Dimash Reaction SOS Slavic Bazaar Dimash Kudaibergen Димаш Құдайбергенов My 2nd Time Watching SOS

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welcome back to beats of the heart lyrics of  the soul i'm back for another dimash reaction   this is the second part the double feature i was  doing on sos because so many people had requested   two performances of sos i decided i was gonna  do them both and try and make everybody happy   i know it's something we can't always do  but i'll try my best so this is the second   sos performance i have watched the first one was  the singer 2017 which if you guys have seen that   freaking broke me i started bawling  my eyes out and yeah i'm a cry baby   but if you cannot feel the type of emotion that  i felt when dimash sings i feel sorry for you   if you cannot appreciate this kind of music  because it is something that you don't like   or you don't think you like this kind of  music you will like it if you listen to it   just listen don't think just listen and his  vocal tones will completely engross every   nerve in your body and make you feel emotions  like you have never felt it happens to me and it   happens to so many others and i'm almost positive  it can pretty much happen to anybody if they let   it happen if they accept the music as sounds just  sounds of human creation and don't think of it as   this genre or that genre just listen no  thinking you will hear the angelic godly voice   of dimash i watched two other videos of different  different groups before i got back to dimash   after my first sos reaction so here  i am back again to watch sos again   which was freaking amazing the way he switched  up his voice i'm not gonna go through it again   and say everything i said in the last video  but i loved it and i can't wait to get started   so let's stop talking i know it's only me talking  so i'm noting why i'm saying let's but i'm gonna   stop talking so me and you can watch some dimash  and not just watch dimash feel dimash let's go must be a tv show of some sort i guess kind of  like american idol or the singer or you know oh i can't wait get off my dimash ads why do i cry earthling  in distress i never caught that last time cartoons foreign i love that part oh oh   why do i die again foreign oh kazakhstan bravo great work davash it right now everybody loves them ash i don't know how they can't if they hear his voice again an amazing vocal performance by dimash i'm  not going to talk about the performance because i   have watched this song and performance with the  singer which you all probably know because you   probably watched that video before this one i'm  going to put them both out at the same time but   i want to talk about the differences that i  got from the two performances they were both   amazing don't get me wrong it's probably because  of the buy it's probably because of a bias that   i personally have because of the way that my first  impression of this song gave me when i watched the   singer 2017 before i watched this slavic bizarre  performance that performance brought me to tears   and i don't want to say that this one didn't make  me feel the same it just didn't come out on the   outside in tear form i didn't get any tears  with that performance but oh i he was still   holding on to me and i don't know  what it was but i actually enjoyed   the singer 2017 performance more i believe  and like i said it's maybe because of   how it affected me and that this performance the  slavic bazaar didn't have that same effect on me   because i didn't watch this first i'm sure if  i watched this video first and then watch the   singer after i would have had the same reaction to  this video that i did for the first one i watched   whichever video would have been the first one  i watched i would have had that same reaction   to that song and him singing it it's just i think  the order that i watched them in if i watched it   again it may not give me that same effect so  who knows they were both freaking amazing to   mash performances i'm so glad you guys asked me to  watch these and i can't wait to move on to more i   am going to be watching some more dimash today and  oh i can't wait i'm sure you guys can't wait for   me to record them and then still edit them and  then put them up no my hand takes so long but   i'll try and get it done as quick as possible  for you guys you know i will be back as the   beats of our heart and the lyrics of our soul  play on forever thank you for watching bye
Channel: Beats of the Heart Lyrics of the Soul
Views: 17,110
Rating: 4.9334407 out of 5
Keywords: Димаш Құдайбергенов, dimash reaction, reaction dimash, react dimash, dimash react, dimash reaction sos, dimash reaction new, dimash reaction new 2020, dimash reaction new reaction, dimash kudaibergen, dimash kudaibergen reaction, dimash kudaibergen sos, dimash react sos, dimash react sos slavic, react dimash sos slavic bazaar, dimash kudaibergen sos react, dimash kudaibergen sos reaction, dimash kudaibergen sos slavic bazaar, sos dimash kudaibergen, sos dimash reaction
Id: ZXvMyOShb1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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