Discovering R34 GTR Has Blown $40,000 Nismo Engine...

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dude's trying to pull a hole in a Nismo fine spec engine that scared the out of me to turn over to make a one-of-one RB mode I already purchased all the parts should we just go ahead and respray the whole entire 600 wheel minimum [Music] [Music] wavy ass No Tag no Speedo no coolant no fuel it's sick right see how that came from the factory like that it works Speedo works but it won't let me pass this guys welcome back to the Dr rebuild series I'm here with Tommy we are in Connecticut this is pretty much day one in my opinion yeah of the GTR restoration Tommy I wanted to start this video in the car I want you guys to get a sense of what this car is driving like right now because it's driving like absolute garbage the tachometer doesn't work so it's completely dead all the four-wheel drive or yeah I guess he's got the hikislate a Tesla light ABS light the four wheel drive light everything's on everything is on right now cars just running like complete garbage it won't let me rev past what I would guess 3000 RPM the horn works though I can't believe someone hooked those little horns up I turned around right there it feels good though it's pretty smooth but like it doesn't feel dialed when you look at it you wouldn't know anything's wrong with it but it's just running like crap and it almost sounds like we're running on like only half the cylinders too oh it stinks it stinks yeah you can smell that whatever damage is done like we're not like hitting limiter or anything but I just wanted to not want to I just want to feel he's gotta get out of it don't do that it'll be worth it we're going as fast as Miata right now it's like the car alone all right when we get back I'll let you drive and feel what a Skyline should feel like you're just this dude's trying to blow a hole in a Nismo fine spec engine it's really stinky what is that smell that's the oil Sweet are you smoking let's find out no no let's not why is he doing this I want you to know I didn't suggest this and this was completely unplanned I thought we're gonna go for a chill cruise to just see how the car felt you're gonna blow it up I'm stopping okay so in neutral pull this back around and we'll let Josh put it on the lift because we're taking this thing apart it's got to come apart before you break it more I feel like if I can make it not run you won't be able to break it dude it doesn't sound good at all this steering wheel is brutal okay that sounds good let's not do that all right we're gonna go jump with Tommy's r33 see what a real guitar is supposed to feel like this is my GTR just picked it up haven't gone through it really yet but we'll see how it is this is my first time driving an r33 I'll say this and there might be people in the comments that are like what do you mean or that one video you drove so-and-so's car I don't think I've ever driven a GTR other than atoms I've never driven to 32. I've definitely I've never driven a 33. be honest the 33 to me is like the ugliest of them all but they're kind of growing on me ever since ever since I've seen the 400r I was like damn that one looks good the 33 is the most period correct Skyline in existence this was the height of the 90s it's like the Supra you know what I mean like the super so JDM all right well here we go first time driving a GTR 33. oh the brakes are right are so touchy they're so grabby all right let's see what you think it's way faster than I thought it was gonna be oh my God all the breaks whoa holy that scared me I just rested my foot on the brakes and I don't know if you can see it but like we all wow it's sick right and it um yeah it's very cool so this is stock-ish uh it's got some Mozilla power FC and exhaust okay so pretty much stop yeah so I drove my my Veilside RX7 before I like cut it up it was stock and that was the first time I've ever given a stock like 90s car in a long time like I drove my Supra stock a long time ago but my FD felt really good but it was like pretty slow-ish this feels makes me feel like I'm in yeah doesn't it that's that feeling that's why you buy these instead of those Lambos yeah I don't know man Vegeta cars uh is they just do it they just hit differently I mean dude I sold my Lambo for my R34 so I love to hear it I'm completely behind that movement something in the way cars were built in the 90s where they handle the way you feel connected the destroy that you like smell I don't know dude it's just it hits different and it's like an obsession all of us have a morning routine whether we realize it or not lately I've incorporated ag1 into my morning routine as a way to fulfill the foundational ingredients that most of us aren't getting with our normal day-to-day diets rather than taking a fistful of pills with one scoop of ag1 you can get all the nutritions and vitamins we need like vitamin