Discovering the Truth of This Situation! || Intuitive Tarot Reading with Charms || Timeless

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hello my loves and welcome back I'm going to be doing a random reading similar to like I would do with bahti love notes for those you guys that don't know bajti love notes is my subscription where I send exclusive readings out to those who are subscribed so I'm going to be channeling the energy through the tarot just seeing what the cards have to say what's the message what's the vibe wow I cannot escape this energy that's been showing up a lot here um it showed up during bahadi love notes reading and it's showing up here today there's some type of influence here that's in the ethers in the in the energy around the collective or around whoever is feeling called to listen to these videos right now so seven of Swords is actually the card of something that is being hidden from you eight of Pentacles is that which you should be walking away from and King of Swords is discernment in the past we have Two of Pentacles five of Wands so I do want to say that the energy around like all around seems like Angels your guides ancestors is trying to make you hyper aware or more intuitively aware of an energy here that may not have the highest intention for you this could look like someone who is lying cheating manipulative kind of hiding something hiding the truth not revealing their full intentions that's a problem that's a problem and I don't I'm not someone who usually says that every situation in our lives is meant to serve as a lesson some things sometimes there's just people who just genuinely don't um they just move and operate from a lower vibration this though however is really teaching you when to know when it's important when to know when it's time to walk away when to know when it's time to Let It Go when to know when it's time to um give up is the word that it is that I'm hearing so leading into this energy right where you are today there would have been some type of battle it could look like um a battle of wills for some of you guys um this has a lot to do with a duty a sense of obligation something that you feel that is expected of you this might be wrapped in the in the the lens of like uh loyalty or when you're committed to something or someone let's say if you're in a relationship you give from the the bottom of your heart from a good place from a sweet Place kindness consideration patience money resources in like uh something that can help your the other person I think that there might have been a misuse or abuse of your generosity of your kindness there is a chance that you guys whoever this person is whatever this energy is coming from that you have already been fighting with it that's actually one of the ways that you'll be able to see it there was already like conflicts tension stress when it comes to this person I also want to tell you that it might actually look like competition that this person might have been operating and moving like they're in competition with you it's interesting because not not everyone here is going to feel like they were actually competing meting with this person it's just this energy that is that you were picking up when you're talking to them when there's when you're hearing about how they're talking about you it's almost like they're bringing up what you do what you've done what you're about to do uh I just heard the word uh blessing and disguise which is so interesting so you might be in a position right now a season where your blessings are multiplying I've been seeing that a lot lately I've been channeling a lot I I did a video about it on recently and just uploaded it while I was out in the garden you guys know that when I'm gardening when I'm grounding myself I just really start channeling and just have to keep stopping to write down messages it's so good for me too for my soul just feels so amazing but one of the recent messages that I picked up while I was doing my thing out there just kind of putting the putting down spinach was um this energy about like blessings multiplying and things being more fruitful and the place in in your life that might have been more stagnant that there was a drought you're going to start seeing those Awakening and opening up now whoever this person is they may seem like they may be like a friend they may be someone who was normally wow and at the very bottom of this deck you have the T of Swords so we'll talk about that in a minute but they may have originally been someone who you would talk to like a friend you would help a lot you would reach out if they called you you would come um quickly to help them to set them upright or to provide resources understanding again like help them but now it almost seems like I don't know if this is jealousy I don't know if this is just they're not meant to enter into the next season of your life but it feels like there's a lot of energy right now that your angels and your guides are calling them out of your life or to be aware of their energy and their intention because if it was once pure it is no longer if this is some someone that is a best friend a sister a companion I a coworker I would question intention especially if your intuition starts pinging that there's something off about this person and I do want to say that it really does seem like they're taking advantage of your generosity your kindness your heart so um for those of you guys that are in relationships I want you to be very very aware of like stress and tension within those relationships constantly fighting child like a challenging energy from