Discover the Beauty of an Asian Mountain Zoo Build in Planet Zoo

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hey guys and thank you so much for tuning in to my channel my name is the lady designer and today we are back with another amazing Community Zoo tour because in this video we're going to check out yigu Valley and probably ruining that name made by Pim who is a Community member for a very long time now and after years of work he was finally able to send me a finished Zoo he was so proud of he really wanted to share it with me for showcase on the channel so obviously Pim I am very excited to find be able to check out your zoo thank you so much for sharing your zoo with me for showcase on the channel really do appreciate it and if you guys enjoyed this Zoo tour then definitely do let us all know in the comments down below and leave a like at this video If you do now without further talking let's jump into yigo Valley so I think the entrance is right over here and if you're wondering this is the I think South America pack inspired by the mountains of Machu picu right uh so yeah this is one of the more special maps that you can pick to build your zoo on and oh my goodness Pim this is looking insane already it's so freaking gorgeous it's so so beautiful uh so I I think that should be the entrance but I actually am not entirely sure so is this like there's a train track right over here and this this does feel like some kind of kind of entrance but are guest like able to walk here or is this purely decorational architecture yeah that's the that's a downside of being so high that movement with the camera is a little bit harder oh my goodness this looks so gorgeous but I ah okay I do feel like this is the entrance where guests come in oh oh oh there are so many shops here I do not want to miss out on anything so okay we have a train track right over here oh man the flowers and stuff is so gorgeous oh look at the Mist even just bringing in that gorgeous Ambiance okay so there are shops right over here um yeah okay these are the engin ticket booth things so we can just go further right over here oh my gosh the theming is so gorgeous Pim we go up right over here and then you have that big Plaza thing here that we just saw from above so much decoration it's everywhere it's so full of details it's so beautiful okay we can go up right over there are we going to wow that Waterfall oh there are even uh I think the crocodile saltwater crocodile yes oh my goodness this is so beautiful look at that Arch right here is that like some kind of statue or something it might actually be this just kind of looks like a face I'm not sure if that was the intention but that looks amazing oh wow this is so beautiful okay are we going to the left side then first yeah because I'm being attracted to the left side now because of all the beautiful waterfalls and such oh my goodness this is like the most heavily Asian themed Zoo we've ever seen probably it's so beautiful and it really shows what you can do with the theme if you want to go crazy with it are are there any animals in here I'm not sure it could be like a Japanese MAA Garden or whatsoever I see oh I wanted to say I see something here but these are VES oh my goodness I do hear the crane I think but not sure how close we are yet oh my gosh this is so beautiful oh wait oh that's um that's the the train track probably so you can go and visit the train these guests are having doubts if if they want to enter the train or not what are they doing here via small steam train not entirely sure why they are standing right over here because they can just go to the train track if they want to this might be the exit of the train just in case just look yes okay it's going all the way down and you can go up or you can go and visit the train and enjoy a zoo from there but we're just going to walk around for now let's see what we can find and what we see what is this oh these are also VES oh that's so funny how it makes you feel like I love how you did the the flowers here by the way but it's funny how it makes you feel like there are like I don't know butterflies or whatsoever what is she doing there did you see that what was that that was so weird what's going on with this game I feel like the past few weeks so many weird things are happening during Zoo tours oh this is a Japanese ma area I love what you did here with the grass that is so interesting these are the the just the yes the conservation grass roof panels that works so well for this Garden that's beautiful I also love what you did here with the pathing and stuff in the middle so these are Japanese Mao and redr cranes I don't oh there I wanted to say I don't see them but here's the ma and there is the rat Crown crane it's so beautiful this is like um the walk through thing that we have oh look at that there's even grass here on the bridge but like that walkthrough thing from the uh since we got the barnyard animal pack I think so she was actually doing an interaction with the Japanese maak wa is that a thing with the Japanese maak oh I didn't expect that to be a thing even I thought the Japanese makak like you can just walk through the habitat but should not interact with it well that was my bad if that is not the case look look look look they're actually also doing the same animation as a chicken I think it's the same thing isn't it oh that's so interesting but yeah okay so it does look like these guests are able to walk around here oh where do we go I think we're just going to go here oh I uh I had no idea that that was a thing okay so we have the red panda oh look at this how gorgeous very beautiful work and I love like this this little hallway it's so beautifully decorated so what is this this is the other side of the r pen I think really gorgeous really like what you did with the grass panels never saw anyone using it like that before just look at the beautiful flowers everywhere and all the decorations so this is a staff path cannot miss out on that one beautiful shops here gorgeously decorated wow look at this water Little Pond in between there's some more shops here and there it's very quiet on this side so there might not be too many animals here is this this seems to be an entrance as well for the train so a train entrance and