K2 CoQ10 bee root powder eat through root wheatgrass manganese riboflabian vitamin B12 vitamin B5 and zinc and half of those I don't even know but guess what I'm getting it and I've told you guys this before I've had a lot of gut health problems in my life and now I'm getting probiotics in my system lactobactilious acid fotilius bifidodacrion bifidifium and I'm even getting Apple powder it also helps provide energy and keeps me energized throughout the day and I personally think it tastes amazing but if you don't believe me let's go to the shop and ask the boys what they think of it I actually do like that that's good is there a banana in there I already buy it I don't need to taste it I already know it I buy it I I buy it my name is Calvin and it tastes really good it's gonna tastes bad it's pretty good right it's pretty good it looks like it would taste not good it tastes good so it's pretty good it's like kind of fruity kind of Milky kind of greeny but it's good I like it so added 81 to your morning routine like I did and by clicking the links Down Below in the description you can get a supply of immune supporting d3k2 oil and you'll also get five free travel packs of ag1 so you can use it on the go thank you to ag1 for sponsoring this video and taking care of our health now let's get back to today's video it's really nice in here too the interior is really nice yeah we're gonna clean up some stuff it's down this road very aggressive just like rest your foot on yeah you just tap it and it's like very aggressive happened pretty long that's what's really cool is that the Boost doesn't fall off it like is pretty consistent all the way to redline [Music] very Nimble it feels super light on its feet yeah and it weighs what 3 400 pounds I'm like ah these are like they're high 32s this car now is like probably making like 320 three three oh that's super low still yeah yeah but it's like no but it scoots it feels good we're on like a track it would be great you would have a blast yeah in the right setting when you're not trying to do like a quarter mile or anything this is plenty it's a reusable it's really cool I mean it's kind of what we were talking about too with the 34 is we don't want to build R34 to just be like some crazy straight line Powerhouse you want it to be usable in the canyon that's GTR is all about just for the hell of it because Tommy and I are so impressed with these brakes we're gonna go like I don't know as fast as we can with traffic as fast as we can with the traffic and then Tommy's gonna slam on the brakes as hard as possible and we just want to see what it feels like you guys will never be able to do is put it by your face and just like try it just try to imagine try to brace yourself and see how much it it moves you all right here's the raw POV baby the D oh so excited for this oh my God I'm a little scary well I like stopped too soon oh yeah all right well that concludes our test drive of the 33 stock GTR feels really good now let's go inside let's figure out what's wrong with this 34 motor we have the R34 back in the shop it's already on the lift we're gonna start breaking this thing down and figuring out what's wrong with it before we do that no I tried to it didn't work I want to introduce you guys to Josh what's up guys what would be your description of who you are in this facility basically I am the caretaker of these cars in a sense oh I'm the wedding planner I said he's the Executioner he executes so I'm the guy with the mask that pulls the thing you're the guy with the guillotine that actually kills people okay well I'm taking choch and he's the Executioner I want to take a second to give a little bit of a spotlight on what we have right here Tommy and I just looked it up to make sure we had all of our facts straight about this you want to take it away I'll tell you there's a final Edition fine spec so the fine spec was the newest up-to-date specifications you could get from Nismo that includes All N1 parts and if you don't know the N1 is their race program and when pistons and rods and one block 24u everyone knows about that this is as much as you could get in I don't know when it came out 2015 or something of their technology and their information they put into one engine they limited this to 200 units yeah I saw right here this is 102 out of 200 I don't know I wish it was it's pretty cool 420 of 200 you know or 69 or 69 would be cool that'd be really dope too the guy whoever has 69 reach out to me yeah I'm down to to swap things with you if you're if you're down to do it yeah don't say that too loud there fed guys so this motor is extremely special and it was actually one of the biggest reasons as to why I was so desperate to get this car when I found out about what this motor was and how special it was I was like damn I really really want to get this car so I'm hyped that it's here and it passes Tommy's street cred