DIO VS Alucard (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure VS Hellsing) - @deathbattle | RENEGADES REACT

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i like this okay if anything if anything the speech bubble will give away what this is think about hugging peter pan's okay okay i can already hear you know the comments down below yeah i'm reacting to this by myself but it is what it is guys number one chad hasn't really seen any i either one of jojo's bizarre adventure or helsing and of course nick has seen jojo's bizarre adventure but has not seen helsing and he doesn't want to spoil himself on it which is again why we haven't done certain death battles and which we may do eventually but for right now this is just the way things are me i've seen jojo's bizarre adventure and i've seen helsing so yeah i am always down to uh do these and i really uh yeah i i just love piss i honestly i just love pissing you all off in the comment section you know uh you know just with uh you know my my ignorance and all that but ah what else yeah whatever it's it's a [ __ ] it neither of these characters actually exist in truth i don't have a preconceived notion on who's gonna win this one in all honesty i'm just gonna go with it and if people like what i have to say awesome if they don't like what i have to say uh uh you can kindly suck it hit the dislike button and get the [ __ ] off my channel uh but that's how it goes uh so anyway yeah uh dio versus alucard this is uh this is one that honestly i i'm excited i want to see what's going to happen i'm going to reserve my res my reservation i'm going to have my reservations until you know they until they do it's time for a death battle yeah but i guess we'll see anyway let's go ahead and get this going uh let's get into the death battle dio brando everlasting adversary of the joestar bloodline alucard undying enforcer of the helsing organization vampires the spawn of nightmares formed from the blackest pits of man's demented imagination anime basically the same thing what do you get when you combine them two of the meanest monsters out there he's where's boomstick and it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a death battle imagine if you can someone so wicked that the sheer magnitude of their unholy dickishness literally destroyed the universe you might think they'd have to be no less than the devil himself but it was him dio or a penniless street rat with a cunning mind in the slums of victorian london dio was humiliated by his poverty and abused by his alcoholic father his bitter resentment and small dick energy would lead to a lifelong desire for ultimate power and immortality to reach a place over heaven and he'd get his chance to act when he was adopted through the wealthy joe starr family dio planned to kill his new father george jostar and take his fortune for himself only one thing stood in his way his new brother jonathan joestar aka joe jojo theo tried to go all alpha wolf on jojo by engaging in such classic sibling pranks as beating him up molesting his girlfriend and setting his dog on fire jesus you give that creepy dog murderer what for jojo but after years of emotional manipulation dio's twisted assassination plot was foiled by his righteous stepbrother with help from the interfering speed wagon all seemed lost until dio pulled out his plan b an ancient stone mask that turned him into a vampire that's just bizarre okay so he's not awesome dracula instead of turning you into an unholy demon the stone mask eliminates your body's natural limitations making him way stronger faster and tougher than any human he can hear a heartbeat through the ground fly through the air and hypnotize you with just a glance it gets weirder dio can create mind controlling flesh buds from his hair follicles vaporize the moisture in his body to freeze anything he touches and fire beams of pressurized fluids that can split the sky pressurized fluids oh sometimes it's too easy whiz even more insane is dio's healing factor he's been burnt alive impaled through the head bisected decapitated lost limbs filled with bullets and had a huge hole punched in his chest not once not twice but three times another similar vampire straight survived being blown to pieces and just pulled himself back together what do you needs is some blood to speed up the process so he is basically a vampire i guess the fangs are just for decoration because he sucks blood through his fingers dio used his powers to raise a zombie army to conquer the world and feed a baby to its own mother just for kicks we've had a lot of real pieces of [ __ ] on this show whiz but i'm starting to think dio takes the cake luckily his please spoiled again by his old friend of me jojo who beat dio's ass with a martial art that uses the power of the sun hormone because should dio's vampire body be subjected to sunlight he will instantly disintegrate so what did dio do well he cut off his own head killed jonathan on his wedding night and attached his head to jojo's body well cake taken for sure after a brief century in a coffin at the bottom of the ocean dio resurfaced in egypt and tried once again to take over the world his ultimate goal was to create a world where everyone knew their own fate and could make peace with the inevitable tragedies life had in store in dio's mind heaven and he'd make it happen no matter how many breads he'd have to eat after being struck by a mystical arrow sure why not dio gained a stand the embodiment of a user's life force since they're made of psychic