Discover Prophecy-13 There Really Is A Final Judgment by David Asscherick

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tonight we beginning three-part series how many three parts and these three parts cover a topic that is very important biblically but a topic that unfortunately is not well understood it addresses the topic of the judgment the judgment from a biblical perspective now when we use the word judgment or the word judgment comes into the mind many times we see that as a negative thing they go the judgment we begin to shake and it's sort of this fear and trepidation of this impending judgment guilty sort of a thing what we're going to discover from a biblical perspective is that the judgment is actually good news for those who have put their faith and their confidence in Christ and that's why the title is there really is a final judgment there really is a final judgment but don't be afraid it's good news so let's begin with the word of Prayer and we'll dive right into our presentation Father in Heaven we come before you this evening and we are anticipating a great blessing you have been with us so many nights and father you've blessed us you've enriched us you've given us a biblical understanding of so many things and father now as we embark from from a biblical perspective upon this topic of the judgment particularly as it as it refers and in references Bible prophecy we ask father that your spirit will be with us we want to thank you for the insights that you've already given as we have opened your word you have opened our hearts and so father tonight we ask that the spirit that inspired this word the the spirit that inspired the Bible would now come into this room and be the spirit that instructs us father please through this humble vessel do something awesome do something supernatural and may we come apart here with a clearer more biblical more accurate understanding of who you are and just exactly what this judgment entails for we ask it in Jesus name and let everyone say Amen okay great so let's go right to our study guide we do have quite a little bit of information to cover tonight and so I want to make you that same promise I have a night's past if I go so fast tonight that you just cannot follow me which seems unlikely because I'm afraid - faster my voice might just turn off but if somehow I'm able to go too fast tonight so that you cannot keep up with me you just go back to that seedy table you say Randy I couldn't understand what he was saying I only got half of my blanks filled in and I need a free CD and David said that you'd give me one we will give you one if I go so fast tonight that you can't get it it doesn't do you as much good as we want it to now I did tell you that I speak four times faster than the average person and so if you only get half of what I say you get twice as much as a normal speaking person would okay so let's go right to our study guide and it says this series of presentation covers a very important topic the sanctuary with the raising of hands how many know what the sanctuary is the biblical sanctuary good the sanctuary that is the temple of God we must begin by noting that there are two temples and earthly and heavenly and that's going to be absolutely central absolutely fundamental to our study this evening and in the forthcoming nights two temples and earthly and heavenly will look at that in just a moment as we shall soon discover the temple on earth was a picture or a model of the temple we're in heaven just as the high priest ministered in the earthly sanctuary Jesus Christ our high priest is ministering we're in the heavenly sanctuary now before we do that we want to set this all in its proper context okay I'm going to give you several texts here now don't worry if you can't get all of these that's fine but what I want to try and show you is that from a biblical New Testament perspective the judgment was future to the New Testament writers that's critical the judgment was future to the New Testament writers now none of these texts are in your study guide tonight and so if you want these you're going to have to write them down now we will go over these texts again at least one more time but I just want to quickly go over them with you here on the board now Acts chapter 17 and verse 31 Luke writing Paul speaking because he he being God has appointed a what a day on the which he WA will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he has ordained that man of course being Jesus Christ he has given assurance of this to all by raising him from the dead now in the English language we have three verb tenses how many verb tenses three past and present and future now say of course there's only three verb tenses well in other languages there are actually many from verb tenses you have past perfect and past imperfect and present continuous etc but in the English language we have just past and present and future now I want you to notice this again keeping that in mind because he has appointed a day on the which he wat he will judge what verb tense would that be future tense he will do it okay now notice the next passage here very similar Acts chapter 24 and verse 25 again Luke writing Paul speaking now as he Paul reasoned about righteousness self-control and noticed this and the judgment what are the next two words to come Felix was afraid and said go away for now and when I have a convenient time I will call for you so Paul was speaking to Felix and he was talking about righteousness he was talking about temperance and the judgment that was what to come which means it was in the future very good we'll show you a few other texts here to that effect there are many in the New Testament we really want to solidify this and our thinking as we commence with this three-part series on the judgment Romans 2:16 the Apostle Paul in the day when God what shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel and so if you're paying attention to things are beginning to emerge number one the judgment was future to the Bible writers that is the New Testament writers can everyone say Amen okay the second thing that you're noticing is is that Jesus Christ is central to the judgment did you notice that notice it says here he will judge the secrets of men by who Jesus Christ exactly so those are the two things that are emerging here Romans chapter 14 in verse 10 but why do you judge your brother that's a good question for us sometimes we can be very judgmental Paul says hey why do you judge your brother or why do you show contempt for your brother for we what we shall what verb tense with that future tense we shall all stand before the judgment seat of who Christ and so you see both things there in that passage the judgment is future and Christ is central to the judgment message and one last one Romans chapter 14 11 and 12 for as written as I live saith the Lord every knee shall bow to me every tongue shall confess to God so then each of us shall give account of himself to God and so there are other passages that could be presented here it looks like I threw one more in Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 34 we know him who said