the other person it might actually awaken a part of you that you don't like and this is just being totally transparent sometimes there's people that you love them you you Vibe but sometimes when you something about them or something about the relationship especially as you evolve as they evolve as the relationship evolves you may not that you may not bring up the best in each other and this is something that I really want you to be aware of when you are with this person do you feel like you are thriving do you feel like you're healthy do you feel like you're the best version of yourself or is it triggering parts of you that are troll like in nature and if you you have to really be aware of your own intention you have to be aware of your own energy you have to take accountability with that you have to move with Integrity so it sometimes there's something about someone and the way that the relationship has evolved that you may not again you may not necessarily show showcase the best of yourself and if that's the case this is something else a sign that it's time for you to kind of let this relationship go let it cool off give it space give it distance because um it's not bringing out the best in either of you or what you guys create in the relationship as far as what it is now is not something that your angels and your guides support yeah they want you they're really talking about right now starting to look at different connections starting to explore different connections friendships relationships different community different areas I do want to tell you and I don't want to shock you at all by any means but this is what the the cards are showing right now I do want to tell you that in the future you're going to be walking away from not just not this not just this person but a few a few relationships a few things I don't see this as just people I see this um I was just talking to those who are subscribed on bahat love notes that there's often times when you're being called away from a relationship or in a period of transition and transformation we it doesn't just fall in one spot it may fall in a bunch of different places like you may find that you're clearing out your closet you may feel like you need to get out of your space you need to go for more walks places that you would normally be okay with settling in it's like you're being called up and out of it and it doesn't have to be like you're moving away from your home it could just be that you feel like I need to travel I need to I want to work more hours at work um I want to spend more time at the gym there's something here that the energy like you're starting to Ping you're starting to pick up that uh you're entering into a season of transition or change and transformation in some way usually it ends up being very beautiful it ends up being very abundant it's in our best interest to follow that intuition along with that though it can mean that there's some relationships that as you start activating this energy of transition and movement they too have to fall away and that's kind of what it is that I'm seeing here especially when it comes to energy relationships connections that don't serve anymore they don't seem like they're positive especially if there's competition chaos pushing back stress dysfunction challenging all the time why are we doing that there's no there's no need for that this could be the place that this would normally be the spot the like uh maybe you would throw parties together go to parties together see each other mingle you would always show up to events or do things together work together but in this situation again I'm seeing you pulling yourself up and out and finding yourself almost like you're like for the other person it's almost like you're being distracted by other things other stuff um so they might feel a little slighted by like where are you going now like what are you up to it's just a natural progression of you guys separating um or or you splitting from energy that doesn't serve you anymore I want to really Shuffle on this energy of the future and just see what we have here and then I'm I'm going to look into the oracle cards wow that card really wanted to jump out yeah I had a feeling about this yeah yeah mhm I had a feeling about this um quickly I feel like you're going to be learning listen I okay I I feel I I really strongly believe that I would put I would bet money on it that when you start pulling yourself away or when you start feeling yourself pulled away from certain things I think it'll be rapid and fast how things kind of intensify as far as um you being pulled even further away I want to tell you that with the King of Swords showing up King of Cups page of Swords two of Swords it's okay to watch some things naturally dissolve away the vision that it is that I'm getting in my mind's eye and my intuitive I is uh something similar to what I was doing the other day I was making a hummingbird like I was creating a a little Nector for my hummingbird feeder because I'm trying to manifest hummingbirds in my garden so fingers crossed for that please send me Good Vibes with that I would love to get some hummingbird and you guys will be the first person I let know as soon as a hummingbird when a hummingbird enters into my yard and anyway okay so we derailed I was making them a nectar a nectar from natural cane cane sugar I want to be really responsible for the energy that is that I bring um even if my intention is positive to the environment so I was making something from scratch and I was watching the sugar kind of dissolve into this hummingbird feeder and that's kind of