Disney Encanto DIY Madrigal House with Mirabel, Isabela, Luisa, Delores, Bruno, Alma Dolls

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what's up again where is it I'm tired of looking what are you looking at just be oh good idea let me ask someone else oh good Isabella what is it Mirabelle I'm looking for our family tree have you seen it I thought it was downstairs oh let me look there welcome to the family mother with all the people are Fantastical Louisa have you seen our family tree you seem awfully chipper on this busy Thursday oh just uh working on a project I'm looking for our family tree have you seen it nope too busy oh okay Dolores choose the person I'm looking for yes I heard you Mirabella you're looking for a family tree yeah have you seen it I overheard someone saying that Bruno has it oh hey Uncle Bruno Mars I didn't expect you to come today oh yeah I'm looking for our family tree is that it right there behind you oh this old thing yeah I need it for a project go right on ahead great I'm gonna take it to my room let me see if I can fit this through my door perfect wow what a disaster I didn't realize this project was gonna take this long smear that oh hey Dolores just wanted to make sure you found what you were looking for yeah I found the family tree but I don't think that's gonna help me well what are you working on uh it's a school project well we're supposed to recreate our house that we live in oh that seems fun yeah some people are creating like a painting a drawing some are even using Play-Doh to create their house I mean I did try to paint it but you know our house it's way too big with too many rooms that would take me forever I have the perfect idea for you hello fans welcome back to my Channel today we are helping Mirabelle do her class project we're supposed to recreate her family Casita which means home in Spanish and we are gonna do it out of wood look at just be they're giving us a side eye so we've got the front of their family home let's see what other items we need to recreate this looks like we've got a bunch of the family pop-outs Louisa quit showing off your muscles I'm gonna pop all of the characters in this section right here we've got actually we've got two of Mirabelle Grandma Alma with her candle we've got Julieta and of course she's got some goodies that she's baked we also have some palm trees because they live in Colombia where it's really warm and then we have some bottom pieces now let's bring out the main piece we've got Bruno and Isabella gotta be very careful with these pieces so they don't break whoa okay let's go ahead and pop out the whole house that is cool oh let's pop out miracle in the front look it's a window she's coming out of there we have some other window pieces let's go ahead and flip the house over we've got these holes right here and we need these four pieces so our house can stand on its own just gonna pop these out there we go I'm gonna put this piece up at the very top and then we've got these side pieces and we're going to line up the holes perfect let's do this side and we're finished with the back let's see if it'll stand on its own we've got a wooden conceit the house we're not done with it yet we've got to put all these characters plus the palm trees around it let's take them out here they are let's build our characters I put two pieces for Louisa now she can stand on her own let's do some of the other characters Isabella let's see which Miracle should I do I think I want to do this one right here oh my goodness Peppa is hilarious looks like it's going to be good weather Peppa yay clear skies alrighty Peppa ah Dolores is so beautiful let's build her scoot over Isabella I also put Camilo together we've got Augustine and yulietta the lovely parents of Isabella Louisa and Mirabelle where's my I'm right over here Peppa we also have Bruno oh look he's got two Rats on his back okay you're gonna go right over here can't forget about Antonio and his animals I'm gonna put him in the front the little fans who are we missing if you guessed Grandma Alma you were right I'm gonna put her right next to yulietta I'm also gonna put some palm trees we're gonna put them in the back we have the cheetah and the capabara now let's decorate we've got some markers yellow pink and turquoise and some stickers we can put on the house we've got lots of fun ones animals flowers butterflies let's do some flowers around the house I'm definitely gonna do them in this pink color they're going to be so pretty the inside of the flower is going to be yellow now let's put them on the house I'm gonna put these beautiful pink ones right on this bush or is it a tree it's climbing up the house these are really pretty this is something Isabella would create I also want to put a rainbow let's go ahead and do these clouds in this turquoise since we don't have a blue all right let's do the pink a yellow and the turquoise again let's see we've got this big cloud right here let's put the rainbow right in front I really want to decorate this candle it's going to be in this yellow look there's a butterfly on this one and then the flame is going to be yellow too the stand on this one is going to be turquoise and the Butterfly we're going to decorate in this pink let's go ahead and peel it back do you all see the candle in the house it's right over here in Grandma Alma's room let's go ahead and put this big one right here should we do any other animals let's see what we have oh look there's all vulture that's cool I kind of want to do a hummingbird they're so pretty the hummingbird's going to be pink let's find a place for it hummingbirds love flowers let me go ahead and put it right over here I'm going to do one more and let's end it with a butterfly let's see I'm gonna do turquoise and this pretty pink I'm gonna do the top and the bottom little designs I'm going to do in yellow let's see where's mirabel's room does she have a balcony I'm gonna put another butterfly right over here do you all think we can fit some characters in the windows I'm gonna pick Mirabelle let's put her in this window let's see Isabella she's going to be by the flower window and Antonio and his animals I'm gonna put them right in the middle what about the window on the very bottom let's see we've got Louisa and I want to put Grandma Alma in there too the rest are going to be outside of the house cool what a great wooden house we created wow Dolores thank you so much for helping me not a problem here but I love doing projects like this now to clean up this mess foreign [Music]
Channel: Fun Caboodle
Views: 813,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disney Encanto, Encanto, Disney Encanto Mirabel, Disney Encanto dolls, Disney Encanto Isabela, Encanto movie, dolls, pretend play, Encanto Mirabel, doll videos, Disney Encanto toys, Disney Encanto movie, Disney Encanto activities, disney encanto dolls, doll playtime, doll transformation, Disney Encanto house, Fun Caboodle, Disney Encanto Luisa, Disney Encanto Alma, Encanto house, Disney Encanto Madrigal House
Id: ibpDvO9iPxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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