DinoCore ✨ Confront The Hulkbuster | Superman Dinosaur Transformation | Latest Cartoon Movies 2023

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[Music] a final Dino [Music] battle all the universe now belongs to cosmosaurus [Music] what what's happening [Music] look at the sky [Music] Rex you have to get up keep fighting but my friends what if I just end up losing them now I understand I understand why dragon and everyone else would sacrifice everything to protect you when I first went to Earth to give you the tuner I didn't think there was any way you could win you were just so innocent so cheerful all the time and immature but now I know how you feel you have a good heart and I believe in you Dino Master Rex let's fight I won't give up on you and the Rex I know would never give up either Rina [Music] wow [Music] wow Rexy show him what you've got she's right Dragon would be proud we should never give up the light is still there I know [Music] Master nobody Stop Believing in our Dino Master Rex huh Dragon the inhabitants of Dino Planet are gathering the light they have left the light of hope so that's what I feel now the power of everyone together tuning start up dragon [Music] evolution [Music] Mighty Dino Union ultimate King Dino thank you everyone we can win this together I know we can let's go let's fight [Music] Master it's all over now time to clean up the mess you pathetic little fool you'll never get away with this C osaurus I'll Vanquish you like the bugs you [Music] are this would be easier for you if you give up now you're trapped within my own personal Realm of Darkness there's no possibility of Escape fine by me we'll settle things in here then I'll see myself [Music] out your resistance isn't cute [Music] anymore [Music] [Music] come on Rex you got this I will create an eternity of Darkness yeah man we get it already darkness and stuff blah blah [Music] blah both swords ah did you think you could defeat Me by destroying a Galaxy Stone you're in a world of hurt tiny creature I shall swallow all of existence you won't look out behold my Limitless all consuming Powers every star in the universe is converting into his Dark Energy we'll stop him I know we have left light that light is called hope and it's in every single person every single person in the universe and it burns brighter than any Star there's always hope and it can't be stopped Rex nobody can turn that light off come on then leap into your defeat a what's going on the dragon sword and Galaxy sword are melding together to become one and what do you think that will do we'll just see watch what our hope can do don't make me laugh you pathetic little Dino Master [Music] what is happening this can't be no no [Music] no it's done cosmosaurus power has been trapped in this sword the energy he gathered is unstable it's going to explode we have to make it stop come on let's go no Rex I have to make it stop you go back Dragon the only way to fix it is to purify it from its Center and that's something I have to do [Music] dragon Rex it was an honor fighting alongside [Music] you rexie he's back [Music] rexie isn't this the best just you and me on this beautiful beach together yeah makes me want to build sand castles and eat a whole pizza by myself so rexie what do you want to do next buy me ice cream or [Music] huh Kane Ka you all came to hang out of course John told us we could find you here after all we didn't want to eat pizza without you I was just thinking about pizza and now you've made my wish happen John you have to ruin everything well at least at least we can see Dino Planet really closely here wa you're right it's Crystal Clear sure was a hard fight but now that Dino planet and Earth are so close it was for the best that's right and because of it now I get to come visit my Earth friends all the time what do you mean all the time rexia is my friend first YooHoo come on the pizza EAS are served Pizza yum this is awesome just one more thing world domination one pizza at a [Music] time I just saw the ultra debster and the ultra de Kaiser head out to that Island what could be going on over there something's not right [Music] what happened what's this huh that's a Galaxy Stone oh really this is a Galaxy Stone I bet Rex could use this can you please bring it to him I'm so backed up on deliveries wait bye don't go thank you world the domination the one the [Music] pizza what's happening this time what was [Music] that lightning be did it work work huh how disappointing if that's your best zoom zoom beam let's make this more interesting zoom zoom claw look out core change Mammoth Sonic Shield Sonic Dash let go you're too obvious core change seratone solar impact next time try hitting her instead turn around look out H you all right you should worry about yourself flash is that Patra look out get your stinky foot off it porage Tano please CL which one should we finish first since you're already down zoom zoom [Applause] Bean master who knows what do we do hold on no looks like your friends want in on the action as well what huh look out [Music] a what happened Ka what is that [Music] huh and who do we have here dark no's little underling I don't work for darkno anymore not that it even matters I'm finishing you off anyway zoom zoom beam you guys okay fine how nice I can wipe you all out at once I made a promise when I became Dino Master that I would protect anyone who needed help hang on poor Rex oh no huh hey guys the ultra de Buster's energy is failing this isn't good I'll be taking that Galaxy Stone they're all Lord cosmosaurus is now padra don't you see they belong to no one huh something's happening to it of course how can you protect anyone when you're this weak you big big dummy no it can't be wake up use a Galaxy Stone now the dino tuner you can up upgrade it with the Galaxy Stone Rex we can awaken a new power I hope you're right about [Music] this wow I think it's [Music] working Galaxy Stones aren't meant for philp like you now hand it over what's that did you see that he help Rex the name of the new dino cor is Allosaurus it's able to emit powerful Universe energy the Allosaurus and the new dino sooner I don't believe it hey Rex you can do the ultimate now sounds good what is that listen we can unite the powers of the core Sero Mammoth it's time we evolve into a new power go you got it Master Let's Go Dino start up [Music] aling feel the fusion it's now illusion he the mighty Ro go go down stronger and faster you're ready to master your power and your speed ultimate Fage and passion that you've never F before when you're on the scene might jce is guaranteed he the mighty Ro of the Ultimate Team Buster woohoo United with serotone Mammoth too so [Laughter] cool good laugh now while you still can zoom zoom beam fire fres huh no how could that happen yay he was able to fight off the zooo beam the Galaxy Stone made the debster power go off the charts the ultimate