Disney Dream What We Loved & What We Hated

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hey guys welcome back to the channel today we are sharing with you what we loved and what we hated on the Disney Dream yeah there was a lot to love about the Disney Dream and the first thing we're going to get right into it were the shows the the show we saw Beauty and the Beast was magnificent probably the best show we've ever seen at C yes uh the shows on Disney are phenomenal they are I mean it's one of the things Disney is known for its Showmanship and the shows and performances that they have on board this ship is phenomenal the the staff the the performers everything is amazing about it it truly is a magical experience yeah that's one you're going to want to get there early for so you get a good seat there is a line that will form before the uh show doors open so get there early get a good seat you don't want to miss this if if you're planning on skipping it think again this is well worth this is like a Broadway show basically on a cruise ship so that is amazing second thing we loved about the ship were the state rooms and the quality of the state rooms uh one of the great things about it and keeping in mind that we did this uh cruise with no children as just adult to adult people with no kids with us but um I think all of the branded products in the rooms really brought it up a level I think if it wasn't they didn't have all those cute you know Mickey towels and soaps and just all of the nice little touches with their branding on it I think make it look and feel even better than it is yeah and I love the bathroom layout too on this ship because uh there you just have more space and uh the rooms did seem very spacious while it is an older ship it still seemed very up to- dat and nice so we loved the state quality uh next thing we're going to get to is something that I know you loved which is the thermal Suite or the rainforest tell us all about that you know it's funny because I hadn't heard anything about thermal Suites on Disney ships and if you've seen any of our videos here on the channel you probably know we frequent the thermal Suite we book it on just about every Cruise that we go on no matter how long or short and this was no exception this was actually a short cruise and um we booked the rainforest uh and it was such an incredible experience we had it to ourselves most of the time I think because there were so many families on board and they couldn't bring children in there that probably helped quite a lot um but I think just a lot of people didn't even know about it because they don't go back and tour the spa area and it's within the spa area and it was just a magical experience again yeah I don't think they do a great job of promoting this or publicizing it because we had a hard time finding any information on beforehand so check out our video on uh the thermal Suite on Disney on the channel before you go totally worth it 100% worth it we spent most of our free time there on this ship and uh when you're at the Private Island you have just a beautiful view the way the ship was put in there of the island and just it's kind of a magical place to be uh speaking of which the next thing we l was the Private Island yes exactly the private island is again we find ourselves using the word magical often because it's warranted the water is unbelievable like you're looking out and you're thinking is this a filter like what am I really seeing this the water is unbelievable um then you come off the ship and you hop on the tram and you go to the beach area you can always just walk to that first Beach area and that's where a lot of people usually go is to the the very first Beach Cove um that's where you'll be able to rent a lot of uh you know water things and just a lot of fun things to do there also for families and they'll also provide food there but I think what made it even better for us specifically on this trip since we were without children is that they have an adults only uh Beach and it was not even close to where the family one was so you didn't hear a peep out there it was so quiet it was so calm it was beautiful and you actually take the the the shuttle the little tram shuttle they take you out there on takes you on this old Runway that they used that you know was like the runway for the airport of the island um before Disney took it over just a beautiful experience it's so great so so relaxing it's definitely get off the ship on that day because you're going to be missing out if you don't do it yeah and I will say a lot of times when you go to a private island we've been to most of them now they talk about the lunch you're going to get there and it's usually not amazing it's not just the best this Disney lunch at the Private Island was the best private island meal I think we've ever had so don't skip the Private Island lunch it's a full spread it's it's it's pretty great so uh that just makes the Private Island even better uh next one is concerning food also which is going to be 24-hour room service was free and that's really I mean so in a time when so many other cruise lines are charging a service fee for delivering food for room service Disney is providing the service for free so it's actually pretty amazing that they've got the room service available 24 hours and and it's free uh another one that is kind of in that same vein is that sodas are included and they're at the water station so instead of having to flag down a a bartender or go to the bar to get a a Coke or a Pepsi with your with your meal you just get your own and it's right there and it's so much easier I think that's one of the really things I dislike about a lot of cruise lines is it's not that I I'm unwilling to pay for a soft drink or a drink it's that by the time you get drink you've got to either get your drink and then go through the line the buffet with a drink in hand or you have to get your food go sit down and try to go find a drink it's going to be five 6 minutes you get back your food's cold or you got to wait for someone to come to your table take your drink order well that often takes 5 to 10 minutes for them to come back to you so it's just like can't I just get my own soda after I get my food at the buffet and it would just make so much sense Disney does that it's amazing the only other real uh common one that does that is Virgin now I will say those are the two highest price lines so you are kind of paying for that probably says something but it does really make a huge difference to your dining experience especially when you're at the buffet that's probably the most frustrating one because you have to flag down somebody and by the time you flag someone down they've gotten orders for like four other tables and like you said it's you know 5 10 15 minutes you're done with your meal and you're thinking I'd like to go back to my room now but I don't even have my drink back yet which has happened to us before that is not a