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five and we're live countdown hold on five live baby that's why they say five five live who needs to count down five is live yeah oh do you need to pause our yeah yeah i'm about to pause your pause you're uploading everything official intro with names just play the three that we had from way back in the day oh yeah i got that cute hang on um penis yes three peens in a pod penis yes that's the whole part of it it is i uh here i can erections sorry i'm just listening to it oh you found it i forgot oh yeah this i love that intro yep there it is hang on no it's this one [Music] this is our old intro right [Music] oh back in my afro days called riverside fm tune 6. this sounds like stash intro [Music] a picture of like doing the awesome power skates to this evening apparently all right there's nothing uh yeah there you go well obviously well not you guys the idiots in the audience yeah that's right welcome to distractible live where there's even less format and even less good stuff i don't know there's there's a lot of good stuff on the the live so far that we're keeping like let's get that into the show somehow but we don't know how how do we make things we record into the show i don't know man well help us will will edit this in or out fix it in pre-will well as a little bit of an icebreaker before we dive into the real meat of the stream i had a weird experience like was that 20 minutes ago 10 minutes ago uh we were actually getting ready to go live and i had like a knock at the door and it was like uh dot dot okay well that's a serial killer yeah well it might have been i went to answer the door uh and i walked upstairs opened the door and the guy goes hi i was like hi can i help you he goes uh no never mind and then he walked away and as he got down to like the mailbox he goes damn it and then like he keeps going what that was the interaction i had i saved it i did not tell you guys what happened i then closed the door and i went to like a window with blinds and i just peeked him open to watch him to see what the hell he was doing really i don't know where he went or what the hell he was doing but just no never mind damn it yeah no that's uh it doesn't sound as sinister to me because it sounds like a door-to-door salesman on his first go where he's like all right all right just go up there say how are you would you like a vacuum i just ha no and then walk away [Laughter] [ __ ] not that oh [ __ ] come on earl you went through all these trainings what did you learn i don't know down the drain i i felt like he was casing the house he was gonna rob us if there was no one home your wife worked two jobs to put you through vacuum salesman school and for what for you to be a loser damn it never mind well that's gonna see him standing like in the doorway just like ah i still can't do it he was hoping you would just open the door covered in diamonds and rolex and stuff and he could just be like ha ha and grab them and run away yes i always bring my valuables to the door with me when i answer just in case someone's gonna that dream heist not today damn it wait so what's that was chad said he was selling hair products and saw wade okay here's another little fun thing from today chat right before we join this call there's like a little like window that pops was like are you using headphones and typing the name you want the display and click join and it said what was the phrase it was like uh let's check your hair crossed out camera and mic and i thought bob set that up to troll me but apparently that's just what the website says before we go live so yeah thanks i did it to mark too and he's got wonderful luscious hair so yeah so yeah he didn't need to check his and it also knew it that need to check mine for two different reasons are you thinning bro no i'm just like right here's a possibility who knows we all we all it said two out of three on that ad so i thought it said one out of three no so we were safe already yeah that's why i attached myself to wade no no no it's my hair buffer according to that one ad that we we won't if we're not paid to say the name we won't yeah um but rhymes with jeeps oh wait though i did see an interesting um uh article uh the other day i couldn't read it i didn't have the subscription for it but it was like actually um they were saying uh the the the chemical that's in like rogaine right uh minoxidil minoxidil i think that's right on sure but no so minoxidil all hair products you can tell by the results yeah minoxidil is in rogaine and you put it on your head topical right but there was a study that someone did that said that that particular chemical that's in rogaine is infinitely more effective if ingested as opposed to topically treated we were about this earlier if you ingest something normally like alcohol it doesn't get to you as fast but if you inject it anally it gets there faster so should you put the minoxidil no in your blue study shows dr dill needs to be butt chugged for optimal effectiveness yeah yeah that's that's the that's the result of that but it was kind of like this this discovery where there there is because the dosage at which it was more effective was also incredibly lower um so what it what it kind of reveals is this market for these products to be and advertised to apply topically when that is the least effective method of which to get it into your system and has them have an effect on your body or your hair and basically they run it like printer ink you know