debster is the best Allosaurus sorty that's called the ultimate blade and now the debster can use it awesome ultimate [Music] clean this is so cool Sorry to ruin the moment but your puny blade can't block the zoom zoom beam huh huh how could it have done that yeah huh the ultimate blade blocked padr attack by using the power of the Galaxy Stone as well that's so rocked mhm you arrogant Bratz I'm just getting started try and block this zoom zoom beam maximum power how do you feel now Dino [Music] Master come on try crane this fights by in Invitation Only all right here's your chance over here now it's just you and me what it can't be wow I think with the sword you're able to launch a new attack let's try it out flame of current slicing Darkness pyro split huh we'll see about this Dino m [Music] Master I'll finish the hunt another day Hey look it's a Galaxy Stone it's a Galaxy Stone combined with the gigo Dino's power wow it's such a beautiful gem the new tuner can draw out the power of the Giga dinino that's nesting in the Galaxy Stone mhm [Music] [Laughter] good Rex no one needed an upgrade more than [Laughter] you that was the best pizza I've ever had now since you've all worked hard pizza party time I can't wait excited I've been teaching aaya how to make a pizza and she's a real natural and she has a true talent for an eating a dog I've always dreamed of eating pizza made by Ka here a chance Ka made this pizza big things from us all this pizza tastes awful something is wrong the texture's good and now she just has to work on taste The Taste seems good to me to it tastes good cuz I'm eating it with my friend nuts Master is nuts when it comes to Pizza well Dino Master Rex it wasn't a total waste of [Laughter] time special delivery shark bomber such a beautiful day today at last the flyer is done all it needs is a picture H ha take a look H well then how about this her best smile right oh aen have you seen rakina I can't find her anywhere she went out in the morning she said she had to check something I'm working on Emily's missing person flyer which one should I use this one but that's a group shot and I look terrific huh seriously this is Emily's missing flyer ah this one right best smile why'd you bother asking me yeah Rex lots of people are going to see this so I also look quite dashing in this one you guys how about just a normal [Music] one here I come yes Dino pizza here oh so you wanted a special you got it yes Dino pizza here you mean our Dino mushroom pizza yes we will deliver it right away today is starting great well domination oh make those deliveries you fools by the time you realize what's going on it will be too late my new toy is on its way it's fast vicious and never quits the shark bomber with it I will WIP Dino Island off the map ruling the world with pizza thank you so much everyone now be safe and when you get back I'll have a yummy pizza ready for you you better hurry there Rex otherwise there might not be any pizza left for you hey no way I'll be lost I'm delivery King need a delivery call Rex I'll be back well so long goodbye remember be [Music] careful everything on the planet has changed no forests or Meadows all that's left is desolate desert it's 4 days to the northern border if it all goes well then it won't take too long for us to get there so nothing else can happen huh what's [Music] that too many stairs [Music] is this [Music] it huh what is it here they're not for me what you mean you didn't order the pizza well that's what I've been saying You must have the wrong address next time be more careful hold it what's going on Master this is our fifth prank order today hold on could they all be prank orders H something is going on here pizza delivery it figures no one's here huh something's coming at an incredible speed watch it whoa what's that rakina a Mech monster get on a Mech monster what's going on the dark King sent a Mech monster if that's a Mech monster why is the tuner not reacting he must have a stealth function that The Radars can't detect I can sense a great amount of dark energy in the front all those fake orders we received they were all from the dark King if he stays coarse then he'll collide with Dino Island he will so that's his plan it's up to us here's your pizza Rex what's wrong with you yeah what's wrong with you delivering Pizza to a pizza shop and it's a smelly fart pizza from Dino Pizza no less good one bill but this is one of my dad's new pizzas it's our Dino Cosmic Pizza Dino Cosmic Pizza Ted hey Rex why don't you be smart take that stink F Dino Pizza back before things get ugly Rex aen a Mech monster he's loaded with dark energy and headed to Dino Island we're in danger what a that sounds bad I'm coming here bill I'll come back for the money what happened hey [Music] Rex almost uhuh no [Applause] raka huh Treon anchor claw nice move knet heads up we can't let her crash try change go go [Music] go Mighty Warrior Mega D fighter try [Music] Rina you on yeah let's do this [Music] time to sink this shark bre be just hang on [Music] Rex fire Rex let's catch up later summon dve sword that was way too close yeah what took you so long my bad there were problems with deliveries they were all part of the dark King's plan he was distracting us with fake orders and now he's targeting Dino Island what no not Dino Island there's not much time he's almost to Dino Island what do we do there's no way to stop him in time we have to find a way such fools don't you know it's already tooo late the shark bomber has loed in on his Target there's no way you can stop this highspeed delivery Dino Master it's time to F farewell to Dino [Music] Island look out get out of the [Music] way man that was close it's a dead end if we can't force him to turn he'll crash right into that huge building is this the end for us even if the sky is falling there's always a hole to escape it's not over till it's over yes that's it Rex rakina do you think you can slow down the shark bomber for just a moment what are you thinking aen hey let's give it a [Applause] shot aen do it now plasma Shield tyrano boost on sh you're finished thank you all thank you all I love every one of you thank goodness we're all safe now that's right Ain thank goodness we're so cool right what is it what's wrong Rex I still have to collect pizza money from Bale what what what
Channel: ENJO DinoCore Cartoon
Views: 446,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Heroes Cartoon, DINO CORE, Heroes Cartoon - DINO CORE, superman robot, siêu nhân robot, siêu nhân người máy, siêu nhân biến hình, hot vs cold, animation, kids cartoon, hot vs cold challenge, kids hot vs cold, siêu anh hùng, heroes cartoon, dino, dinocore, siêu nhân hoạt hình, Dinosaur Kids Stories, Racing, heroes cartoon - dino core, Hulkbuster animation, Hulkbuster
Id: PJM2nbq1gdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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