Dimas Salabarrios Momentum Youth Conference 2019

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I want to tell you a couple of small things number one the most important thing is no matter what reason you came to this conference god loves you God cares for you God is your on his mind and the reason I say that is I had a lot of friends you know a lot of friends and I remember being invited to youth conferences and gatherings and I'm not gonna lie it always wasn't the most godly motives at the time I was thinking Lord is there gonna be a girl I'm gonna meet it's gonna be some I'm going to connect with it's gonna be someone you know it's a new friend I'm gonna have and then there was thoughts that I don't want to other right now that were pretty bad that people prepared on their way coming looking to connect to meet someone to do all kinds of different things but no matter what brought you here we're excited that you're here we're excited that you're in this house and I want to start by telling you just a story now how many of you watch the show stranger things in the y'all check that show it's an incredible show now what's weird is I lived in stranger things so I remember when I was 10 years old this movie came out call et anybody seen et et phone home so I remember watching that movie getting on my bicycle in hoping that I could ride up to the sky but obviously it never happened the following year another movie came out when I was 11 years old and it was a movie called Scarface and went out when I watched that movie I had a different dream I came out of that movie I said I want to be the largest drug dealer in the United States that's real that that was the little dream I died I had the whole thing planned out I was like i'ma get the money and right there when when Tony Montana we had the money machines all he should have did was quit and he would have been great but he kept going I had this whole elaborate plan and then today when I walk around I live in the Bronx New York a little area called City Island and in this area City Island predominantly the people that lived there away there's like the reason I know is because I remember when I bought the house the mailman came through and I said to the man now pull him to the side I said how many people live here that looked like me and he said oh let me think for a moment you're number four and I was like oh okay cool and then he went on his way lovely community incredible community but one of the sad things as teenagers are dying on City Island from heroine teenagers are dying it's not starting off with heroin was starting off with opioids and different drugs and I want to ask you just real talk I'm I here to do a Mickey Mouse show I'm here to keep it real with you if you had to get opioids in 24 hours by show of hands how many of you all know somewhere to go and get it not saying you're gonna get it but with nowhere to go all right that's fair that's a lot of people so my introduction on City Island I thought I was moving to get away from everything and then I'm invited to these funerals of young white boys around 16 15 years old overdosing and I remember going to one funeral and just standing there looking at this young man who look like at any moment he could just pop up and run and catch a football but he's laying there dead and it blew me away and then I started to think this is not too far from the story that I grew up in at age 11 when I had that dream I went to my high school which was in Bayside Queens New York and when I went to this high school once again it was one of these schools I don't know this is the parents I came from just how I was raised I went to the schools probably about 16 black people everybody else was white I went to the school before I knew it I said man if I could only find the drugs and one of my friends invited me in the bathroom pulled out a bag of drugs that he stole from his brother and he was like let's make money at age 11 in middle school is when I started to sell drugs by age 15 I became a drug boss meaning I control drug blocks by age 16 I was in Rikers Island in jail with grown men and young adults had to learn how to really really fight well thank God nobody tried to rape me and that's not my story but I had to learn how to really really fight well just to survive and then I was scared to death I said I don't ever want to do this again the year they release me I got out of jail and I said I am done I am finished it's over and I said I want to get a job in the only job that hired me at age 17 because I went to jail for a year was a food place called White Castle anybody ever had White Castle burgers in my neighborhood we call them murder burgers because if you ever want to clean your system all you need is White Castle you'll need X lakhs you'll need any cops you eat a White Castle burger I'm telling you you will be thoroughly cleansed and purged and flushed so I remember I was there working the grill and doing these burgers and I'm working the grill and I'm going for it and I'm excited I remember I was so excited to get a paycheck and with my paycheck was $75 and I realized that I made like a hundred thousand dollars working at that place that came through the cash register I felt like I got robbed I quit and went right back into the drug world but this time I said I'm gonna be smart I'm not gonna be on the block you have other people go out there I had this whole elaborate plan of how this was gonna work and little did I know like the TV show Breaking Bad when I was processing and cooking up the cocaine into crack and I was backing up and cooking it up I didn't