestine of poal and knowing what he knew he had a feeling this story wouldn't have a happy ending the intestine is also about 52 ft or 16 m in length and the undulating walls inside close in to Less Than 3 ft or less than meter at some points if they made it through this tunnel they would have come upon a fork with one tunnel above them and another Straight Ahead choosing the tunnel above them would have taken them back to sea level but they'd still be enclosed inside the rock inside of an air pocket at the very top of the shaft even if they had ended up in the air pocket it likely didn't have nearly enough oxygen to sustain even one person for very long let alone three this meant there was only one hope of the men and that was if they managed to make it through the intestine and then chose to bypass the vertical shaft and continue straight ahead had they done that they would have reached the back entrance to the cave and come out into the Open Sea on the other side of the rock but Fabio was sure that if they had managed to make it out the back entrance they would have already been found he didn't tell anyone at the scene but it was Fabio's belief that the divers were dead long before authorities were even called just after he arrived Fabby was asked to dive into the cave and see what he could find he entered the water made his way to the entrance descended down the first vertical shaft and made his way into the bottom tunnel where the opening to the intestine is low located when he entered the bottom tunnel and shined his flashlight ahead of him he immediately stopped and turned around when he resurfaced he then confirmed the poor Authority that the men were either trapped inside the tunnel or up in the air pocket of the second vertical shaft the intestine was apparently so heavily silted out that most of the bottom tunnel still had near zero visibility Fabio knew then that the only reason to keep searching for them was to recover their bodies word of the missing divers spread around poo and the reaction was pure disbelief it seemed that everyone in poo knew camarella and tanky on some level and their reputation as highly skilled divers the diver social media filled with comments and posts expressing love and hope that they'd come out of this alive no matter how Bleak things looked from the start then after waiting until they were sure the silt was settled it took rescue divers only 4 hours to find Cardella and tank crdy both men were dead outside the entrance of the intestine the sil out was so bad that even though Fabio had been just a few feet from them he was unable to see their bodies then later inside the intestine ilo's body was found wedged in one of the narrower sections he was held so firmly by the rock around him that it took 6 more days to free his body from the tunnel after their recovery an investigation got underway to figure out what exactly happened and according to the official report here's what is believed is the most likely scenario when all 12 divers reached the wall they split up into two smaller groups to explore it's unknown if it was planned or an impromptu decision but Cardella tankr and Sylvio entered the cave either way because sylvio's head was facing toward the entrance used to enter the cave it seems the men had actually made it safely through the intestine but then on the way back Sylvio got trapped he was also in behind them when he got stuck and struggled to free himself then because of how badly they had silted the bottom tunnel out camell and tankr exited the cave without noticing that Sylvia wasn't with them they probably stopped for a moment to see if he was just lagging behind but after a few moments they went back into the cave to try to find him when they re-entered scarletta it's unknown exactly how much air they had left it's believed though that they realized syia wasn't them around 11:30 this would have put all three of them on the cusp of tapping into their Reserve air if they hadn't already reached that point if Sylvio panicked at all as he was stuck in the claustrophobic passage his respiration rate would have increased and his Air Supply would have dwindled much faster it's thought that camarella and tank credy lost track of time and failed to check their air gauges as they worked to try to save Sylvio the moment they ran out of air was likely the first moment they realized they were in serious trouble Cardella and tank creddy are seen as selfless Heroes who lost their lives we trying to save a friend if you made it this far thanks so much for watching if you have a story suggestion I'd love to hear it and you can submit it to the form found in the description in particular if you have any caving stories you'd like to see covered they're getting harder and harder to come by so if you know of any that would be awesome thanks again and hopefully I will see you in the next one
Channel: Scary Interesting
Views: 840,251
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Id: x7b8P27AkP0
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Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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