Discovery Flight with Derek Dove - A fun Introductory flight.

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what's going on everybody jeremy here badlands flying club and today we got derek dove with us he's going to be taking his first flight with us his discovery flight you ready i'm ready all right let's do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] all right man you ready to go i am ready good oh yeah all right sydney traffic warrior three two one one departing runway one nine will be a self-departure and what we're looking for on the airspeed indicator is 55 once it hits 55 then we can pull back okay you can feel it getting a little and there's 55 so 60 and then you just that's it let's say we go this way what do you think is that pretty awesome oh yeah before i climb to about 4 500 feet which is 1500 feet from where we're at now so this is about 1300 feet off the ground wow does it seem like it not really so if we can see straight out does that mean you're you're just flying level um so we're actually in a climb right now okay and you can see right here on the vertical speed it says 500 feet per minute that's what that means each one of these is permit so we're climbing to 500 feet per minute um at this angle at this angle so typically what you do a good reference is put the nose on the horizon and that will get you in this airplane about 500 feet per minute on the climb it's a nice steady climb when you do that so when we level off this is actually what it looks like when you level off okay and that is that straight level right there and then you'll notice that the the you know the proper spinning faster higher rpms we're gaining air speed all that a little bit higher okay where's your well this is the altitudes right here so we're 3800 feet okay what is uh a safe climb speed per minute uh this plane is 79 knots and you'll learn all that during your training okay you're gonna know the v y speeds vx speeds the rotation speeds all that stuff you're gonna have to memorize all of that but in this plane um it's 79 79 knots starting to get a little bumpy right yeah i definitely feel it i'll tell you what we'll do i know it's a little bumpy you want to take some controls for a minute just i'll do the feet if you just want to do the yolk there oh a little much yeah yeah doesn't watch it are you steering it from the back no they saw you oh you mean the tail yeah it felt like the tail was turning no so if you look right here yeah see that ball that's floating back and forth yeah we want to keep it in the center and if you here we'll go straight level my controls for a second um if you push to the right you're going to feel that you see that yeah yeah you feel the left you feel the tail kicking out yeah you know you can swing it back and forth that's what this that's what this ball is for that's to keep the plane coordinated so if you're in a turn and the balls to the right you just step on the right on the right pedal to keep it in the center so when it turned when it was turning that was i was hardly touching it was that any yeah you don't have to touch it very much okay okay i mean it's just a little bit of a turn like if you just barely turn it see how much that turns yeah it's quite a bit a lot and it'll hold that turn like that until you engage it to turn back and then turn it and then you can just it'll hold it just like that wow crazy huh that's why don't take much does it no it doesn't not at all a lot less than you would think it's a little choppy today so it's a little harder to to feel but you get the idea it felt like when it turned really hard there was a dead spot almost in it i'm sure that was just me yeah that's probably you so that one is our navigation uh the radio thing that i was telling you about oh okay when you're tuning in like let's say uh we wanted to go to williston so williston's vor is navigation one once what is it one one then you would you would tune that in right here check it so here i [Applause] kind of barely you take that morse code and then you match it up to this morse code which is right here that lets you know that you're tuned into the right vor and then all you do is you line this up and then you want to match this with that so then we would go this way oh you see yeah then once we match that up like that then we just follow it that way and that take you to williston and that'll take you to the wilson okay yep and is this also a navigation yeah there's two different ones there's this one for that radio this one's for that radio okay this should be getting a little smoother you think it definitely feels smoother a lot different than what it was big difference okay we'll climb um a little bit higher here so this is the trim what i keep reaching for right here okay like say i want to climb and i have a lot of pressure you know pulling back if i roll this back it just relieves the pressure and it'll hold it in that spot okay so i can it'll hold it in that climb so there's no pressure yeah does that hold it from going forward well it's just it's just basically you got to think of it as it'll it'll relieve the pressure it's just trimming out the airplane like if i wanted to go forward and i didn't do anything it'll automatically slowly go back up because it's trimmed for a climb and i just push forward and let go it would just automatically but when i push forward and i want it to stay there then i gotta trim i gotta trim forward again and then relieve the pressure to where it's straight level what is that trim adjusting on the airplane on the back and i can show you when we get out of the airplane okay yeah on the tail there's a there's a trim tab on the tail okay or was that the show you showed me earlier yeah but that one's for the that's through this one oh for the for the rudder but that was on a different airplane that was the 150 not this one this one's different okay 6 500 i'm going to pitch forward level off here and you'll notice we'll start gaining some air speed when we get that air speed then i just throttle back the cruise here all right there and then i so this is the mixture you're probably familiar with that is how much air fuel mix okay and then i just want to get higher i just throttle this back a little bit so it's so it's not just dumping fuel in there to get a better ratio and then there you go that's cruz we're just out here to have fun and see if you like it you like it amazing yeah feeling it yeah so far check that out okay so i'll let you do it again now that it's a little bit smoother you can get a better feel of what it's like i'll do a turn that's better yeah i turn the other way you can go a little a little more about like that's usually how it is pretty intense yeah are you nervous i i think so a little bit a little bit yeah you want me to take control yeah yeah okay i feel better about it okay it just takes time you get to feel them get a feel of the airplane you don't know what it's capable of um you know when you first like i said it's still a little bumpy so it's not that smooth it's a little hard to feel but it's a very stable airplane it's a great trainer and it you just got to get comfortable with it and that just comes with time that's the only way you're going to get comfortable with it yes i didn't really know what to expect either so touching the controls is really different yeah it is you can really feel the pressure