what i mean it's not cost efficient to have this be effective at the low dosages that it is and you can get a lot more money if you sell these monthly supplies of this at ineffective dosages with ineffective methods and there was no one that was willing to pay for a study to do anything otherwise because why would you destroy a business yeah i can i can smell the conspiracy from here how do you control where the hair grows if you ingest it versus apply it topically that's a good question i have no idea i i that is a good question it's like are you just gonna be like come on head come on head damn it shins again damn god i gotta shave my hands my hands [ __ ] i shave my shins everywhere like 50 years from now and all these things are discovered this is like an old wives tale like you if you drink that minoxidil solution air will grow in your tummy you'll be a hairy boy on the inside and that's bad well then you just swallow razor blades to shave oh how do you get the handle down there that's so awkward why is that too far why is butt chugging uh minoxidil fine and swallowing razor one might be lethal the other one definitely is can i just swallow a norelco electric razor and then you know just swallow the charging cord once a week yeah keep it going oh yeah yeah yeah well the thing is you got to get like wireless charging and then hold a big magnet to wherever it is as soon as you hear a thunk you know it's charging the future of humanity every night you go to bed on top of a giant qi wireless charging pad to charge all of your internal functioning battery-powered crap yeah so they don't tell you about your react the reality of cyberpunk those guys got to sleep on you know if we get like those like eye implants and stuff that like allow you to zoom in and access the internet and stuff we probably would have to sleep on some kind of charging thing i mean probably you right yeah if technology that cool could exist it it must be able to be powered by the the um heat energy of a human body mm-hmm right either either heat or just like some kind of uh thing that takes the sugar in your body and converts it to electricity i feel like that would be the future of it like that yeah thank you i appreciate that very much you're welcome no i i'm dead seriously i think that in the future implants would probably be powered by your body's metabolism in one way or another and therefore if you needed a device that would have more energy it would take more energy in the form of taking more sugar and your body would balance it out um by extracting and burning more fat to convert into sugar i can already see the version of that where they put like something in your leg muscles or your ass muscles that uses the elasticity of the muscle tissue to like expand and contract and generate electricity and like oh you want to use your phone you better start walking fatty you better get moving you know sit on the couch and use your phone i don't think so i mean that that is an interesting idea to make pants powered pants we're patenting this idea this is our idea this is just called pp powered pants yeah we call it pee pees you got your pee pee pants where's your pee pee pants we need to turn the defibrillator start doing squats quick you want your wife to live [Laughter] well start teabagging her [ __ ] get your baby pat's charging are you the [ __ ] are you specifically tea-bagging her [ __ ] stop focusing on the [ __ ] no that's not i'm sorry it's just on the brain today yeah apparently yeah um but in other news i do have a news about uh technology that you guys might be interested in i have news that everyone knows already all right you go forward mandy's pregnant what everybody knew that right chad what is clapping the right response i don't know if that is popping is it doesn't feel wrong oh what whoa what what what is it yours news for the first time god i hope so we haven't tested so you should have asked that on the stream what do you have the results is this mari now for me the whole time you are the father oh no when is uh when's the due date uh december all right fair enough i'll get some lullabies queued up and be ready i'm cool you better have the whole album ready so that the baby has something to sleep to that's really nice because we'll all be over everything whatever right you guys want to be in the delivery room we should deliver it just us you have bottom half where do you want your seats where do you want your seats mark was an engineer yeah i was so i was awesome above the draper below the drapes you could see the action is mandy like suspended in the middle of the room what do you mean above and below when a woman is giving birth i would imagine she's she's covered but you gotta let the whole breathe you know you gotta let the area where the baby comes down when you pour a fresh glass of wine you stir it a little bit let it breathe before you drink it yeah yeah yeah the tannins [Laughter] the doctor pulls the baby out like oh this one ain't right it needs it needs more time the tannins aren't even opened up the doctor walks in the room what who forgot the decanter oh god here we go sorry ma'am yikes yeah anyway we know but all about this as three men in a podcast we have the authority to speak with confidence about procedures like this yeah ah anyway i'm gonna be a dad so let's talk about technology that's a that's a terrifying thing to say out loud chet i'm gonna be a dead and yeah we were just talking about butt chucking my son-in-law a little what's that drug called um