vengeance is mine I will pace as the Lord and again the Lord what shall judge his people so it should be crystal clear to us that from the perspective of the New Testament writers who were writing just about the 1st century AD of course for them the judgment was always in the future not in the past not in the present Paul reason of judgment to come judgment what everyone to come so that's the first thing we really want to solidify in the thinking as we commence this three-part series now let's do a little bit of review we've been over this before but it's absolutely essential that we see the judgment in the big scheme of things we spend a little time in the second night of our meetings looking at this statue here and a man by the name of Nebuchadnezzar had a dream and that statue represented a great timeline a great timeline that's right what was the head of gold everyone babble on chest and arms of silver meat of persia belly and thighs of bronze grease the long legs of iron was Rome and then down there the feet of iron and clay divided Rome very very good and then we saw those beasts in Daniel chapter 7 in fact why don't we go there together Daniel chapter 7 Daniel chapter 7 and here we found that important Bible principle of review and enlarge very good a students in the front row that doesn't mean you're not a students in the back row doesn't mean that at all it just means we've got some a students here in the front row so God would review just as any good teacher would do it just as any good educator would do he reviews the material he's been over and then he begins to enlarge upon that material and so here in Daniel chapter 7 we saw not for metals but for beasts and the first was a lion that had eagle's wings and that represented of course the same thing that the head of gold did Babylon raining from 605 to 539 BC after that there was a bear with three ribs in the mouth remember that what was unusual about that bear it was tipped up on one side showing an imbalance of power that's exactly right that was the medo-persian power reigning from 539 to 331 BC corresponding with the chest and arms of silver then we move to the four headed strange leopard with four wings of a fowl corresponding with Greece and you remember the four heads of the leopard represented the kingdom of Greece after Alexander the Great died his kingdom was divided into how many parts for parts that's exactly right Alexander the Great's last words where the kingdom goes to the strongest okay from 331 to 168 BC we also told you that it wings in Bible prophecy represent does anyone remember speed then a leopard is one of the fastest land mammals and so you put four wings on a leopard you have a fast-moving Beast okay and of course Greece the great kingdom of Greece of antiquity Alexander the Great began to conquer the known world at the age of sixteen by the time he was 32 he had completed it in fact it is said on one occasion that Alexander the Great wept because he said there was no one left to kill and so then we move to the long legs of Rome that's right and here this beast this ferocious terrible horrific beast reigning for one almost seven hundred years from 168 BC all the way down 476 ad that would be the great iron monarchy of Rome and we've given you actually several quotations from secular historians who support this basic broad chronology but then Rome was divided it was not conquered Rome was what everyone divided and how many toes would there be on this image ten toes how many horns came out of that beast ten and what kind of teeth of that beast have iron teeth corresponding with the iron in the legs and so God here is simply reviewing he's what everyone reviewing and then you remember there was that there was that little horn I want to go back to that slide there come on have mercy oh maybe I should point it this way at the computer there we go alright so there was that little horn and that was the new information so you're there in Daniel chapter seven let's pick it up Daniel Chapter seven if you've been following along you get right up to verse seven and that that's the beasts okay so I'll pick it up in verse seven you'll know right where we are Daniel chapter 7 and verse seven after this I saw in the night visions that behold a fourth beast dreadful and terrible exceedingly strong it had huge iron teeth it was devouring and breaking in pieces and trampling the residue with its feet it was different from all the beasts that were before it and it had ten horns now watch this verse eight I was considering the horns Daniel says I was thinking about those horns something about the horns caught his attention now remember what does the word consider mean it means what let's say if I say well let me consider it what am I saying let me think about it so Daniel says I was thinking about the horns and there came up another horn a what a little one coming up among them before whom three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots and in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking what pompous words this little horn is none other than the antichrist power we've already identified this individual very interesting though notice it says that he sees this little horn coming up and the little horn is speaking what pompous words now what is the very next thing that Daniel sees look at verse 9 this is absolutely critical verse 9 I watched till Thrones were put in place and the Ancient of Days was seated who's the Ancient of Days that would be God the Father the Ancient of Days was seated his garment was as white as snow his hair was like the hair of was like pure wool his throne a fiery flame and its wheels of burning fire verse 10 a fiery stream issued from before him it says thousand thousands ministered to him ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him and notice this last part the court was what seated and the books were open now I want you to notice that sequence just imagine with me that you're Daniel who are you everyone you're Daniel and God is showing you something in vision in vision okay and so you see this lion with eagle's wings come up and you're watching it across the cinematic screen of the sky and then you see this the bear with the three ribs in the mouth come up representing the need of Persian Empire and seeing across the cinematic screen of the sky and then you see a four-headed leopard come up move across the cinematic screen of the sky and then you see this dreadful terrible beast coming up strong and horrific and he goes across and fades down off the screen and then you come up and you see a little horn right the ten horns and then you see this little horn and what's the very next thing that Daniel sees on that cinema screen he sees a judgment scene in heaven do you see that there yes or no look at verse eight the last words of verse eight are a mouth speaking what pompous words then verses 9 and 10 he says I saw the judgment in heaven so if you were going to look at this in chronology it's actually very simple he sees Babylon then he sees me - Persia then he sees Rome then he sees divided Greece part of me then he sees divided rome and then divided rome then he