Discover the Art of Making Wine

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[Music] wine treasured by the Greeks and exported throughout the Roman Empire the wine trade dots the landscape of the ancient world throughout history the art of the grape has been celebrated and its development MIRS the development of s and civilization over the centuries the industry has expanded and innovation has set new standards for production but even today the art of wine its Essence lies in the process the journey from Vine to [Music] wine [Music] wine it can hold different meanings for each of us for some it's a simple beverage to be enjoyed at meal time for others it's a commodity something sought after and collected yet for many wine remains intimidating and it doesn't have to be after all it's only fermented grape juice hi I'm Michael Fagan in this episode we're going to travel to some of the finest wine regions of the world where we'll meet the wine makers and discover the secrets of wine making and the magic of the [Music] grape although we are all familiar with various grapes from the Fruit Stand the species of grape which is proven best for the production of wine is called vidus vinifera which means literally the wine grape whether Chardon Cabernet sovol or P Noir virtually all wine grapes used today stem from vidis benifer called the noble grape most wine grapes are grown in two belts around the globe between 30 and 50° latitude North and South these regions have the temperate climate and moderate rainfall the grapes need to flourish the cycle also includes a beneficial winter season because grape Vines need a time to rest between crops now it's not just a matter of geography selection of a proper site and the skill of the grow ERS and wine makers will determine the character of the finished wine there is an innate factor which is the TA which is the location you well you name it uh and the place where you grow Vines and then there there are acquired factors which are at least as important and the work of people who have just developed vtic culture in that first identified the place as potentially extremely rewarding and then worked on it in order to produce wine traditionally grapes were grown in tracks of land that were left over when better soils were used to farm grain and vegetable produce today many of the world's grape Growers believe that poor soil produces their best fruit you have to find unhospitable very low in nutrients type of soil The Roots which will actually drive the roots to go very very deep that's where quality start so the roots have really to go down and uh as down as possible to get the real sap the minerals and in fact they have to fight [Music] together so the bests are right in the middle obviously soil conditions will vary widely across the world but there can be dramatic differences even in the same Vineyard I found it very surprising on my first visit the difference in in t the difference in soil from one property to another it's not a wide range in between you can sort of step over and you're in a whole new area absolutely I can show you here we are at Fon next door is Petrus taste the wines together they are completely different the differences in soil the climate and even the microclimate around the vine will influence the character of the wine produced the the character of a of a wine is uh starts with the place that it's grown and um different soil types and and microclimates produce different qualities some better than others and some more interesting than others and you're always trying to highlight the best potential qualities that a given site or soil can give you to make it hearer against disease and pests and to adapt it to different soil conditions around the world the vidus Phifer of Vine is often grafted with hardier North American rootstock the grafting consists of actually cutting the choot of each varial and binding them together to form a new living plant the resulting Vine will then possess the qualities of the noble grape vidus vanifer along with the desirable properties of the hardier rootstock it it's really quite a sturdy and Hardy plant isn't it oh very much so very very much so it'll tolerate many different soil conditions many different climatic conditions hillsides valleys it's a very tough tough [Music] plant once a new vineyard site has been selected and cleared the grafted Vines are planted this comes after careful analysis of the many growing conditions all of which are included in the French word ter Tera means not only the ground in which the grapes are grown but also the atmosphere that the uh aspect the weather around uh and the the drainage it takes into account all kinds of aspects about how that grape was grown so this is Merlo yes in grape growing there are no overnight Miracles rarely is there a usable Harvest before the third Year's crop and Growers Will Wait decades for for the vine to yield its highest quality fruit well there's a saying in Windom that says that the older the vine uh the better the wine and when they're healthy that's absolutely true older Vineyards care for their fruit uh differently than uh say Teenage vines in that they will shift their energy away from creating vegetation to looking after the uh fruit at a slightly earlier time and then they don't race to maturity and so that's something that we find gives better flavor uh more complexity and more density and it it's basically