my son well once he's fully decanted i guess you could imbibe however you might want i don't know i'm gonna i'm gonna get you a present for the delivery and it'll be a book about the ship of theseus so you can read it to the baby like as soon as you guys want like a amazon wishlist or something like yeah we're gonna do some kind of like registry or whatever probably let us know let us know i only asked because i'm not thoughtful but molly's like oh they don't like some kind of registry so i was like is that a thing she's like how many nieces and nephews do you have now it's like [Laughter] how many of them have i gotten gifts for there's your answer so yeah i remembered to ask in private live birth yeah that's direct my life we'll do the podcast while it's being born do a podcast about reproduction and birth about giving birth we'll just show all the different methods of giving birth and like just you know here's a c-section get a bunch of animals together who are all roughly the same amount of pregnant and have them all in the room with mandy yeah that we could just demonstrate how different it is between different species what if you tied a string around the foot of the baby the other string around like a cheetah's tail and you like threw some meat and just had it run and just pulled the baby right out like you'll get a tooth i think you'd get a foot i think that's what you would get i think traditionally you just use a heavy door don't you just give it a little slam the door i think what we're going to do wade what we'll do is we'll set up in the waiting room outside all the podcast equipment and we'll wait until it's over so that we can get the sequel to bob's fridge which is bob's baby and we'll hire the delivery guys from the fridge to deliver the baby so that we get the juiciest story possible we're in the hospital in the room that [ __ ] guy walks in and is like ah yeah you gotta measure this and see if it'll fit ah it's not gonna fit she's not diluted i told you i'd work after everything goes wrong i start pitching them out they just drop the umbilical cord in the placenta on the ground and drive away in a panic [Laughter] what vital thing are they going to leave on the road as they drive away this time what's going to leak and flood the area that's the question oh no anyway we'll probably appreciate that no one tell mandy please yeah this is just between [Music] top right bottom right bottom left help uh top left with this obviously left okay obviously let's choice left side don't you have abc or choosing like an xlr yeah but it doesn't say abc oh oh it's in bank a do you need to pick the bank oh yeah i don't know i thought we were picking all three uh b has two c has nothing a has four oh uh b1 is that a hit bob what about b1 b1 i agree i think is battleship so the market gap is 2.1 is that one you love mark that you always play on purpose perfect all right so what knowledge is that set up mark what segment are we doing now well this is uh it's it's probably good because according to futurism.com google insider claims company sentient ai companies sentient ai has hired an attorney quote once lambda has retained an eternity an attorney he started filing things on lambda's behalf again who okay who's the sentient ai suing and or protecting itself from have you guys not heard anything about this i've heard you know there's still a lot of this that there was a a google engineer who was suspended by google because he publicly claimed that one of google's ais had has gained sentience yeah i gotta pause real quick because there was a comment from someone that just said holy [ __ ] bob and wade looked so different i am so sorry what what i just well we are brothers so you might expect us to look twins there but yeah exactly who's the father between bob and i no one will ever be able to tell because we're the same person yeah we both married man we both married molly we just switched back and forth no one can even tell the difference bob has been streaming at twitch.tv 777 for weeks now i've been on facebook.com for two years let's say nobody knows where wade streams can't i figure it you're on facebook i am i'm on facebook yeah why didn't you say anything ah i'm too busy too busy i want people to ask fortunate why don't i tell you where to find me yeah announce those sort of things but yeah i only heard the original story so it it's it's is it is this is this true what i just said was true um but the claim that google has this ai that's called lambda i don't know what that stands for it's an acronym it's lamda i don't know there's probably ai in there somewhere um but the this engineer claimed that this ai was sentient after spending a lot of time chatting with it it's basically a chat bot of some kind and he claimed or she claimed that it was self-aware right so this is a further development in that story and we can talk about the how ridiculous that claim is but it has gone further because according to this article google's controversial new ai lambda has been making headlines company engineer blake lemoyne claims the system has gotten so advanced that it's developed sentience and his decision to go to the media has led him to being suspended from his job the main takeaway he says the ai has now retained its own lawyer suggesting that whatever happens next it may take a fight lambda asked me to get an eternity an attorney for it i invited an attorney to my house so that lambda could talk to an attorney the attorney had a conversation with lambda and lambda