realize that cocaine was going into my bloodstream and every month I had to go and take a urine test to show that I was staying away from drugs so I walk in this day like normal to what's called a parole officer and I walked in shook the woman's hand said how you doing I said I'm doing fine I had a little thing on the side to make me look good I said here I was going to school to get a GED to go into college I'm trying to turn my life round gave her the paperwork she said I'll be right back she walked out the room next thing you know she runs in slams me on the table with all these police officers and they handcuffed me some screaming what did I do what do they said every time that you've been here you've turned in a urine that was dirty for cocaine it showed up positive so she said I'm doing your paperwork you're going back to prison so when she walked out all the flashbacks started to come across me I mean I fought this guy listen we're in a church setting his name was blessed and it wasn't blessed because he knew Jesus the guy looked like Deebo on the movie Friday this guy was like I mean he was tall his shoulders were out to here his arms were like this and I remember having to fight this guy and I survived but I'm not gonna say I won and I remember thinking about blessed and thinking about all these other guys that swarf they ever saw me again they were gonna kill me and when I was sitting in the chair I took the handcuffs down I stepped over one foot I stepped over the other foot and I had the handcuffs in front of me you ever do something that you didn't think you can do and you shock yourself so now I'm sitting there with these handcuffs in front of me and I'm like what do I do now and then the woman came in she put the paperwork down and she said are you ready to go to jail and I said no I'm not not jumped up and started to run with the handcuffs so I'm running I dip past this officer I spun around this other guy and I got I was on the fifth floor in this building and literally I leaped down a flight of stairs see when you're young you can do stuff like that I rolled down the stairs got up and I was running and when I got to the first floor was this big guard that was always there and this was my first spiritual encounter with God I got down to the first floor he wasn't the air and I yelled praise God and I ran out into the streets and they were chasing me and I got away then I the best place to go whenever you escape is your girlfriend's house that's a joke that's the worst place to go they always bust people at their girlfriends house so I knew when I went that I had like 20 minutes I'm getting everything together and I made a phone call said I need somebody to help me get these handcuffs off so one of the guys said I know someone they said this guy came through he said yo you gotta pay me I said how much he said I need $100 they gave him $100 he took off the cuffs and I don't know why but I just asked him I said dude what do you do for a living and he looked at me said man I'm a parole officer so when he pulled out the badge I could see it all like came to life for him he was like this is the guy and I'm looking at him like and you're illegal in my house in my girlfriend's house so when he walked out the front door I ran out the back door in minutes later the cops came like the TV show and bang they bust down the door ran in but I was already gone but then they set up a perimeter where they surrounded the whole area and they were doing checkpoints so I told my girlfriend I said we got to get out and said what are we gonna do I said we got to leave the state she said how I said I got a plan she said what I said I need three things she said what do you need said it's gonna sound crazy but I need three things she said what I said I need a wig I need lipstick and I need a dress and I said I'm gonna be the tallest dressed woman but I'm gonna get out of New York and I got in the car and I think I did a decent job of making myself look like whatever and I went through the checkpoint they did the flashlight they said keep going and I escaped out of New York went down the North Carolina and finally my dream came true I became a street god and what that means is almost every bit of drugs that sold in the city that I was in came back to my pockets so I'm they're feeling on top of the world I took my New York state of mind into another city and dominated the drug world and then very soon after that a vicious drug war broke out it was my team against this other team and in that process 30 of my friends got murdered can you imagine that that's like this whole section here being killed off I've been shot I've been shot at multiple times they were trying to take me out on a regular basis and I remember sitting there having to deal with the reality that 30 people died and here I was alive and I remember dealing with that and I said look I said I'm gonna do a trip to New York everyone was like yo you crazy why you I said dude I've been free now for like four years I didn't murder anybody they're not looking for me anymore some going up to New York so this drug dealer was dating a girl who was a full-on rich I'm not joking this ain't a TV show this ain't Sabrina this ain't none of that stuff this was a real true to heart which and everybody used to laugh they were these girls I've never done like it was yesterday's to laugh back everybody says you with Shana wit that they win started hanging out with her every last one of them ended up in a mental institution who hung out with her and I remember sometime I'll just be standing there on the Block like this and I could just