exit if you want to enjoy train ride and obviously you can find oh this is also staff look at that building so beautiful you can also download the zoo yourself from the Steam Workshop with the link in the description definitely highly recommend to do so and of course to make sure to rate the zooo cuz it's so gorgeous and of course don't forget to leave a like at this video to make sure that the video will be pushed to more people out there to see this beautiful and stunning world work just look at this how gorgeous this is also one of the I think this was the South America pack that we got the golden floor so beautiful for a them Zoo like this it works super well we can go up here is there like an animal here look at these what is this a restaurant that is so awesomely themed wow look at this all these seating areas love the gold and the red everywhere it looks gorgeous more seating areas right over here really nice work okay so we have a beautiful restaurant with a gorgeous view from here stunning okay let's go to the left side this seems to be more natural less red architecture just look at this oh I think this is to geriel little gerial baby yes it is wow the foliage work is so stunning here waterfalls right over here just look at it there's foliage everywhere really beautiful and the Mist is just giving such a great Ambiance everywhere in the zoom you did a great job in using the vi VES wow gorgeous been to wrong habitat here oh oh I don't know what just happened there but oh my goodness just look at the foliage work all the flowers and grass and what not insane so gorgeous there some exhibits right over here all these flowers here on the edge beautiful waterfalls again wow stunning I love the rock work here as well by the way on the edge of the path so the guests are all looking here so I wonder there is a guest gate Alters Asian Alters oh wow look at this oh this is so beautiful and so natural I don't see them I hear them no that's a rubber ducky where are they oh there they are can we see them from a different side this is Staff only there's got to be on the other side there's got to be also a viewing gallery or or something here so we have this beautiful waterfall here oh gosh it's so stunning it's breathtaking I think we can look into the habitat from here look at that the foliage rug is just amazing P really is very nice work okay so statues there's a little pathway right over here that go to an underwater F calerie no way look at this how awesome is this this is an underwater F yes look at that this is so cool oh and they're coming so up close here really beautiful decorated very heavily themed but super [Music] awesome okay we can go back up here do wonder if guest will hit their hat or not might happen but at least these Planet zoo people don't get hurt by it look at this wow so beautiful I mean for real this is insane oh guess oh look at that there's a cave oh where do we go wait was there like there's also path here oh no I don't want to miss out on anything obviously so let's just walk VI the left side first there might be animals here I see guests looking in here but I can't really tell if there are actually animals in here oh gosh oh wow look at this view oh that is so cool there are guest standing here as well I don't see any signs so I'm not entirely sure what they are looking at so it is oh look at that giant pandas okay that was a really short glimpse of it but we did see them so cool but I guess it's all also supposed to be like very natural and just maybe walking around pretty much in their natural habitat is more like a natur natur nature reservation or something instead of like really being a zoo I mean it's also oh look at that you can see it sitting on its bum it's called a valley not per se a zoo so that makes total sense gosh it's so beautiful you did such a great job on the foliage work okay let's go up right oh wait this is another train station okay that's so cool so another exit right over here oh why it's getting super dark here like how is that even possible did you see what I mean it's like black never saw that before but that's because of the terrain on top of it or something I don't know I'm going to use a light torch because else it's just barely doable I guess there's lighting inside here if I now turn it off o it's quite dark still but there are some lanterns I one I never really saw it being so pitch black I wonder what that is like I as if something has changed with the graphics or whatsoever I don't know have you guys noticed anything when it comes down to that oh my goodness we're going up so high gosh good thing I'm not afraid of heights that much in a game well it depends doesn't feel super bad in Planet zoo but in real life oh yes I would not I'm sorry Pim no offense I would not be visi visiting a zoo like this way too high for me too many steep edges but it's definitely beautiful definitely not going to complain about that it's it's beautiful but too high a lot of different shops right over here there is a restaurant building so the guest can enjoy and sit down right over here I wonder where do we go from here just continue there's a toilet building wait a second is this like a dead end or whatsoever oh my goodness look at the beautiful view so I could be wrong I'm I want to double check um we we are here I'm not sure how we get to that area might be just from a path right over here go up right over there there are a lot of different path oh yes okay you can go down here and then you follow the path right over here you go to the other side so we are we went via one area and now we go back via the other side I think that is how it goes this gorgeous water water falls I can't get over it so cool really awesome we have a nice picnic bench right over here to enjoy this oh gorgeous view what is going on why is my mouse doing that not sure if it really is my mouse oh oh oh oh I lost it gosh this is so beautiful okay how do I get back on the path we we just jumped one level of the building I guess a little cart here selling melons there was a pathway going to the right side but I wonder what is on uh on the inside here I think there are just a lot of exhibits I'm so sorry Pim if I'm going to miss out on certain parts here like I feel like there are tons of different Pathways going