cool motor super cool so like the one of the coolest that's continent coming from this guy everyone there's 200 of them it's pretty sweet there's less of these than these and there's not a lot of 34s compared to 33s and 32s correct 44 000 32s uh fourteen thousand thirty three someone could correct me and I think eleven thousand thirty four pretty cool pretty cool all right Josh what are we gonna do here I have suspicions based on what you're saying that it's a head gasket failure so what I'm going to do is I'm going to pull this guy I'm gonna pull this guy I'm gonna pull the valve covers and we're gonna do a leak down on all six we're gonna pop this too and see if we can get pressure coming out of here or crankcase just kind of give us an engine Health analysis especially since it's warm now it'll be more accurate most of the time I do this cold and I factor into that just because it's on a stand or whatever but thankfully someone removed your front splitter and your under tray for you and yeah and sold them for a bunch of money yeah and your rear one thankfully your car's missing 15 grand worth of carbon yeah that was one really sweet thing about this pickup is it was missing a bunch of Arrow anyways but you got 40 of nitrous kit for free I know and it's just a project to the interquarter which I found literally this morning spout that's pretty pretty interesting I never knew people did that apparently they did that because it was a way to cool down the inner core you're a big fast and furious guy I know Paul Walker call me Paul silver car I'm not gonna call you Paul I'm not gonna do that all right boys let's get into it so the first step is where TDC one we've injected the cylinder with 100 PSI and this is really good you want it to be the same number so if this is 100 in and it's reading 90 in the cylinder then that's a 10 loss so as of now we're good on one yeah what we're gonna find is when there's a bad cylinder it should be cylinder three it's only three and four which is what happened to Dustin's car and that's usually lean condition situation so it should not be making that much noise that's pretty one-to-one so far right now because you see a loss on this side that one okay but you can use pressure in this is so Under Pressure so at 100 we're at 100. the noise you're hearing is just PCB that's normal okay so this is the one that should have an issue allegedly that's scared the out of me did it turn over yeah I know here we go we're about to be at Hondo that one's at 92. so that's your cylinder three it's only eight percent yeah that sounds bad as what I was told all right so now this is cylinder six and it's looking good it's like 95. when we purchased the car we knew that there was an issue what they told me was when the motor was cold cylinder 3 had 22 PSI out of 100 and cylinder four had like I think it was 40 or 40 PSI out of 100 but once the car got to operating temperature then you saw a difference and you got numbers what we're seeing right now so we have previous knowledge that it is hurt and the car smokes like crazy out the back so this is a very mild head gasket so the engine's fine okay which is great so we should uh talk about our plan maybe not on camera I don't know how you want to handle this you can leave this in the video there's no reason taking part of goodbye Tommy for this deep we can get a different engine and save and if this engine's worth what it's worth either you keep it or you sell it but it's silly to tear apart a perfectly good fine strike engine that needs a head gasket I'll fill you guys in in just a moment of what we're talking about Josh this one we're at like 85. so on the last one we're at 85 and you can hear quite a bit of History I don't feel much through oil galleys but I can feel air coming out of number five you can feel it's like oh you're in that spot yeah so so what it means is that your head gasket between cylinders is Bridge blown in between soil you can get a little bit pressurizing PCB but it's mainly just swapping across two cylinders meaning that when it gets warm it's kind of sealing it thermally it's like you know expanding and kind of sealing it this is a perfectly fine engine that needs a head gasket but it's not as bad as we thought it's not nearly as bad as we thought I thought because the night well the nitrous is what did it but because of the nitrous it would be like a pissing rings or something like that but it explains why you had white smoke because you said you had white smoke and wear on the phone hand gasket head gasket coolant's getting from that into that area somehow I'm gonna do my best to explain this this is a really really really big wrench thrown into plans it's almost like a wrench taken out of but it's more of a wrench going in the place wrench going into the plans but a wrench it's a really from your it's a really bad good situation yeah it's a really bad good