Discover Prophecy-19 How Not To Get The Mark of the Beast by David Asscherick

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open your Bibles to Revelation chapter 14 Revelation chapter 14 and I want to bring something to your attention right at the outset that is very logical very what everyone logical now we've made this point before but I want to make it again Revelation chapter 14 and in Revelation chapter 14 we find the most serious warning in all of the Bible in Revelation chapter 14 we find the most serious warning in all of the Bible and it has to do with the issue of the mark of the beast so let's look at that Revelation chapter 14 and I'm reading in verse 9 what verse everyone 9 then a third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if anyone what's the next word worships the beast in his image or receives his mark on ASP or header in his hand he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever and they have no rest day or night who what worship the Beast and His image and whoever receives what the mark of his name you cannot find a more serious more austere more amazing I don't know how to say it significant serious serious serious warning in all of the Bible than that one right there okay now I want you to think about this for just a moment God's basically saying don't get the mark of the beast don't get the mark of the beast don't get the mark of the beast don't get the mark of the beast now is it reasonable of God for for him to tell us don't get the mark of the beast and then not make it clear as to what the mark of the beast is does that make sense it will be a little bit like God saying don't touch the snickerdoodle don't touch the snickerdoodle don't touch the snickerdoodle and we say God what is the snickerdoodle and he says well that's for me to know and you to find out does that make any sense everyone no sense whatsoever and so tonight we're going to proceed in a very logical very linear fashion and we're going to ask ourselves from the Bible what is this question this idea of the mark of the beast we're going to start right in our study guide we're beginning in the first little paragraph there the mark of the beast is one of the most serious and misunderstood subjects in the Bible since we have already identified the Beast of Revelation chapter 13 we need only to discover what is what mark is after all the mark of the beast is just that the mark of the beast that is it's the Beast Swatt mark once the Beast has been built they identified the matter of uncovering as Mark becomes almost elementary as we shall see sometimes we say the word mark of the beast as though it's one word you don't want to get the mark of the beast right we say the mark of the beast but let's slow down if that's possible for me and let's really discuss what is the mark of the WHA the beach so then that tells me that the mark of the beast would be the mark of the beast if that makes sense say Amen so instead of trying to figure out what's the mark of the beast right whatever that might be we say it all like it's one word let's figure out who the Beast is and then it's elementary for us to say what's his mark because the mark of the beast would be the mark of the beast if that makes sense amen okay so far so good so don't forget the issuer right there in your study guide as we study the topic of the mark of the beast we must bear in mind what we have learned from our past studies in Revelation first we have learned that there is a great conflict a great one every one a great conflict that surrounds God his character his law and his government Satan has claimed that God is unfair unjust and self-serving Satan has claimed that he could run the universe essentially better than God this backdrop of the larger issue at stake namely God's own character helps us to understand with clarity the big picture issues in Revelation 2nd the central issue at the worship at the end of time according to the book of Revelation is the issue of you say it with me worship keeping these two revelation essentials in mind will be exceedingly helpful in understanding the mark of the beast issue let us go to the screen the mark of the beast is let's say it together the mark of the beast okay let's try it again the mark of the beast is the mark of the beast if that makes sense say Amen so the first beast of Revelation chapter 13 we've already identified as the Roman church-state we've already identified we know who the Beast is we know who the Antichrist is and so what we're looking for tonight is the mark of the beast are we all together on that everyone if we know who the Beast is we just have to figure out what his mark is okay now the second beast of Revelation chapter 13 is a spokesman for the first beast sometimes referred to as the false prophet how many of you have heard that term before the false prophet okay you find that revelation we'll be talking about the false prophet tomorrow night okay now the Bible predicts there will be an erosion of freedom when church and state unite the Bible predicts that there will be an erosion of civil liberties when church and state what's the next word everyone unite in fact let me just show you that very quickly you're still in revelation there look at Revelation chapter 13 I want to show you one of the most important words in Revelation chapter 13 Revelation chapter 13 and I'm looking at verse 12 what verse everyone it says he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence and what's the next word causes the earth and those who dwell in it to uh worship so let me summarize he causes the earth to worship in a certain way okay cause means to force cause means what to force now jump down to verse 15 he was granted power to give breath to the image of the Beast that the image of the Beast should both speak and what cause as many as would not what worship the image of the Beast should be killed and look at verse 16 he what causes and so the idea here is that people are being forced to worship in a certain way if that makes sense amen it comes up several times there in Revelation 13 causes causes causes and the word means being forced being what everyone force now think of it this way does God ever force us to worship Him in a certain way yes or no absolutely not God says come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest right the Bible also says in Jeremiah chapter 33 the Lord has appeared a bold unto me saying yay I have loved thee with an everlasting love listen carefully therefore with loving kindness I have drawn thee I have what everyone drawn thee so God says come to me I want to draw you I want to woo you that's the God of the Bible but the B says worship or else if that makes sense say Amen and so that's really the mark of the beast is this idea of the enforcement of worship the enforcement of certain religious value us and that's why we say the Bible predicts an erosion of freedom what is the mark of the beast well as we've already discussed it's the mark of the bees there we go and what is this mysterious number 666 you're still there in Revelation chapter 13 let's take a look at that Revelation chapter 13 and it says they're right toward the end of it verse 16 he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a wad a mark on their