to many different sections here so I'm a little bit afraid that I am missing out on some exhibits or whatnot so I apologize but I do obviously recommend anyone out there to to just download the zoo yourself and explore it if you want to see all corners and details how it's all put together oh this is so awesome so where is this going to we're going up right over here ah some exhibits here to attract more visitors some picnic benches where do these gu guests come from from the from the backside it feels like no this is a staff path there are some toilets maybe they went to the toilets here there's a restaurant wow it's so beautiful just look at the view from here it's insane okay I think we can go down right over here and we have some more picnic benches oh I love these little Peak throughs above the waterfall oh my goodness it's so gorgeous and let's go down right over here it's nice because the guests can like just sit down when they are tired of walking it's really nice that you made these these these little areas for them oh my goodness look at this this is another of those Pathways like you probably miss out on if you just walked right away straight forward oh my goodness oh the view is so [Music] beautiful um okay oh yeah we can go down right over here oh I'm so sorry if you guys guys get dizzy from all the little corners and bends that we're taking going to try and make it more smooth okay so you have the the entrance of the boat ride let's just have a look here at the station because that looks awesome oh my goodness these guests are totally getting wet here oh actually maybe they're not okay I think I think the um the roof of the boat is helping them it's so beautiful out here Pim you've you've done such an amazing job with both the view and the incredible foliage R now we we went that side right so I think we should now follow this side right over here beautiful River or Pond or however we're going to call it toilet buildings beautiful statues everywhere little props and details with the water buffalo right over here oh look at that oh he's running really fast also really nice habitat I wonder if the guest can really see them it's very high this rock Rog we can go a little bit higher so that that's totally fine there's another restaurant building here yes it does look like it I like it how many restaurant you actually added it's really cool oh wait we have another habitat here swans oh they're perfect in the zoo oh my gosh guests are so excited about the swans it looks like it's so busy here but yeah they definitely fit the beautiful vibe that you have going on right over here amazing okay let's just continue have another exhibit more exhibits on that side think this is the entrance for another train station yep definitely it's nice for the guests as well that they don't have to walk that far if they don't want to but there are plenty of train stations to hop from one area to the other oh there is another habitat right over here oh is this the other side of the water buffalos not entirely sure getting yes it is getting a little bit disoriented from all the different little paths oh but it looks so beautiful okay we go and follow this path further in oh that's a walkth through habitat but there's this oh that's interesting I never realized you could also use this for staff what a cool idea and this is for guests oh that is so interesting I've never seen anyone use that before wait this is uh oh no I thought this is the same Bridge but this is a flamingo not a Red Crown Crane and the Japanese ma beautiful Flamingo habitat you have here they also fit so well in the beautiful theme you have going on it's so pretty oh man look at the view here all these buildings and architecture cute little shops so gorgeous we can go all the way up here but I wonder if I do I get to the other side of the zoo or Valley and then we're going to miss out on what is on the other side let me just quickly check where are we here did we really see this oh I don't dare to say Asia East oh gosh is this still on the other side it actually does feel like it but I do also feel like I missed out on an area of the zoo are we able to like walk there via this path right over here going all the way around the Flamingo habitad or is this also an entrance to the flamingo habitat there's so many different pathways what is this it does feel like a viewing gallery for a habitat just look at that okay no this is this is the flamingos again oh no I'm disoriented now so much okay wait this this does feel like this is the flamingo Hamad so this feels like the area that we should walk oh gosh okay okay um go down I'm not entirely sure why but I do feel like maybe things will go a little bit smoother if we just pause the game a little bit I have a feeling that there are some frame rate lags that makes it feel even wobbler when I walk around um is there another path right over here this yes okay let's follow this path first and then then I'm sorry and then if we can go to uh to that River and walk the edge around the river or or Pond I think then we're sure to not miss out on anything this look this looks like a staff area actually oh that's very nicely decorated yeah there are no guests here uh oh there are actually shops here as well oh that's very interesting there's another uh entrance for a train track it looks like so Asia East there's some exhibits on that side yeah I do feel like things are going a little bit smoother but it could also be because there are just no guests walking around here so it's less busy this seems to be some kind of habitat isn't it don't see any animals here it's a beautiful garden there are guests there are some guests right over here Asia East there are a lot of signs going to Asia East so this is the area that we were just walking but there is a habitat here I mean there's a termite Mound oh there's a Chinese Pangolin in here oh look at this oh my goodness yeah I'm so there are so many different path here I'm definitely going to miss out in some areas I'm so sorry about that pin but my goodness this is so gorgeous I love how you integrated the Chinese Pengalin habitat in here look they even have a cave here that's [Music] awesome oh wow this is what I really wanted to see I think this the view on this this this Pond is is so