sees the judgment scene is that clear everyone yes or no let's do it again let's even get it right this time he's Babylon medo-persia then Greece then Rome then divided Rome and then the judgment a little horn and then the judgment you've got it exactly so let's look at this here are the great time periods of Daniel chapter 7 write these down they're right on your study guide Babylon medo-persia Greece pagan Rome little horn then the very next thing that daniel saw was the judgment that's the very next thing he saw okay that sequence has to be absolutely indelibly impressed upon your mind in fact that sequence is so important that it occurs three times in Daniel chapter 7 okay three times you see that identical sequence I'm giving you a little moment there to write that down but for those of you who are right with me let me show you something fascinating you're still there in Daniel chapter 7 okay here in Daniel chapter 7 look with me at verse 9 19 Daniel chapter 7 verse 19 what verse everyone 19 then I wish to know the truth about the which beast the fourth beast which was different from all the others exceedingly dreadful with its teeth of iron its nails of bronze which devoured and broke in pieces and trampled the residue with its feet so who's that great terrible horrific fourth beast Rome so verse 19 is Rome in my Bible I've put a little are there little R that tells me that's Rome now look at verse 20 and the 10-watt horns that were on its head and the other horns which came up after before which three fell namely that horn which had eyes like a had eyes and mouth which spoke pompous words whose appearance was greater than his fellows that's the little horn do you see that so verse 19 is Rome verse 20 is the little horn now without even looking at verse 21 without even looking at it what do you think would be the next thing judgment look at verse 21 it says I was watching and the same horn was making war against the Saints and prevailing against them that still the little horn look at verse 22 until the Ancient of Days came and a judgment was given in favor of the who the Saints of the Most High and the time came for the Saints possessed the kingdom you're exactly right you see the sequence that's the second time so it goes here from Rome to the little horn the judgment you've got it now something very interesting there in that verse if he picked it up verse 22 it says judgment was given in what in favor of the Saints who are the Saints we are God's people now look at this see if you can pick it up again I'm in verse 23 watch the sequence again verse 23 thus he said this is the angel explaining the vision it's a very simple vision as a matter of fact the fourth beast shall be a fourth what Kingdom on the earth what shall be different from all other kingdoms that shall devour the whole earth and trample it and break it in pieces what kingdoms I'm talking about there Rome so in my Bible I have a little R I've written by verse 23 very simple now look at verse 24 the ten horns are ten Kings who shall arise out of this Kingdom and another shall arise after them he shall be different from the first ones and he shall subdue three kings he shall speak pompous words against the Most High he shall persecute the Saints of the Most High he shall intend to change times and laws we've spent time on this then the Saints shall be given into his hand for a time times and half a time now look at that in verse 23 you have Rome in verses 24 and 25 you have the little horn now without looking at your Bible what do you think you would expect in verses 26 and 27 exactly look at 26 and 27 but the what shall be seated the court shall be seated and they will take away his Dominion to consume it and destroy it forever then the kingdom and the Dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High can he say Amen God's kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and all dominions shall serve and obey Him so three times in Daniel chapter 7 it is it is unmistakably clear three times you see Rome littlehorn judgment may everyone see that three times Rome littlehorn judgment Rome littlehorn judgment let's say it all together wrong little horn judgment there it is okay now let's continue on here if you were paying careful attention you notice that the very reason that the heavenly Court is called the session is because of the blasphemous words of the little horn the little horn is basically shooting his mouth off against God against God's people we're going to see that more in just a moment here and so God calls his court to session to overrule the kangaroo court of the little horn okay and notice this one the persecution of God's people calls to session the heavenly court that's in fact you'd write that in right there if you were paying attention you got it okay right there at the bottom of page one the pompous words of the little horn call to the heavenly call to session the heavenly court additionally the persecution of God's people in God's name calls to session the heavenly court okay that's all right there the judgment is a major theme of Daniel seven the sequence Rome little horn judgment occurs three times in this one chapter alone okay if this much is clear so far let's say Amen okay that's all for tonight's presentation we'll see if I'm just kidding now I want you to jump up jump back up there to the paragraph just above that subheading where it says Daniel 7 everyone see that let's fill that in Daniel 7 deals largely with political kingdoms and political movements Daniel 8 covers basically the same time period but primarily addresses spiritual issues and spiritual battles will be in Daniel 8 in just a moment the beasts of Daniel 7 are predatorial beasts that's what you'd write in there I mean look at these beasts you've got a lion you've got a bear you've got a leopard and some horrific aliy terrible beast that was so so bad Daniel couldn't even describe it and so the beast of Daniel chapter 7 were beasts of prey or predatorial beasts okay now what's going to happen in just a few moments we're going to go to Daniel chapter 8 but what we find at Daniel chapter 8 is not leopards and lions and bears you know what we find there a ram and a goat in fact that's what you'd ride in there it says the beasts of Daniel 8 are clean beasts might be saying did he stay clean did he think that they'd taken a bath yeah we say clean we mean ritually and ceremonially clean in the mind of the Israelite they were clean beasts from the sanctuary service okay designed to teach two very different things in Daniel 7 it's primarily political it's primarily what political but in Daniel 8 there's a shift to a more spiritual emphasis and we'll pick that up here in just a moment in fact I think that's actually where we're going to go in just seconds let's go to our second page here now we said this this morning but it bears repeating there was a time when being a Christian meant something can you say Amen there was a time when it meant more than having the little fish on the back of your car it was a time when being a Christian meant more than having the t-shirt there was a time and being a Christian meant more than just