Dil Dosti Dilemma - Episode 1 | Prime Video India

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You tell us, Asmara. Forgotten about Bengaluru after going there? Oh, yes, tell us, how's Canada? How's the weather? How's Toronno treating you? -Right, T? Toronno. -Shut up, Noons. Asmara, have you been to any gigs yet? How are the boys there? Are they cute? -And where is the photo dump? -Hello, guys. Can you please chill a little bit? Why are you being so aggressive this early in the morning? Morning? But… It is 12 hours. Right, T? Nine and a half hours… Oh, sorry. Nine and half hours mean it must be night, right? Yeah… It's night out here. Verbal jet lag! I'm a little tired. Come one, come all. Carry the waste, and give it to the sanitation workers. -What's that? -Asmara. Hello, guys. I can't see you! -Hello? Asma? -Hello? We can hear you. -Your video is frozen. -Asma! Can we-- Carry the waste and… I'm in Canada. I'm in Canada. I'm in Canada! How much this girl sleeps! Raghav, this is not how it works. Just call the client and apologize. It's as simple as that. Wake up, dear. Rise and shine! I completely understand, Raghav. If you had woken up earlier, you could've visited your grandpa. -He's not feeling well. -Not today, Mom. It's the last day of college. "Not today, not tomorrow." God knows when you'll ever make time for them. On the other hand, they never stop asking about you. See! Grandma sent these for you and your friends. Oh, my God! What? -Nothing! -Okay, Raghav. -They are nice! -Just follow my instructions. That's it. Okay? Okay, bye. -Good morning! -Good morning. Okay, I'm off. I'm going to see Dad. Please finish your breakfast. And you, please hurry up and start packing for Canada. -Yes, Mom. -Tell Mom and Dad, I said hello. Ditto! Ditto, Mom. -Bye. -Bye. Dad, stop laughing. Okay? Who's laughing? Dad. Can I please pick your pocket? You took money just last week. Do you know how expensive it is to be a teenager? Hair, skin, nails, lunch, brunch, dinner, -after party, club-- -Not happening. Please? See, you're the best dad! Ever! Leave some for me. This is for you. -Thank you. -You're welcome. Don't tell Mom. Never. I'm looking at the plans right now. This is not what we discussed! No, no. I'll speak to David. You just fix it before tech. That's all. It will be okay, Mom. Yeah, baby. Good morning, ladies. -Good morning. -Good morning. Rosh, all set for your fashion extravaganza? Never! But it's going to be spectacular, as always. I wish you could be there. The Tennis Federation is giving me an award. How can I miss that? Anyway, I was thinking… After the awards, I'll go see Nikhil. That's if he wants to see you. -After all, you are the reason-- -Naina! FYI, conversations during breakfast are allowed. Yeah, Mandy. Just a second. No problem. Yeah, of course. Maybe if I was AB's creative director, we'd be having a conversation too. Anyway, I'm late for my hearing. I'll see you later, love? Why'd you take so much time to answer? Yeah, what happened? I was just saying bye to Dad, and then Mom came in. They get so lovey-dovey, like love-sick teenagers. I had to literally pull them off each other. T, why do you have to be such a grouch, dude? Let them be romantic. I wish we had a love life like theirs. So cute! Full marriage goals! Anyway, I called to remind you guys, -that tonight is-- -Is your mom's fashion show. We know! You won't let us forget. T, I have a doubt. Are you allergic to people's happiness? Wait, wait, wait! What do you guys think about this? Should I wear this? Can you please get ready fast and come? Why are you always late, Asmara? Don't be so mean, T! Asmara, it will look nice on you. Thank you, Noons! -See you. -Bye. Okay, I'm getting late. Oh, my god! I'm so late. Oh, my God! I'm so late. Pushpa! I packed your lunch, Asma baby. -Thank you, Pushpa! -Mention not. Shadab, bring the car! It's Asma! -Hi! -Hey! Where are you guys? We got tired of waiting for you and we went home. I can see you! -I know! -Cut the call! Okay. Amazing… -Excuse me. -You killed it. Which auditorium will tonight's fashion show be in? -Why? -Actually, we are volunteers. Oh, the auditorium is that way. On the right. -Thanks ya! -Thanks ya! -"Thanks ya?" -"Thanks ya?" Oh, my God! -Tackolinas for sure, dude. -And did you see their bags? -Oh, my God! My eyes were hurting so bad. -Asma baby! You left this bag in the car. Shadab! Yes, baby? Shadab. Yes, baby? Shadab. Yes, baby? I've no interest in your sister's business. I said I don't want to buy it. Please leave. -My sister-- -Please take it and go. -Please, go. -Yes, baby. Let's go to the canteen. I've heard we've some really lovely cream buns. Let's walk. Let's just walk. Oh, my God, Ariana! I'm sweating. Is this the weather or your brother? It's the weather. Also… yuck, Nia! -It's going to be hot there right now. -I… I have… -No, no, it's