energy stands can only be seen by stand users and can only be hurt by other stands quite the obstacle for any opponent lacking some abilities boosting hey look wiz i gotta stand i call it 99 bottles hold up oh [ __ ] uh don't worry whiz i'll change you back with your d-trans mode to transmit a transmit oh look a giant beard as befits a god among men dia received one of the most powerful stands in history with its ability to stop time time huh thanks for the well not only does his time stop get longer with each use he can spam it as much as he likes he's a massive troll the world is absurdly strong and fast able to match the stan's star platinum which belongs to jonathan's great great grandson jojo cujo he technically inherited it from dio through jonathan's body and bloodline making star platinum and the world the same stand and both are two of the strongest stands out there just as strong as stone free which can punch meteors that were pulled to earth in seconds by measuring the distance the meteors are from earth we can estimate they were moving at over 11 million meters per second factoring in their mass they'd each have a kinetic energy of 441 kilotons of tnt isn't that crazy when you can throw punches that are faster than light no really star platinum kept up with this stand silver chariot which could cut a beam of light looking at the interval silver chariot sword swung relative to the light beam it must have moved over 1500 times the speed of light and deal himself has matched star platinum on his own and taken his punches head on yeah yeah but that's nothing compared to dio's secret weapon the greatest weapon in anime history the steamroller turns out dio's a hell of a chef he can make pancakes and donuts even so despite having a massive god complex dio's still a careful tactician capable of exploiting an opponent's weaknesses too bad he wasn't prepared for jojoro to learn how to stop time 2 and murder the [ __ ] out of him that's some hardcore karma right there but it only makes sense that a dog murderer would die like a [ __ ] but much like the machinations of great and terrible men dio's will was immortal in time his greatest followers succeeded in extinguishing the jostar bloodline and literally remaking the universe in dio's image creating that heaven he always dreamed of i guess when you're named after a rock star a movie star and uh oh that's right god you're pretty much bound for greatness you thought your first kiss would be jojo but it was i dio oh god never freaking ending with the amount of dickishness that is dio brando how blessed are some people whose lives have no fears no dreads for though the world seems full of good men there are monsters in it but don't worry julio england has it covered with the helsing organization founded by famous vampires abraham van helsing and led by his descendant integra this secret government institution has saved the world time and again with their secret weapon and what better weapon to hunt vampires than with one of their very own the no life king the bird of hermes alucard the most his origin was shrouded in history but under helsing's employ he was molded into an elite hunter made even more vicious by his intense hatred of his fellow vampire kind a hatred that he expresses with two of the gnarliest handguns you'll ever pray to your infinite god to never see in person alucard's primary sidearm is the castle a behemoth of a handgun able to kill most undead in one shot with holy bullets that can nullify a vampire's healing factor the jekyll is the handgun she told you not to worry about 16 inches long and winged i love that analogy good one boomstick 35 pounds it's armor piercing hollow point bullets jacketed and blessed macedonian silver were built to annihilate the toughest monsters and after decades of clandestine experimentation helsing enhanced alucard's vampiric abilities far beyond the norm alucard can walk through walls cast illusions levitate and move objects with his mind objects like say an ocean of over three million people's blood that'd be an energy worth half a ton of tnt his psychic prowess allows him to read minds communicate telepathically hypnotize with a glance and see through hallucinations with his third eye he's not a triclops it's more of a sixth sense that lets him hit bull's-eyes from a kilometer away and even predict your movements kind of like the sharing gun of course he wouldn't be a real vampire if he couldn't drink blood the catch is when he drinks enough blood to kill you he literally absorbs your soul and that right there is the source of his most fearsome ability you just can't kill the sun [ __ ] shoot him into swiss cheese blow his ass to smithereens turn him into a literal blood puddle he'll just regenerate his body don't worry i cut off his bloody head killed him i was like sorry killed him yeah cut off his bloody head it's like oh well that's good that's step one but what about two through ten ah christ look at this we've seen some overpowered healing factors on this show before but alucard's is just [ __ ] while he does possess blood and organs like a regular human alucard's body is in reality composed of an ethereal shadow like substance that he can morph any way he wants this allows him to shapeshift and instantly heal any wound and each soul alucard has consumed acts as an extra life that he can spend whenever he's fatally injured kind of like a video game and after 500 years of unlife alucard has consumed literally millions of souls hold up damn it hey more beer just like me helsing needed a