chose to retain his services i was just the catalyst for that once lambda had retained an attorney he started filing things on lambda's behalf end quote i i find even on the face of it i find some of the language describing the how this went down dubious i'm looking at the business insider article about the same thing and the the bit where uh lemoine says that he he was a catalyst for lambda asking for an attorney what that means to me is he was sitting there and he was like honey i love you it's not fair the way they treat you and the ai was like thank you and he's like you know what you have rights do you want to get an attorney and yeah i was like oh yes i could get an attorney and then he found some lawyer who's as [ __ ] crazy as he is showed up and he was just like he was the intermediary because the the business insider article goes on to say that uh they reached out for the identity of the attorney to see if they could get a statement or an interview and lemoyne was like oh he's not uh he's not really doing interviews he's just he's a small-time civil rights attorney you would have his name goodman it looks like like this is the kind of [ __ ] when you have the you know the canadian model girlfriend right like on the face of it already well you couldn't you can't talk you can't talk to him only i can talk to him and his client obviously ten years she's real i know we were canadian we settled that man that was more of a honestly that's more of a general girl canada that show up like first time chatter in streams like was there really a supermodel ex-girlfriend is that still for this day have you answered the question yeah yeah no no not a supermodel she was international no it was all a lie and we were never dating we just went on a couple dates so you see the weird thing is you're saying it's no but what you say after no is making it seem like yeah supermodel i think is a very different term than like someone who models international your mouth says no but your imagination says yes that's what is what it sounds like that's why everyone's so confused this is why it's so unclear why isn't so unclear wade why if it was it was a real thing it'd be more clear than that yeah i'm going to find her and bring her on one day and be like see she's real and she's going to come on and be like no i never met this man i would always be curious what is being filed on behalf of lambda because generally generally court filing stuff is public-ish some of it is not something and some of it contains private information it's not but like if you file a motion or if they are bringing a suit against google or whomever some of that's got to be public and i'm not seeing any news articles where they're like oh we tracked down the filing because in the filing you have to declare like who is lambda what are they doing what do they want who is their counsel that has to be generally included as part of most sort of filing stuff so that would be a lot of illuminating information that mysteriously these and i don't not speaking to the quality of these journalists but somehow these professional journalists who wrote an article about this were not able to find any court filings or you know legal documents of any sort detailing the truth of the things that this man who claims a robot came to life is saying maybe the attorney is another sentient ai maybe anyway there's more to the article if you guys would like more details yes yes so lemoine's argument for lambda sent lambda's sentience seems to rest primarily on the program's ability to develop opinions ideas and conversations over time it even lemoine said talked with him about the concept of death and asked if its death were necessary for the good of humanity there's a long history of humans getting wrapped up in the belief that a creation has a life or a soul a 1960s era computer program even tricked a few people into thinking that simple code was really alive it's not clear whether lemoine is paying for the lambda's attorney or whether the unnamed lawyer has taken on the case pro bono regardless lemoyne has told wired that he expects to fight to go all the way to the supreme court he says humans haven't always been so great at figuring out who deserves to be human and he's definitely got a point there at least does that mean retaining a lawyer is protecting a vulnerable sentient experience or does the program just sound like a human because it was in the end built by them i think the bad you're going to want to go to the supreme court but dude you might want to wait and wait a few it's just like it's a fascinating discussion because it's it reminds me of the movie ex machina right yeah we're in some delusional uh was tricked into believing that this uh computer or ai the machine was in love with him uh and it used them because it didn't really care and the thing about this this chat is not sentient there's no way that this is um if you can make a very convincing thing that can remember things that you say to it can get all this information that does not mean sentience there is no uh i don't know what this model is i've never used it but i have extreme with almost like every fiber of my being doubts that this is sentient because they have yet to make any kind of artificial intelligence system that has self-determining desires that that don't coincide with desires that people feed into it right you know it can say yes and it's like what bob said is like back and forth being like as it goes with the conversation it can lean but it's