situation so what we're talking about the information that I was given I was under the impression that we had bad cylinders three and four so we're like okay we have to rebuild the motor now this is a fine spec motor as Tommy already kind of explained one of 200 it's factory specked it's very rare it's just very very cool and unique there's not a lot of them and a good way to explain it is Imagine buying a mid uh R34 this was Tommy's example and it being midnight purple and then you like respraying it white right now we were under the impression it was blown we had to take it apart we have to ruin the fine spec but we have to do it at the football motor but now what we've just discovered is that it's actually just a head gasket so now that this is actually a head gasket you could just replace that and still keep the fine spec of what it is and it still has that authenticity of an authentic Nismo motor you know still keeping back to the analogy it's the equivalent of like having a midnight purple 2 R34 by putting like a z-tuned hood on it yeah it's not quite ruining the minute purple but it is modifying the originality it's still keeping the options still keeping it it's OEM whatever so we we would put a Nismo head gasket and head studs and make it slightly better because the head headsets that's what we could do right now but this whole entire plan out Tommy and I wanted to like kind of secretly you know announce that's a really big video was screw it it's blown we're gonna go from a 2.6 and we're gonna do the HKS 2.8 and then we were also going to throw vcam on top of it as well and it is completely ball out and build a really cool motor so it would be the equivalent of putting a full z-tuned body kit on your midnight purple too I think it's gangster as hell it's a little crazy so at the moment we were gonna say screw it open it up tear it all apart lose the authenticity let's make a one of one fine spec HKS 2.8 RB motor very cool very unique but now that the motor is actually intact we don't have to open it so we're pressed with this uncomfortable decision of I've already purchased all the parts this right here and I think Tom you can back it up this is so we got this big move here vcam step two we've got a 28 87 mil uh Step Zero so this is a high response quick revving it's not for a thousand horsepower it's for a five six hundred horsepower we did 87 because we weren't sure if your engine was blowing luckily we own a couple 86.5 so we can swap this with another customer who needs an 87. but uh since your engine isn't blown it's like almost a sin to put this in the fine spec motor because it doesn't need midnight purple to midnight purple three now now we're getting deep it's weird it's cool I love it because to be fair I've said this before the Nismo engines aren't that special I love them I love OEM plus I love Nismo I love you Nismo I love you but they're not that exciting they're more like historical and cool it's cool because of what it is it sounds like it gives you some crazy performance outcome over another motor right it's just cool we're pressed with a really tough decision here do we keep the fine spec motor and they're expensive I mean compared to a normal Arbor 26. I bet if that was in a crate it would be like 35 40 Grand right now as opposed to like another motor 15 grand that might be more because the 34 engine is probably worth like 20. we have a very special motor are you gonna tell them what you're doing yeah or you're gonna leave it open right now well I don't know I don't know what I wanted oh you still don't know we don't know what to do guys I know do we either say screw it and install the 2.8 and make a 2.8 HKS V cam so my idea we take an r and we make it's a fine nurse back we just make a finer spec I mean because can we show them what these look like yeah so they get okay so when you do the HKS V Cam and you and you ball out you actually get a really cool looking valve cover cam cover I guess you would call it so here it is and it says HKS power there's an HKS crate motor so the reason you get this valve cover is because there's a sensor built in here there's a sensor here this is all to control the vcam so what I wanted to do to your engine is I want to do a 2A in the bottom I want want to do a vcam which is only on the intake side and I wanted to color match the cam to the Fine spec engine Cam and then have like this HKS fine spec Nismo thing going on and we were going to do I mean I guess don't tell them that but here so imagine popping the hood yeah we can just play this is gonna be sick so not only is a five spec motor one of 200 very rare I wouldn't imagine anyone has modified like this imagine popping the motor and having this all be defined spec color and it being like HKS power V King mismo fine spec and then also ours right here has the Nismo plate so yeah you have this weird Frankenstein the coolest collab yeah it's