Disguised Toast, Valkyrae & Sykkuno Are Chefs at an Asian Restaurant! The 3 Amigos Try Overcooked! 2

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where are you gonna be the president oh no no no no no no no no oh no no no the dog looks really i'm gonna be a woof look how happy my shark dude looks i like this guy all right let's go save the onion kingdom no i love sashimi all right who's in charge of cutting all right ray do [Laughter] [Music] do i just keep delivering the plates we're getting money we're getting money we need to cut shrimp okay she's cutting up a shirt cutting the shrimp okay yeah now pick it up plate it and then send it out okay okay so right now we're kind of doing each other's job how do i help cut i don't have a knife you just press control button oh the cut button control right yeah cut it cut some things like that we got a fish we have zero fish we have zero we're doing great guys we're gonna hit all right i have a plan left side fish right side shrimp we'll always have it ready galaxy brain efficiency right here yeah wait all right the shrimp's ready the shrimp's ready all right the only after the shrimp service the only one shrimp look at the top of the only one shrimps they all they want tons of shrimps why is there you just threw it on the floor can we still feed that to them it doesn't matter if it's possible indian restaurant we don't follow health right this is an asian restaurant they eat the shrimp that fell on them all right you sending it out i'm cutting i'm sorry i was busy laughing rotation clock rotation oh wait i could leave it on the table it doesn't have to be ready like it doesn't have to be ready-made food we just leave it on the table and let it dry out i'm leaving some fish fish on the tables alright we got two fresh fishes we gotta send the fish out we gotta send the fish here's something not putting tricks without any shrimp oh god did we make four hundred dollars all right guys we got eight hundred some more we more than doubled wow wow guys we like seven starred that like a five-star michelin restaurant was the rice boiler and raised the fish cutter i'm getting on the rice guys wow that looks so cool to fire under it i don't know what it's done uh oh there's a yeah i see it uh i just i'll just wait oh the rice is ready all right i'm coming to get the rice i have the rice this would be way better with a controller got the rice sending it out oh my god oh this is a peaceful job i kind of like this one yeah you're the rice man i'm so good at cutting fish oh wait wait these don't have water in them oh wait it's automatically there rice is cooking up this is pretty peaceful and this is a peaceful game you don't have to yell yeah yeah i feel like i'm yelling oh wow i'm just i'm just cooking rice i'm in my vibe right now you're in your vibe right now the vibram with the rice this is this is just a tutorial what yeah it gets oh guys there's a hot dog there's a hot dog on the side a fish hot dog what i have so much cut up fish i'm cooking more rice oh this is starting to i know it's getting around a little bit rice because i'm cooking as fast i'm cooking as fast as i can it only boils really boils so fast guys oh god your hot dogs are taking my slots right you can put the rice on the hot dog wait what yeah pick up the rice and put it on hot dog oh fish oh i thought i thought the hot dogs were taking my slots we have a shortage of plates uh yeah oh okay the speed on this oh one more one one more oh god one point so much focus guys we wait we did almo we did triple the recommended guys we're too good at this game to wash dishes we have to clean the plates i thought i was a cook i'm gonna be the dish cleaner and the plater ray's gonna be the cutter and sakura's gonna be the cooker okay cooker would i cook rice you cook the rice you cook the rice i cook the rice wait the rice is so far away oh no oh wait we can bump into each other oh this is not good we need some cucumber we can block each other yeah all the rice cookers are on the way right side oh god the rice is does it overcook yeah i can overcook it oh thanks thanks um oh wait the game is called overcooked of course it can looks like that rice let's say it's getting overcooked yeah oh god all right i got i got it i think i messed this up what what is that right no one asked for a nori shrimp you can't even use that oh my god you have to throw it away oh god guys i got i got rice here i got i got lots of rice here i can put this in here would you like some rice rice anybody um put it on a plate oh my god i put it on one of the plates but i i can't i can't right here what's happening i'm cooking more rice guys i'm cooking more rice here's a cucumber no you guys it's like you've played it i'm cooking rice am i supposed to [Music] ready but they need it right on the plate right right on the plate right on the plate right side we have enough rice all right we need some of these we need rice on the plates i will help you wash the cucumber cut cut cut up a cucumber thank you she just keeps cutting shrimp we need four cucumbers i'm cutting i'm cutting the cucumbers i'm cutting the cucumbers i think the cucumbers are cut look we need rice we need rice these both need rice i'm cutting more more we need like four cucumbers we need rice cucumbers the rice is on the right we have tons of rice on the right oh oh god getting blocked all right all right excuse me excuse me oh my god okay that one's done she's just holding a plate of rice i'm going so fast okay oh