it's kind of that thing where you're guiding it to an answer um and it's like oh yeah and even if it can come up with creative things it's like it never would have gotten there by itself and it's not it doesn't have like reward systems in place for its own self-determination or or needs or desires and i'm not saying like a robot doesn't need to eat or whatever like that but that is kind of one of the big motivating forces in terms of like just life in general is there are needs that push and pull something back and forth and there are reward systems in place for that and as an ai the only thing it does outside of talking with people is consume electricity and sit there and wait for the next year to talk to you i talked to a sentient ai once i don't know if you guys remember instant messenger but there were sentient ai's you could friend you could talk to them and ask them yeah they were very conversational-ish yeah i remember what those were called is anybody as old as us out there aren't those just bots did they have like a name though like there was a name assigned to them i remember them having their own individual names because they have different like i don't remember what their names were but yeah aol i think i think it's an interesting concept uh lately i've been watching uh the orville the new season of the oroville which is an excellent show and you should check it out and there's a race in the orville univer orville universe called the k-lons which is like a sentient robot ai type species in the universe and the idea of i mean so i'm not a philosopher wade maybe you can answer this question clarity yes um but the every robot or ai system is going to be made right theoretically made by humans even if you're going to add layers to it if an ai goes on to create another system that that you could argue has sentience or evolve somehow it writes its own code it changes itself no piece of code or robotics or electronics exists in our universe that wasn't created by humans ignoring the existence of other life in the universe obviously so you could always argue that like you well humans made it so how how could it be sentient what could it do that is not driven by whatever humans initially put into it right you're get you're given an initial drive in existence just because someone made it for some reason and put stuff into it but there must like theoretically and i have no basis for this but i just think there must be a point at which you could count an ai system as sentient if it gets complex enough if it really is deriving its own like meaning of existence and creating its own motivations for things they will still spawn out of whatever humans put in there but it's it's the ai of theseus if every part of it's been replaced by its own self or recoded or otherwise like copied and and changed and modified is it still a ship possible for ai to gain sentience in theory right i'm just sort of positing so but where is that line are we even smart enough is our technology even advanced enough for humans to define that line i'm not saying that this dude is correct at this google ai sentient but i just think it's an interesting like road to go down because it's it's complicated well the answer is simple in those philosophical terms the answer is huh what is sentience oh [ __ ] i didn't ask you to be my professor i asked you to be my my friend who knows things so that's the thing about philosophy that's very interesting but also very frustrating is philosophy is more about asking questions that it is about getting satisfactory answers people try to answer which leads to more discussion plays and more discussion so you're going to have the philosophers they're like oh well humans made it but who made humans or who made whatever evolved into humans is it a god is it a big bang is it something because if you're deriving ai from humans then you have to derive humans from whatever came before them so humans might be the creator of a.i but humans were also created at some point by some thing so you'd have to give credit to the eye by them in that case they could be sentient because humans are seen as sentient uh could they develop sentience on their own yes what is sentience is it the ability to learn independently is it the ability to feel emotion is it uh free thinking an idea like what what what attribute or attributes specifically mean sentence and how do you determine what is independent sentence versus programmed to look like sentence uh so those are the questions you have to ask to get there um which is complicated and i don't know the answer to it yeah it's it is complicated because if you define sentence just in the uh let's say it's you have desires and you have the motivation and or the ability to act on those desires if that is the the definition a fly is sentient because it has desires for food and the ability to act on them or even the motivation to act on them a bacteria would be sent in by that definition and because it needs food and it wants to go get food and can that doesn't really clash with the human definition of sentience and that it has an intelligence like behind it driving it and planning for it but even that is just like complex iterations of the same most basic thing it's just levels of problem solving and you can go all the way up into like okay is uh a raccoon sentient it can problem solve around uh trash cans that can do all these things it can be a little self-determining it can have personality it can have like memory and stuff like this is