what it is that I'm seeing here in my mind's eye is the natural uh disintegration of things that it's it's not meant to carry on it's not meant to live forever it's not meant to last forever and if it does linger longer than it needs to it can create a a problem of growth cuz growth is going to happen regardless but growth that happens in the wrong areas of your life now often times when we hear the word growth we automatically hope for or assume that the growth is going to be positive growth again is something that is natural especially after endings after transformation if we stay lingering in the wrong spots that growth can look like mildew rot dysfunction chaos um uh drama it doesn't look good it could eat it could be something that eats away at your peace of mind your health Your vitality your your the growth of your business your finances because you spend yourself you find yourself spending too much time pouring into this person fostering the growth of this relationship when you should be fostering the growth of Your Mind Body Soul Spirit Evolution so your angels and your guides are teaching you right now the main lesson is about allowing relationships connections situations to naturally dissolve when they're meant to when they're supposed to I want to tell you again last message that growth is going to happen regardless but it it will if you're not allowing the right things and you'll know cuz by the way that it feels if you're not allowing the right things to dissolve and melt away then you will find yourself experiencing that growth in the wrong areas and I do want to tell you that your angels and your guides always have your highest and greatest good for you they're actually telling you that there's something really beautiful on the horizon especially with the two of Cups Three of Wands here you just need to start looking for it start looking for different things start venturing out yep 10 of Cups that's literally the card of Happ happily ever after okay so let me get my Oracle going for you just any additional messages of support to help you with this reading help you through this reading we have wombat Spirit be at home which is very beautiful we love a home body we have eel electric eel Spirit bring your ideas to life and then we have Eagle Spirits Spirit has your back this one and then we have scarab beetle scarab beetle magic Works through you so I do want to tell you that in the future you guys please start focusing more about about intention setting manifestation I got asked this question in Sacred Circle tarot school one of my students asked me just is it it can you ever be exhausted with manifesting like is manifestation exhaustion a real thing manifest manifesting is something that we're always doing subconsciously and consciously setting intention sometimes can be exhausting if we lean too much in our masculine energy I do want to tell you that in this wombat Spirit electric ill Spirit bring your ideas to life be at home season that is coming up in your reading it feels very imperative for manifestation for you to look like again releasing leaning more into your feminine energy being receptive releasing Letting Go cleansing and allowing yourself to savor and joy the things that bring you peace that's going to help you to easily and effortlessly conjure up manifest that which is high vibrational for you right now it does doesn't feel like additional work if you're doing it right and I believe I have videos about this if not please let me know down in down in the comments please also I could do shorter videos on Tik Tok I've been exploring Tik Tok a little bit more than I have in the past and so far so good the the uh Community has been very receptive and open to me so that encourages me to come back but um I can do a mini video about manifestation setting intention and feminine energies if you guys are interested in that anyway when it comes to this reading though in the future I actually do see something manifesting I I do see something that you're set intention for now I don't know if this is something that you've already set intention for or if it's something that you are going to set intention especially as you're being led as you're being led away from or things are being led away from you that don't serve you anymore that are acting as barriers I'm really curious about the intention like what is this person or what is the energy of this intention behind um behind it I don't know what it is now I was going to say goodbye but I think as someone who loves to go above and beyond I would like to actually grab the charms for you if you don't mind just a second all right so I have the charms here I'm just going to read the energy a little bit further it will get loud so please um feel free to turn the volume on your camera down or on your phone down and uh yeah ready 3 2 1 oh wow so right away right away let me go ahead and zoom in just a little bit I'm not sure if you're seeing this but definitely there's a sign here about relationships and having hope for relationships and Connections in the future I don't know if you're also seeing this but you have the beetle the scarab beetle right here in the center and I really really love that right on top of will believe and Faith this is something that is literally going to spontaneously show up in your life this is going to be something that you're going to be makinging new memories with I don't know if you're seeing this but I'm seeing this so abundantly the energy of femininity especially when it comes to Mother Mary energy Immaculate Conception something that just kind of like pops up something that