going to church there was a time when if you took a stand for Jesus you took a stand for his word that be the last thing you ever did are we clear on that let me beloved there were there was a time called the dark ages where all you had to do as a Christian was walk up to an idol or to a some sort of a statue perhaps of the Roman Emperor and take a little pinch of incense and just drop it before that thing and walk away and you were fine and Christian said no I can't do that and they would be killed and slaughtered and put into the Colosseum there to be torn apart by by angry lions and other beasts just because they refused to capitulate on one of God's commandments so there was a time when saying you were a Christian meant more than it does for many people today can you say amen to that during that period of the dark ages that that was a trip a terrific amazing time when people had to be very courageous very bold to stand for truth we talked about this this morning Martin Luther stood before the council affirms April 17th 1521 and he said listen if you can demonstrate to me by by the scriptures or according to just plain reason I will recant but if you cannot I cannot step down it's neither safe nor wise to go against my conscience here I stand god help me powerful and Martin Luther walked right out of there with absolute confidence in God and some people thought that was the last thing he was ever going to do and Martin Luther died of old age he say Amen very interesting now go to Daniel chapter 8 Daniel chapter 8 and the little horns attack on God's people were at the top of page 2 on your study guide in Daniel 8 the focus is clearly spiritual in nature it addresses the spiritual attack made by the little horn on God and his people now we're just going to read through beginning in Daniel chapter 8 quite a little bit of this vision so you can see just how simple it is just how what every one simple here we go verse one Daniel chapter 8 verse 1 in the third year of the reign of King Bill deser a vision appeared to me to me Daniel after the one that appeared to me the first time so he says I got this vision after the one in Daniel chapter 7 verse 2 I saw in vision and it so happened that while I was looking I was in Shushan the citadel which is in the province of Elam and I saw in the vision that I was by the river you lie he's telling you basically the circumstances the surroundings of when he received the vision verse 3 then I lifted up my eyes and I saw there standing beside the river there was a what a ram which had how many horns - horns and the two horns were high but one was higher than the other and the higher one came up what last so here Daniel sees a ram notice a clean Beast not a predatorial beast now we could say whew I wonder what the RAM is maybe it's China maybe it's North Korea who's the RAM well we don't need a guess and wonder just stay there in Daniel chapter 8 and jump down to verse 20 Daniel chapter 8 verse 20 the angel comes and says hey Daniel let me tell you what the RAM is Daniel chapter 18 verse 20 the RAM which you saw having the two horns they are the kings of what media and Persia so the RAM is meat of Persia that's pretty easy isn't it I mean the angel just says it the RAM is me - Persia okay now notice what happens next we're now in verse 4 I saw the RAM pushing now pay very careful attention here verse 4 I saw the RAM pushing westward northward and southward how many directions is that three directions how many ribs did the bear have in his mouth three you're getting it all we're doing is reviewing different different language different pictures here same history history doesn't change history is the same but bought is using different emphases here to bring out different points and and to really focus our attention on whatever it is he has in mind at that moment so it says here the RAM was pushing westward northward and southward so that no animal could withstand him nor was there any that could deliver from his hand but he did according to his will and he became what great now if you're in the habit of underlining in your Bible I would I would circle great okay that's going to become important in just a moment okay so let's say that together the Ram became great okay what's the next thing Daniel sees very simple vision verse five as I was considering what is considering me as I was thinking suddenly what does the word suddenly mean means quickly very rapidly very quickly suddenly a male goat came from the West across the surface of the whole earth and it didn't even touch the ground it had a notable horn between its eyes then he came to the RAM that I had seen with two horns which was standing beside the river and he ran into him with furious power clearly this goat has issues he's mad as a Hornet he runs of the RAM and he thrashes it into oblivion verse seven and I saw him confronting the RAM he was moved with rage against him he attacked the RAM he broke his two horns there was no power in the RAM to his stand him but he cast him down to the ground he trampled on him and there was no one that could deliver the RAM from his hand who I wonder who the goat is now just based on what you know already just just based on simple history and what we've seen in Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 who was it that conquered medo-persia who do you think this goat might be oh look down at verse 21 same chapter here it is and the male goat is the kingdom of Greece so notice the Bible interprets itself okay is that clear everyone the kingdom of Greece and the large horn that is between its eyes is the first king and who was that Alexander the Great so notice we're going over some of the same ground that we saw in Daniel 2 so we're here need a Persia degrees that we saw in Daniel 7 here meet a Persia to Greece by the way remember Greece moved very rapidly very what and what was that word we just saw there suddenly right so it's all the same that's the great thing about Bible prophecy once you get one thing right and then you get two things right and then you get three things right it just begins to cascade and it gets easier and easier but if you get one thing wrong guess what happens you get everything else wrong think of it this way if you want to go due north a hundred miles if you want to go due north one hundred miles how many steps have to be due north every single step and what's the most important step your first step that's right so if you get the first step right it's easier to get the second step right and it's easier to get the third in the fourth but if we make an error on that first step we're bound to make an error on the second third fourth down the line so far so good so let's continue the vision here verse eight therefore the male goat grew what my Bible says very great now the RAM was what great right the RAM was great but the male goat is very great do you see an increase an increase in power so the RAM is great the male goat is very great but when he became strong the large horn was broken that's Alexander the Great was broken and in place of it how many notable ones came up toward the four winds of heaven for what does that remind us of