Dignitas vs CLG | Week 6 Day 3 S11 LCS Summer 2021 | DIG vs CLG W6D3 Full Game

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has been so high priority with the lethality builds plus the the lane priority that you get with it you know having thresh banned out makes it very difficult to go a fellow so some pretty good options and we do in fact get that renekton on the side of dig pairs so nicely with the diana but you've got a lot of backline assassination threat pairing it with the akali here for yasui okay leblanc's about the same this can actually work pretty well together anytime you can you know get a bit of varus poke throughout half the block finishes up you get a viego reset that can look good and it's my single favorite counter to a colleague not just because of the lane you can you can punish her early in the lane you can use your chains to reveal here set her up for jungle kills very easily but also because of the difference in where you're trying to have your power spikes here clg really want to try and make moves early on pre-six here for the akali uh try and get those jungle invades down i think brock's has looked best when he has come into these games with a preset plan hey i'm a lot of them have been towards top side previously but i think this one should be towards mid hey i'm going to come gank you know level three we're gonna have this set up here you know i'm just doing one quadrant passing through mid ganking over and finishing off the other one this to me should be one of those games because if you are saddling him with the viego which i i think it should be even though dignitas are still banning out some jungle bands here his uh his early ganking power of rek'sai taken away you know leblanc can set up for viego perfectly yeah chain lands if that if that thing doesn't snap then guess what the stun from diego is going to land as well get about two seconds to find your way around the minion and then you know hit w channel private second and then lane direction i like that yeah that that's what happens when the mist hits you and you just get stunned for the second and a half it's uh it's how it goes uh we can ship that into the game his next legendary that'll be the sound effect just letting him know uh beforehand uh when you know he turns to the light and becomes a sentinel i have no idea that's what happened really while ago i should have this is my autobiography should have stopped a while ago leona locked in as braum has taken off the table as they support so clg definitely have even more aggressive tools leona lockdown can make it pretty easy for varus to land damage as well that could be pretty bursty of course so maybe they can go a bit defensive in their bottom i was gonna say it's a really scary bottom lane for dig already here so probably go super uh defensive neo has been one of uh the strong ezreal players i feel like i sided pretty closely with this champion so no surprise there having the arcane shift available is so necessary when you're facing this much cc you know varus leona lane has just so much crowd control lots of kill threat down there they get to choose a lot of these opportunities in setting up possible bottom side plays and and dragon focus and that's where i expect clg to point towards generally in champ select we can usually come out of early game you know areas of the map that each team would rather focus on in this one it is clg bottom side and mid in the dignitas one it is definitely top side there for renekton diana combination meanwhile yasui tries to not give up too much lane pressure to the leblanc early on you focus on the minions leblanc actually doesn't push super fast a lot of her pressure comes from you know kill threat and attempting it that way and then after pushing you off she can you know try and uh push them in and whittle them down but should be sort of a bottom facing arrow for clg bottom triangle of the map and top side there for dignitas i am happy also to see aphromoo on his alistar though signature champion for him this guy has has had so many points throughout the history of the lcs where you know he's been feared as a sport and they really did need that last form of main initiation for the team because renekton if you get big especially you can have a big impact later from flanking but it still is just a single target stunt and you still are pretty heavily reliant on your flash later into the game meanwhile alistar there for aphromoo they always rely on him to be the big playmaker for this team and he's got the champ to do it all right should look good i want to also shout out the doctor mundo internet i think that is a great champion overall a ton of bonus health ratios uh you can just rush the anathemas and go talk about the renekton and feel good about that one and um yeah i think it's it's going into the lane because you know you just like immune the stun once every 45 seconds or faster yeah and yes you don't get stunned but it's still a lot of damage so i think while i agree that it should be talked up as a match up it is not a universally good pick into mundo because renekton still is going to get early priority still can have kill threat on this mundo you know you oh there is a cost to that passive you what they're in the pressure what smoothie okay he's just dead right so i know clg are a team in the past he's dead that are known to do level one prep and if if their prep was dignitas literally never stacks the botlay and they only does one thing then i see it you walk up you go for aggressive ward but like you have to be so sure dig will never do this to make that play and dig level and prep could be like hey smoothie likes to ward raptors level one and they're like cool with seth brusham this yeah that that was definitely it's well set plans