right hand or in their foreheads so that no one might buy or sell so there's economic sanctions involved except the one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number or the what everyone the number of his name here is wisdom let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is what 666 and tomorrow night I'm going to tell you exactly what 666 is I'll show you exactly what 666 is I wish we could do it tonight we just have time to cover the mark of the beast but these two ideas are intertwined they're what everyone intertwine and so tonight we're going to answer answer the question and ask the question what is the mark of the beast and there are many different ideas out there and some of them frankly are rubbish I mean they're just ideas that someone got they've heard about a computer in in Switzerland and it's called the Beast and it prints out little tags and etc etc all of these things people have different ideas and different conjectures which is not based on the guess what the Bible some people say oh I've heard the mark of the beast is a government identification number that's going to be tattooed on your right hand or on your forehead some say the mark of the beast is a barcode of some kind it's it's those UPC symbols in the Kroger store so watch out the UPS others say the mark of the beast is a number on a credit card II but I'd be very careful that you don't have 666 there but we have seen the central issue regarding the mark of the beast is not about computer chips and tattoos it's the issue of worship the issue of what everyone worship and not just worship but forced worship you will worship in this certain way or else he causes he causes he causes if this makes sense so far say Amen see beloved think of it this way God not going to say in revelation over and over again the issue is worship the issue is worship the issue is worship the issue is worship and then we get down to the end of the time and it's about a computer in Switzerland does that make any sense to anyone below it doesn't make one wink of sense what we need to do instead of reading the fantastic sensational websites and you know outlets and Christian magazines far better to go to what the Bible says and see what the Bible says about the mark of the beast issue if that makes sense say Amen powerful okay so now we're back to our study guide god's seal versus the mark of the beast god's seal versus the mark of the beast our message tonight is entitled how not to get the mark of the beast i mean who cares if you know what it is this is how not to get it amen that's like saying would you rather know what the flu is in a scientific way or would you rather know how not to get it I'd rather know how not to get it that makes sense everyone so let's talk about how not to get it God's seal versus the mark of the beast in order to understand the mark of the beast we must first understand what God's seal these two are the opposite of one another if you have one you cannot have the other they're like oil and water the issue then for the believer should not be a part of me should be about ensuring that he or she does have one of the next two words the seal of God that's right in short the seal of God should be the primary focus not what everyone the mark of the beast in obtaining the seal one is guaranteed that he/she cannot also receive the mark of the beast so let us first seek to understand the seal of God if that makes sense I want you to say Amen think of it this way if you have the seal of God by definition you don't have the mark of the beast does that make sense everyone and so since these two things are polar opposites and mutually exclusive instead of one who I wonder what the mark of the beast is I hope I don't get it there's a whole nother group of people who say oh don't worry about it at all you're going to be raptured anyway beloved think of it this way instead of worrying about what the mark of the beast is let's say what do we have to do in order to ensure that we could never get it that make sense so now it's not just an intellectual exercise of curiosity I wonder what it is I wonder what it could be no now we're saying how do we ensure that we don't end up with it whatever it is does that make sense everyone yes or no and so the answer is you get the seal of God because if you have the seal of God you can't have the guess what the mark of the beast so it's more important for us to understand that than the mark of the beast and actually what we're going to discover is once we've got the seal of God signed sealed and delivered then the mark of the beast becomes almost Elementary okay so let's continue on here bottom of the page there the seal and the 144,000 open your Bibles to Revelation chapter 7 Revelation chapter 7 you're still there in Revelation so let's do that Revelation chapter 7 I'm reading in my study guide here the 144,000 spoken of in Revelation chapter 7 verses 1 to 4 and 14 one two four five all have the seal of God where in their forehead let's take a look at that Revelation chapter 7 beginning in verse 1 after these things I saw the four angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth on the sea nor on any tree then I saw another angel ascending from the east having the seal of the Living God and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth in the sea do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees till we have what sealed the who servants of God where on their forehead and I heard the number of those that were sealed in the number was 144,000 of all the tribes of the children of Israel and so those that are sealed are sealed where in their foreheads now let's remember something here that's absolutely critical you can get the mark of the beast in one of two places you could get the mark where on your right hand or where in your forehead but you can only get the seal where in the forehead that'll become critical in just a moment now let's continue in our study guide we're on the second page note that the mark of the beast can be received either in though you'd write that down the hand or in the forehead but the seal of God can be received only in the forehead now according to Revelation chapter 6 verses 12 to 17 let's look at those verses Revelation chapter 6 some people say who are the 144,000 I've heard that the 144 thousand are a group of super Jews at the end of time who go out to convert all of the people who are left behind at the rapture well that's very imaginative and that's you know very creative but I want to know what the Bible says not just what people think is creative can you say Amen so let's see what the Bible says about the hundred and forty-four thousand I'm in Revelation chapter six and I'm looking in verse 12 Revelation chapter 6 and what verse everyone 12 this is the opening of the sixth seal off that scroll John says I looked and he opened the sixth seal and behold there was a great white everyone earthquake the sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became like blood and the stars of heaven fell to the earth as a fig tree fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up and every mountain and island was moved out of its place wow this must be an amazing event the mountains are disappearing disappearing the the islands