wait there's a cute the cucumbers okay you guys have to give me the cucumber we need more cucumbers oh wait i have an idea right i'm gonna put it here and then i don't have to walk around yeah galaxy grey galaxy brain okay that strip needs to go on a plate oh ready to go clean the plate clean the plate clean the plates clean up clean up the plates one plate clean how do i know if it's done or not why are you sitting in there where are the plates the plate there's i don't know it's sitting in the sink it's stuck in the sink how do you wash the plate i don't know it's just sitting there it's not automatic oh thank god we still got three stars oh no wait this is what do you mean oh no you have to go oh no we got multi-step oh wait raised on the right side alone oh okay i got a meat i got a chunk of meat do i mix and then i put the fish in the steamer okay yeah and passes some flour okay here here flour thank you all right now we're just gonna start stockpiling patties are getting ready you put the meat in the flour you put the meat in the flour right oh god this is going to be so hard for raising i don't know no you put this here yeah yeah and then oh i need that back okay there you go okay there's a meat flour right right right i got some fresh meat you're doing this the meat flour is coming this is going to be the little meat flour but the thing i can't put it in that's right it's done it's done that's not right that's what's the fish where the meat [Laughter] wait this dude just wants fish deliver this fish to him deliver this fish this dude just wants to fish i think does he just we got a five dollar tip for that we got a five dollar ticket right now through the other one we need the dirty dishes dishes the dishes okay okay yeah there you go you're doing great ray you're doing great four players why am i in the puddle and then okay put this in here i'm mixing i'm mixing it i'm missing i got another bowl can i wait a second i need some flour i need more flour i'll trade you a flower oh you need one here you go you got your steamers it's over cooking okay i'm grabbing a fish um yeah we need a flower okay wait wait you didn't even cook this one it's wrong oh god [Music] guys we're not gonna hit the 400 minimum we're not gonna project [Laughter] oh thanks for the flower thanks for the flower i'm mixing it i'm mixing it up i'm mixing it with this guys we need like 200 more dollars they're not gonna give us a hundred dollars for a shrimp oh give me the dirty plate i can oh my god i'm going to give you a flower okay give us the flowers give us the flowers first i'll get the meat ready okay okay steam that done cutting the meat cutting the meat oh i got the flour i'm putting it in cut all right oh let me add the meat guys all right cook that i'm going to get another piece of meat ready grab this fish we're doing it we're working like clockwork right this dude just wanted a fish i think you could just give it to him flower check oh nice thing this one's ready you're popping in the outdoors just the meat sauce okay i'm gonna keep getting the meat ready get the meat ready okay i'm gonna meet lord i'm a chef i got some more meat sauce meat sauce during cycles oh god it's wrong i got the ball i got the ball for the server oh god it doesn't have flour in it oh my god what is this what do we do with this that's chumai it's ready i'm going to another dirty dish there's a dirty dish this is ready the meat sauce is ready we need more flour more flour i'm gonna go chop some meat more flour more flour plate bowls brown plates chop the meat wait can we make a double meat sauce oh look like double meat sauce that's please what do you mean throw it we got the double i'm making my own i got the double meat sauce right i got a double meat a double meat with a coffee the double i'm like the rat and ratatouille i'm making my own recipes here here plate all right let me let me oh you can pop it in there send dirty dishes oh let me pop in the meat oh it's popping i'm popping in the meat guys we're doing it we have a minute and a half for a 400 dollars i got some more meat sauce meat sauce ready okay more meat sauce wait wait sir plates are both quite sir wait there's two things of meat in there what music there's a plate on the floor good thing we're a chinese restaurant right you gotta cook that oh god it's not cooked got i'm cutting meat i'm i'm preparing the meat serve this fish fish served eh nice good sir i think this has that meats are the meats are grilling that belongs i'm putting the flour in in the trash no okay fish ready it's it's grinding the meat sauce is getting ready [Music] oh my god i got this plate i got this plate oh did you get the meat sauce how do you clean these wait this is wrong this is a blue i got a fresh green plate this is um this is wrong okay cook it cook cook it it's right i'm getting the meat ready i'm getting the meat we need more flour more flour yeah yeah get the meat ready the meat the meat oh my god oh god guys we're we're there's almost unless they pay us a hundred dollars pursue mine that's pretty much it hey serve the finals you gotta pay us like a hundred dollars [Music] [Applause] guys we got two stars that was my best i can't honestly that's pretty good guys we got two stars how about we just have to get one star
Channel: Valkyrae & Friends Highlights
Views: 162,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 79K_IkAgQuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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