oh the foreheads of the leopard are you beginning to see very simple four notable ones come up now this is where things get amazing and out of one of them came a little horn which grew exceedingly toward the south toward the east and toward the glorious land now this is where people say whoa whoa slow down we missed Rome what what what happened to Rome did you think that maybe because look at we went from notice this we went from the RAM who was the RAM who was the RAM need a Persia and then we went to the goat who's the goat Greece and now we're at the little horn the little horn is papal Rome well who we're missing pagan Rome no we're not not at all because both think of it this way think of it this way in Daniel chapter 2 here's Rome right the long legs of iron is what Rome but what was down in the feet divided room but what was it made of iron and clay so notice this Rome just changes but still exists right down to the very end you see that still Rome but it just it changes and it exists right down to the very end think of this horrific beast here what's the fourth beast Rome and then what grows out of Rome those horns so those horns continue to grow grow grow grow grow so Rome continues but it just takes on a different manifestation Rome transitioned from being primarily a civil power to being an it easy ash tickle power or a spiritual power does that make sense and so you really have two distinct phases of Rome you have civil Rome or if you prefer pagan Rome and then you have papal Rome or if you prefer spiritual Rome but both are wrong okay now look at this Bible students put your thinking caps on look at verse 9 it says and out of one of them came a little horn which grew exceedingly toward the south toward the east and toward the glorious land now I want you to notice that this little horn is moving in three directions and it's all on a horizontal plane look at it again until you see it toward the south toward the which the east and toward the glorious land so here the primary emphasis of the little horns conquests were along a horizontal plane these are political or military conquests but watch what happens in the next verse verse 10 it says and it grew what up to the who to the host of who heaven and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars to the ground and it trampled them so do you see the distinction there in in the first verse he's moving on a horizontal plane in the next verse he's moving upward even to heaven and so that's what we find here and in this should actually be let's see if I moved on I haven't yet let's look at our next one I think this should be Daniel chapter no that's not Daniel okay we'll just keep going I think I've got it here or Jesus have mercy hallelujah there we go Meeta persia right that's what we saw the RAM then Greece that's the goat y'all flipping your things over as you can get it and then the little horn moving on a terrestrial plane that is a horizontal plane right pushing southward pushing westward and pushing toward the glorious land which was Jerusalem pushing toward the Jewish toward the Jewish homeland okay then the next thing you see is the little horn begins his attack but now he's not moving just on this plane he's moving on the vertical plane and he begins to attack even heaven itself you say wait a minute how could he attack heaven itself we're going to get to that in just a moment okay now let's continue this this is going to be this is so amazing look at verse 11 okay we all there okay I know you're writing so I'll give you just a little moment there Daniel chapter 8 and verse 11 the first word is he the first word is one he he is the little horn okay now I want you to notice what he does in verse 11 it is absolutely audacious okay verse 11 he even exalted himself as high as who the Prince of the host now who's the Prince of the host Jesus Christ do you see the vertical movements now yes or no okay so I mean this little horn begins to vaunt himself even against Jesus and by him the daily was taken away and the place of his sanctuary was thrown down he begins a spiritual attack and begins to throw down even the sanctuary of God look at verse 12 because of the transgression an army was given over to the horn to oppose the daily sacrifices and he cast truth to the ground he did all of this and he prospered notice he's this is a spiritual battle I mean listen beloved he's casting truth to the ground he's making more with God's people he's making war with God's Son he is throwing God's sanctuary to the ground that's a spiritual battle that's a why spiritual battle now already any Israelite any Jew who is studying his scriptures would have already known that because in the transition from Daniel chapter 7 we go to these from these predatorial unclean beasts to Daniel chapter 8 and we're dealing with sanctuary beasts Rams and goats that makes sense so anyone's going to immediately notice oh this is dealing more with spiritual issues not political Meccans primarily now this gets amazing you're there at the top of page 2 it says list the four things that the little Horn of Daniel 8 attacks number one he attacks God's people number 1 he attacks God's people let's just look at a couple of those verses you can write these verses down look at verse 24 verse 24 it says his power shall be mighty but not by his own power he shall destroy fearfully and he shall prosper and thrive and he shall destroy the mighty and also the holy people so here we see this little horn making war against God's people God's what everyone people and we saw that already there look at verse 13 then I heard a holy one speaking and another holy one said to that certain one who was speaking how long will be the vision concerning the daily sacrifices and the transgression of desolation and the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot how long is this little rascal going to make war with God's people and thrash them that's basically what's happening so number one he makes war with God's people number two he makes war with God's son we already saw that there didn't we he exalts himself in verse 11 against the Prince of the host and then look at verse 25 as if that's not enough verse 25 speaking of this anti-christian power through his cunning he shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule he shall exalt himself in his heart he shall destroy many in their prosperity and look at this he shall even rise against the who the Prince of princes but he shall be broken without human means who is the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ whose king of kings and Lord of lords okay so who would be the Prince of princes Jesus Christ and that's what Daniels saying here I mean the angels explaining the vision of Daniel and Daniel can hardly believe it he sees this little horn destroying God's people and then he begins to make war even with Jesus so how would you ever make war with Jesus how many he just transport up into heaven and get an arm wrestling match with Jesus no no no you begin to obscure the place of Jesus you set up your own sacrifices by taking away from the sacrifice of Jesus you set up your own priesthood by taking away