Dinosaur Office all 3 deleted videos from Collage Humor part 1

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buzzer buzzer buzzer buzzer buzzer become the dawn dinosaur office gobble-gobble thanks for the centerpiece Craig my mother-in-law goes crazy for cornucopias my pleasure sorry I can't stay long I got too many Thanksgiving invitations hey can you watch Duncan for a minute I need to go carve the third wait I'm not good with uh i dunk in peekaboo poof my arms are getting tired huh Oh No Todd I'm so sorry don't get been kidnapped oh here he is you can't take your eyes off them for a second once they learn to roll out done King Craig or I watch football now now Richard wait for everyone to finish eating grégoire you almost done I'm trying but if I eat you fast I'll get gas but just come back here I am here Richard fine come on Craig oh let's double-team this dish Oh Richard you ate my fork were you gonna eat it we do have more cutlery hmm happy Thanksgiving Terry I brought ya oh thanks Craig that'll go great with dinner Sheila this dessert is amazing I hope you saved room for cobbler you know I was worried about spending Thanksgiving without my family but after today I realized my friends are my family oh are you a peach happy Thanksgiving Craig Happy Thanksgiving Sheila my mom you're gonna marry her office I love you yeah taking the missus to Chateau roar tonight I know the owner my son goes to detention with his son we are doing a couple's pottery class ah I feel bad for Craig and Sheila yeah they're lonely hey are you thinking what I'm thinking let's mind our own business you Pitt yeah fine Wow for Sheila did you sign it from Sheila I find it oh thanks Richard happy Valentine's Day big guy it's almost five o'clock this is our last chance it has to be perfect Josh is there free food in here oh boy I hope that girl I can't believe you two angels set this up I really needed it I was going to use this Dinah B's gift card tonight but my plans well they they fell through and I want you to have it want to go to Dino B's I'll go get my vehicle [Music] excuse me you're blocking the doorway [Music] dinosaur office whew careful now pretty like that could drive a man to madness some say it's cursed others say that drivers weren't installed properly maybe it's just fooling I just leave on a pole to keep people from ringing my doorbell what's with that creepy old janitor you mean old brooms McKenzie he hasn't worked here in five years they should really deactivate his employee access card
Channel: SuperGeorgie
Views: 84,046
Rating: 4.8706384 out of 5
Keywords: Dinosaur Office
Id: r-BJ8Dfg-vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2017
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