are distinct disappearing verse fifteen and the kings of the earth the great men the rich men the commanders the mighty men every slave in every free man hid themselves in the what caves and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the rocks and mountains fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb remember we talked about that last night it doesn't say the wrath of the lion it doesn't say the wrath of the grizzly bear it says the wrath of the Lamb now look at verse 17 for the great day of his wrath has come and who is able to stand so this is clearly depicting the second coming of Jesus I mean the mountains are disappearing the islands are disappearing and and here comes Jesus the wrath of the Lamb right and as he's returning to come and take his promised precious people home people are looking up and and those that are not saved those who have not put their faith in Jesus are running to the rocks and saying fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne now notice how it ends there verse 17 it ends with a question it ends with what everyone the question is this the great day of his wrath has come and who is able to stand so look at Revelation chapter 6 ends with a question who will be able to endure this catastrophic cataclysmic amazing a event of the second coming of Jesus and then the answer is Revelation chapter 7 the 144,000 if that makes sense say Amen see remember that the chapters and verses in your Bibles were added that would have been read before the chapters the versification and the various chapters added that would have just read who is able to stand after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the wind and sea should not blow on the earth or on any sea and I saw another angel ascending from the east having the seal of the Living God and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth in the sea do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees till we have sealed the what servants of God we're in their foreheads so the 144,000 are those who are alive when Jesus returns the 144,000 is not a group of super Jews at the end of time that go out to evangelize I don't know where people got that idea but you didn't get it from the Bible these are those people who are alive when Jesus returns John asked the question the great day of his wrath has come who can stand and then he says the 144,000 now look back at your study guide this is absolutely powerful it says 144,000 are those who are alive when Jesus Christ returns to the earth they sing a song that no one else can sing because they pass through an experience that no other generation has known the number does not have to be a literal number as everything in Revelation is highly symbolic and the number itself is quite obviously steeped in theological significance and by the way I don't make a big deal out of that either way it may be a literal number and it may not be a literal number it's just one of those things that we'll find out when we get to heaven someone say Amen there are just certain things that you're not going to know that is not a hill worth dying on if you think it's a literal number hey knock yourselves out good for you if I think it's a symbolic number hey that's fine not one of us in this room knows for certain if it's literal or symbolic but whether it's literal or symbolic I want to be in that number when the saints go marching in can you say Amen okay so don't get in fights over these little non issues the 144,000 are undefiled by women that is false churches they have God's seal in their foreheads that is in their hearts and in their beliefs now let's think about that for just a moment they are sealed with look at this again it says they are sealed in their foreheads now go to Revelation chapter 14 this is the other place that we see the 144,000 Revelation what chapter every one Revelation chapter 14 and I'm reading in verse 1 Revelation chapter 14 and I'm in verse what everyone 1 John says then I look to behold a what lamb standing on Mount Zion and with him 144,000 now watch this having his father's what name written where oh wow what a discovery what a discovery we just learned in Revelation chapter 7 that they have the seal of God in their foreheads and here we learn that they have the name of God in their foreheads which must mean that the seal is the name of God if that makes sense amen pretty plain look at the rest of the verse verse 2 and I heard a voice from heaven like the voice of many waters and like the voice of a loud thunder and I heard the harps sound of harpists harping on their harps I like that so much verse 3 they saying is that were a new song before the throne before the four living creatures and the elders and no one could learn that song except the 144,000 look at this who were redeemed from the earth hey that agrees perfectly with what we just saw in Revelation chapter 6 and 7 these are those who are alive when Jesus returns if that makes sense say Amen why can they sing a new song that no one else can sing because they passed through an experience that no one else has passed through maybe you've heard of of you know the people that would sing the blues and and a white guy would come along and try to sing the blues and they'd say he can't sing the blues well why can't he sing the blues because he's not been through the experience of those who first wrote the blues if that makes sense say Amen in other words these people can sing a song that no one else can sing because they have passed through an experience that no one else has passed through if that makes sense say Amen but it gets even better verse 4 these are the ones who are not defiled with women a woman in Bible prophecy is a church for they are virgins these are the ones who follow the lamb wherever he goes these were redeemed from among men being the firstfruits to God and to the lamb and in their mouth was found no a deceit for they are without fault before the throne of God so here are these 144,000 at the end of time those who are alive when Jesus returns and notice that it says they have the seal of God in their forehead that's Revelation chapter 7 then in Revelation 14 it says they have what in their forehead the name of God so the seal must have to do with the guess what the name of God okay now let's go to our study guide here God's name God's character and God's law God's name God's character in God's law in the Bible name represents character that's what you'd write down in the Bible name represents character this is demonstrated by the number of people who following a transformative encounter with God had their name changed as a symbol of the larger character change for example Saul became one Paul you've got it Jacob became Israel Abram became Abraham suraĆ­h became Sarah and Simon became Peter you've got it God's holy character and Holy Name are synonymous with his law now I want to show you this go to Exodus chapter 33 this is absolutely profoundly amazing we're going to Exodus chapter 33 second book of the Bible Exodus chapter 33 what chapter we go into every one Exodus chapter 33 and here we find Moses it fought with God atop Mount Sinai summit so here's God here's Moses and they're in a conversation they're into what everyone conversation I'm picking it up