from the priesthood of Jesus you set up your own sanctuary and temple by taking away from the sanctuary and temple of Jesus so the minds of people in the dark ages particularly when they didn't have the guess what they didn't have the Bible and the the only show in town basically says you want forgiveness you come to our priests you want to sacrifice you come to our mess you you want to you want temple you come to our sanctuary the only show in town is basically obscuring the person of Jesus and in doing that they're making war with the real Jesus is that clear everyone and I mean the people that have their Bibles they didn't know that the Bible says there's only one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus I mean they didn't know all of this and so the priest says this and the Cardinals say this and the prelate says this and the Pope says this and little boom it was the Dark Ages it was the one the Dark Ages and so this power makes war with God's people and it makes war with God's Son and look at verse 12 again it says in verse 12 he even cast truth to the ground so number three he makes war with God's truth clearly this is a spiritual battle and then number four he makes war with God's sanctuary God's temple we already read it but look at verse 13 again it says how long will the sanctuary and the host be trampled underfoot so Daniel seeing all of this in vision let's go back and sort of review it so we can see it Daniel sees meet a Persia okay that's fine he sees the RAM and then he sees Greece that's fine he sees the goat and then he begins to see this little horn power come up that moves on a horizontal plane that's what we would call pagan Rome but then that thing is not satisfied moving on a horizontal plane and it begins to move on what kind of a plane a vertical plane and begins to make war with God with God's people with God's truth with God's son with God's sanctuary begins to make a spiritual warfare against God Daniels watching all of this in vision and he overhears a discussion a conversation between two angels that's verses 13 and 14 here it is then I heard Daniel speaking a holy one speaking and another holy one said to that certain one so now Daniels listening in on a heavenly conversation and one said how long will be the vision concerning the daily sacrifices in the transgression of desolation to give the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot in other words one is saying how long is this garbage going to go on I mean really how long is God going to tolerate this and the answers in verse 14 and he said to me for 2300 days then the sanctuary will be cleansed that is the longest time prophecy in all of the Bible you just read it to that how many days was it 2300 days notice that that time period 2300 days is in direct response to the question how long is this going to go on Oh 2300 days now right there you're on page two let's take a look at it by the way you will need this for tomorrow night we are not going to make it through all of this so this this is your lesson for tonight and on Monday night so be sure to not lose this one okay the longest time prophecy in the Bible is found in Daniel chapter 8 verse 14 it deals with a time period stretching from the time of Daniel all the way down to the last days that's what you'd write in there remember that a day an end time Bible prophecy equals a lot it's exactly right a year in literal time that's absolutely essential we've given you two verses there is eqo four six numbers 14:34 now even right there in the immediate context of Daniel chapter 8 it is clear that the days of the 2300 year prophecy could not be literal 24-hour days consider that 2300 literal days would reach a mere seven years into the future yet the angel Gabriel who came to interpret the vision for Daniel made it clear that the vision pertained to the time of the end okay you're still there in your Bibles pick up your Bible look at Daniel chapter 8 and verse 17 okay Daniel chapter 8 and verse 17 well actually pick it up in verse 15 this is Gabriel Gabriel comes to explain the vision verse 15 then it happened when I Daniel had seen the vision I was seeking the meaning and suddenly there stood before me one having the appearance of a man blue this figure stands before Daniel verse 16 and I heard a man's voice between the banks of the you'll I who called and said Gabriel make this man well that sounds good with my voice local Gabriel make this man to understand the vision so he verse 17 Gabriel came near where I stood and when he came I was afraid but he said to me I fell on my face he said to me understand Son of Man that's speaking to Daniel Gabriel speaking to Daniel he's come to explain the vision understand son of man that the vision refers to the wat the time of the end so Danny Daniel sitting there just absolutely flabbergasted about this vision Gabriel comes down and says Daniel understand something the vision pertains to the time of the WA the end now Daniel lives 600 years before the time of Jesus 2,300 literal days would reach a whopping seven years into the future is that anywhere near the time of the end no no no no so you have internal evidence that these 2300 days are not literal days but in prophecy just as water represents what in Bible prophecy people's multitudes nations and languages and and what is a beast representing Bible prophecy a kingdom or a nation what does a horn represent a power that's exactly right what does a woman represent a church ok what does a prophetic day represent a year it's all symbolic and you have internal evidence right there Gabriel shows up and he says hey listen the vision has to do with the end of time the last days now look at verse 24 of the same chapter part of me verse 26 Gabriel still speaking by the way this isn't David asterix speaking this is Gabriel speaking to Daniel Gabriel says and the vision of the evenings in the mornings which was told is true therefore seal up the vision for it refers my Bible says to many days in the future you all see that many days now is seven years many days in the future not at all he's a minute seal this vision up Daniel just seal it up why was he told to seal it up because primarily it didn't pertain to his time seal it up Daniel this vision has to do with people living down at the end of time in fact I cannot resist go to Daniel chapter 12 I just can't resist so you're going to have to forgive me Daniel chapter 12 look at this okay verse four Daniel chapter 12 verse 4 but you Daniel but you Daniel shut up the words and do what to the book seal the book until the win the time of the and many will run to and fro and knowledge will wha God says Daniel seal the book and it will be unsealed at the end of time now why why let's think about that for just a moment is God here being arbitrary as God saying you know nanny nanny booboo I know it you don't know think about it Daniel lived 600 years before the time of Jesus why can we understand the prophecies of Daniel today because we live in a place where we can look back through history and see its fulfillment does that make sense that was a luxury not afforded Daniel Daniel lives 600 years before the