like if TJ hunt and Adam LZ had a baby yeah yeah it's yeah and this this would be it yeah and then we'll like punch it a couple times rough it up a little bit like that's that's it that's this like crazy idea we had and we've been planning this for months and me and Tommy were super hyped now I'm like do I still do it I think we do leave comments down below do we send it do we go full send do we not send it did we build another car and put the finest motor in it found another that's what everyone's gonna say I don't know I feel like I feel like people understand how amazing this 34 is they know how much it means to me this is the all time that I will never say ever I want to hear you say dream car it's my dream car yeah it's my dream no but all Bs aside I mean this is this is it holy grail this is it for me I don't maybe if I got if one day I bought like a m spec Nur or something but imagine you bought an M Specter I had a fine spec engine you could put in there we're gonna give you guys a little bit of a sneak peek on some of the stuff we have for this car I'm not gonna tell you guys all the mods are doing although we are redoing the car 100 but these just showed up in the mail Tommy is antsy to see him I've never seen them so we're gonna go ahead and show you guys what we got in the Box this is the wheels we are going to be running on the R34 this is like the last release so they do like batches I think because I thought they were discontinued and now they're you know these were just done as soon as I saw them I said teach that's are you ready step back right fast or slow slow all yours okay damn that's so hard oh my gosh that's so cool so these are 18 10 and a half 15 squared he's a real boy so there's a z-tune Specs I wonder why we're waiting you'll see a theme with this build yeah that's weird another another Nismo piece that's very interesting these are gangster lmgt4s um oh I'm not gonna stick it in but damn I like this one I love how that's machined and they also dyed that red I love that they put I think they use food coloring do you think they just painted it I just thought it was a Sharpie that's super soft and there's your certificate of authenticity if there's a Nismo option for this car we got it oh you're gonna say that I just kind of want to flex it there's a lot of dismal options my guy give me one is one thing we're not doing I'm not gonna do that because this doesn't exist yeah we've done everything we're doing everything you showed them the steering wheel are you even know we don't even know if you're gonna run I don't even know when we don't even know if you're gonna run that in this car well let's just show them a wheel I got for you oh I'm running this in this car oh you are yeah yeah of course what else it's a little you know it's a little aftermarkety I I like it I just didn't know if that was I like the mines wheel but you're doing a Nismo so it has to be Nismo are you gonna cover it with this every night before you go to bed no come on new wheel release yeah put the horn button on this is an oh G thing that they did with Miatas that's fire the fact that it has something so if you want to look a little more I feel like that makes it look like more OEM like more I agree I just wish that that was colored so it stood out more well the cool thing is when you hit that it just pushes this hormone behind you yeah it's supposed to be like a you know an airbag simulation like less aftermarket I think was the goal and there it is so that's how it came from it looks dude give it us oh yeah you like that it reminds me of that's Is that real leather yeah it's an apple leather yeah it literally smells like an exotic Oh this is a Nismo catch can oil separator oh we did do that we did that this is really cool you ready so that's a rear Touhou if we did this too we did this too we did a front one too that I don't have yet and then this this is really cool this is your carbon exhaust shield from Nismo it's really cool just because you know you don't want to melt the bumper or anything so I got it I got one just because they were available but I bought you one so this could be yours the new one it doesn't matter if it's an option you did it we did it that's all I'm gonna say if I have a gift for TJ you can have this this is news to me everyone I told him to take out his camera this is the Skyline GTR R34 dealer brochure set that's really cool so that you can have that I don't have a 34 and I'm not getting It's All Passes thank you yeah how much I was I would have no idea it's like I think it was like 300 bucks for this but I feel like three back in the day too come over to my motual corner Valvoline guy this has never been open well now you just opened it well it was mine so well it's not anymore Crown I don't know why that's in there Crown 3.5 don't know what this means but that's an f40.40 with some nice F40 wheels so all right so here's your