comes down to the longer a Vine is in the ground the more extensive a root system it can develop and uh what happens is the deeper and more extensive that root system is the more access the vine has to other things in the soil spring marks the beginning of a new year in the vineyard here in France's alas region the beginning of the growing season is celebrated with the procession of St Urban the patron saint of The Growers the work in The Vineyards actually began months earlier first The Vines were pruned to remove unnecessary canes this results in fewer but larger Bunches of ripe grapes and controls the shape of the vine next the shoots are tied to the appropriate wires on the trol structure that support the vine although the grape is a creeping or climbing vine and can grow wild it must be trained to the trellis structure to produce optimal fruit for the wine maker in late spring the growth cycle begins with flowering most grape Vines are self-pollinating containing both male and female parts at this point in the season the grower can begin to predict how much a Vineyard will yield at Harvest as the season progresses grape Growers will continue to monitor the health and development of the fruit the Grower's objective is to improve the yield and overall quality of the fruit by maintaining good ventilation within the vine and managing the fruit's exposure to the sun in drier climates grape Growers depend on irrigation for the survival of their Vines this control over water supply can have a distinct Advantage allowing them to regulate the moisture a plant receives and making them less vulnerable to erratic weather conditions if you irrigate you're not battling what Mother Nature is thrown at you all the time so you're putting on very exacting amounts of water which really help you to dial in your uh your wine Styles your grape Styles out in the vineyard often the spraying of fungicides herbicides Ides and pesticides are necessary to control disease and pests their use however must be discontinued well before the Harvest so this is the Bona Vineyard there is an alternative however used in virtually all parts of the wine World some Growers employ organic viticultural practices to combat pests and disease well what organic means in in the production of wine making wine is that in our grape growing we're not using any synthe chemicals no pesticides herbicides or fertilizers the whole approach is prevention so in a case of an insect population we plant things between the grapes daon radish Bell beans oats all kinds of things that provide Nector that attract predatory insects and that keeps our insect populations down it's moving insect pests are also controlled in other ways we need to put some lights out here pherom hores are placed in the vineyard to disrupt insect pest reproduction and protect the vine throughout the entire growing season a process called canopy management is employed The Vines need to be constantly trimmed to reduce excess vegetation this hedging directs all the vines energy to where it'll do the most Good Into The Grapes also leaves that have grown up around the grape bunches may be removed to allow more Sunshine onto the fruit for better ripening at various stages of growth immature grape clusters will also be removed to direct more nutrients to the remaining bunches this is called the green harvest the first thing we do is to cut off those green berries it does two things one we reduce the crop so we get more intensity but also we even out the ripeness so that when we Harvest all of the Clusters are right about the same ripeness had you come here 30 years ago people would have uh touched the vine twice pruning and harvesting that was it today pruning is uh much more serious than ever before uh which is the most important element as Autumn approaches The Grapes begin to ripen changing from the hard green berries to yellow green pink and soft blue colors of ripe grapes this transitional stage called thasan is a time when more sugar will be produced and stored within the berries in Early Autumn when the process is complete Growers begin checking the grapes on a daily basis for ripeness what they're looking for is an optimal balance between sugars and acid within the grapes 23 bricks 23 unlike some other fruits grapes will not continue to ripen once they're picked from the vine selecting the right moment to harvest is the most critical decision in the Grower's year yeah you were saying another few weeks yes I I would think maybe almost a month in cooler growing regions like Ontario the fall weather can be highly unpredictable making the decision to harvest all the more critical along with their years of experience today Growers have turned increasingly to technological advances like remote weather stations to help predict local weather patterns a heavy rainfall during the Harvest phase can advance rot and disease or waterlog the fruit which dilutes their sugars in warm climate regions Growers can generally rely on favorable dry conditions at Harvest this results in consistent ripening of fruit from one vintage to the next when the sugars in the grape have reached their Peak the Harvest can [Music] begin while The Vineyards of the north are blanketed under snow the warm months of February and March Mark the Harvest in the southern hemisphere this is a time of frenzied activity as communities come together to make the year's wine everyone participates