by digg uh and uh and you know referring to uh looking at previous vods and trying to pick out tendencies is one thing clg have not done that though you know smoothie has not done that repeatedly in at least the last two games that i can remember so there there's something there and it's it's well laid plans from dig but when your well-laid plans also come to fruition that quickly and that easily it's just that that is the the perfect scenario all right well if you missed it because you're listening to the audio only um he got first flooded by invading towards the red buff now if you're doing sunday errands and can't watch these games yourself with their eyeballs then make sure to check out the audio only cast on league day uh that was my transition because uh it was gonna be a good one so there we go you can always switch over and check them out instead and have a specific audio only cast not all the things you can see are worth commenting yeah i mean smoothie walked in and died face checking on the brush behind red that is that is the scenario he also died quietly as soon as he walks in and there's four people you're like oh yes i am dead so just walked his way out you know no flash blown or anything it doesn't change a lot of how uh the bottom lane you know summoners are going to be it does mean that ezreal gets the best of both worlds getting to start the doran's blade and the tier which normally he has to choose between that's outstanding yeah it feels really good for him so early mid pressure coming in from the leblanc pobelter put a ward on you know top river to track any early acadian gang that shouldn't be a lot of gank pressure from diana akali anyway there's no cc pre-six so you know not a huge threat uh but we also saw the clg bottomline do really well alistar is almost not a champion at level one flash pulve is almost never worth it and so a lot of aggression from turtle and smoothie trying to get some poke trying to get some decent damage and and maybe force one potion or neo but they haven't done that just yet yeah all going kind of according to plan here as expected you know the leblanc abusing the akali early on uh the kali is focused so much on trying to get as many of these last hits as possible doesn't quite get that melee one under their turret either and napo belter free to continually harass him now again with the renekton mundo match-up i kind of liked the discussion that we were having it's just that level one early gold went down and now we're gonna have a roam from mid towards bottom as well all right head butt backwards looking at nia when's he going to be attacked not at all actually pulve comes in no one has hagger there's one minion left so smoothie gets to walk away nice defense by dignitas afrom who zones out the primary engage and stops suzanne carrey from dying is gonna be a very low-cost roam from pobelter though after leave only loses out one melee minion in his transition right back up to top side so we'll see if neo and aphromoo can keep the wave where they want it finn won't be stunned but he will lose some health there's a stun or it would be coming across flashes to pick it up he might have got it i'm not sure but fake god is there to claim the kill and walk away with the second one with no death renekton diana freak delegate what a combo and on that mundo e is not safe and here we go now they're going to keep fighting the bottom side though clg who wants it afromood himself should be 200 hp and safe and now smoothie gonna take 200 himself on the walk back to his turret is not safe yeah you don't get stunned but you still take full damage from it there's a health cost to popping out the canister i like the flash over to the canister for finn you play that as bad as well as he can you know trying to get as much sustain but just played better by fake god with the slice and dice out afterwards no counter kill given over so huge things for dignitas and if we remind ourselves what we were pointing both teams towards in champ select the top arrow going straight there for dig they capitalize on on their point of power meanwhile the ezreal alistar not only have they been able to remain just fine and super safe on bottom side of the map but you know they got the very free first blood by stacking the wave behind red mid lane though all right big damage into po belter almost event for w but not just yet as he jukes out with the passive flash not gonna get enough follow through it is a safe uh escape propeller burning his flash than his late w to get away yeah so what you have to do there is flash and immediately e to stick the shuriken in the leblanc ensuring that she will not be able to get away went for the qe a little bit of time there allows po belter he does get out proxies under attack in his own jungle there by acadian though and the teleport comes through level lead for diana has flashed away if he needs it and indeed acadian will do so sees football terrorists all right i gotta get away from this one the tp from the block was going to be a bit of pressure we'll see how much cs is even lost there as a bit of damage comes in i don't see a caden have to keep fighting this battle and pull ultra just tp back in he's in a 300 health already i love going for that as a jungler as long as he doesn't get caught here because he knows [Music] you had what you needed but broxan smoothie came down to finish the job it was such a good play with the caveat of as long as he doesn't get caught if you turn back around there gets caught by the support rome timer from smoothie too aggressive then there's a huge price price to pay but if he doesn't get caught free this is a huge value play for junglers to make chunking out of leblanc right after the teleport was used to get back to lane plus delaying pobelter from