going to be cold. -It's going to be cold, right? -Yeah. -Thailand I don't think is that cold. -Thailand? -Sorry! -I'm going to Canada! -I got confused with Thailand. -I saw a reel and got confused… -Hey, Naina. Hi, How are you? I'm fine, thanks. I mean, what's up with you? Nothing much! So, you wanna hang out tonight? Sure! Why not? -I'm totally-- -Not free! Why? Your mom's fashion show? Oh, yeah. Oh, no! I mean, my mom's fashion show is tonight, with David Chenoy. In the auditorium. But you already know that. Shut up, Naina. No worries! Then, I'll see you tonight. Oh! So you want tickets? No, babe. I have friends. Let's all calm down! We're all meeting tonight in the auditorium. See you, Naina. See you, Armaan. My God! Noons, you're off sugar! Seriously, snap out of it! -He's so gorgeous! I could cry! -No, Noons! -Who does that? Also, who does that? -Yeah. -It was so creepy! -It was just… -Noons? -It was disgusting. So I was thinking that we should… I don't think he'll show up. -Maybe that's a good thing. -Stop it, T! Of course, he'll come. He's just being fashionably late. Hello, my boos! Say bye to my car Chandu. And say hi to the "Killin' it" crib! I'm super excited because I'm here for the fashion show of sassy McQueen David Chenoy, who has collaborated with Boss… Boss Woman Roshni Kariappa. This is their fashion show. -Oh, my God! Hi, Rachita. -Hi! -Rachita, how are you? -It's Meera! Good for you! Anyway… Super excited! Also, you gotta say hi to the crew and the people who put the show together. I mean, we're all here because these people are making sure that we look good. Exactly. Hi, hi! Come pose for me too! Yeah! You ate? You all ate? You've to ask people if they have eaten or not. You know, otherwise, it gets very… Hey, how's it going? Yeah. So, the other thing I'm excited about is that… Oh, my God! There are so many ring lights. -Dude, look! -So it's great for people like… She is the girl from "Killin' It." She is the girl from "Killin' It!" No selfies. -We didn't want any. -Anyway, super excited about… She's funny though. -I love her! -She's funny! -I love her vlogs. -I love her! He's here! Okay. He's walking. Look cool. Act cool. No, act busy, sorry! -Act cool? -Look at me. Laugh. -Why are you laughing? -What's wrong with her? Nia, I'll be back. Act busy. Talk to me. -Oh, my God! -Yeah… Naina? Looking good! Thanks, Armaan. Shall we? -Sure. -Come on. Wait a second. What?! Put your hands together for Roshni Kariappa and David Chenoy! Listen! This dress? It's stuck! I can't get it off. I've been trying for a while. Please, I would appreciate it if you could help me. Please, please, please! My life will end if it rips! Okay, but I… I'm a volunteer here, so I can't be wearing this. -Okay, come. -Wait a second! -Excuse me? -Hurry up, please! Where are you taking me? This is the room where I found this dress Okay! Just get this off me quickly. Okay. You… What is your name? That can wait! Please, just get this off. Or my life will be over! Please. To get this dress off you, I'll have to fix it first. -Then fix it, please. -Okay, relax. I think this… How did you put this sleeve on? Like this and this. Okay. -Oh, so that's… -It's going to rip! Stop panicking! The angle is completely off. -It's tearing! -Calm down. Sorry. It will tear. This… Yes! It will be okay. Relax. Done! Now I have to fix this. -Are you a fashion designer? -No. Oh, this is supposed to be dangling. Like this. Dangling? Okay, stop moving. It's fixed now. I'll take it off. No! Hold on. Can you do me one final favor? Please. If someone sees you wearing this dress, you know how much trouble you're going to be in? Can you take a picture of me? Please! -Are you mad? -I'm not mad. But I don't want to miss this life-changing moment. I also want to look fancy like the rest of you. That's why I put this dress on, so I could take a picture in it. Just one picture? Please? -Okay. Yes. -I'll pose. -How do you unlock this phone? -Here. -Oh, okay. -Look, I'll pose. Alright. -Can I take a picture? -Yes. -See you, bye. -Roshni. Hi. What are you doing here? What about your award? -Actually… -Nikhil? He refused to see me. Rohan, don't take it to heart. You are his father. The best tennis coach in India. And you made him into a champion. -Oh, my God… -Trust me. -Hi, I am Ariana. This is Nia. -He is our son. -Give him some time. He'll come around. -Hi, sir. We absolutely loved your… -collection. -Come, I'll make you meet some people. You know… it's not easy being so talented! Hello, ma'am. You're a pro at this! I watch Top Model every week. -Now, the PC pose. -Okay. Oh, nice! Oh, my God, sir! Your collection is completely out of the world. That's true. It will be an honor to work with you. Seriously, sir. It will be a dream to have you as our mentor. Yeah, you do have some sense of style, I must say. And yeah, I can use