here this is the culmination of months of hard work in The Vineyards and er race to collect the fruit at its peak for many producers the best method for selecting and picking grapes is manual harvesting a process as old as wine making itself Crews of Pickers will move from row to row cutting greate bunches off the vine with shears in the Bordeaux region of France where many wineries have achieved an almost legendary status only the highest quality fruit is handpicked leaving any inferior grapes behind but when it comes to the immense Vineyards necessary for large-scale production mechanical Harvesters are unmatched in [Music] efficiency first developed in the' 60s the mechanical Harvester has placed handpicking in the majority of the world's Vineyards today these machines straddle the rows of vines gently shaking The Grapes loose their Hoppers are then emptied into bins for transport to the [Music] wineries the arrival of the fruit at the winery marks an important transition in the wine making process the grower who's nurtured The Grapes to fruition throughout the season must place his bounty in the trust of the wine maker n the wine maker will now transform the fruit through vinification into finished wine now begins the process of extracting the sweet juice and flavor compounds from the grape first the stocks are removed by passing through a Crusher D stemmer that also lightly cracks the skin of the grapes unlike the Reds white wine grapes are transferred directly to a wine [Music] press exerting gradual pressure on the grapes the Press separates the liquid from the solid matter the resulting liquid is called the must containing water sugar acids and flavor compounds at every step in the process random tests are performed to assess sugar levels acidity and pH that gauge the overall quality of the juice the must is pumped into tanks for fermentation the tanks are made from a variety of materials ranging from stainless steel to traditional wood to line concrete they are usually geared to the size of a winery's production ranging from giant Industrial Containers to the small Vats housed within Boutique [Music] wineries here the mus starts to ferment Ed yeast is added which more efficiently converts the sugars into alcohol fermentation of white wine takes place at cooler temperatures than red and the process can last for up to 3 weeks the cooler temperatures within the tanks Aid in preserving the delicate fruit flavors that distinguish white wines but these tanks can also be used for extreme Cooling in a process called cold stabilization the temperature inside the tank drops well below zero to crystallize the naturally occurring tartaric acid onto the tank [Music] walls if left in the bottle these harmless crystals sometimes called wine diamonds could be perceived as a quality defect an interesting fact is that the juice from most grapes even red grapes is white for this reason white wines can be made from red grapes champagne is a good example champagne is a blended wine usually made from Pon Noir pom and chardonay grapes but how is red wine made from White juice so where does all the color come from all the color is in the skins and about 95% of the flavonoids and when you ferment it after 2 or 3 days the color from the Skins go into the wine and you have a red wine the essential difference in the making of red wine is that the must ferments on its own skins to extract pigment tannins and flavor compounds as with whites red wine making begins with the grapes passing through a Crusher destemmer the grapes are not pressed though instead both skins and juices are pumped into a vessel together for fermentation cultured ye may also be added to red wine to control the process and to produce specific flavor characteristics the fermentation of red wine ranges from 2 to 14 days but the biggest difference is the extraction of color flavor and tannin from the Skins called mation the longer the Skins are left to soak in their must the more intense the wine will become as red grapes ferment their skins rise to the top forming a cap or crust traditionally the cap is frequently punched down extracting more from the Skins Alterna in a process called pumping over wine will be drawn from the bottom of the tank and pumped over the Skins to achieve the same [Music] results when the wine maker is satisfied with the color and concentration of the wine the liquid now called free run Wine is separated from the skins in the tank now it's ready to remove the juice and press the Skin So to remove the juice of course at this point the skin are all up all up on top and on the bottom on the bottom are the juice ready to remove it and move it in another tank okay so in fact you can see here come out oh yeah the juice the skins and gray pulp are removed by hand and transferred to the Press where the Skins are squeezed under high pressure to extract the remaining liquid this concentrated wine called press wine may be Blended back to achieve the desired balance with the alcoholic fermentation complete the juice has been converted to Wine but the Wine Maker's work is far from Over the acid cont content of any wine must be imbalance at this point many wines go through another phase called malolactic fermentation this is especially important for red wines from cooler climates and even white wines like chardonay mctic fermentation is it's a conversion with bacteria as the uh the Catalyst for it that converts