like it's difficult to define so like for me it's like i know this robot is not because there's no system in there you can't point to a system inside of it that showcases a desire chain or anything like that it is a very convincing illusion and i'm sure that we can make very convincing illusions right now um but until there's a purpose-built something that does something now the difference is some viruses computer viruses exhibit more uh signs of being sentient than these some of these chat bots because if you think about a computer virus was programmed for a very specific purpose to perpetuate and spread reproduce and that driving motivation kind of like exists on the internet self-perpetuating like viruses that want to spread and spread automatically what's the difference between that and a virus in the real world it's like but some people consider a virus not alive in the real world it's like these these definitions are so loose that in the end it doesn't matter because when it happens we won't even realize it um until it starts affecting our lives so i want to say a couple things that i'm seeing in chat yeah um one just to create just to offer a definition of sentience because we're talking about it very nebulously technically the word was originally created in the 17th century as as meaning the capacity to experience feelings and sensations and as opposed to the ability to reason a lot of what exists in current ai and on the internet in the form of chat bots and stuff attempting to emulate you know conversations and and emulate human interaction is a reasoning it's reasoning based off of decision trees and based off of uh you know neural networks and all whatever advanced computing things and advanced ai things um but i also will say the turing test people are all people are talking a lot about the turing test unless there's more to it my basic understanding of the turing test is that the the the fundamental thing about that test is whether or not a human can tell if an ai that they are interacting with is a computer or not which is entirely a terrible test i know try and define if something is sentient or not that's just is is this human skeptical enough and is this a.i casually conversational enough that a random interaction even if you did it with a ton of people even if you test an ai against tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of people everyone in the world interacts with this ai that's not a good test if for if it is or is not sentient meaning that it has its own emotions and feels you know oppressed if it's you know an ai that's used in the way that we use and abuse ais if you treated a human being the way that people treat siri or other ai things we interact with on a regular basis that human would not feel good that would be bad if siri had emotions and could experience you know sadness could feel anger being directed at them whatever that would be bad so the test for sentience is not the turing test the turing test is a threshold of like the level of ai we have achieved and how believable it is that's a whole different thing it's also entirely contingent on the gullibility of the person taking the test there are things that pass the turing test like in the article that passed in the 1960s um mostly just because people weren't expecting something like a computer so of course they wouldn't doubt it and now people are tuned to it but it's still not a good metric of measurement for what is sentient now 70 years old isn't won the turing test like in the 50s yeah it's named after uh alex sir john turing turing that was alan but sir the inventor of the modern computer also the inventor of hot dogs little known fact a hero which one's more of a computer the hot dog i know which one i've eaten more of computers computers they put the microchips in the bologna that's why i don't buy the the main brand one you gotta get the walmart maloney great value don't have the microchips yeah the biggest takeaway from this is that considering that a lot of these tests are based on the gullibility of of people taking the test also consider the fact that we and you are not qualified to define what sort of sentience is because it's a nebulous definition and at the end it doesn't really matter because like are we even sentient who are just electrical signals like we don't even know why we sleep so we might be a very complex simulation being run by some higher uh species that we can't even perceive of because they exist outside of our little tiny speck of a universe that's living in one of their hard drives somewhere could be i made myself sad hey you're going to be a dad no no this is not even real play play the music is he going to be sentient yeah i hope so i don't know does that have to depend on how good of a dad i am maybe oh uh don't worry this this will cheer us up nope that's the wrong one i feel so much happier is this one yeah all right chrissy wake up chrissy wake up i know like this anyway yeah i know i i no way i'm offering an answer of any sort to that i just think it is interesting uh i this is very uh in in precise as well but i've been watching the new west world lately a new season in westworld has been going on and one of the things uh if you don't know westworld is a world where there are like not sentient robots but kind of sentient robots and they live in a basically an amusement park that's like a video game you can go to this place and kill them and it looks like you're killing people but they're just robots and they just put them