in verse 18 God God a Moses speaking to God Exodus 33 verse 18 and he said please show me your what your glory see there's Moses standing on top of Mount Sinai and there were thick clouds and there were light things and there were thunderings and Moses began to realize hey God can see me but I can't see you what God and so he says hey I beg of you show me your glory in other words show me what you're like I want to see you and look at this verse 19 then he said we'll make all my goodness pass before you and I will proclaim the what the name of the Lord now make a note of that Moses says I want to see what you're like and God says I'll show you my name I'll show you my what the name of the Lord before you I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion but he said you cannot see my face for no man shall see my face and what live and the Lord said here is a place by me you shall stand in the rock so it shall be while my glory passes by that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and I will cover you with my hand while I pass by then I will take away my hand and you shall see my back but my face shall not be seen chapter 34 verse 1 and the Lord said to Moses cut two tablets of what stone like the first ones and I will ride on these tablets the words which were on the first tablets which you broke so be ready in the morning and come up in the morning to Mount Sinai and present yourself to me there on the top of the mountain and no man shall come up with you and let no man be seen throughout all the mountain me neither let the flocks nor the herds feed before that mountain so he cut two tables of what everyone stone like the first ones then Moses rose up early in the morning and went up Mount Sinai as the Lord had commanded him and he took in his hand two tablets of what everyone stoned now the Lord descended in the cloud and stood within there and I watched this and proclaimed the what the name of the Lord so two times Moses says hey I want to know what you look like I want to see what you're like God and God says I'll show you my name and then he says go get two tablets of stone I want to write my law on that and I'm going to show you my name if this makes sense say Amen and then watch what happens verse 6 and the Lord passed before him and proclaimed Jehovah Jehovah the Lord the Lord God merciful and gracious long-suffering and abounding in goodness and truth keeping mercy and thousands forgiving iniquity transgression and sin and by no means clearing the guilty visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the children and the children's children under the third and fourth generation so Moses made haste and bowed his head toward the earth and he did what he worship now think about this for just a moment Moses says I want to know what you're like I want to see your glory I want to see your character and God says two things I'll show you my name I'll show you my name I'll show you my what my name so that must mean that God's name is synonymous with his character if that makes sense say Amen and it gets even better he says go get me two tablets of stone and so God wrote his character his holy character on those tablets of stone with his own one finger and then those tablets were taken and placed where in the ark and so now look at your study guide God's holy character and name are synonymous with his law God's seal which is his name and character are found to be synonymous with his name who were getting somewhere now aren't we the 144,000 were sealed in their foreheads and then we found out that they had the name of God in their foreheads they had the what of God in their foreheads the name of God well what's the name of God it's his character and where do we find his character in his law now you're still there in the Old Testament go to Deuteronomy chapter 5 Deuteronomy chapter 5 what chapter every one five fifth book of the Bible Deuteronomy chapter five by the way are you noticing tonight that we're spending a lot of time in the Bible are you noticing that all right is everyone noticing that yes or no so notice we didn't say what's the mark of the beast and I didn't go choo-choo-choo-choo look at all these pictures of computers in Belgium no no no no no beloved we're taking a look at what the Bible has to say amen wouldn't you prefer that look at Deuteronomy chapter 5 we find here the Ten Commandments Deuteronomy chapter 5 do you see that everyone look at verse 5 I stood between the Lord and you at that time to declare to you the word of the Lord for you were afraid because of the fire and you did not go up to the mountain and he said I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt out of the house of bondage let's say it together you shall have no other gods before me first commandment no other gods don't render worship to any other gods second commandment you shall not make for yourself a carved image hey what kind of image don't bow down or worship any images look at the third commandment it's in verse 11 you shall not take the what the name of the Lord your God in vain and look at the fourth commandment verse 12 observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy as the Lord your God commanded you absolutely amazing first commandment no other gods second commandment don't bow down to graven images or idols third commandment don't take the name of the LORD thy God in vain fourth commandment remember God's Sabbath because it's a sign of creation and it's redemption if this all makes sense say Amen now this is Deuteronomy chapter one five look at Deuteronomy chapter six very next chapter very next chapter where do they get this idea of a mark in the head or a mark in the hand I'll show you right here in Deuteronomy chapter six and I'm beginning in verse six Deuteronomy chapter six and verse 6 and these words which I command you today shall be in your wha heart what words what words in context is he talking about the Ten Commandments that's what he just had in Deuteronomy chapter five and so in Deuteronomy chapter six he says these words need to be where in your heart look at verse 7 you shall teach them diligently to your children and shalt talk of them when you sit in your house when you walk by the way when you lie down and when you rise up now watch verse 8 phenomenal you shall bind them as they what is that word a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontlets between your wha eyes isn't this interesting he says take my law and put it on your hand take my law and put it between your eyes what's between your eyes your forehead is between your eyes can someone say Amen so where is this old idea of the seal in the forehead coming from straight out of the Old Testament can someone say Amen see we've all been worried about a tattoo that someone is going to hold us down and tattoo the number 666 across our forehead beloved beloved you think the devil is that stupid this has this is not about a tattoo or a computer chip or some supercomputer in Belgium or any other country the issue is worship not technology if that makes sense say Amen and here God says hey listen I need you to take my law and bind it on your hands now what did that mean it meant in your daily works let your works show that you are my children you say Amen let your hands