Dirty Work
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Channel: Steely Dan - Topic
Views: 1,077,800
Rating: 4.4757862 out of 5
Keywords: Steely Dan, γΉγγ£γΌγͺγΌγ»γγ³, γΉγγ€γΌγͺγΌγγ³, Can't Buy A Thrill, Dirty Work, γγΌγγ£γ»γ―γΌγ―
Id: kR5Ki6jjPaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 7sec (187 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 25 2018
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They played this at a battle of the bands once in the drew Carrey show
Diminished major and minor chords everywhere should be thanking this band for giving them jobs.
This is one of their best songs.
If you like singing harmony for songs, this is a great one for that.