feel this evil presence and I would turn around and it would be the girl looking at me and I would just be like y'all I'm out of here and I would just walk away and I knew that she was dating my enemy but we had kind of a little bit of truce at that point where it was a little bit like like we weren't doing things to each other but but that crazy girl so I remember I get in a car that we've never driven before I have black tents and we're driving in New York and I'm in the back sleep and I keep hearing this horn going and the got the driver woke me up he said yo my street name was daylight so he was like yo daylight he was like yo do you know this person they keep honking and then I got up and I looked in the which was in a car driving next to me like this I looked at her and I'll just jump back next thing you know she took off and I'm like yo what's going on my girlfriend she knew a little bit more about Jesus in church than me so she was like she's trying to do food who to you she's trying to do this stuff she was like you need to call on Jesus I was like Jesus I know a call on Jesus meant I just Jesus I don't know what to do next thing you know I get to New York I'm walking down the street this is true story that witch popped out of somewhere grabbed my hand maneuvered it like this I'm in by yanked my arm away and she was like I'm sorry I'm sorry my girlfriend started to curse at her and she walked away in about ten minutes after that I completely lost my mind now let me tell you what that is like losing your mind meant I had no control hardly of my body but something was controlling me so I would be going places I'd be walking and I was inside of myself but not fully myself so they said yo they put me in a car drove me back down the North Carolina I was in my own apartment in this spirit inside of me started tearing up the house looking for a gun to blow my head off while I'm inside of myself trying to stop myself like no no what are you doing in this thing was looking for this gun and I couldn't stop myself from searching for a gun to blow my own head off next thing you know this force inside of me turned over a couch a gun fell out my friend grabbed it and stepped out and slammed the door and locked it so I couldn't get in next thing you know this spirit that was leading me runs down the stairs and I go over the kitchen sink and with vicious anger I start smashing all the dishes with my fists and I got all these scars on my hand from that for life just blood flying everywhere smashing the dishes smashing the dishes and then I run out the house completely out of my mind I look and I see somebody's house I run to their house open their front door ran through their living room and ran out their back door I must have scared them to death can you imagine the stories that they'll be sharing for the rest of their life hey remember around Thanksgiving some guy ran in spread blood everywhere and ran out the back door that was me so then I mean you can't make this up then I go and my friends say we're gonna help you they said you know what you need I said what man and said you just need some drinks man you get some drinks you're gonna calm down like the TV shows today everything's about you just go to the bar you're gonna be fine so they told me come get some drinks then this dude comes up to me I I don't swear but I Claire before Jesus I declare this dude comes to me and he says Joel you got all this blood on your shirt he said yo I got this t-shirt for you the t-shirt said Jesus the new generation with the Pepsi symbol so I'm demon-possessed out of my mind I take off the bloody shirt and I'll put on a Jesus shirt going into a club to get drunk with my friends now you know this ain't going good I go up in the club and I sit down in my girlfriend's on my left her girlfriends to my right I'm the man so I'm sitting I ordered a drink the girl went to go get it so some dude sits in her seat so I tried to be cool I tapped him I said bro you got to get up he looked at me since I ain't going nowhere next thing you know I leap on top of this guy I'm in the club I grab him by his head and I start smashing his head into the floor I mean you can't stop don't I mean I was like I was trying to crack a coconut I'm ladies bang bang bang then to make matters worse I've never done this in my life I went down to his face and bit a chunk of his skin off came up with meat in my mouth and I spit to a big piece of meat the hole it was like the DJ was jamming his clubs like hurt people was like Joe you killed him you killed him they grabbed me they rushed me out of the place I ran out of there thank God the guy didn't die word spread all around that I was crazy everywhere I went everybody knew I had guns I mean I would go up and be like I'm like it what's up y'all next thing you know everybody's a pill pill pill pill they were just gone until three women three ordinary women decided that they were going to stop the drugs in their area and I was target number one next thing I know I'm sitting on the porch about a day later I think it was actually the exact next day and these women walked up to my girlfriend they said do you think he'll let us pray for him and she said I think so yeah yeah I think it's okay so then they walked over to me and they said can we pray for you and I remember I looked at them and I was saying to myself look at these little pitiful ladies do this is sure why not so how many of you ever seen the movie war room anybody ever seen that okay and war room it was one woman and my story it was three so next thing you know they invite me into this house and then they said I