Disable These Plex Settings Now | Plex is Collecting Your Private Info & Sharing Your Watch Data

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so welcome back to the channel1 trim here and today we have a Plex video and this is not a good video about plex so over the past couple months couple years we've seen that Plex has started making a lot of changes first we see a lot of free content coming in now we're seeing a lot of sharing and it looks like Plex is in the arms raised to take over some of those free streaming services like your Pluto TV Zumo and so on and so forth but the problem is that when we initially started using FX the idea was that you can put your own media in there you can get your content when you want whether on the goal or if you're in your household so what's starting to happen is a lot of privacy issues are starting to pop up with Plex including sharing your data the information that they collect and for that reason I do believe that Plex has been losing a lot of subscribers so what I want to do in this video show you some of those settings that Plex secretly has enabled that you want to go in and disable turn off if you're a Plex user or if you're a ple subscriber so we're going to jump right into it if you're new to the channel subscribe smash the notification Bell let's go all right so I saw this across Reddit and also believe that space RX did a video on this so if you look right here basically what Plex is doing is sharing your watch list sharing the stuff that you're looking at with your friends and family so uh this particular person you see that was watching I want your and friend and essentially emailed this information over to that person's contacts or friends and family within Plex and of course that's something that he didn't want to get out so yes I'm going to show you how to disable this setting as far as your family sharing but also Plex has a habit of putting settings in places where no one can find them unless you're on a goose chase and you happen to stumble upon it so first let's go ahead and get into the process of disabling the family sharing that way won't email your contacts or your friends and family your information of what you're watching all right so um this is going to be under the Discover together area so first thing you want to do guys is make sure you log into your Plex account this is going to be on your web browser um normally if you're in your household go to plex.tv and it should bring you to login page plex.tv should bring you to a page like this but we want to go ahead and open Plex uh again if you signed in previously might ask you for your your credentials but um it might bring you to a sign in page where it shows what accounts you're holding so I'm going to go ahead and click on that all right so here I am in my Plex and to disable those sharing settings where it emails your contacts what you're going to do is click on your profile you're going to go to profile then you're going to edit your profile all right once you get to the edit page you're going to scroll the way down right here under privacy settings you're going to go ahead and edit it all right so you can see um by default this is going to share to a lot of folks guys my watch History my watch list my ridens my friends um who can find my account anyone so just a lot of information there that you probably um better off not sharing with other people so click the drop down I'm going to make all of these private it for the last option you're going to have to choose the best of the three evils so share to anyone that just opens you wide up friends and family that's two um categories or friends only so we can go ahead and click that once you hit that go ahead and hit save and that should take care of those notifications whatever you're sending out to your friends and family so the next one we're going to talk about is your privacy preferences now this is one that again came up in the Reddit blog and if you're not someone who really goes deep and look for this stuff there's no way you would find this so basically this is a URL once you sign into your account all you have to do is copy and paste this URL and should bring you to this page so you can see the Privacy preferences collect information about you your device the use all kind of information in here account information program guide data personal data coun of so just a lot on here um and what you want to do and if you scroll all the way down even more you can see that also has your network information playback time transcoding your codec just a lot of information guys and this is all being sent to Plex and um in order to disable this all you need to do is uncheck this box but again they put it in such a place that if you weren't really looking for this you wouldn't find it so all you have to do is uncheck this box it should automatically save but what I'm going to do is just refresh this page and see if it's still unchecked and you can see that option is unchecked again this is one of those things that if you weren't looking for there's no way you would have found this but in the background information about your movie your watch History your devices everything's being collected by Plex and this at least is a option to kind of minimize some of the information is being collected the third one is going to be email preferences so by default again these are all going to be checked and by default if you didn't know the exact URL is plex.tv slail Dash preferences then you wouldn't know how to get to this this is not simply by going to your Plex and click on your account settings these aren't easily defined or easy to find so again links will be provided also will put a link link to that Reddit blog where you can go ahead and watch the full discussion and again just shout out to everyone that contributed to that really helped out a lot so under the email preferences uh this is going to uh give you the option to opt out of some of those emails that you might get from PL you can see marketing emails are checked for plexer newsletter podcast news recommended free movies and live TV sales promotions and below that they do have more email notifications so when someone send a message when someone receive a friend request when someone comments on my activities email me a summary um these don't seem that bad because if you're someone that use that share feature or um you have folks on your Plex then these might be notifications that you want to get but as far as this I'll uncheck that every time recommended free movies I'll uncheck that every time don't want to receive any of these emails and again I'll unsubscribe to all of these but if you're some someone who looks for these looks forward to receiving these you can leave these on check if you're looking forward to those notifications all right once you're done update notifications and you should be all set so again I've been someone that that's used Plex for years I've probably won the the um couple YouTubers that were uh a premium subscriber to Plex during this streaming boom as I like to call it um got the Plex pass I do a lot of videos or I did a lot of videos on Plex and um I love the program love the software love what it does but over the past couple years a lot of changes have been made and I just feel like they're going in the wrong direction so in the comments let me know if this helped let me know if you're a Plex user if any of these settings bother you let me know which ones in the comment section of course if you're new to the channel subscribe smash the notification Bell thank you for watching and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Triple M
Views: 5,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plex, plex settings to disable, plex privacy settings, plex collecting data, plex sharing your data, data, collecting data, reddit
Id: g9GhWo0WPoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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