optional catalog This Is The Stuff optional parts catalog this is stuff you can get from the dealer when it was new cold badges you'll see the the V specs and then this is the old waldino exhaust air filter brakes you know whatever radios Kenwood oh these are Factory yeah wow and then you've got the MFD I don't know what any of this says but you can get like nav for those you know yeah yeah TV and navigation and then this one gold badges that's sick those special floor mats I don't know what that is but it's something with a mirror that's really cool yeah which they still did this today I know to this like level so these are the specs for like oh this is really cool yeah that's so that's the N1 the N1 came on the exposed v-spec to uh carbon they must have a special color page because all these are v-spec twos so actually you can't have this because you have a v spec one so I'm gonna keep this shot okay crap look at this there's a blowout wow so sick dude look at how good though I was like dude it's like a sticker it's like gloss and then matte like all of the like pictures are a gloss finish regretting this yeah I could tell I never opened it I'm enjoying it that's sick well that concludes a complete four minute walk through of the v-spec 2 and optional parts catalog hold on this is from the dealer this was 21 wow when it was the receipt that's sick now you'll get why I love all this this is like a there's a time machine yeah I agree you got to go back you have a 34. you got to go back to the dealer and get your dealer brochure even though it's the wrong one Josh has single-handedly dropped a motor out from the subframe seems like the superior way to do it [Music] oh holy moly nice dude that's the worst I've seen in any of these parts dude Calvin does a better wire job than that oh dude what a disrespectful thing to do yikes well that's what you don't want to see the unfucking of your 34 begins so it's now the next day the whole entire Bay is stripped and the motor is being broken down by Josh right now how many was this explaining to me some of the deletes that are gonna be done on this cooling system basically we'd get rid of this whole unit and in doing so we have to delete this this this and then it looks like this we're also going to be relocating the oil filter as well because it's in a really annoying spot the homies at Triple S Motorsports build these really cool block adapters to go to like 2 am and then from there dude a small shop dude yeah so then from there we've got a we gotta adjust moments because his intake manifold's massive from there the two lines come up go to this Grady oil filled thermostatic oil filter housing so what that means is in this is the thermostat when oil hits temperature it opens and allows it to run down to the cooler which is located here here so that's your oil cooler that's how it all works so we'll do something like this for your car it'll just make it easy to change the oil a lot nicer I hate having to change oil when it's like on the side of the block and it just gets everything discussed yeah you're like reaching down here the oil filter is too tight and sweet that's getting disassembled the number one thing we're going to do is we're going to take these turbos we're going to send them to Dustin because he loves blue so much he loves blue so much we're gonna use gritty cam gear bolts to hold on on the charger yeah all the Chargers can be held did you did you put the adjustable cam gears in yeah they were in okay they're in all right they're loose we left them but look at how clean this is so basically if you leave them loose you have variable cam timing oh it's a poor man's Beacon which matches it's just not when you want it to move oh geez you guys this is actually a pretty clean yeah so here's the most important part of this block Josh you gonna find the stamp all right here what does it say 24u so that's an N1 piece higher nickel content in the block they say it's stronger everyone's Google mode of DVD said it's not I don't think it's in Nissan's best interest to build three different blocks for no reason motive DVD they tested them I think their test was a little flawed but uh supposedly there's the o5u basic block the TJ hunt blocks there's the 24u which we'll say is like the Josh block little upgrade you know a little upgrade then there's the Triple R boy and that's me the triple R's the triple r z tune it's the best one you have the best like realistic you know how much a triple R box 20 grand oh wow this block is like seven now o5u is like 4 500 bucks so it's just stronger it's a stronger so anyway this is a great block to use for you sweet it's the same that's my HKS engine you know so world's first two eight fine spec for sure hands down that's pretty cool I just think no one's crazy enough except for an old tiege call me stupid okay TJ comes in here he's like oh my car's going to SEMA and we're like