Disney's WRECK-IT RALPH Easter Eggs and Everything You Missed.

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>> Crazy Nate: Wreck it Ralph was such a good movie I would probably classify it as good as a Pixar movie, the only problem with that is that it was actually made by Disney. Get your quarters Gents and Gentlets, we’re playing a new level with everything you missed in Disney’s movie Wreck it Ralph! [intro music plays] Look for these Easter eggs hidden in the game for your chance to win a free shirt! Include #WRECKED in your comment. OK, let’s get started! If you bought the movie, then you might have noticed in the main menu the high score is 11-02-12. That’s an Easter egg to the release date of the movie. The movie was released on November 2nd, 2012. Fix-it Felix was made by a company called TobiKomi back in November 2nd, 1982. That means the game was really 30 years old the day Wreck it Ralph was released on the big screen. There’s just one little problem with that little Easter egg though. Fix it Felix Jr. is a made up game, by TobiKomi, a made up company. Since the movie came out though, Disney actually created the arcade game, and made full blown arcade cases. And some extreme Disney Fans went out of their way and recreated the cases themselves. You can even get the game through Sega, like I did. I wonder if we’ll see Pizza Planet in Toy Story 4. If we do, will we see Fix It Felix Jr. in there as well next to the claw? The claw! >> Alien: The claw chooses who will stay and who will go. >> Crazy Nate: But let’s just focus on Wreck it Ralph for the moment shall we! Here we can see Pac Man, and I’m sure he needs no introduction. But one you might not have heard of is Space Invaders. This game was the Father of all shooter games. So all you Halo junkies, Battlefield lovers, Call of Duty fans, you can thank Space Invaders for paving the foundation to your cyber battles. When Wreck it Ralph is giving his introduction to the game, if you noticed, there is a new high score up there. You guessed it, that’s an Easter egg! The man responsible for our childhood classics, the Legend, the king, the founder, Walt Disney himself was born on December 5th, of 1901. We now know that Turbo turns out to be the bad guy. >> Turbo :Turbotastic! >> Crazy Nate: but in the very beginning if you look closely you will see, at one point, Turbo Time sat right next to fix it Felix jr. If anti lapse the time lapse, we can see most these games were REAL arcade games, like Frogger, Battle Zone, Street Fighter, Street Fighter 2, Star Wars, Root Beer Tapper. There we have teenage mutant ninja Turtles! Another Star Wars game. This one’s called District 51, but clearly it’s a parody, referencing to Area 51, probably because Disney couldn’t get permission to use their name. AND we can see that Vanellope was on the side of the game, spoiling the ending. Remember the wak-a-mole? Well they called this one Wak-a-troll. I wonder if Princess Poppy or Branch are gonna pop out of that thing. Just kidding, Trolls was made several years after Wreck it Ralph. And no arcade would be complete without Dance Dance Revolution. Did you know they have contest all around the world for that game? >> Ryu: Sure you can! Wo, what a day. >> Crazy Nate: In the street fighter Arcade we see Ryu and Ken Masters. In the main hall we see Maximus the horse from Tangled. In the Bad guy support group we see Dr. Eggman from Sonic, helloooo! M. Bison from Street Fighter and Clyde, one of the ghosts from Pacman. Everyone should recognize Bowser from Mario. And this guys name really is Zangief. >> Zangief: I'm Zangief, I'm bad guy. >> Crazy Nate: He's the bad guy from you guessed it, Street Fighter. If you look on the bulletin board you will also see an Easter egg to the Disney Short Paperman. Remember it’s the page that the girl kissed. If you bought the movie you will see that is in the extras. Then this guy looks a lot like Noob from mortal kombat. Now this guys name is Cyborg, but it looks more like Kano from Mortal Combat. After all ripping the heart out like that was Kanos signature move. And we have Neff from Altered Beast, and you probably recognize this guy from House of the dead. >> Zombie: You must love you. >> Crazy Nate: In the main station, we see that you can fake a moon landing with practice, allegedly this guy has no gravity, even though the guy right next to him, clearly has gravity. But we also see what’s believed to be the first video game ever. >> Taylor Swift: Like ever, ever ever! >> Crazy Nate: Called Pong. However about 12 years before Pong was invented, a game called Tennis for Two was created, which essentially… is Pong. >> Elizabeth Swan: Bloody pirates. >> Crazy Nate: Also on the giant power outlets up there we see MOORE USA, that’s a Easter egg to the director, Rich Moore. When Wreck it Ralph is entering the station if you look fast! You will see Chun-Li and Cammy from you guessed it, Street Fighter. >> Surge Protector: Name? >> Wreck it Ralph: Lara Croft. >> Surge Protector: Name?! >> Crazy Nate: If you didn’t already