a little bit of fresh blood in my team. So well… Come. -One last swan pose. -Okay. So these are the collection… -pieces that we… -Oh, my God! Are you okay? Oh, my God! What is this? Why are you wearing my clothes? Take it off! Oh, my God! My clothes! You are a thief. -Oh! -Guards! She is not stealing. She was just trying it on. You are also stealing it. You both are stealing my clothes! Somebody, please save me! Influencer mode on, babe. -Go. Go! -Sir. Sir! Sir… We are backstage with the David Chenoy! And today, he's decided to be the perfect fairy godmother for our volunteer Cinderella. So, how did you think of this idea of a volunteer makeover, sir? As I always say, David Chenoy Designs is all about inclusivity. Each and every one of you can look fabulous wearing a David Chenoy. Even Miss… Rukhsana. To the camera, please. Miss Rukhsana! Oh, my God! I think we've got the most unique moment from the show, where the David Chenoy is changing up the fashion rules. Oh, my God! And cut, we got it. -Thank you. -Got it! You both are hired. Take this dress out of her. Take this dress off her. Now! I can't deal with this. It's my show, guys. -Please! -This unnecessary drama you guys created. We created drama? Asmara, what was that all about? Was she actually stealing David's clothes? No, she was not! I'm trying to explain… Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Tonight was the best night of my life. Okay, bye. What the hell! How can people like Rukhsana barge in? And she gave me a kiss. It was so unnecessary. I did not like it! So clingy! A clingy-blingy girl. She didn't have to kiss me. These weirdos should not be allowed anywhere. Oh, my God! "18 till I Fly" is having a "Go Broke" sale! -I know! I got it too! -Oh, my God! I got it three! So excited. Oh, my God! Canada shopping is sorted! So we'll be coming to Canada, and you'll be going out with your friends to party. Only for one night. After that, I'll only be with you guys, Mom! Let him go, Arshiya! He's topped his class. This boy deserves it. Subhaan, go for it! Oh, my God! Bro! To celebrate your graduation, my favorite brand is having a sale. I'm so jazzed! I love you, bro. I love you so much! You're the best! By the way, did you book the concert tickets? If you haven't yet, then do it now. Or it will be sold out. And yes, keep yourself available on Friday. -We'll go shopping. And then-- -Enough! Okay, Mom. See you in a few. Oh! Congratulations! Graduation! And I'm gonna go shopping! Canada, I'm coming! -Let's shop till we drop, sisters! -Till we drop, sisters! Yeah, let's go. Wherever Wherever I go There is none other Like me none other Even mirrors turn in my direction Wherever I go Everyone knows Pretty, pretty things From head to toe covered in bling-bling Like the stars, I am twinkling What can I say? Different from the rest Is my vibe Crazy is my tribe What to do? Different from the rest Is my vibe Crazy is my tribe What to do? Whatever! Good God! I'm so tired. I wanna sleep! But we did such amazing shopping today. We always do. Tell me something I don't know. T, you are definitely allergic to people's happiness. Seriously, don't be a mood kill. -I told you. -Listen, your face is a mood kill. Let me tell you something. That was a horrible comeback. And this? This saved you. Armaan! -Cut the call. -Cut the call. Shut up! Hello? Who are you? Hide! Guys, hide! Okay. I look good. Breathe. Okay. Hi, Armaan. Hi, Naina. What's wrong? You look frazzled. No! No. Just getting ready to hit the sack. Looking cute too. -Please! -Oh, God! What? No. It's just that only Mom calls me cute, so… What? Impossible! I'm sure lots of guys call you cute. No. Just you. Well, either they are blind or stupid. Because I find you incredibly cute. Yuck! What was that? That was my dog. Pet! Pet Dog! Anyway, listen. I have a tennis match tomorrow. You have to come. And maybe after that, we can go for dinner. -So you mean like a date? -No! God! We'll see. But don't bring your Awesome Threesome along. Especially that Tania. Yeah, I'll see you at six… five… tennis… bye! Oh… Wow! You guys know it's always bras over bros. I'm hitting the sack. I don't have to go at six. I forgot. Sleep, guys. Yes, Shadab! I'm coming. Okay, dear. -I'm taking some pudding for Asmara. -I see. -Your share is in the fridge. -Okay. I'll be spending the whole day with my Asmara! -I see. -Alright? Yes. -Take care. -Yes. -Eat your meal on time. -Okay. Give my love to Asmara! Okay? She's gone? -Asmara. -Asmara! Asmara, there is some senior citizen variety of a Tackolina sitting in your living room, bro. -What? -I mean this is nuts. Seriously, bro. You come and just come sort this. -Yeah, one second. -It's so awkward downstairs. Your hair is looking nice only! Come on! -Okay. Oh, my God! -Asmara! -Stop, I'm coming. -Come, come, come. -Shut up, babe. She's sorting it