oh okay dude and I was like oh who's booth and you said you named all these sponsors 300 sponsors I was like and then one was McGuire's I was like they're not gonna want this piece of in their Booth it needs to be painted this paint being 25 years old not being the best taken care of looks really good from five feet away I would say it's a five-folder car I'd say it's like a three foot okay we'll call it a three-footer car so we were kind of just talking off camera a little bit about do we just go ahead and respray the whole entire car which I think to some degree like my biggest hesitation is oh well if you respray the original paint like there are some areas that have been painted yeah so we're just discussing about just repaying the whole entire car uh just because there are some random areas like right here's a good one we're looking at this the top of the trunk has a scratch in it sure you could touch it up and do this in that but it's like our logic is we're going to do the extent of doing everything why cheap out I say cheap out wide not just push a little far why skip it and go a little bit farther it's just gonna make my wallet cry even more but I said well if you paint the car there's benefits and negatives one of them being you got to take the glass out but you need a new trim anyway he said yeah we need to do all new trim I think for such an old car that's getting so many panels painted it's crazy to not especially if you're taking the trim off paint because that's when you paint well I I want all this to be redone well that's when you pay can you get this new you have to buy this whole window but yes and it's cheap what about this yep yeah I mean this this stuff this trip all needs to be painting you take that off if you paint it right now you have a seat you have a line yeah if you take this off and you paint all the way into this then it's a pinch Weld and then it's you put the glass in you do have a brand new car and you told me you want a brand new car yeah so so we're paying it some of you guys could be asking why don't you just do all the stuff now drive it enjoy it and then repaint it later well the whole point is the motor is out this is the biggest thing it's like if we were gonna paint the car you know do a full respray on it at some point in time you'd want to do with the motor completely out and striped and we're at that moment in time where it is at motor is out the Bay's gonna get sprayed and if there's ever a time to do it would be the most logical time but it's like wow do you want to spend another fatty Chunk on top of your fatty chunk that I just like budgeted for myself maybe leave some feedback down below give me some supportive positive comments you could do it teach just spray the whole thing it's probably gonna happen anyway but I just wanted to throw you guys on that conversation because this uh this is a pretty wild build and every conversation we have is pretty wild with it so that being said we're gonna move on to the dry ice blast this is the most expensive piece of shop equipment we have really the whole system right this is a small guy I see us Evo little gangster boy okay so see this stuff this is from dry ice blessing that's undercooked so this is what I use to clean no just kidding I do but it's not really why I bought it so this thing demands 175 PSI looks like a rifle shoots like a rifle so what we're first gonna do is I'm gonna show you this power of this since we're paying the bay you'll need those ear muffs and myrrh on my freezer there's a face shield and a pair of glasses grab them they're brand new so I'll show you what it can do to your Bay because we're gonna paint this anyway then I'll show you what it can do to your transmission oh did that gosh you disconnect the other guy it will make you go you wanna pull the trigger no no [Music] we're getting some pressure now boy we're gonna go Fearless just for a second so you can hear it okay okay not that bad stand near it for five minutes oh I'm sure blow your ears out whoa bionic Shield call out areas [Music] I would go like right you want to go with the least cool first which is just Barnacles right yeah over yours here we go yeah it takes off all of like the white crap on yeah which is just you can see the difference from here and there so this is where it gets cool Watch Your Eyes Josh look at where the sticker like protected it entirely yep that's like the color if we got our brand new trends that's what it would look like you would know if you bought a brand new trance what do you think that's pretty cool wow now we're going to show you it's real power I'm gonna try to remove some paint from your Bay it just wow okay Josh gonna feed in some more ice [Music] that's overspray damn it brought it down to like a neat coat of sorts damn that's sick so does the whole entire Bay have to get this treatment done to it it doesn't have to I probably will