what what does it say there we already read it in in Ecclesiastes chapter 9 I'll just quote it for you the solomon says whatever your hand finds to do do it with all your might okay so your hands you put my law into your hands may your works show that you are my people may your works show that I am your God bind my law in your hands but don't just bind it in your hands put it as frontlets those were the little horns that like a lamb would have put it as a front lit between your eyes in other words put it in your forehead put it in your mind don't just don't just live the life with your hands but think the thoughts in your heart and in your mind someone say Amen that's what it means to be a Christian is that true or not it means to be a Christian is to have the law of God the Spirit of God in our minds and in our hands so that others could look and say there's something different about him there's something different about her what is it she or he is a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ can someone say Amen powerful so the name of God is the same as the law of God is the seal of God and when we find this idea of the seal of God being in the foreheads where did they come up with that idea right out of Deuteronomy chapter 6 take these great things and bind them on your hands and put them into your minds now if we're making good progress here I want you to say Amen okay now we're right back in the study guide so God's seal which is his name and character are found to be synonymous with his law those people who receive God's seal at the end of time will be those who honor and keep God's holy what law this is exactly how revelation describes them in Revelation chapter let's go on 12 go with me to Revelation look at this this is so easy to understand anyone in this room can understand this even if you don't understand all of the language and you can't keep up and you don't know even how to find the book of Revelation in your Bible I guarantee you can understand this next point I'm about ready to make and if you understand that point you can be guaranteed to not get the mark of the beast I'm in Revelation chapter 12 Revelation what chapter 12 and I'm looking at the last verse the last verse verse 17 it says and the dragon who's the dragon the devil was enraged with the woman and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus this is the last day church beloved these are the last of the last of the the Bible calls them the remnant calls them the what the remnant and notice it says that they keep God's commandments can he say Amen the devil apparently doesn't like that very much now look at Revelation chapter 14 now we've already read a Revelation chapter 14 that most serious austere warning found in all of the Bible right we began in verse 9 and we read don't worship the Beast don't receive his mark then we read in verse 10 he himself shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God I'm in Revelation 14 verse 10 which is poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb verse 11 and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever and they have no rest day or night who worship the Beast in His image and whoever receives the mark of his name so John envision sees this group of people that are receiving the mark of the beast they're receiving the one everyone the mark of the beast and the very next verse verse 12 look at it it's as if God is saying here's those that receive the mark of the beast but look at verse 12 here here is the patience of the Saints the word literally is here is the endurance of the Saints and then he tells us who the Saints are he gives us two characteristics here are those who keep though I the commandments of God and have though I faith of Jesus so just by looking at the context keeping the commandments of God is the opposite of having the mark of the beast if that makes sense because look in verses eight to ten you have those that get the mark of the beast that's verse 11 as well but then in verse 12 you have those that keep the commandments of God so that tells me if I'm keeping God's commandments and I have the faith of Jesus it's impossible for me to get the mark of the beast does that make sense everyone oh and that agrees perfectly with what we just saw in Exodus and Deuteronomy that the seal of God is the name of God which is the character of God which is found in the law of God in the mind someone say Amen now how many people in here tonight are New Testament Christians how many NewTek are New Covenant Christians raise your hand here a new covenant Christian all come on beloved be more biblically literate than that you're a new covenant Christian if you're exercising faith in the Lord Jesus Christ raise your hand whoo I didn't know if I didn't know what happened I didn't know what I thought maybe I was in an insurance seminar or something I thought whoa okay everybody looks a little familiar okay all you new covenant Christians look at hebrews hebrews chapter 8 hebrews chapter 8 i don't know what happened there that was an unusual experience hebrews chapter eight but the Lord delivered us out of it now hebrews chapter eight all of you new covenant christians okay you know there was the Old Covenant and then there's the what New Covenant you want to know what the New Covenant is I'm going to show it to you in the Bible that way we don't have to say well the New Covenant is fill in the blank I'll show you what the Bible says the new covenant is I'm reading in verse eight Hebrews chapter eight verse eight away all there behold the days are coming says the Lord when I will make a new covenant what kind of a covenant a new covenant with the house of Israel with the house of Judah not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt because they did not continue in my covenant I I disregarded them says the Lord verse 10 for this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith Lawrence um I said oh this is a covenant for Israel this isn't a covenant for the church this is a covenant for Israel you've got to keep coming to the seminar and you got to hear this the message entitled who is real is real amen who it there is huge misunderstandings about who Israel is okay beloved look at this this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel give you the punchline right now everybody who has the faith of Abraham is a Jew everybody who has the faith of Abraham is the son of Abraham Jesus on one occasion said hey listen if you would of your father Abraham you would do the works of Abraham amen if you do the works of Abraham you put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ you are now grafted in to that vine someone say Amen so this covenant is for you here we go verse 10 for this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days says the Lord I will put my laws I will put my what laws in there what's that next word in there what in their mind where's the mind I'll put my laws in there for and that's the new covenant promise beloved I'll put my laws in their forehead and I will write them on their hearts and look at this I will be their God and they will be my people we're getting somewhere now let's go back to our study guide the Sabbath and its uniqueness among the commandments the Sabbath and its