malic acid to lactic acid lactic is a weaker acid and uh provides then a softer effect in the mouth some wines you want that to happen most Reds you want to be softer in the mouth a little richer some whites some chardonay but on the other hand some whites like wling you want to avoid the malolactic fermentation because it creates more complexity and uh one of the great things about reing is the purity of the fruit uh this set is from 16th century and now the aging process begins where the Wine's final flavors will begin to transform and develop aging periods can vary from 6 months to several years and may include treatment in new wooden barrels used to impart flavors usually from French or American Oak everything down here is 100% French Oak actually the choice to use new Oak barrels to add extra dimensions of flavor to the wine is a personal one on the part of the wine maker and if they decide to do so the country of origin and even the forest the wood comes from will make a significant difference in the wine the barrels are toasted inside to caramelize the wood adding a toasted or even Smoky flavor to the wine American Oak tends to add stronger flavors than French and the differences are dramatic even with the same wine now these are both chardonay yeah they're both chardonay they're from the same Vineyard picked the same day they're both right here from Menino go away this can't be the same wine from the same year these are totally different yeah it's quite a different so wine making is like it's an art if you will and it's an expression they have an understanding of how Oak is going to impact a different varietal so they they use that as a kind of part of their pallet to select from I I like the quote from Louis Martini Louis Martini said I want to taste the place where the grapes were were grown rather than the container in which they were aged and if I want Oak I'll chew on a 2x4 the aging process is entirely dependent on the style of wine being made but even in the most inert of processes the wine maker is still at work refining his product through clarification as wine ages in the barrel sediments are produced and the wine becomes cloudy the sediment consists mainly of dead yeast cells called leaves along with tannin and grape fragments the wine maker removes these deposits through a process called clarification here a finding agent like egg whites is deposited into the wine barrel to capture the suspended particles the heavier solids then fall to the bottom of the barrel and the clear wine is carefully removed and transferred to a clean vessel in a process called [Music] racking the most efficient method of removing unwanted particles is filtration and the wine May undergo several stages of refinement each time the wine is pumped through porous materials trapping solids in the filter membranes these sediments are discarded leaving the wine clear and free of [Music] deposits every wine has its own character a unique personality based on varietal type the vineyard location and the Vintage year but these subtle variations can challenge a wine maker who's expected to deliver consistent wine Styles from One Year to the next in a process called blending the wine maker will combine wines from different Vineyards or grape varieties to achieve a consistent complimentary blend you can have very ripe vintages very dry vintages and so by using blendings you are just adding to the wine what is the most or the better expression of the variety for a vintage when the wine maker is satisfied with the final wine it is bottled sealed labeled and packaged for shipment often cross the [Music] globe when it arrives at the consumer's table the vast majority of wine is fully developed and ready to be enjoyed however the finest wines are often returned to the cellar after bottling and locked away for further aging how far back do the wines go in here oh this maturation process allows the Wine's flavors to transform and develop further and with some Reds the harsh tannins to soften 83 vintages or 71 71 that was a great year some of the best dry gats we ever made here 86 that's the year I was married the greatest wines may be selled for decades before they reach their Peak it takes an expert to actually predict the lifespan of Fine Wines because the aging process will vary widely with each label and vintage year [Music] however when the moment arrives and the bottle is open everyone will be a unique expression of the TA and the craft of the wine [Music] maker wine from simple Beginnings it evokes such a wide range of emotion for The Collector the Enthusiast and the novice there's an appreciation for the wine maker craft that takes simple fruit and transforms it into a complex and fragrant beverage every bottle has a story to tell and it's the memory of that Journey from Vine to wine that we celebrate in every glass that we [Music] raise $1,000 more $1,000 more city5 17 ,000 now 18,000 Now give me 19,000 now and [Music] follow look at that St [Music] CR [Music] help thank you Chin Chin Chin [Music] ch
Channel: LCBO
Views: 1,913,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Winemaker (Profession), Winemaking (Interest), Oenology, terroir, grape harvest, Wine (Industry), Common Grape Vine (Grape Variety), Viticulture (Field Of Study), Food (TV Genre)
Id: 4UJmB3EqhU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 04 2014
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