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[Music] the new christmas ornament 2020 lottery so you can get them as a set for example this one right here which is the baymax again or you might get lucky enough maybe get this single maybe you don't want one or the other this is i don't think my lactose intolerance will be bothered by that right i hope not oh my goodness okay i knew that way you said we were going to play but oh my gosh nancy saw these [Music] i love cheese i love cheese too but i'm lactose intolerant but i think this is safe for me right oh no we'll find out we're going to find out you know well you'll find out the heart this one too it's like a five cheese pizza cheese season huh what's that [Music] strawberry kitkat [Music] a million donuts [Music] this tree right here this is my absolute most favorite drink right now you no i like this one that one's good but that is so good right oh my goodness okay your hands are gonna be full you sure you don't want a basket i didn't think we were gonna you [Music] [Music] yes so every two that you play you get a free keychain oh see one two three four five six six uh meat when i guess so i can get one of each this one this one and rapunzel yeah so we got one of each all right okay one two three four five six these are my six okay seven eight nine [Music] ten two more eleven twelve okay let's just double check make sure you're six i kind of look like two were sticking together three and three okay go ahead you go first good luck sweetie he really wants the mickey set or at least oh that's number three number 20. i know these are a little bit hardcore [Music] duplicate me i don't know what that is it might be a special set okay [Music] they're not easy you don't have any nails and number 12 okay i'll open mine honey so you push and it pops out number 10. so you pop it out number three number eight i think you got one of the special sets i just don't know which one 17 remember oh my gosh duplicates come on number 11. okay it's still yes [Music] [Music] piglet [Music] oh nice [Music] oh nice yup that's hero oh two of them two heroes oh my goodness you got your hands are full number one allergies oh my gosh yeah her allergies are killing her i didn't take my medicine okay so i'm gonna try this [Music] i'm trying to explain how it tastes like apple cider with cream into it there you go not creamy creamy though no no definitely not creamy creamy it's not like uh cream soda right it's not that strong it's so good i'm gonna try these chips yes this one is too strong this is the cheesy straw this is new it's our first time seeing it 100 okay let's do a first smell test [Music] interesting oh i don't like the smell she doesn't like the smell it smells like blue cheese smells like gucci i'm not a big big fan of blue cheese unless it's like in a five cheese pizza but might smack you right in the face with the taste [Music] it's scary no that's good oh that's really good i like it [Music] how can you explain it you don't like it it's okay okay i was expecting way more flavor expecting way more flavor cowbee bransard calbee colby but you're saying colby now that is seasoned and huge look how big this thing is do i taste honey honey yeah that's that's the honey right there fried cheese pizza baby the kind that we get at the italian restaurant yeah yeah this one has more flavor way more flavor should it chip up close sure can you see the cheese they're good enough it's getting on it's getting you it's zooming on you [Music] oh you can smell the strawberry oh you can definitely toast it sparkling wine with strawberry that's good i like it well some some kitkat flavors have actual alcohol in it like socket i don't know it has the flavor of sparkling wine but it might not be sparkly wine it is real good [Music] oh my goodness oh my gosh it's so soft it's so so creamy can i eat that you need something smaller was it was it the it's not as creamy tasteful as you think really [Music] yeah that's not cheesecake it's like at all egg and cheese not cream cheese it may look creamy it's not this one completely fooled us try just the top part and there's nothing cheesecake tasting no not at all it i was expecting cheesecake flavor with the pudding consistency yeah strong eggplant there you go but even a custard is smoother than this i think it would have been better if if this was like uh flan yeah yeah yeah right this is oh wow so disappointing that's that's sad man we end on a bad note gosh it looked good too isn't it yeah it looks really good oh okay now it's really starting to kick in i need to i need some of this yeah i had a weird bitter taste to it very weird bitter taste and i think it's not the worst thing i've ever tasted it's definitely not the best thing i've ever tasted i wanted that to be good i was really hoping for a creme brulee something really oh my goodness something just came out of your mouth yeah i was hoping to get you a creme brulee or tiramisu i didn't see anything in there oh well oh well i'm sorry that was my fault too i saw that i'm like kyle we gotta try this oh i'm so excited [Laughter] it wasn't disgusting i was just sad that it wasn't cheesecake it tasted nothing like cheesecake i love cheesecake love it what's the best cheesecake you've ever had new york new york dan he took us to that cheesecake place i think it's called juniors juniors and they had the best lemon pie juniors it totally reminded me of that episode of friends where joey and rachel were eating cheese take off before yes oh that's so good if you had to pick a place and had cheap cheesecake but it's delicious cheap cheesecake but delicious yes surprisingly and i think i know who you're going to say jack-in-the-box jack-in-the-box cheesecake is the best if you want something faster i love it it's so good yeah it's it's not like um cheesecake factory is good cheesecake it is it's good but some of them are just overrated you know for the price it's overrated some of them some not all of them yeah but i mean if you want something fast and quick and and tastes good oh it's really good jack-in-the-box really good i know what i'm talking about years of am i looking at the right camera years of experience guys if you haven't noticed the past couple of videos we've been using the iphone uh what is this the iphone x this is the iphone 10. so this is the xs let us know in the comments what you guys think about the video quality because we're kind of curious about what it actually looks like right so because i've been seeing a lot of youtubers using their phones i'm like why are we you know worried about cameras let's use our phone yeah let's see what happens see see how it looks see how it looks yeah now i'm burping everything up i know right and then a lot of the places they don't mind our phones when we use our phones to like tape videos and stuff they don't mind but when they see a camera like here i'm not even using this as often as i i used to and this is the new one well this is the semi-new one this is the one you bought oh the camera this is that one this is the uh the mark iii the mark iii g s g seven x mark three yeah g7x mark yeah this is the one you bought i was so hoping it was going to be good the the reviews that first came out for it were excellent they were really good and then after i bought it that's when i started seeing all the comments of oh it doesn't focus right it doesn't look good oh just do the update you do the update and it still doesn't focus and we've read the manual we we went through every setting and it's like i'm waiting to hope that i i gotta check to see if there's another update it's just it's bad yeah it means it's not like the worst but i'm like constantly like when i'm like filming something i'm like focus focus you gotta constantly tap the screen to get it to focus yeah but the phones are easy yeah phones are using the iphone it just focuses like that and a lot of people and a lot of reviews are saying that the x and the pro 12 are very similar qualities really mm-hmm not night vision night vision is night vision the 12 that's what i'm really really looking forward to is the the 12 and getting the be able to have the night vision on the front facing camera and the rear facing camera to be able to have that night vision capability so we can start filming at night time too are we done yeah we're done okay because we gotta do the donut lift bunk yep my tummy kind of hurts now too much dairy probably time to go home all right guys if you enjoyed this video please give a thumbs up comment down below subscribe turn on that post below notification ring ding and we'll see you in the next video bye guys
Channel: Kawaii Arcade Masters!
Views: 38,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kawaii, kawaii arcade, kawaii arcade masters, arcade, masters, japan, japanese, kuji, lottery, disney, plush, prize, play, game, win, how to, the time, family, fun, the claw, the crane, claw, crane, food, yummy, tasty
Id: AizFgN6w8Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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