time of Jesus here we live 2,000 years after the time of Jesus so we can look back and we could say oh yeah there was babbling get sawed me to persia yep greece yeah rome yeah rome divided yet little horn we can see it from where we're standing in history does that make sense so the sealing of Daniels prophecy till the time of the end was not bought arbitrarily saying well you know just at the end of time it was God saying people won't really be able to grasp the significance of these prophecies until they have the historical landscape to look back over and say wow it fits exactly as God said he's saying in Kabul and that's basically what Gabriel says when he comes down he says hey Daniel seal it up until the time of the end because this vision has to do with many days in the future that's how we know that those 2300 days cannot be literal days impossible impossible there's internal evidence right there now you're still there second page paragraph that says according according to the last verse of this chapter Daniel was astonished at the vision but he did not understand it in fact let's look at that Daniel chapter 8 look at the very last verse of Daniel chapter 8 verse 27 and I Daniel fainted and I was sick for days afterward I arose and I went about the King's business and I was astonished by the vision but no one what Craig just a question for you here does Daniel understand the vision no now he must have understood some of it because the angel told him oh yeah the RAM is me to Persia I mean Daniel wasn't stupid he would have known that and and the the goat was what Greece okay so he would have understood some of it but he didn't understand all of it he says hey at the end of the thing I was astonished in fact I was so I was so crushed what would I saw that little horn doing to God's people God's truth God sanctuary and God's Son he says I was I fainted remember beloved God Daniel wasn't at the cinema Daniel wasn't at the movie Daniel was seeing a real power making a real war against real people I mean historians tell us that between fifty and a hundred million martyrs gave their lives for no greater crime than wanting to know and live by this word now just imagine seeing that envision Daniel was crushed he was devastated that's why when he listened in on that conversation one angel said well how long is this going to go on I mean really how long is this going to go on and God's going to allow his sanctuary and his hosts and his truth and his son to be trampled underfoot by this rampaging little horn power and he said hey listen this isn't going to go on forever 2,300 days tough it out and then the sanctuary will be cleansed now does the vision make sense at least broadly yes or no it's actually quite a simple vision so let's continue here okay so we're right there on that same paragraph he even fainted why was he so troubled after all the answer is quite simple Daniel had just seen in vision that this little horn would wage a very effective war against God his truth and his people and that it would last for a very long period of time more than a thousand years Daniel had already seen his own beloved City Jerusalem sacked by the armies of Babylon and now in vision he sees even more trouble in calamities for God's people this was serious stuff for Daniel this was no Hollywood movie can you say him in McDaniel was was visibly shaken he says I fainted I fainted so there we go the accusations of the little horn bottom of that page the kangaroo courts and trials of the little horn the Antichrist and in direct opposition and contradiction to the findings of God's heavenly Court these false trials actually found God's people guilty of blasphemy what a mockery now here is an important point the judgment of Daniel 7 the what the judgment of Daniel 7 and the cleansing of the sanctuary in Daniel 8 are synonymous events they're the same event that is they describe the same thing in order to understand this we must turn our attention to the israelite sanctuary but before we do that I want to be sure this is crystal clear let's review okay you might think while we're reviewing again we're going to review and I'll tell you why okay let's go what was the sequence that we saw three times in Daniel 7 Rome littlehorn judgment clear on that everyone okay three times Rome littlehorn judgment and remember judgment was given in favor of who why because beloved let's try and repair our fingers around this historically this anti-christian power is a reigning God's people before these kangaroo courts of prelates and pontiff's and Cardinals and priests and charging them with blasphemy because they wanted to know the Bible because they wanted to follow Jesus because they didn't want to have to go along with all of the traditions and accoutrements of the church and and they would stand there in their mighty regalia looking down at these cowering individuals before them who just wanted to serve the Lord and they would burn them at the stake or throw them to the Lions there's a guilty of blaspheming on many occasions you can just read it it's all history they would take caps and and put these sort of dunce cap looking things on them as they burn them that would say heretic and and blasphemer and these were the true people of God and they would call these you know great counsels together to basically condemn God's people and God looks down isn't it enough now step back of course into their mind from their mindset this church was the only Church in town it was the only show in town from their perspective when the when the prelates or the bishop said or the Pope said of the Cardinal said hey listen you're excommunicated from their perspective without having the Bible we take the Bible so for granted from their perspective they are eternally lost they're going to burn throughout the ceaseless eternal ages and the fires of hell because some man said so when these people were literally living in the most terrible darkness that's why we call it the Dark Ages so so the people of God were being arraigned before these kangaroo courts and God says enough I'll call my own court to session and that's why we saw Rome little horn what was the next thing we saw the judgement was seated why because of the pompous words of the little horn and because of the persecution of God's people God sets his own judgement and says I'm a non-new I'm going to overturn all of these kangaroo court judgments with the true heavenly judgment in favor of my people that's the scene that's the scene you got to have in your mind and you know what the verdict of that Court is the verdict of that Court is that everyone who puts their faith in Jesus gets the kingdom of God you say Amen that's every one of us that's why listen the judgment is not bad news for you beloved if you put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ the Bible teaches that Jesus is your advocate that means he's your lawyer and he's your judge now think of it can you have a better situation your defense lawyer is your judge that's a can't lose situation I'm looking across the room over here one of my brothers is a lawyer I'm looking at brother Cobb and that's a win-win situation