want you to come into this room so I start to walk into this room and I didn't know what was going on next thing you know these ladies started this is the South they didn't use olive oil no kind of blessed oil they use Crisco and they'll put in Crisco in their hands and I thought was this a fish fry I was like can I get something they were like no in this little lady about this tall just said to me in the name of Jesus and when she touched me on my head my body tossed to the floor and I was spinning on the floor like a snake and they were there praying for me and they will pray for me I mean this was a full-on exorcism they were casting demons out of this possessed body and they were praying in the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus I don't know how long I was there all I know is I went in in the morning and I came out and it was dark but at some point of their praying I felt something just leave out of me like boom and I remember I got up and I felt this piece and they started screaming hallelujah that was like he's free there was screaming he's freeze freeze free I remember I got up and I said can I talk to God for a minute by myself they said sure I remember I walked outside and I looked up to heaven and I said never again Lord and I remember oh I had crack in my pocket I took the crack and threw it in the garbage and I said never again I said I'll never sell crack again I'm just gonna sell weed because it's natural that was literally my first prayer to God so I turn all my crack houses into marijuana houses I walked with my Bible every day selling pounds of marijuana other drug dealers came to me for advice and I would say all you got to do is follow Jesus because he blessed my marijuana business I was confused but what's funny is a lot of people are confused a lot of people think that they follow in Jesus but barely following Jesus I remember listening to a song by ASAP Rocky who was talking about I praise the Lord and I break the law and he's on the video doing his hands like this like I praise the Lord and then the second bragging that he breaks the law there are a lot of people confused I meet celebrities all the time I just came out with a movie called Emmanuel that was all across the country in Halle Berry bought out of movie theatres Martin Lawrence brought out a movie theater Justin Timberlake bought out a movie theater Charlamagne tha God brought out a movie theater Method Man brought out of the movie theater I can go on and on and on of a list of about 26 celebrities Nick Cannon others that brought out a Christian movie that we did they without a theater for it only God can move our hearts like that only God and I'm telling you there were so many Christians that were cowards that never told me what I was doing was bad except for this one woman stood up in the middle of the church service and said somebody better talk to him somebody better talk to him because I just bought a brand-new BMW and I was praising God for it for my weed that I sold in the middle of a church service I ain't telling my soul weed but I said thank you God for blessing me and then the middle of that little did I know with her speaking to me and some others God convicted my heart that I had to quit selling weed so I gathered my team of drug dealers and I told them listen man I'm out it's over in the next morning I heard a knock on my door and you ever felt like something evil was at the door you ever felt like you ever walked in a room where there was an argument and you could just feel the tension in the air anybody ever felt that like you could just come home and you can tell something ain't right I knew what was ever on the other side of that door was not for my good and I opened my Bible that's how I used to do and I know some of y'all probably do it today I just crack it open and say Lord show me something and all I saw was the words ye of little faith and I slam my Bible said I have faith Lord I have faith in you so I walked down an open door I locked it behind me and my childhood friend was at the bottom of the steps I turned to the right I saw a car that was there with these two dudes in it with hoodies on and in a second I realized okay this does not look good this could be a setup he was like yo let me talk to you walk me to the side of house his brother was one of the 30 people that got killed I'm on the side of the house and my worst enemy was in the backyard pulled out a gun and he pulled out his gun and put it at my head and I'm standing there facing down this gun and I remember the only prayer I could muster was Jesus you gotta save me cuz otherwise I'm dead and the dude started to argue with me he was like yo yo cuz when any somebody wants to kill you that to develop some kind of motive he was like yo remember man you're supposed to look out for me you might he was like you're my brother's dead and I remember I could see a tear drop down his on I said here it is and he struck up the gun right on my head and he pulled the trigger there was snap and he looked and he clicked it again he backed up and he was snap and he clicked it again he was snap they clicked it to get him a snap and by the power of God no bullets came out of that gun by the power of Jesus no bullets came out of that gun next thing you know he took off running unless and I just stood in that backyard and I just started to pray and I just started to thank Jesus cuz I want to tell you this and no matter what the situation is with Jesus your situation is not hopeless no matter what the circumstances are with Jesus your situation is never ever hopeless it's never hopeless Jesus