getting to the big double stacked wave that akali had just pushed to the wave that that was going to be very profitable until it wasn't until the kill gold does go over this is another look though uh the ward towards the blast cone uh not completely hundred percent uh sure as to the the purpose there but this is the one you know goes in as soon as his wards gets swept he's like ah shoot and the e range there from smoothie yeah capitalizes on the kill so huge things there for clg to get that money back but the idea was from acadian hey i'm gonna chunk this guy out after his teleport he'll be weakened in lane he can't punish mccauley plus he's going to be delayed on getting to the the minions towards the turret that yuzui had just ushered up there and that was his goal of course and maybe he could have you know sniped brock's on his way back to raptors take another fight because obviously with mid pressure to look good but conqueror was stacked yes but smoothie joined the team on the recall and the trinket ward was not in a spot where support absolutely the only kill clg has is on smoothie it's a little sad that you know leona got the gold there but it's a good one to get back at least it's a conversation always worth having as far as hey our bottom lane match up you know alistar and ezreal yeah it can be super safe but if you always give up lane priority in any match up you know any lane and that's going to be an assured factor the cost is your opponents then have roam timers and this basic fact of league of legends is one of the things that is most heavily utilized by the very best teams is using the early timers with which to roam from default positions and capitalizing on that to create then your own advantages it's it's very simple but it can be utilized in so many ways in league of legends and it's kind of the building block for for building your own win condition it's a really interesting topic as this game is lulled for now uh for example you have champions like uh talon where his win rate actually climbs with elo because shoving rome is like really effective when you're challenger and you're really good at getting done bot lane and killing someone um but sometimes you know in this case i agree with you on sport runs right but for example uh think card who's one of the lcs coaches they forget for which team is like well but champs like talon don't work in pro because that's really trackable talent pushes mid walks down hey town's missing hey he's going towards bot side whereas diana or leona rhee calls off bot pressure she can go to any three lanes it's a lot harder to track which way leon is going off by pressure right whereas town's like well he's walking up or down for mid and so it's always kind of interesting like seeing you know what kinds of pressure like like really test skill which ones like can't be played around and i also like the you know extra wrinkle of it is much easier for coordinated teams to do this play around missing champions and play around pressure for uncoordinated teams it's just like what do you want me to give up this cannon you want me to give up minions for this just always like come on handle your business yeah well speaking of coordination though they have shown up top lane in dignitas already found a laden kingdom for fake god that is going to be even better it's built off the rubble of fallen empires as finn the lone doctor will lose his top lane outer turret at nine and a half minutes into the game nicely done to manage to get harold aggro and keep the second charge happening that's well done good job there otherwise that turret would be at about 25 and it would die soon afterwards uh but 2 200 gold lead for dignitas looking at win number 18. yeah it's it's definitely according to the plan laid out by them too so once again this is another instance of the team playing to their points of strength early guess what renekt and diana they just keep returning to this power i i like this as well as just a much easier you know thing to rely on rather than trying to cover up you know weak areas of the map or play around your opponent's strong points that they might want to push on very very straightforward therefore katie and fake god get the rift tail they pop it and now this is one of those timers we talk about where you've got that super strong match up for top side early for renekton yeah can just smash mundo bully mundo mundo's going to scale later on and be a very big factor but it allows you to do other things with fake god's time and so he makes an attempt to road roam towards mid well played around there you know no reason for pobelter to extend over extend or anything and it doesn't result in anything but dig a remaining proactive in their endeavors looking for this play okay dragon number one on the board waiting to be attacked nice try by smoothie wants to catch a caden coming through the brush doesn't quite land it i believe you can still catch the end of that range there with lollipopping but uh just doesn't get the timing quite right and regardless we will not see this dragon taking damage just yet dr mundo again on his recall anathema's chains in the inventory for finn finally as fake god is on his way towards what i'm guessing to be a gore drinker and uh just has to you know sidestep that because the early executions for his laning phase and now looking at a mid-rome as top was pushed in something we talked about earlier right use lane pressure try to get your advantage to go somewhere else maybe turn that into a dragon there's distortion used by pobelter will they dive this one that answer is going to be no i believe might have had his ultv second distortion actually that's uncool then anyway so uh theoretically maybe but flash was up and it makes it tough but with that pressure