Disaster Duos Audition for The X Factor UK | X Factor Global
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Channel: X Factor Global
Views: 1,109,699
Rating: 4.8473506 out of 5
Keywords: x factor, the x factor, x factor uk, x factor global, disaster duos, disaster auditions, x factor disasters, unforgettable x factor, worst auditions, worst auditions x factor, unforgettable auditions, ablisa, ablisa audition, ablisa x factor, ultimate chicken fight, x factor chicken, x factor chicken fight, bradley x factor, octavio x factor, x factor audition, x factor auditions, x factor compilation, disaster duos audition, disaster duos on the x factor, worst x factor
Id: JyrQkIFoGgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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