stopped Bulls from coming out of that gun and that same gun worked with somebody else the very next day the same exact gun cuz I know the gun he had and the only gun he had but then I had to weigh what was the difference between me and the others I had Jesus I surrendered to Jesus I gave everything up to Jesus it may sound small but yo I'm used to walking on the block and gathering eight and nine or ten thousand dollars and going and doing whatever I want and then coming back again and gather another five or six thousand dollars and coming back again and gathering three and four thousand dollars and now coming and getting zero because I love Jesus giving it all because I love Jesus the reason I got suckered from the beginning because they had these all these things I was seeing of money and cars and jewelry and honestly and I wanted it right now those were the idols that had me bound and now I'm in a backyard standing there realizing that the power of God it's real and at that point I prayed the most dangerous prayer that I'm gonna ask some of you to be bold and pray with me I just turned to God at that moment I said God whatever you want whatever you want whatever you if you ever need somebody to do something on this planet God and you can't find someone Lord if you make it really clear your voice I will go and I'm telling you when I prayed that prayer it's like I felt the power of God come over me like never before I went and turned my I drove back to New York turn myself and I was facing seven years in jail for that escape charge and I went before the judge and the judge asked me one question why did you turn yourself and I said ma'am I'm a follower of Jesus and I said I'm gonna follow Jesus whether means in jail I'm out of jail I'm gonna follow Jesus and the woman said she was shocked I'll bet you that judge never heard that she said get him out of my court they grabbed me and put me in the cell I'll pray I said Lord I do something wrong three minutes ladies she brought me back out and she kept looking at my pictures and looking at me looking at my pictures of looking at me and she said I'm gonna do something I've never done before she said I'm gonna release you he said because the person I see looks so different than the person in these pictures and she said just go and continue doing what you're doing because I'm afraid if I send you back to jail you'll become the person who you used to be that's Jesus that's Jesus in New York it's an automatic seven years there's nothing you can do but Jesus stepped in and brought seven years to zero that's the power of Jesus I want to tell you the more and more I started to realize that Jesus was beaten for me that Jesus was ripped on the cross that in Isaiah says he was beaten to the point that his face was so disfigured none of those beautiful pictures you see Michelangelo and others painting I'm talking about a disfigured Jesus took every blow every strike every punch every hit that came at him died and they got back up so that we in our lives can get back up that's the Jesus that died for us bested Jesus that died for you that's the Jesus that's calling us today that is the Jesus that is on the throne right now let me tell you that nothing nothing separates you from Christ not politics not a person not a figure not sex not money not drugs not a fantasy not a dream nothing not a relationship nothing I had to walk my girlfriend I said do you want to be celibate no you don't I'm out I said people hate selling drugs Jesus I'm out okay what jail time you want me to do jail time I'm going in for you Jesus lay it down there is nothing I wasn't willing to drop for Jesus even my very own life I preached the gospel on I went to every continent in the world except for Antarctica it's a little too cold but everywhere else I've been to tell the message of Jesus I want to challenge you today how many of you be willing to go all out for Jesus there's a desert it's a spot in California it's called Death Valley where nothing grows this is just dead and out of nowhere a few years ago by Gus the Wynn and a flow rain finally hit Death Valley the whole valley area that desert area where where just was nothing there in all kind of flowers just burst it out seeds that were dead for years in years some some say 30 40 50 years seeds were there flowers came up that we have never seen before just because the water finally came through I believe today Jesus wants to saturate this area right here and I believe there's some of you that have never fully committed to Jesus I'm talking soldier Tyler kind of commitment I'm talking I'm talking about second Timothy kind of found with Jesus said right now I want you to just catch a plane and go go even in my back room I heard that the rapper ASAP Rocky was locked up in Switzerland and I prayed a Sweden and I pray to say God if you want me to go I don't know him but if you want me to fly and if you want me to minister to him God you just say the word and I'll fly cuz I want to win him to Jesus I will do anything for Jesus the question is when Jesus says he is Lord did you really set them as Lord are you accepting last king or you accept them as just your friend I am a friend of God he calls me friend are you doing the soft gospel how you fully surrendering all
Channel: Momentum Ministry Partners
Views: 850
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Dimas Salaberrios, Street God, Momentum, Momentum Youth Conference, youth ministry, student ministry, sermons, Gospel, Gospel sermons
Id: HzxSJS6eHyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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