they walk down for the dragon yeah normally you kind of shrug off the cooldown of distortion because it's such a low cooldown for an ultimate but if dragon's already available don't go for that dive while distortion's down and leblanc's just been chunked out mid and uh the wave is pushed in that means you just won your dragon so congratulations dignitas they just transitioned right in through the river pick up dragon number one everything's still going swimmingly plenty of time for fake god to get back to the minion wave that was slow pushed up to the tower and he lost all of three melee minions for about a minute of walking mid identifying if there's a dive okay there's not dragon okay that's ours walk all the way back cool i lost 63 gold would you basically take your gold for a guaranteed dragon i would in every role in the game this is why these roams are good that's why top pressure was great fake god barely lost anything for this play and if we again turn to analyze some of the the match-ups and the picks here that that have been drafted for digg they actually because they have so much assassination threat with diana akali having a lot of backline accidents that is very hard to deny especially if you if you are unable to land your cc um yes if your skill shots land then it's going to be a lot easier to appeal but that threat is going to remain for dig later on into the game and ezreal is actually quite well situated to add extra damage there especially once you get your muramana transform your alt all of a sudden it just does so much damage covering over the top and that can add the extra damage to assassinate the threats behind mundo so you don't find yourself having to work through the mundo in a lot of the team fights how clg would rather you play these these later game fights yeah it's one of the nice things about mundo though that at least he is somewhat of a damage threat we saw from the team liquid game for example uh alfar did the most image on his team as top mundo but he is more of a a juggernaut classically than a tank like think of him more like a darius or a mordekaiser where like he is actually going to be threatened like guadalupe cannot ignore him in the way that he could like ignore an alistar yeah and it's also important to categorize effective damage or damage on priority targets versus damage you know yeah on frontline on bruisers very slow burn damage that is predictable is still damaged it counts towards your stats but that's why people value burst so heavily because you can apply it to the correct targets you can apply it to get actual kills and i think yeah you know mundo's definitely one of those champions that skews very heavily towards uh yeah of course a lot of the increase i mean if we did the game-wide damage graph right now i'd bet um probably like five to one that finn and fate god are the top two in the game right now and certainly fake god got a kill from his fights against finn but finn hasn't killed a single champion he's done seven thousand damage okay cool you fought for your waves and like maybe the knight three cigars off harassed but like you know while turtle five thousand damage kills yasui and neo and right i like how this game is this is our theory podcast game it is a slow game uh this is disgusting you know league of legends 101 topics yeah here with with froby or phobia phobia yeah the one thing i have discovered though is if you read the hashtag it's phobe which is like you know i don't know if we're afraid of anything i think like we're pretty daunting we're just generally afraid yeah this is all things the under text is the subtext just yeah i'm just fearful all the time who knows let us know do you think we're afraid or not leave us in the comments below be afraid be very afraid very afraid yeah it's actually worse scary i really don't like it now yeah i feel like we need to churn we need all right is it is it back to froby or freebie from he does still sound like a cuddly animal so all right that one we're frobie i like that thank you man okay so frobie is the new hashtag p-r-p-h-r-o-b-e let it be known spelling is hard sometimes okay that's why i talk for a living i don't write it yeah even if it is the beginning of your own name yeah it's too fair it's my own script look at this it's almost team just selection here aphromoo kind of the red rover there down on the bottom oh that's sent over but that's a true support okay yeah that's true the gold is being because to be fair the reason smoothie is up there because he stole air quotes completely yeah you know the kill on acadian's bad boy bad boy how dare you ignite the champion trying to kill at a certain point you blame broxley you know yeah wild turtle looking for a quick trade there and jumps up on the graph the other team good job good job uh we are into the period of game though where we get to highlight the split pushing factor for dignitas uh you know as previously mentioned renek and akali two of the best split pushers considering her necktie gets an early lead it will drop off though especially if you know i always really want to track who the enemas chain or anathema's chains is on at the moment finn will start to outscale but currently renekton's still very far ahead you can see the split push kind of took effect before they collapse for dragon top side pushing for dig bottom side yusui returning to it real quick here to push it as well smoothie gets chucked out and hits acadian good arcane shift by neo turtle true shot barrage it's only on the one moon is going to be okay with that one you've got no leona ultimate and you've got leona chunk down to 60 there at the beginning of the fight he's trucking potions now goes to relic heal over there on the wave but without that big ultimate that is kind of the structure