uniqueness among the commandments actually let's go to the study guide to understand the mark of the beast or pardon me to the screen we must first understand God's what God's seal absolutely God's law God's name and God's character are one in the same they are what's this word right here synonymous absolutely now look at this Ezekiel chapter 20 verse 12 moreover I gave them my what's that word Sabbath's to be a what is that word a Sabbath is a sign a Sabbath is a sign you've got it between me and them that they might know that I am the lord who sanctifies them the word sanctifies mieze means to set aside for a holy purpose so far so good that this is the sign that I'm the one that sanctifies them so the Sabbath is a sign that God alone can make us holy can you say Amen Jesus rested on the Sabbath and creation Jesus rested on the Sabbath in Redemption so the Sabbath is a sign that God alone can make us holy not one person in this room can do one thing to make themselves one bit holy or say Amen if you believe that ah we can only be holy by putting our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and by submitting ourselves to his righteousness and accepting his death and his life on our behalf if you believe that say men okay and so the Sabbath as we've already discussed is a sign of creation and redemption our works cannot make us holy we must trust in and rest in God's works what are those two words right there for us absolutely therefore the Sabbath is a sign up trusting totally in whose righteousness Christ's righteousness and not our own no way the Sabbath is a sign in seal of creation and the Sabbath is a sign in seal of redemption okay you should be able to fill a lot of this out there in your study guide following right along you're keeping up with me I know you're doing a great job okay so Jesus Christ just to quickly review the Sabbath so we can be clear on this let's talk about the Sabbath because all the Sabbath is only for the Jews beloved was adamant Jew no Adam free predated the Jews by some 2,000 years and Adam had the Sabbath Eve had the Sabbath okay Jesus Christ in the beginning he created it because Jesus is the creator if you believe that same in at Mount Sinai it was Jesus Christ on Mount Sinai remember he said before Abraham was what I am I'm the god of the Old Testament Jesus was saying on Mount Sinai he commanded it in his life he worshipped on it Jesus kept the Sabbath in his death he observed it he was crucified on Friday he was in the tomb on the Sabbath and he raised on what day Sunday you've got it in his church he continued it Paul kept the Sabbath Peter kept the Sabbath every single follower of Jesus from Adam to John in the Bible kept God's seventh-day Sabbath so if you choose to keep God's Sabbath you're lining up with Enoch and Isaiah and every single true follower of the true God I'd say that's pretty good company and most of all you're lining up with the Lord Jesus Christ amen and amen okay he says his last day people will keep it and we've already read that it says his last day people will keep the commandments we've learned that the central issue regarding the mark of the beast is the issue of what everyone worship so we're right there on your study guide under the mark of the beast right there on your study guide you're keeping right up with me you're doing a great job the mark of the beast is the opposite of the seal of God it is the what the beasts mark is his claim to ecclesiastical Authority and power who so the mark of the beast is the mark let's say it together of the Beast if that makes sense say Amen the central issue is the issue of worship so the mark of the beast then must be the mark of the Roman Church States Authority that is a very that is a simple childish childlike elementary deduction if the mark of the beast is the mark of the beast then it must be the mark of the Roman Church States Authority well let's see what we discover when we go look at history Daniel tells us that the Antichrist power would arise and would seek to change times and WA laws the very laws of God lucious Ferrara's prompted bibliothek oh we've looked at this one before the Bishop of Romans have so great authority and power that he can modify explain or interpret even what kind of laws divine laws the Bishop of Rome can modify divine law since his power is not a man but of God and he acts as vice ignorant of God upon the earth now I don't believe that I believe God does have a representative on earth and that representative is the Holy Spirit let's go on here question this is from Reverend Peter Garmin's the conference catechism of Catholic doctrine which is the Sabbath day answer Saturday is the Sabbath day why then do we worship on Sunday or observe Sunday instead of Saturday here's the answer this is the answer of history beloved we observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday who transfer the solemnity the church transferred the solemnity what does the Roman church-state claim is the sign of its authority because remember the mark of the beast is the mark what of the Beast and we've already seen the seal of God as His commandments the seal of God is His commandments now look at Revelation chapter 13 I want to show you something absolutely fantastically amazing Revelation chapter 13 what are the first four commandments let's quickly review them thou shalt number one have no other gods before me number two thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image okay number three shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain and the fourth commandment is remember the Sabbath so there's the first four Commandments those are the ones that have to do with God the rest of the commandments have to do with how you relate to mankind on your father and your mother don't steal don't kill at cetera et cetera the first floor is our vertical relationship with God if that makes sense say Amen all four of those Commandments come into play in Revelation chapter 13 the first commandment says you shall have no other gods before me look at verse 8 all who dwell on the earth will wha worship Him that is worshiping someone other than God so that would be a violation of the first commandment is that true yes or no that would be a violation of the first commandment the second commandment is not to worship and image not to worship a what everyone and image look at verse 15 he was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the what image of the Beast should be killed so that would be a violation of which commandment second commandment thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above the earth beneath of the waters under the earth thou shalt not bow down myself to them nor serve them for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God now the 3rd commandment is you don't take the name of the LORD thy God in vain now look at this very interesting even the name thing comes up here look at verse 17 and that no one might buy or sell except he who has the mark of the beast or the number of Islam name so here they're actually taking the name of another entity who claims to be God's voice on earth and then the fourth commandment is what remember the Sabbath day you say well where's the violation of the Sabbath day here the violation of