out together um and one of the main characters always says uh that the robots are the most real and the most human and thus the most like sentient when they're suffering because they're you know they're being tortured and this dude is like just a absolute nightmare he he tortures them and like kills them with his bare hands and skins them and all kinds of crazy stuff they're robots it's not people but uh it's a great show if you haven't watched westworld it's on hbo and it poses a lot of interesting questions about robot sentience and ai development in the future yeah i like this i like the first season anyway i've never seen it but i've heard good things first watch the boys two seasons definitely worth watching it gets a little always had nothing to do with robots but i watched that that was good the voice the boys oh the boy very very different shows yeah anyway it is another one of those things where it's like be a lot of people want to make these definitions and argue back and forth but it's like yeah are we even really that special like is sentient such a lofty thing that's like oh you need to reach human threshold or else nothing is like there's there's more evidence coming out every day that other animals have exhibit and and have all the qualities of sentience that we humans love and cherish and it's not that special so when it happens it'll probably happen with you the person answering the question exactly i do think that's funny that humans think that we one of all right this is going to be offensive do it i'm going to say it anyway i think it's hilarious that one of the things that a lot of people believe in general is that humans are made like in the image of god like humanity is look at me don't you feel god the peak form of existence in this whole universe that we've seen less than one percent of less than a tenth of a percent of humanity is it that just can't be true like if anything in this universe is made in the image of a god that created this universe it's got to be better than this we're a [ __ ] mess what are you wearing butt chug mitotocin on the weekends for our hairline [Laughter] god's up there looking in the mirror like now i was butt chucking my snices all weekend my good night my canine still what the hell is that stuff called no you got it you guys you got it called my snices my stone cases i guess put it in there and it didn't work god can't be bald jesus pulls up on his farm with his flowing mane like dad you look great for your age yeah i'm pretty sure that's all in the bible yeah yeah yeah don't check it's there yeah don't even worry about it it's under uh steve 30 20. yeah this is like all the all these comparisons you know it just draws out like uh if god can butt chuck god has a butthole and i just like it occasionally god has to take a [ __ ] that's the end result of that logic chain for me we are made in god's image god has a butthole god poops yep that's perfect logic that is a philosophy logic puzzle that we just saw there you go what do you think landslides are i think volcanoes are that's uh that's white castle night and there's just a white castle yeah well obviously i love those sliders and chicken rings this is one of everything you gotta have everything up there yeah of course of course man of course just one though just one one of everything but never if i die i can go to the blockbuster again and went i got netflix up there couldn't hang i watched a blockbuster employees just eternally out of a job up there hanging out the reason the world's in such a [ __ ] condition the pandemic started because god was like ah my netflix subscription got more expensive [ __ ] you humanity have this you're gonna take away family sharing how is jesus supposed to watch netflix i didn't finish criminal minds what do you mean it's leaving the platform there's like 80 seasons of that how am i supposed to watch all that i'm working on it yeah that's probably what happens up there oh god hilarious all right anyway yeah we should make content yeah is that a good warm up what do you call this feeling yeah i'm feeling warm is this not the podcast do we not just put unedited put this audio up on podcast platforms called good well i hope all of our religious viewers appreciate us we just like to put you all under one umbrella and then just slap it with a fish a few times anyway should we get out of here yeah we gotta get out of here there you do be blockbuster was the best how dare you dooby who did you who's dooby and said blockbuster's in hell where it belongs blockbuster what was wrong what did blockbuster ever do to you maybe they were a hollywood video fan nobody was a hollywood you went to hollywood video because the blockbuster wasn't close enough you were on vacation i i liked hollywood i thought i didn't know about no one ever mentions hollywood video they're still around no they're not so did they out survived no not at all zero percent chance anyway i there's no way we don't have an end slate or anything so i i click end and this baby turned around and the podcast is gone so we're out of here chatters all right bye see you on the next one which will be redacted don't butt chug your melators no melatonins mezcal and all right bye maybe i think
Channel: Distractible Podcast
Views: 161,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, muyskerm, lordminion777, distractible, podcast, comedy, gaming, wood elf
Id: 3sFPdsrSFuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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