know by now that Lara Croft is a video game character, then you probably never watched Wreck it Ralph anyways. [crowd screams] So now, it looks like the movie is pulling references to video games, along with arcade games. Surge Protector seems like he’s just as annoying as a TSA agent. >> TSA Agent: If you have a pace maker... remove it. >> Crazy Nate: However he has a very important job in real life. In real life surge protectors prevent your electronics from blowing up! By the way, take a peak at our little turtle over there on the bench and It’s a little hard to see because it’s pixilated, but it looks like she is reading something from DISNEY! There we can see Pinky, Blinky, and Inky. AHH! It’s Paper Boy from Super Nintendo! I loved that game! … And I crashed a lot, just like that guy just did. Even though there's clearly nothing for him to crash into. There we can see Tiny the T-rex from Meet the Robinson's. Now this group right here, all these people are actually characters from an arcade game called Q*bert. There's Frogger and DigDug. Back at the 30 year anniversary party we can rock out to some music by Skrillex. Well we can’t here because of copyright, but if you watch Wreck it Ralph you can go listen to it. Either way, the DJ is actually a cameo to Skrillex himself. If you look at the bartender you might recognize recognize the coat, flower, and gloves? It's the same set up that our good old friend Bing Bong had. If you don’t know who the clown is referencing to, then you didn’t see my Inside Out video. It’s the same guy. At the party you obviously saw Pacman, duh, Wreck it Ralph even talked about him. But did you see Sonic the Hedhog was hiding in the background as well? If you looked at the ballons up there you will notice that they make a perfect Mickey logo. Speaking of Mickeys, there are a few mickeys hidden in this delicious movie. When Ralph is trying to find a metal in lost in found behind Tappers, hiding in the box we see Hal the cockroach from Wall-e… Mario obviously. Best action game ever from Metal Gear Solid of course. It was so fun walking around in circles in the snow and having the guards follow your foot prints. It wasn't a happy ending for the guards though. >>Guard: What was that noise? >> Crazy Nate: It also looks like Fix it Felix Jr. is a star customer at tappers as well. Also Rich Moore the director hangs out in there a lot, and sonic of course. Of course Ralph is on the wall as a regular as well. When Ralph is trying to find the gate to Hero’s Duty… >> Vanelope:: Heros Duty? >> Crazy Nate: Yes, Hero’s Duty, if you look up in the corner though you will see his helmet is playing tic tac toe with 1’s and 0’s, instead of x’s and o’s. That’s a nerd joke because games are made with nothing but 1’s and 0’s. At LitWak’s Family Fun Center, look at the billboard above LitWak’s Arcade. It’s our friend Mickey Mouse, and the sign says DOUBLE U Dee’S. Double u sounds like W, and two u’s put together look like a W. So this is probably secretly saying WD, or Walt Disney. >> Venelopee: Right right, it's a good note. >> Crazy Nate: Then while we're here, look at the Mini golf with your little eye ball, there you will see Arlo from the Good Dinosaur! 8 quarters?! Are you serious? What a rip off. >> Moppet Girl: What a Rip off. >> Crazy Nate: Yeah, that’s what I said! >> Moppet Girl: Sweat! >> Crazy Nate: Subway, eat fresh. Now some people or saying this girl is Honey Lemon from Big Hero 6 before she grows up, and I want so bad for that to be true because I adored Honey Lemon, but she has the wrong eye color, and they have her in the credits as “Moppet Girl”. Not Honey Lemon! In case you aren’t sure what’s going on in these two scenes with the quarters, in the oldie days before most arcades used cards they used this thing called a quarter. >> Lady: You got that right captain obvious. >> Crazy Nate: And when someone was playing a game that you wanted to play you would take your shinny little quarter and put it on the machine to form a “Quarter Line”. If there was a long line though some people would use a button or a Penny or a dime to hold their place in line to prevent from getting confused whose coin is whose. >> Litwack: Good to see you, good to see you, you too old fellow. >> Crazy Nate: By the way, what in the world is this guys story? He has literally spent the last 30 years hanging out in this arcade and just watching people play, he doesn’t even play. Here we can see Bonnie from Toy Story 3. She’s a little bit older now because this was 2 years later. >> Moppet Girl: Mr. Litwack! >> Crazy Nate: I’m not sure though who Mr. Litwack character is supposed to be reference to. It’s possible that he’s just a new character and nothing more. But it seems he does have a lot in common with Walt Disney in, Saving Mr Banks. >> Qbert: Wall-e >> Wreck it Ralph: Shiny >> Crab: Shinny! >> Crazy Nate: Here walking next to Street Fighter’s Chun-Li, we can see Belle and Princess Aurora. Sheng Long another street fighter character might not have shown his face in the movie, but he did tag