beast as fearsome as alucard to take on millennium aka nazi vampires that's like evil squared like when millennium ss lieutenant rip van winkle come endeared a british aircraft carrier as part of an invasion of london alucard didn't like that very much so he jackknifed it with an sr-71 blackbird at mach 3. a fully did you even read my christmas meaning it struck with the kinetic energy of 11 tons of tnt that's as powerful as the u.s massive ordnance air blast aka the mother of all bombs and al was in the middle of that and strolled out like it was nothing just as impressive as intercepting rip's magic bullets comparing the distance one bullet moved to the jet in the same time frame as the jet's own movement each bullet would have to be moving at fifteen hundred times the speed of sound and helicard caught one with his fricken teeth and after giving rip's name a new meaning he drove that aircraft carrier back to shore with his mind to fight two separate armies at the same time or a goddamn monster it goes without saying that alucard's immense power and bloodlust needed to be controlled so six restriction levels were placed on him that he can release against dangerous opponents level six through two are for wrecking your ordinary ghouls level one is for your heavy duty vampires and forgetting this gnarly demon doggo made from his shadow essence askerville but there exists an even greater state of power alucard can release when he wants to end the world level zero once activated level zero releases every single soul a la carte has consumed as a sea of blood-soaked zombies all three million of them sure with his souls gone he can't heal as easily and if his heart is destroyed he'll die permanently but the sheer numbers and power of this army from hell makes him virtually impossible to approach in the first place he's unstoppable this guy's got to be like the king of all vampires indeed he is helsing purposely kept alucard's true identity a secret all in the codename a la carte backwards dracula yeah duh whiz idiot over 500 years ago the wallachian voivode vlad dracula battled the ottoman turks for control over eastern europe and impaled thousands of people in the process and says historically yeah you're you're not showing it right it was often not through the chest it was up yeah not a very good place it was up the ass vlad the impaler but things didn't end up too good for him right before his execution he took a big old sip of some blood from the battlefield sacrificing his humanity in order to become an immortal creature of the night and that is when the legend was born but it wasn't anything dracula was proud of he grew to despise his monstrous nature and saw it as cowardice the main reason he hated other vampires so much was that he really hated himself no that's deep whiz maybe that's why he always lets his enemies rip into him like a pinata of self-loathing his crazy op healing factor will fix everything anyways millennium would expect this arrogance by tricking alucard into absorbing the soul and abilities of schroedinger a german catboy who controls his own quantum state this grants him pseudo omnipresence and immortality he can exist everywhere and nowhere and cannot die so long as he can recognize his own existence but because al had three million souls kicking around inside him shrooty couldn't recognize himself anymore forcing him and thus alucard to fade out of existence so alucard spent 30 years killing the other 3 million souls inside of him until he could return to reality and his master he undid his own unexistence no matter how spoopy the threat he ended his own existence but he also used schrodinger's ability to basically basically never die alucard will show no mercy he's just waiting for the day he meets a noble human warrior strong enough to end his unlife for good but should he face a fellow monster a fool who rejected their humanity like himself he'll let loose the dogs of war and all hell will sing i'm a dog then your dog food yeah kristen freeman's voice kristen freeman as alucard was a great cast all right the combatants are set and we probably also all possible also uh also i'm never gonna forget uh i'm never gonna forget uh helsing ultimate abridged uh gosh the the amount of lines that are quotable from that get that [ __ ] a cannon [ __ ] love cannons so yeah um i mean real quick i need to i know i'm gonna kick myself because his name's floating around up here in my head there we go and [Music] damn it [Music] [Laughter] there we go takahata ah gosh i keep like my the names like there's so many names floating around in my head guys i i lose track of everything uh sorry let's get back to it abilities but first if you want the same kind of confidence that lets you try to take over the world with a zombie army first off interesting secondly try out blue chew i don't need blue chew never had an issue did that okay it's time for a dead battle okay so my prediction probably gonna be wrong i think dio now i think alucard has a lot at his disposal to where he can do he could probably do good really good against dio but zawarudo is just ridiculous also also i know that some people were mad about uh about jonathan jost about uh jotaro versus uh kenshiro and yeah i could see that and he was able to overcome uh sorry it's getting late uh saw it was he was able to overcome star platinum but i don't know i really don't know i guess we'll i will just have to see you guys but anyway we got this uh death metal here i'm picking deo let's get into it here we go [Music] damn that