the Sabbath day is in receiving Rome's mark of authority Romans what did I say mark of authority because remember let's review the mark of the beast is the mark of the beast if that makes sense say Amen so we know who the Beast is now let's ask them the question what's your mark let's ask them let's ask them what's your mark what does that what do they claim is their mark Catholic record September 1 1923 the church is above the Bible and this transference of Sabbath observance is what proof of that fact the churches above the Bible we change the day we change the day and this proves that we are the true church look at this one from CF Thomas a letter dated October twentieth 1895 of course the church claims the change was her act and the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical power and authority in what kind of matters oh isn't that very interesting so let's ask them hey what's the mark of your authority I'll tell you what the mark of our authority is they say we change the biblical day of worship that is our mark wow isn't that interesting we've looked at the first commandment we've looked at the second commandment we've looked at the third commandment the fourth commandment is remember the Sabbath day which is a sign that God is creator and God is what Redeemer how many people in this room believe that Jesus Christ is the creator how many people in this room believe that Jesus Christ is the sole Redeemer okay there's a sign there is a symbol and a sign in the Bible that shows that you're a worshipper of Jesus Christ as creator and Redeemer do you know what that sign is it's the Sabbath that's exactly right it's the Sabbath think of it this way a Buddhist could keep many of the commandments a Buddhist could abstain from killing is that true yes or no does that make him a Christian a Muslim could abstain from stealing does that make him a Christian which is the commandment that tells you this is the God that you're worshiping it's the Sabbath commandment because the Sabbath commandment says that God created in how many days six days and rested on the what day the seventh day so when you keep the Sabbath you're worshiping the Creator God the Redeemer God the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the devil knows that that is the sign between God is creator god is Redeemer and his people and so he wants to cut that sign off and he supplants his own sign his own mark what is that mark of course the church claims that the change was her act and the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical that word means church power and authority in religious matters now look at this one priest Thomas Enright this is a president of redemptoris College he said proved to me from the Bible proved to me from the what proved to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep what Sunday holy there is no such law in the Bible it is a law of the church what's the next word alone the Bible says remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy the church says who that's is that serious language yes or no that's hugely serious by my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week and lo look at this the entire civilized world boughs down in reverent obedience to the command of Jesus Christ what does it say to the command of who who the Roman Church beloved are you beginning to see the significance of this yes or no let's go to our study guide absolutely incredible so we're down there on more than just a day okay because someone's bound to say all it's just a day listen if it was just a day God wouldn't have written it with his own finger on tables of stone and put it in the ark someone say Amen okay look at this this issue is about more than just a day imagine Adam saying it was just an apple God's Word is important amen oh it was just an apple I guess it wasn't just an Apple was it it is about notice this underlined biblical fidelity and faithfulness to who Jesus Christ in short the issue could be boiled down to the following sentence who are you taking orders from the Roman church-state or from Jesus Christ this is an issue of loyalty and authority it is an issue of the commands of God versus the traditions of man the Sabbath is a sign of Christ's creation and redemption Sunday is a sign of the church's authority and man's convenience what will you choose now someone says wall put the brakes on pastor Eric are you saying that my aunt Bertha who went all of her life to the humble little Baptist Church there in Tuscaloosa are you saying she had the mark of the beast did I say that I never said that remember this has to be enforced because it's they caused to worship they caused to worship they caused to worship does anybody make you go to church on Sunday no no so we're not yet at the mark of the beast issue the mark of the beast is not being enforced today someone say Amen it's not being enforced today but what I'm telling you is that there is going to come a day when worship will be enforced worship will be what and you think no impossible beloved Daniel chapter three Daniel chapter 3 there was Shadrach say it with me Meshach and Abednego and there was a great big tall image and Nebuchadnezzar said everyone bow down and worship the image or you'll be thrown into the fiery furnace in other words worship or else and everyone bowels down but here's Shadrach and Meshach and Abednego and they said we cannot worship this image because we have to be faithful to the commandments of our God and not just to the commandments of our God but to God and everybody bows down all around them and there they stood for things absolutely erect can someone say Amen powerful so at the end of time we see the same thing there's going to be an image and we're going to be told worship except this time it's not going to be primarily a test of the first commandment the second commandment it's going to be a test of the fourth commandment you're saying wait a minute are you saying that we're going to be forced to dishonor the Sabbath are you saying we're going to be forced to dishonor the sign of Jesus Christ as Redeemer and creator and worship on the papal Day as an act of forced compulsive worship are you saying that that's exactly what I'm saying Saint Catharine Catholic Church Sentinel May 21st 1995 hey listen this is this is the news letter from a Catholic Church not from my church this is not from my church perhaps the boldest thing the most revolutionary change the church ever did happen in the first century the holy day the Sabbath was changed from what Saturday to uh Sunday look at this not my church not from any directions noted in the what scriptures but from the church's sense of its own power people who think that the scripture should be the sole authority how many people believe that the scripture should be the sole authority now I believe that too I want you to see what the Catholic priest says okay I'm going to see what this is not a member of my church I want you to see what the Catholic priest says the Catholic priest says people who think that scripture should be the sole authority should logically become seventh-day adventists well what is a seven they have never heard of that before and keep what Saturday holy in that interesting isn't that amazing if you want to stand