problem on Disney you just grab your drink right from the machine there and bring it to your table and you can enjoy your drink with your meal let's talk about the movie theater cuz it was it was great we love the movie theater and as an added bonus they do have a popcorn stand I thought that was so cool it was just like a movie Stand um and you can get popcorn and drinks and Candy um right outside the movie theater and the movie theater was so huge I love the way that it was set up it was such a beautiful space also um maybe a little too comfortable because you might fall asleep in there um but it was just a beautiful space and it really I think a really good addition to the ship all right character photo opportunities are important to a lot of people they weren't as important to us but it did seem that they were very plentiful on the ship yeah it did seem like that and not only when they were the times when they were set but I also noticed multiple times in the hallways where people would see the characters going to the photo ops and they would stop and the characters would actually stop and do pictures with them which is fairly unusual because like even at the park usually they don't stop on the way to where they're supposed to be but I felt like they did that often I saw it multiple times um with different characters and I thought that that was really a nice touch to to add that because you know you only get so many opportunities on a ship especially if you're on a on a short uh cruise let's talk now about the things that we hated because it wasn't all sunshine and Roses there were a few things we didn't like at all uh I'm not going to include the price on this list but that was one thing we didn't like uh the first thing is going to be we are cab was in the back of this ship it's a little bit older ship and let me tell you that ship shakes like a washing machine uh while on the spin cycle yeah it is yeah it was like um we're dating ourselves here but like back in the day in the motels where you put the 25 cents in to get the massage in the bed and it shook that's literally how it felt the first morning woke up to them you know docking and the whole thing was just vibrating and I thought you know are we in an earthquake in the ocean or something like what is happening and figured out that it was the ship that was doing that and it was just so crazy we've been on so many ships over all of these years of cruising and it was unbelievable how how much this ship was shaking as it was docking probably the worst shaking we've ever had on our cruise ship so I think ever if you're going to book a room on this ship I would do it in the middle or the front yes go near the back the food quality is not great now granted we go to Disney Parks quite often too we're not huge fans of the Disney food it's it's fine it's fine food if you're paying $5 for it but for the price they're charging at the parks it's just not good food I just don't like the pizza I don't like it it just feels like Cafe food and that's for the buffet the food quality pretty poor at the buffet other than maybe the chicken tenders those are pretty good but then the the main dining room even too the the food is good but it's not what you expect from Disney and it's not what you expect for the price you're paying uh the food has never been what I've expected from Disney Anywhere But this kind of holds that tradition yeah it was actually really disappointing um to get there and first we go to the buffet um you know for like lunch that afternoon and we were like okay maybe this is just like you know the scraps because it's the first Day buffet not good um you know then go to dinner in the dining room and it was it was okay but like Rob said it wasn't like oh wow this is amazing this is you know Disney food it was okay um but then go back to the buffet again give them another shop that the next day and it was like are you joking this is really the food it was just not good I I see so many people say that they like the food and so I guess I got my hopes up and you know everybody's different and everybody has different tastes but for us having been on all the cruise lines before uh this was actually astonishing to find such a low level and again it's pretty much what you're going to get at the parks we've been to all the parks not only in the US but abroad as well um and The Food level is pretty much you know pretty much the same across the board it's just not that great wish it was more especially for what they're charging you and then along with that in the restaurants another thing we didn't like was they do for the most part sit you with other people at your meals especially if you're uh just two people like us they're going to sit you with somebody then you can call or email ahead you know a couple months ahead of time and probably get that fix so if you're if you if that's a a point that you don't want either go ahead and do that we did not call ahead uh we this was in the midst of like six or seven cruises we were doing in a row we just didn't have time with the travel we were doing to make calls and plan all that stuff out so we just showed up and got what we got and we weren't super happy with it so part of that's our fault but I just don't like the fact that most cruise lines now if you want to sit alone just the two of you you walk up you tell them it's no problem not the case with Disney because of the way they do their restaurants you're going to hit all the restaurants but you're going to be sitting with the same people at every single meal so if if that's a problem definitely try to make some arrangements yeah and it's just you know dinner for us is always one of those times where we really just want to enjoy the meal and enjoy the experience of the meal and it's just kind of having to you know do the chitchat and stuff with people is was a little bit you know kind of frustrating to not be able to just fully quietly enjoy your meal and just kind of have your normal dinner conversations yeah so those were the things that we didn't like there's not a long list of things we didn't like uh I think the the list of things we liked was a lot better this is a pretty pricey Cruise though so it definitely should be that way uh Disney Dream is a great ship I'm sure sure you'll have a great time on this ship take some of these factors into account though when you're booking your room
Channel: Grounded Life Cruises
Views: 6,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney dos and donts, disney cruise dining, what you need to know before going on a disney cruise, disney magic, disney dream, disney fantasy, disney wonder, rotational dining room, disney cruise hacks, disney balcony cabin tour, disney aft cabin tour, disney dream aft cabin tour, disney dream cabin tour, disney dream ship tour, disney dream what we loved and what we hated
Id: uVqp9t0a3Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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