some walls! As Sergeant Calhoun goes off to fight the Cybug, if you notice the details you will see a hint to the villain. >> King Candy: Winchell, Dunkin, get him out of that cupcake. >>Crazy Nate: Winchell and Dunkin are the names of the two Doughnut cops, ironically that’s also the name of two giant Doughnut companies. Dunkin Donuts and Winchell’s Donuts. >> King Candy: You know it’s a play on words >> Crazy Nate: When Ralph is imagining what it will be like, now that he finally has a medal, if you look on the cake and in the audience, Fix it Felix isn’t even in the picture. So I wonder how he fits in this imagination. >> Wreck it Ralph: I will find you! >> Liam: and I will kill you... >> Crazy Nate: There’s another Star Wars reference, obviously to Darth Vader. Also that’s not the only Disney movie we see where our character breathes through tube under water, to escape… >> Wreck it Ralph: I hate chocolate. >> Crazy Nate: I used to be a call of duty fan until it turned into a pay to play game, then I lost interest. So in my mind, Heros Duty is making fun of Call of Duty. >> Vanellope: I bet you really gotta watch where you step in a game called Heros Duty. >> Crazy Nate: Call of duty use to be fun, then they started charging you for maps that weren’t included in the original purchase, then they started charging you for guns that weren't included, then they started charging you for gear, What’s next? They gonna charge us for the bullets that you shoot? Call of Duty is nothing but a... >> Timon: Not in front of the kids. >> Pumbaa: Oh, sorry. >> Crazy Nate: Obviously that’s an advertisement for nestles Nesquick, >> Sargent Calhoun: Nesquick sand? >> Crazy Nate: Sure , sure, sure fix it Felix can fix his little tooth when it gets knocked out, because he has a magical hammer. But how in the world did Vanellope fix her tooth when she knocked hers out? shouldn’t she spend the rest of the movie toothless? Or does she have some sort of magic hammer too? I think not. If You thought this guy was the dwarf sleepy from sleeping beauty, that’s a good thought, but no. He is the mascot from Beard Papa’s who's famous for their CREAM PUFFS! and if you listen closely to what he's saying when he is dreaming you will hear… >> Bead Papa: Cream Puffs. >> Crazy Nate: that’s a regular Nintendo controller, and that’s a cheat code. up up down down left right left right B A start. But, why in the world is it on a Tapper’s napkin. Does this mean the bar tender is in on this? Or did he give him the code? Maybe Tapper’s going to be the villain in Wreck it Ralph 2. I could see why though. after a long day’s work, everyone takes a break and goes on over to Tappers for a drink, but tapper has not only work overtime, he now has to serve more people then he’s programed to serve, and all while apparently listening to them complain about their hard day. >>Wreck it Ralph: I wonder how many licks it will take to get to your center. >> Crazy Nate: If you remember Tootsie pops advertised how many licks does it take to get to the center of their tootsie pop. >> Owl: Good question, let's find out. 1, 2, 3. Three. >> Crazy Nate: Also I always tried to collect rappers that had a bow and arrow on it with a star. Remember that? Because I heard if you collect 6 you get a free sucker. Survey time! Did you collect the 6 stars in order to get a free sucker? And if so did you actually get a free sucker for it? Because I never got my free sucker with any rappers. >> Vanellope: Wo, what's with all the magic sparkles? >> Crazy Nate: Vanellope turns into a Princess just like Beast did in Beauty and the Beast. Even the down to the glowing fingers. >> Mr. Litwack: Hey! Ralph's back! Isn't that great? >> Crazy Nate: Wait a second, Ralph is “back” does he know the games are alive? Maybe he owns Pizza Planet too. [GAMEOVER] If you're going to D23 this year try to find me, I'm going to be there, and let me know if you're going. Remember to try to find all the hidden easter eggs in this video for your chance to win your very own share a smile shirt. And remember most importantly of all Gents and Gentlets, share a smile they are contagious. >> Trading Canvas Plays: Hey guys I'm Trading Canvas Plays here and you're watching Crazy Nate! Remember, share a smile they are contagious. [outro song plays] Hey! share a smile...they’re contagious Can you imagine a day without smiling...(huh) that would be outrageous Thanks for stopping by and hanging out with Crazy Nate Make sure to leave a thumbs up, if he left you feeling great Have fun and we’ll see ya next time And don’t forget to subscribe
Channel: Crazy Nate
Views: 3,124,377
Rating: 4.6371226 out of 5
Keywords: Wreck ir Ralph, Disney's Wreck it Ralph, wreck it ralph easter eggs, wreck it ralph everything you missed, Fix it Felix Jr, Sour Bill, Turbo, hidden mickey, Crazy Nate, Street Fighter, Mario, wreck-it ralph, fix it felix, wreck-it ralph easter eggs, Disney's Wreck-it Ralph
Id: GU2uwfvmEdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2017
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