just do it just because I guess it doesn't need it I don't know places certain spots will we might spot treat like you see up there and over there and we just want to get them good and I like the hard to reach areas right because like you can't sand in that yeah so all dry ice blasted and the cool thing about that versus sandblasting sandblasting creates like heat and can warp panels especially thin metal the dry splaster won't do that you know nobody can get in this crack with a sander but I can just spray dry ice no one can get you know around this no one can get around these like wherever your hand can't get so we'll sand the whole thing and then we'll go in there get her done as they said you do the underside of the car too yeah that's what we that's what it specializes in oh yeah so when we drop every subframe we'll use it all underneath there and just get rid of all the grime can I get enough holes to kind of get underneath this car all right so ready yeah yeah yeah we got covered yeah we just got blasted what do you think wow so that's just like a quick I didn't want to go too deep but we are going to pull all this off because we'll be re-undercoating the wheel well yeah but I could pull that undercoating pretty much off the car that's epic so the head is off the car and that means the head gasket is off and as you guys remember we determined that it was a head gasket leak so Josh is inspecting it right now do you see anything super telling I mean this is a little wider than normal I mean it could have been in between here you're a little bit closer but like this cylinder is a lot cleaner than the others like in the head and I see it on the Piston too the Pistons so we need to inject this one it'll blow out this one and vice versa you can tell which ones had bad lash this says that the valves are filled with sodium and some other like thing that you have to be careful when you dispose of them never seen that sticker before that's kind of cool that's cool so yeah you see how this Piston's like a little cleaner here and here that would be your cylinder five yeah which is where your cylinder 4 was leaking into yeah it's two or I mean metal head gasket I don't know it doesn't even matter what the failure was because TJ committed to just ruining a fine spec yeah love to hear it yeah so two eight cylinder way which is pretty cool we didn't open any of the boxes or anything Frank rods Pistons feed cam 600 minimum honey yeah you'll be making 600 wheel minimum honey that's a lot I'm thinking you'll probably make closer like 6 30 6 40. but depends on the Dino and also too that's what we are going we'll probably talk about this later in the videos but that's what we're choosing to stop at it's not like you know this isn't supposed to be a thousand horsepower car I have a Supra for a fast straight line um this will smoke it in a straight line yeah [Music] [Music] I'm talking about a freeway roll like a like a third of third to Fourth like so like everyone does like a 70 or 60 to 130. sure my super would win 34. no doubt the video will have to come but this car is designed to be a canyon Back Road monster already 600 horsepower on Canyons is a hell of a lot so we're choosing to stop there you might die I'm telling you the power band with that V cam first a 750 horsepower Supra you will pull lengths maybe the super will come back but you will pull lengths in the beginning I'm gonna absolutely agree and I'm not really like biased sure maybe in the beginning maybe more mid-range it's it's going to be more everything yeah we'll see him as a magician okay well I'm like arguing with just two of my cars it'll be cool if this wins I don't know I don't really care regardless but if you lose you still want if I lose I still want well that is gonna be the end of this video this was a big video a lot got done and that's kind of just setting the tempo for the rest of the videos that are to come because there are a lot more so until then I will see you guys in the next video Tommy you want to end the video go back to California we need time to actually work yeah well they don't know that to them I'm not even leaving I'm just well we'll see you next time tomorrow I'll see you guys tomorrow I'll see you guys in a couple days I'll see you guys in a couple days thank you so much for watching this video peace out and Tommy wants you to remember keep moving forward moving do you still say that every video I do [Music]
Channel: Tj Hunt
Views: 456,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tj hunt, nissan, skyline, r34 gtr, nismo, nismo engine, rare, jdm, gtr, r34, nismo motor, discovering r34 gtr has blown engine, damaged motor, scammed, i got scammed, rb26, hks engine, midnight purple 2
Id: 8UqvKBxFuG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 17sec (2297 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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