freaking stunning like I think that's that's from any angle that's so much the highlight of this Valley it's so freaking gorgeous like from every angle and like the color of blue you used it's it's amazing okay so we go to the right side here just look at this just look how fantastic this looks just so gorgeous and I love how you use all the the the foliage and stuff there's a little Bridge even here we can stand on and enjoy a beautiful view with the mountain here and all the architecture on top of it oh my goodness it's it's it's so so amazing I don't think we've ever saw a zoo a valley decorated as much as this with the Asian theme it's fantastic it really is oh oh where are we going here we go up what is this building or just just just meant to give you another awesome view here off the zoo from a different angle just look at this oh this is the oh wait is this the entrance area it actually might be this is the waterfalls with the the saltwater crocodile and then you have the view here just just one more time because it does look like we've we've went all the way around here oh no we are we definitely did not see this area did we I mean this is this is so gorgeous just look at the waterfalls right over here oh my freaking goodness what it's stunning this is how you decorated the edge where the the train track is passing by oh my goodness the the waterfalls are insane wow okay wait if we just just follow the train track a little bit oh my goodness look at this it's all decorated and there I I guess this is a habitat as well can't see any animal right over here then you have this beautiful waterfall here oh my goodness this is so pretty look at it I I definitely recommend to just visit the train but we are not able to enjoy this for a a bit longer if you're visiting the train and I think this is totally worth it to also just see what you have done here to decorate the whole area I mean this is this is insane oh my gosh look how big this is you really want all the way out to decorate everything of the edge as well it's fantastic Pim it really is okay wait so the train track is going through here it's a cave okay oh gosh yeah okay okay very very very long cave through the terrain gosh thank goodness we have a light torch here this is not decorated okay that's okay that's okay we should just hopefully [Music] see the other I would also definitely not decorate this though I I don't blame you but now I'm like oh I can't go back I'm all the way oh yes there's the end I'm all the way in here almost getting a little bit claustrophobia here or however you say that in English claustrophobic that's probably the word of it okay let's turn off the light torch and just see because this is like the the top endend right over here gosh this this must have taken terrible amount of work decorate this all insane just look at the buildings right over here wa wait wait wait let's go down here and follow a train track flying oh wow the waterfalls the prascus monkey is hidden in here as well well oh my gosh just look at the climbing frames oh bintangs as well it's going all the way up it's fantastic I don't even know how you did this with all the all the the waterfall so look at that monkey here how you did this with it's insane the the waterfalls are so beautiful okay so going through a little Forest [Music] here there might be a train yeah okay train station right over here as well oh my goodness the the the gorgeous colors here with the flowers stunning super beautiful okay there is more right over here it actually looks like there are climbing frames here as well just look at these little ladders everywhere wow oh my goodness so what is this what oh oh oh there's a little piano so it's got to be some kind of monkey or primed I hear a crane as well I'm not sure if there are clothes here can't see what kind of animal is in here but it looks so fantastic oh my goodness okay so we under train track at the beautiful view here feels like there are some guests stuck right over here we're just going to ignore that gosh the waterfalls are so beautiful all the way here the beautiful archways beautiful forest and then see this gorgeous Tower peeking through the trees gosh I can't even imagine how much time this all took you okay there's another train station right over here is this a train station from the entrance I think it is yes this one is right behind here oh my goodness Pim pimp Pim this this was fantastic like especially for the Asian theme you have done an incredible job and you're your your foliage work your nature work is is is beautiful you've done a really great job in catching the the Asian theme here with it's it's beautiful the color is it's it's really gorgeous G thank you so much for sharing this beautiful zoo with us for showcase on the channel everyone leave something nice for pay and comments down below and let us know what you enjoyed the most of this gorgeous Zoo if you want to check out the zoo yourself definitely go and uh find it in the description of this video with a steam link and make sure to liberate it of course as well on Steam to make sure more people watch seeing this beautiful work and if you have a fish zo you would like to see me check out as well on the channel definitely do make sure sure to read the description of this video as well to see how you can send me your finish zoo and who knows I might be able to check out your zoo as well on the channel in the future thank you all so much for watching and uh yeah I just really do hope to see you guys all in the next one bye guys
Channel: DeLadysigner
Views: 8,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planet zoo zoo tour, planet zoo tour, planet zoo full zoo tour, planet zoo tour deladysigner, planet zoo full zoo, planet zoo best zoo, planet zoo best zoo tour, planet zoo sandbox mode, planet zoo realistic, planet zoo best realistic zoo, deladysigner, planet zoo original zoo, planet zoo deladysigner, Planet Zoo, Mountain zoo build, Zoo tour, Wildlife showcase, Virtual journey, Zoo creations, Animal habitats, Workshop download, Planet Zoo Mountain Zoo, Asian Zoo, best zoo
Id: sRwfbKYDpfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 43sec (2263 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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