on what the Bible says and not what tradition says not what the church says not what man says the priest says then you need to do something absolutely amazing now live you think that's amazing look at this doctor ET Hiscox this guy wrote the Baptist manual this guy's a Baptist and he's not just a Baptist he was the Baptist one of them look at this this is amazing he says to me it seems amazing that's what this word means unaccountable that Jesus during three years discussion with his disciples often conversing with them on the Sabbath question discussing it in some of its various aspects freeing it from its false Jewish traditional glosses never alluded to any transference of the day also that during the forty years part of me forty days of his resurrection life no such thing was intimated he never mentioned anything about it nor so far as we know did the Spirit which was given to bring to their remembrance all things whatsoever he had said unto them deal with this question nor did the inspired apostles in preaching the gospel say hey where'd this thing come from says mister Hiscox off author of the Baptist manual founding churches counseling and instructing those found to discuss or approach the subject of course he says I quite well know that Sunday did come to use in early Christian history as a religious day as we learn from the Church Fathers and other sources and notice this but what a pity that it comes branded with the mark of what paganism because it's Sunday the day that the Romans worshipped the Sun we'll talk more about that in future night and Christian with the name of the Sun God then adopted and sanctified by the WA papal apostasy in other words the church just took it from the Romans the church took it from the Romans and bequeathed as a sacred legacy to up Protestantism again not a member of my church look at this the Catholic Mir December 23rd 1893 reason and sense demand the acceptance of one of the other it is alternatives either Protestantism and the keeping of what Saturday or catholicity in the keeping holy of up Sunday and notice what he says next he says compromise is impossible he says hey listen if you really if you really are serious about standing on what the Bible says then you got to stand on what all of the Bible says because the Bible is not a salad bar someone say Amen you know say well you know I like the tomatoes but I'm not a mushroom guy and I like the green peppers but oh I can't stand those beets no no no you get it all you get what not just the parts that you like you get the whole word someone say Amen now if you want to pick and choose you can pick and choose but don't say that everything you believe comes from the Bible does that make sense everyone okay so let's wrap this up let's wrap this up in fact I'll come back to that tomorrow night our presentation tomorrow night yeah I know you saw that didn't you you're like our presentation tomorrow night is entitled the United States amazing role in Bible prophecy now I want to be crystal clear about what I'm saying and what I'm not saying number one if you keep God's commands you cannot get the mark of the beast if that makes sense say Amen now question do we keep God's commandments in order to be saved or because we are saved because we are saved by the way bring this back tomorrow night you've got to come back tomorrow night you only got the first half and plus you have to learn what 666 is second thing I'm saying follow this second thing is this there's going to be forced worship you say impossible I say come back tomorrow night and I'll show you just how possible it is are we all clear on that everyone but let me tell you what I'm not saying I am not saying that the good person who loves the Lord Jesus Christ with all of her heart all of his heart all of their soul who happens to go to church on Sunday I am NOT saying that that person has the mark of the beast am i crystal clear am I crystal clear I don't want anyone going out here saying oh that guy over there at the Macedonian Cultural Center he said all Sunday worshipers at the mark of the beast did I say that tonight didn't say it wouldn't say it but let me tell you what I am saying I'm saying that there is going to come a time when this issue is going to be enforced is going to be what everyone and forced and God has his sign of creation God has his sign redemption it's the Sabbath it's based on the scriptures it's not more important than the other commandments someone say Amen but it's the commandment that's been forgotten that's why it begins with the word remember amen it is going to happen and we will have to make a stand for the Lord or against the Lord now as for me and my house I want to stand for the Lord amen see beloved the mark of the beast is the mark of the beast and the seal of God is God's holy name God's holy law God's Holy Spirit put into the lives of humble faithful believers who say Jesus whatever you say I'll do it I don't care if it's convenient I don't care if it goes against my tradition I don't care if it's not what I believe before but if it's in the Bible I'm going to obey it someone say Amen now beloved here's what were going to do I got Usher's that are going to stand up and give you a decision card because I don't want to preach a message like this and not give you an opportunity to make a decision to make a what everyone to make a decision now you might be thinking yourself wait a minute how is this possible how could this possibly happen I need those Usher's to be moving like this we need to pretend like we're in a race moving those hush as a movement just like this okay yes I'm goo goo boom now you're saying how could this possibly happen tomorrow night we're going to be looking at the United States amazing role in Bible prophecy while they're passing this out while they're passing this out open your Bibles with me to Matthew Matthew chapter 15 Thank You Matthew chapter 15 look at this look at verse 7 verse 7 Matthew chapter 15 verse 7 Jesus these aren't the words of David so don't say David doesn't understand grace these are the words of Jesus - Jesus understand grace beloved - Jesus understand grace jesus said hypocrites actors well did Isaiah prophesy about you saying these people draw near to me with their what you know that means it means they talk the WHA they talk to talk they draw near to me with their mouths and they honor me with their lips but what's far from him their heart is far from him then look at verse nine and in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrines the what the commandments of men you see in the days of Jesus they had set aside the commands of God for the traditions and the commands of men and I'm telling you the devil he's not invented he's not created that's what he did in the days of Jesus that's what he's going to do at the end of time he's going to supplant the teachings and the doctrines of God with the traditions and the commandments of men if that makes sense amen you you
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Keywords: David asscherick, Mark of the Beast
Id: gleVyh991BA
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Length: 60min 46sec (3646 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2011
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