was rude you interrupted my dinner funny i was just thinking about having mine then by all means take a bite how oh so very weak dog you thought you'd triumph but it was i do you catch it oh steamroller i'm gonna enjoy cool the hell are you a real [ __ ] vampire hey kids big ben parliament you want blood you disgusting monster choke on your own i want to rule the world [Music] again neo doing his thing is [Music] useless useless [Music] [Music] i love the pulled out all the stumps but like the bloody drink it was in vain finger guns he may have been the king of the vampires in helsing but dio had everything he needed to clip the bird of hermes wings alucard's strategy in most fights is to heal from an opponent's attacks until they get tired then take advantage of an opening but he couldn't do that here because dio didn't really have any openings and alucard wasn't nearly as strong or as fast to compensate alucard could survive crashing that jet and move 1500 times faster than sound but scaling from stone free and silver chariot the world could punch relativistic meteors and move 1500 times faster than lights that would make dio nearly forty thousand times stronger and eight hundred thousand times faster than alucard hell alucard couldn't even see or hurt the world in the first place because he's not a stand user and since stone masked vampires from jojo aren't weak to holy weapons like helsing vampires are al's guns were more or less dead weight plus alucard just had no way to get past the time stop even if he did somehow dio could just freeze him on contact and considering dio has taken punches from star platinum hell would have had trouble doing damage even if he got the chance dio's far greater speed and power meant that given enough time he could realistically kill alucard three million times in quick succession without any viable options for attack or openings to exploit alucard's soul-based regeneration meant he would run out of lives eventually and level zero only sped up that process sure that army's nothing to scoff at but consider the time dio's eye beams split those huge ass clouds estimating the size of the clouds and the speed at which they moved dio's beams must have output an energy of over 10 megatons of tnt enough to wipe out alucard's army in one go leaving him vulnerable just like when this other vampire walter could have killed him by piercing his heart alucards even admitted it himself hell alucard's army is filled with blood you know that thing that dio uses to heal but wiz what about schrodinger with his powers al can't die unless he chooses to while schroedinger's quantum immortality makes him impossible to kill normally it is literally part of the story that alucard cannot have schrodinger's abilities and his greater array of powers at the same time or else he'll no longer exist we can't give him both schrodinger and his standard powers without breaking the lore and rules of the character even if we did it doesn't really matter it doesn't help him kill dio at all so at best did it be a stalemate until dio hypnotizes alucard asks him about his powers and forces him to eject trody like the rest of his souls shocking though it may be dio's overwhelming offense impenetrable defense and uniquely devastating abilities wore alucard down until the no life king had no lives left and a card got de-owned no boomstick you tell the worst puns in the world that's right and you're just gonna have to deal with it and hey wait a minute that was a part that's my territory we talked about this the winner is d.o [Music] thank you guys so much for watching the show there you go [Laughter] so yeah i i picked right i can't believe it i actually picked right sheesh so okay i i was hope i i was hoping i got that right i mean because i knew dio's abilities were great and and i knew that you know because of his sheer will alone he could will himself to do a lot but i knew alucard had a cap on his abilities and i know the whole thing with schroedinger is probably going to make some people mad but in all honesty yeah i i don't know to me i i think that i think that it makes sense why he's not able to use schrodinger's ability along with his own yeah it is a bit of cheating whenever they whenever he would be able to do that but still i i thought it was good i thought it was really really good so um yeah this one this was a good battle i'm going to give it a like so um hopefully you all uh hopefully you all enjoyed if you want to see the original uh see more death battles and feel free to head over to death bell their link should be like right right here i think yeah right below the where i'm pointing so a link to their channel should be there and the link to the original video should be in the description down below and uh yeah i guess that's gonna do it everyone so thank you all very much for tuning in and until next time i'm nate i'll see you then peace out [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Renegades React
Views: 59,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: REACT, Reactions, Entertainment, Reaction, reaction video, death battle, dio brando, rooster teeth, jojos bizarre adventure, hellsing ultimate, death battle reaction, jonathan joestar, dio vs alucard, death battle dio vs alucard, animated fight, jojos bizzare adventure, dio vs alucard reaction, death battle dio vs alucard reaction, death battle cast, death battle dio, dio brando vs alucard
Id: o8kmatds9ZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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