out. -Yeah! Chill, come on… Look at what that woman's wearing! It's unbearable. Just look at that! -I don't know… -See what she's wearing! -I feel so sorry! -I can't breathe! So bad… Oh, goodness! -Asma, who's this? -What? She's actually… my grandma's friend. Hi, Auntie. -Hi, Auntie! -Hello! Asmara, you didn't tell us your grandma does charity work also. Nice! -Yeah, man. It's so sweet. -Noons! The new David Chenoy collection just came in! I'm coming. Your grandma sent this pudding. She really loves you. Arshiya madam will be home soon. Why don't you stay for a little bit? It's okay, Pushpa. I've done what I came here to do. Grandma. Did Grandma tell you? No. Pushpa told us. Who treats their grandma like this? I know, Dad. I don't know why I said that. I'll tell you why. Because you and your friends think that only rich people, who dress like you, speak like you, smell like you, deserve to be humans. No, Mom. That's not true. -I… -Asmara, this money… that you think makes you special. You didn't earn it. And never forget that. And the people that you're embarrassed by… They're much more accepting and humane than you. And I know this because I'm one of them! So are you! I'm so sorry, Mom. I'm really sorry, Dad. I'll apologize to Grandma. You won't apologize to Grandma. You'll go live with her. What do you mean? After Canada… There is no Canada for you after this, Asmara. What? What do you mean? What I mean is you won't be going to Canada! You're going to Tibbri Road to stay in the home you were born in. And hopefully then you might learn something. Arshiya, aren't you being too… Khalid. Please, can you stay out of this one? Mom, please. I'm so sorry! Dad, please say something! I'll personally apologize to Grandma. Please! I told everyone I was going to Canada. What will T and Noons think? And my concert? Brother's graduation? I've made so many plans! Plans change when you behave the way you did, Asmara. Can't believe you guys are doing this to me. Not fair! Now you'll have to spend two months with your grandma's "friend", right? This time, I picked my pocket for you. There's money in the suitcase. Take care. You too. Let it be! Tell Shadab to take her straight to Mom and Dad's place. Baby, I've kept your Canada printout in the back. Thanks, Shadab. What is it for? Science project. Oh, rocket. No. Telescope? -Please, Shadab. Put on some music. -Sure. Hey! What are you doing? Can't you see? Why are you telling me? Look at yourself. How are you riding?! What has the world come to? Excuse me! Can't you see such a big car? You're riding your bike recklessly… and you have the audacity to yell at my driver? -Baby… -Apologize now! Oh, hello… Be grateful that I was kind enough to honk. Strange people showing up in big cars! You almost hit my bike and you want me to apologize? You are at fault here. You owe me an apology! Wow! One second… Baby… Baby, let it be. Hey, guys! Look at this boy's guts. First, he banged my car, and then, he insulted my driver, insulted my car, and insulted me! And now he wants me to apologize! Let me know what you guys think. So? Mister. Will you apologize now? Or after this video goes viral? Ma'am, this is a single lane. Cars aren't even allowed here. So you tell me, who should be apologizing to whom? -Shadab? -Yes, baby? -You sort this out! -Yes, baby. -I'm going. -Yes, baby. Baby? Would you kindly move? Sure Baby, how will you go? Baby? Asma baby, don't go alone. Asma baby? Asma baby? Asma baby, do you know the way? I know everything! Okay! I'll follow with your bags! Please move! It was my fault, please move. Oh, my God! What are you doing, Uncle? My God! Hey! Hey, you! All set and headed for the airport? Yeah, just stuck in traffic, as usual. We just called to say that we're going to miss you, bro. I'm really, really going to miss you guys too. T, should we just tell her? Shut up, Naina. You'll ruin the surprise! What surprise? Fine, tell her. It's already been ruined. Okay. Wait for it… -We're coming to-- -Canada! What? You are all grown up. But you're still wearing small clothes, right?! Welcome to the tea party! The rebellion has begun!
Channel: Prime Video India
Views: 2,307,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dil dosti dilemma episode 1, dil dosti dilemma first episode, dil dosti dilemma full episode, dil dosti dilemma, dil dosti dilemma trailer, dil dosti dilemma anushka sen, dil dosti dilemma release date, dil dosti dilemma amazon prime, dil dosti dilemma trailer anushka sen, dil dosti dilemma amazon prime trailer, dil dosto dilemma trailer, anushka sen dil dosti dilemma, dil dosto dilemma series, anushka sen, anushka sen official, prime video india, full episode
Id: Rbavi9PjMrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 6sec (2106 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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