Disco Elysium The Final Cut - Ex Wife Dolores Dei Break Up & Kiss

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dolores day the innocence of humanism internationalism and the welfare state turns around to face you she has an airship airbag in her hand she seems to be in a hurry okay don't say you need to talk right away melt the ice first this way you're already talking but you don't even want to talk to her she would only be cold and mean let her go let her go this is the holy queen of the territories of muendi and insulinda think of the historic knowledge we could glean this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win her back hey i mean hey to you too i'm doing really good actually both professionally and romantically i've come to a fulfilling and peaceful period in my life well how are you doing harry don't say that i know this positive thing sounds stupid to you harry but it works we all have an obligation to be happy you too and you will be now this is everything i always warned you about i'm sorry i was heading to the aerodrome i just don't have time to she means she doesn't have time to tend to your emotions what are you doing stop saying things like that i'm going to marova to live there in grad it's one million kilometers away harry might as well be another lifetime just my scepter my globe crusader a spare silk gown a toothbrush travel documents the crown of immortality oh this this is just a wreath the crown of immortality is made of rarified light mana and raw palladium it was passed on to me by the rulers of late antiquity she looks at the suitcase not knowing what more to say then over her shoulder silence her nuptial gown flows in the wind wraps around her holy body anyway no harry it's just regular skin i'm not she does not answer there's that expression again silence a distant wind blows you can't think of anything pretty to say no harry no i don't want a massive epic showdown i want to go to the aerodrome i have tickets for the 10 20 flight to marova really we don't have anything to talk about anymore every combination of words has been played out the atoms don't form us anymore us our love our unborn daughters it's all gone i have to go to the aerodrome i have to leave rather shul and you and you have to be alone in hell forever that's just the way it is [Applause] with your feet trembling from the steps you took tepid and fearful you stand against her her body close to you radiating warmth with your eyes closed you move your lips on her mouth she is not kissing you back this was not about failure or success this was always going to be horror i should not have suggested it and you should not have listened to me her chest rising like a pillow warm exhalations against the side of your mouth her tender soul moving through her lungs hidden distant kept safe from you feels like soft fuzz a bird covered in down feathers rushing against your broken capillaries the delicate wreath on her forehead pressing into your temple the silver is cold from the spring evening her hand does not return the grip her body is rigid a current of unease courses through it nothing just pillows against you unresponsive but for the taste of apricots the moment is ending she is going to move her face away from yours trying hard not to look at you when she withdrew and you held onto her hand she tried not to look at your face and see the expression there brother you should put me in front of a firing squad i have no words for how i failed you no harry not yet there is one more thing you have to see [Music] i'm pregnant of course not i terminated yours don't you remember you poor poverty stricken now go ahead ask me more questions let's talk about something else no this has to end do the last one more questions ask more i don't know what you mean dolores day [Music] wasn't i dolores day just a second ago now i'm the x thing you're confusing me look i have to be at the lausanne aerodrome at 10 20 p.m i still have a light rail to catch i haven't even bought the tickets yet we all told you everyone warned you everyone literally all of you great it's the abyss of the void soon it will be the gloaming then it will be the world ending my friends are waiting for me on the platform harry it's impolite what [Music] she does not look back instead eyes her fingernails they're bitten frayed the evening wind blows in the gown wraps around her like a white flag a thousand times you beat an animal a thousand times you've raised that fabric what is underneath has always calmed you centered the morning i don't understand oh my god harry stop i don't want to hear anything about the morning morning someone who's still alive any of that i can't do that anymore i'm not 80 years old i'm 32. people my age are not supposed to mourn oh harry you shouldn't have done that call me like that you ruined it there was still a chance you should have waited longer she would have called you instead oh harry do you really think so we haven't talked in years i don't want to call you i don't want to hear from you i think of you less and less every year weeks go by without me remembering you months already soon it will be years every season that passes the light gets less clear i sit there in marova in the holy gratitude of my bliss i put my hand on my belly and smile the air gets cold around you she looks down on her stomach then up at you her eyes are full of tremendous distance and mystery black-eyed dogs wander the alleys apple trees hang their bony limbs low over the patchwork of roofs red and black river shoal west the evening sun she's left and bloomed far away from us our vast soul is dora that's what the voice said on the phone oh no no no no no we're not doing that