reveals itself there is some type of um message here that was um left undiscovered by you and by that it almost feels like it was hidden from you I don't know what's going to show up with that but but you will know you'll know when you'll know you'll know you'll know you'll know it when you see it when you hear it you also have the leaf here and this is about letting things go instead of trying to focus on fixing them okay instead of trying to fix things let them go you also have the spider charm here which is the charm of co-creation manifestation magic and I don't know if you're seeing this but we do have the feminine the uh cry shell of femininity here okay so spirit is also talking definitely about letting things go that do not serve and you being the one to actively cut them out or allowing them to dissolve as they remove themselves from your life I do want to look at this little charm right here oh my God it's the emperor energy wow this is actually in the position of the past and this is the only tarot charm that that's in here so I just feel that you're going to be letting go of Emperor your own uh leadership not leadership energy but your masculine like being in your masculine for too much um there needs to be balance here that's going to be the center for you actually blessed are the Curious for they sh have have Adventures yes I definitely feel newness for you you have I will yep so um also look at this you guys I want to tell you that your intentions are really supported right now your your magic manifestation is being really supported through your will right but think about with the scarab beetle often time and all the magic that's conjugated here it's your manifestation is going to look like you having faith you letting go and anything that you let go of just know that it's meant to regrow it's it's going to regenerate in the way that it's meant to be um it's interesting that we have the bike here on top of the family charm so this could be spending quality time with your family doing things that is that you love for fun or movement um but enjoyable movement I just want to tell you too try not to fix the masculine energy is in the past right so try not to be someone who is trying to fix fix things trying to um like make things happen in your life make a relationship work the one who's always putting an effort at some point it's important for you to kind of let go like don't let your loyalty be the thing that stops things from manif allow stops a blessing from manifesting right um this charm is here too which I really love um I just feel like there's what is meant for you is not going to find you I mean will it will but what's meant for you isn't going anywhere like the right things won't go anywhere and if you do watch it you even have the popsicle here if the circumstances and the situations around this relationship and Circumstance start melting it and making it dissolve all by itself it just wasn't meant to last it just honestly wasn't meant to last imagine keeping a popsicle in the freezer forever because you don't want it to go away it's like well at some point maybe we should just try it's it's designed to be enjoyed and if I take it out and it goes away forever it's it's it just wasn't meant to be and there's some relationships that are like popsicles and there's some relationships that are like bricks they're meant to last okay so last charm here we have wow believe in love believe and love and there's a lot of that when it comes to love relationships connections Unity coming together we do have the Scorpio charm here which has a lot to do with intimacy connection and depth and relationships but also we can't Overlook it this is also the charm the sign that rules letting go and of things that disregard you know things that it's it's just meant for us to relinquish okay so is this an oyster a it's so cute the oyster might be symbolic for someone here I just I definitely see this as divine feminine energy but that's just me all right Honeys look I don't know if you guys see this but this charm is also unlimited potential for you in the future especially when it comes to letting go and allowing manifestation to do what it's got to do all right Honeys I got a roll but thank you so much for allowing me to top in and tune into to your energy I do do readings very much like this um for bahadi love notes they are Timeless readings there's so on there I like to encourage people now to kind of roll the dice like just randomly pick a reading or look at the titles of those that are already uploaded it is a $15 membership um there's a coupon code right now I'll link it down below but um there is a membership that you can sign up for in order to get new access to those exclusive readings I'm doing them all the time they're not seen here on YouTube they're only there they're only available there if this is a reading that really benefited that helped you I'm more than happy to uh do them for you in the future just let me know down in the comments and give this video a thumbs up if you're not subscribed Please Subscribe of course and until then I will see you guys in my next one bye
Channel: BehatiLife
Views: 11,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pick a card, tarot reading, tarot cards, divination, spirituality, psychic reading, intuitive guidance, future predictions, astrology, self discovery, 2024 predictions, 2024 tarot reading, horoscopes, manifestation, spiritual journey, tarot community, life path, positive energy
Id: xP_Dd480f2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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