there's a lot of pressure whenever it moves in and out yeah feel that push it in and out how much pressure that is oh wow yeah push it down that from the trim that's just that's just the pressure it takes to move the tail up and down okay so if you wanted to go down you really gotta you really gotta push it see that yeah or if you pull out you know you really you can feel that your seat oh yeah it's like a roller coaster absolutely yeah that is really neat yep and that's what i mean so if you have if you're if you're if you want to go down you know see if you feel all that pressure that it takes to do that yeah so if you push down then you can roll the trim and then it just takes all that pressure off now you don't even have to what i did there is i switched tanks because there's a left tank and a right tank this is my timer [Applause] yeah every 30 minutes i switch from one side to the other also i can evenly burn the fuel who are we hearing uh that's another airplane over there by williston so you can everyone in this area uses the same frequency like williston watford or any of the surrounding areas we all talk on the same frequency so so we can so we know where all the other airplanes are at and what they're doing that's why i do the radio calls so i let other everybody else know where i'm at what my intentions are okay can we go try landing yeah you know where the airport's at yeah the airport is uh down there i think nope that's fair view really yeah good news over there wow i didn't realize we traveled that far yeah we've just been kind of playing around does fairview have an airport as well it has a it has something like a grass strip but our private strip but um oh it's right here yeah look oh wow see it yeah yeah it's just a little grass strip all right so how far out are we you're about 10 miles so what i'm going to do is put your seat belt on and i'm going to tune into the aos just to see what the weather's doing and see where the wind's blowing what airport automated weather observation two two two one zulu wind one eight zero at zero eight visibility one zero sky condition clear temperature three seven celsius dew point zero eight celsius altimeter two niner eight four remarks density altitude five thousand okay so it said what was the wind one eight zero i said point eight that's one eight zero which is a little trick so you can tune this to i'm gonna go on runway one nine right so the wind is blowing this way almost right down the runway which is good so you want to choose more runway one nine you can see it's pulling at one eight zero so it's blowing almost directly down the roadway so you're landing into the wind yep you want to land into the wind because if you were to land the other way the wind is actually going to push you and you're trying to land on the runway and it's trying to push you off the runway but if you go into the wind it's going to slow you down and stop you okay because it's resistance against you what i'm saying yep yeah so i'm gonna make a radio call that these guys know whoever's in the area that we're coming in sydney traffic warrior three two one one is seven miles to the northeast inbound one nine sydney have you ever seen the lights on a runway yes you've seen those lights right um you know that you can control those from this airplane turn them off and on with the with all you do is you tap this button seven times you probably won't see it in the daylight but that's how you turn the lights on can you adjust the dimness and brightness you can by how many times you click it okay you're up man oh nice you're up i'm here uh i have no i'll talk [Laughter] this is probably one of the most intense parts of it i would yeah um so one of the reasons i turned the lights on is because i wanted to show you something okay on the left side of the runway you're gonna see some lights you're gonna see those those two there's two lights on the left side um they're white now because we're high but what they do is they guide you they put you on a glide slope to get you down to the runway at the proper angle okay i don't know if you can see them or not when you're on the proper angle when you're too high they're going to both be white when you're on the proper angle it'll be red and white if you're too low it'll be red and red you know the closer we get you i can see the white and the red yep that means we're on the proper angle so let me do a radio call sydney traffic warrior three two one two my final one nine notch flaps in see red and white so this is the proper angle to get down to the runway if you were to if you were too high it would be white and white if you're too low would be red and red but since it's red and white it's that's the right glide slope okay what that is is the flaps see how the flaps are coming down there yeah right here yep [Music] see man there's nothing to it no you make it look eat it very with practice you'll get there too [Music] that those lights over there are all plants yes yep sydney traffic warrior three two one one is clear of runway it's kind of like what i was explaining here with the needle it it just guides you down at the right angle to the to the runway to a safe angle i should say so you're clear of obstacles okay but that's it man not bad right no not at all that was what's cool see when you land this automatically comes up so you can actually you know where you're taxing to okay so at this point we're on the ground this does nothing nope don't do anything you control everything with your feet okay so right left and then when then you push forward for the brakes and that's individual left and right brakes okay dude i think it's like it literally is 100 degrees out here isn't it i think 97 when i was coming down yeah that's what it is right now but we're in a tin can so it feels all of 105. all right we'll just pull out the top off here okay um then we'll just go park it all right down what's that and you tie it down yeah then we'll tie it down we'll just park it over there the other one oh hell man it is really hot [Laughter] yeah man it's it's toasty [Music] all right so we're back on the ground um that was pretty fun it got a little choppy up there but what what do you think definitely choppy yeah more choppy than a big plane how did it feel kind of like a roller coaster at times yeah i mean to have the controls and stuff nerve-wracking yeah i suppose that was the first time though wasn't it yes first time flying a plane yes and it was pretty choppy so on a smoother day it could be a little more fun hopefully your next flight you are gonna do it again right absolutely awesome i hope it's smoother it should be i hope it is too so yeah that's it until next time see ya [Music] you
Channel: Watford AeroService
Views: 361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery flight, First flight, private pilot, piper warrior, First dicovery flight, pilots license, pilot training, intro flight, private pilots license, private pilot ground school, flight instruction, how to fly, Student pilot, learn to fly, flight school, flight training, private pilot license, intro flight lesson, private pilot discovery flight, pilot discovery flight, first flight lesson, flight instruction videos, pilot license cost, pilot training video
Id: jd0MUS8jIE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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