again yes harry i am things have gotten much better for me now that i am the ruler of the known world it's not but i don't know why i said but there is no but that's it yes we've talked about it a million times you will get over it just like i did people do things will get good for you again see it just takes some time for you i think it'll take something like 20 years maybe it was hard for me too i used to think i couldn't live without you but i can she keeps her shoulders squared and the back straight but it's clear you're still making her sad it's not it's just not possible it's like eating rocks you just can't do it yes it only took me one year maybe two phew yes but that time is gone now so very gone there is a silence she looks at you then over her shoulder then corrects the wreath on the dome of her forehead as you talk it feels like chewing on gravel granite steel bars it's okay no harry we can't we already tried again and it didn't work is that how it is now we should just try all good things twice and then give up by that logic not to you too of course you're a visionary entrepreneur and i'm a social democrat because i don't want to keep hurting you i don't know please harry we can't be together because you're insane she avoids turning them to you they're turning moist now her eyes she slowly you know what i mean no you don't you've worked there for so long you can't even talk like a normal person anymore it's always lists with you questions this is another one isn't it we're in a tree right now it's not just the lists or trees or whatever you get sad harry too sad people can't get that sad it's impossible to watch other people get sad too but not like you you stay down for years and then you start beating things you get violent in conclusion you're ill you're an old insane man and you have to be in hell until the end of your life and i have to go to morovah we both said a lot of things we were very young as queen regnant i write a lot of letters okay harry okay it was morning and you slept the room smelled of cigarettes and ruins there was horfrost on the ground when i left it was autumn the first one we had together but you have to understand it was a million years ago no it was a hundred million years ago i was someone else then filled to the brim with love for you hanging on your every word oh harry you were the coolest but i am no longer that person this has taken her place it will devour you harry i will eat your mind the coolest with your leather jacket and your boot-cut pants smoking in the bus stop i wanted you to be the rest of my life that day and you were some of it at least you were my first my first kiss my first time to have sex the first and worst time i fell in love i will always have that with me it's a fact but that is all it is it's like a ticket stub harry it doesn't do anything anymore yes let's talk about that too let's bring it up the zoo in the jaden the day we went east of the river to the aquarium first i was sad about my mother i don't even know why the shimmer of the fish tank on my face the octopuses it was just a day then but to think were we there now you could touch my hair kiss me talk to me about anything go virtually anywhere in the world not like now now our interactions are limited to pain and regret no you scared it out of me with your crying your hysteric the awful time we wound up having and the cheap rental flats you could afford can't you see i can never think you're cool again i can only think that way about new people it's here we are on voyager road at the end of it 300 meters from the stop we used to come here to rent videos there you could not pay the electrical bill it became a lightless tomb the years you spent training for the militia my parents money it was not good is there really anything left if not we can always repeat one of the things we have already talked about talk about it again if you do not feel like doing that you should let me go to the aerodrome i have to harry really i've already missed the 8 30. i'm gonna go now i was wrong you don't have power over her anymore you shouldn't have said that i am wrong about everything you should go on without me light life culture it's so much better than here everything here reminds me of you and the horrible times we had the nights we stayed up fighting for our dying love i have to wipe it all off me and be clean again i want to be a good person again not this not what you made me into [Music] no that would only be painful and dull at the aerodrome life love and laughter are waiting for me at the cafeteria dust hell and tragic comedy that was someone else i betrayed her overwrote her and am happier for it and i'm really going now the time is up i must be on the 10 20 flight i won't see you but you will see me oh harry this is a dream can't you see i'm already in marova by now who knows how long ago this happened a year two five years ago right here tomorrow night once this dream starts happening it keeps happening three times a week at least and harry it really really looks like it started happening again there's the video rental i'm suffocatingly beautiful and young and i smell of tutti frutti chewing gum like i did that time when i asked you for forgiveness after leaving you the first time so long ago oh yes this is real darkness it's not death or war or child molestation real darkness has love for a face the first death is in the heart harry see you tomorrow [Music] you
Channel: Naughty Gaming
Views: 99,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox, pc, naughtygaming, naughty gaming, ps5, disco elysium
Id: 8Lcu_4_NQ34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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