isn't it brother Cobb you can't lose that you know we think whole the judgment all of my deeds are gonna come up listen me love it you know what's going to happen in the judgment God is going to hide the record of your pathetic life in the perfect righteous life of the Lord Jesus Christ that's what's going to happen to you in the judgment yeah beloved that's why you find David in the Psalms he's not saying oh I'm so afraid of the judgment I could faint and die he's saying he's saying Oh Lord judge your people many times you find David saying the Psalms judge me O God because he knew he put his faith he put his faith in a perfect God and that perfect God could handle his case amen so God convenes his court in direct opposition to these Mickey Mouse courts that were taking place down here on earth and remember again all these people as far as they were concerned they didn't have the Bible they're looking at a thinkin hall this is the church these are the Cardinals these are the priests we must obey it are you beginning to see this in your mind yes or no very powerful now I only got four minutes left so I'm a little reluctant to advance but we've got to do that just very quickly very very quickly a heavenly model you see there this is this two parts part one part two a heavenly model in the divine drama of salvation let's do this the key you see that there that's what you'd write in the key that unlocks the judgment is found in the Israelite sanctuary the key that unlocks the judgment is found in the Israelite sanctuary the cleansing of the sanctuary was a day of judgment for Israel symbolizing the final judgment okay so far so good the cleansing of the sanctuary took place on what's called the Day of Atonement how many of you heard that before the day of atonement okay the word atonement is a very easy word to understand it divides neatly into three parts at one mint the day of atonement was the day when God was once again at one with his people amen okay the day of atonement otherwise known as Yom Kippur that's what you can write in there Yom Kippur the Day of Judgment in order to understand the day of atonement we must understand at least in a basic sense the purpose and drama of the Israelite sanctuary there were two main services that were carried out in the sanctuary how many services - certainly there are many ceremonies and rituals but they can be roughly divided into two main categories the daily service and the yearly service okay how many services daily service and the yearly service okay the yearly service took place on the tenth day of the seventh month that was the Day of Atonement okay now this is basically how it work and this will be a perfect place for us to stop okay there are basically three compartments to the israelite sanctuary how many compartments three okay very simple here's this is like if you were in a helicopter looking down on it okay so here's the three areas number one would be the courtyard in fact you see there at the bottom of this page I give you the opportunity to draw this out I'd recommend you do that okay there number one that's the courtyard and that that crisscross grid there represents the altar okay just behind that that blue circle represented the Laver or the wash bin where the priest would wash themselves before going in to the sanctuary which is represented by the black sections there okay now the sanctuary this is where you're actually entering a room out here you're still in the out-of-doors but they're in two and three you're actually entering into a room and that room had two parts how many parts two parts the first that you would step into was called the what's called the holy place the holy place okay and then in front of you there was a large curtain very heavy curtain and on the other side of that curtain was the most holy place okay the most holy place incidentally was a perfect cube was a perfect cube it was perfectly square on all sides incidentally very interesting when you go to Revelation 21 and 22 the New Jerusalem is the perfect cube you read it it's just as wide as it is tall as it is long representing the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary okay so there were three parts the courtyard the holy place and the most holy place this pattern here this sanctuary was not something that Moses made up it wasn't something that Aaron made up it wasn't something the Israelites got together and made up God showed this to Moses who showed it to him God in fact that's what we're going to learn tomorrow this was a part of me Monday this was a picture of the temple in heaven three places the courtyard the holy place in the most holy place okay and the daily services centered around numbers one and two but the yearly service the Day of Atonement the day of what or the day of judgement centered around guess which number number three you've got it and what we're going to discover in our next two lessons I praise the Lord Jesus we've made good time tonight what we're going to discover in our next two lessons is exactly how this sanctum what does that mean there in Daniel 8:14 the sanctuary will be cleansed we're going to discover exactly what that means from a biblical perspective can you say Amen so two questions as we close tonight by the way I knew that this was going to get caught right in the middle it's just way too much information to present in a single I actually did it one time it took me two and a half hours we're not going to even try that okay but here's the two things I want to know number one tonight's presentation up to this point do we at least broadly feel clear about what we're looking at okay pretty simple all we've done is looked at Daniel chapter 8 primarily Daniel chapter 8 is just a recapitulation of Daniel chapter 7 me2 persia greece little horn judgment okay pretty simple and then we're ending here by looking at these three elements these three elements courtyard holy place most holy place okay and let me tell you our next message is entitled not tomorrow after the following night it's entitled perfect prophetic proof of the identity of Jesus if you've ever had anyone ask you a skeptic or an unbeliever cedi well how do you know Jesus is the guy I will give you rock-solid prophetic proof that unmistakably but where did I say unmistakably points to Jesus of Nazareth as the only guy as we look at this a powerful prophecy you're just going to go war praise God in heaven you will have one of the most powerful Quivers in your arsenal to share with skeptics with unbelievers and with Christians alike that will route your faith and ground your faith in the absolute total truthfulness of God's Word can you say Amen you
Channel: hopemedia
Views: 25,627
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Keywords: David Asscherick, hopevideo, deceived, Antichrist, Prophecy, Revelation, Christianity, Discover Prophecy, Hope Media Ministry, hopemedia, end of the world, jesus christ, gospel, bible, preaching, pastor
Id: 2sxf0mU_IAY
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Length: 59min 21sec (3561 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2011
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