of their team fight everything is out the window here for clg and dignitas can slide right in and the mid lane wave was manicured right it was cut down in time it was cold so there was no counter push and as you mentioned before right top lane pressure is already there with dignitas only bottom river they get to own bottom lane as well and so clg do not get a single counter punch they tried they set up they were there on time they went for the ulti but go engaged you went for the one shot the shot was blocked and it's time to reload we'll see you in five minutes they've got a monopoly on rivers river barons dignitas nice they control the uh you control the trade routes that's one of the earliest strategies for all the straight uh the early trade routes and you can control the income and that's what you want to do with the one three one funnily enough renekton and akali can do just that they both still have teleports available because there was no conflict at that dragon forcing it out and they were able to recall first setting up on the dragon so immediately reset your one through one back in action guess what ezreal alistar still extremely safe can hold the wave in mid and you see here we go damage across the mid laners ulti flash which one is it gets it right yasui knocks down po but a counter punch is in they might have voted the river but can see lg own the turn it's used to be trying to run away now looking to get back to his turret ulti comes across brock's broxah flops down on him and takes away the champion is it a floppies he's like jumping with his sword straight poker pun kobe i use river turn and flop in the same call i'm not a poker player but i like that thanks man i was proud of that one if you said i'm like i'm thinking of it can we get there and we could i like to think that now you'll get more credit because you've got to flame me for not getting it that'll help it will there you go i'm also here this is the moment that uh he he realizes which one it is after the the variation in movement there from the uh non-clone right gets the kill on the outside though your e comes back up it's not going to be enough distance and there you go it gets the flopping from proxy i realize that sounds really stupid without context i was like oh it's interesting okay but you've explained yourself and i will accept you approve yeah thank you this is why you're the ob of froby true true sacrificing for the greater good of the duo here baby all right warding up here on the blast cone for dignitas uh in preparation for this move again since the teleport not forced out they could still have fake god push out on top side once again small incremental flash head butt pull frox is down below 1k gets the way to his life now a good solar flare is going to find the next target acadian zone is hourglass and it's time for power to be attacked jumps away stays alive distortioning back but now fake god wants in flashes for the stun shane's going to land at the wrong time because he gets the first bit now who guesses right it's pobelter he's found out rock about distortion back just onto the dominus and fake god claims the kill at the end of the day two k gets a blue buff good job finn will not be stunned and gets back to his side of the map but still one for zero as clg claimed their own blue buff yep and that means you can keep on pushing they finally pull their teleport from top side fake god comes in he flashes to ensure that they get this kill tracking down po belter on the bottom half no extra mechanical shenanigans coming out with some crazy you know clone movement or anything to try and uh distract them and dignitas oh they actually don't they actually go for the resets instead that that's probably better i was gonna say okay everybody pile on and get your objective afterwards with your bottom turret but the the tempo that you get from resetting here to be able to get your uh you know warts back out to baron is more important here's the engage though from aphromoo he started all out and pobelto is looking for the assassination on acadian but acadian still out of his zhonyas uh pops his ultimate there and pobelter can't finish it off so fake god flashes on him ensures that they finish up on this pick he stays up there cutting off any sort of escape route going back to distortion and just able to walk right back in with his ultimate still ticking yeah collects his kill you love to get paid when you use both teleport and your flash for the kill so in the end the leblanc and the gold go right back into the correct hands all right feels good for dignitas the gold lead 2.2 000 a while ago that has grown we're looking at about four almost so nearly doubling what they've had maybe uh at the 10 minute mark oh double or nothing they all end on that hand great yeah that's that's about the quality of what i go for okay good job yeah poker no all right cool no no no complaints here that was a nice one all right keep them bottled in there dignitas you've got your reset with your control wards towards baron trying to force clg's hand and the teleport really used here by finn 14 seconds left on dragon bonillo oh another headbutt comes in the front line smoothie at half olt's going to go wide from turtle not easy to kill after me they'll get sniped but it's not going to matter a canadian picks up one but two come back actually uh one two for one so far and now yasui wants the chase old comes across one find a kill but diana certainly will acadian grabs the third kill of the fight and it's now mundo still alive bronx wants to help can acadian be killed gets stunned oath comes down finds it and now gonna take the diana but it's not gonna be enough jumps in can't find the kill and yasui claims kill number four finn left alive and alone at the end dignitas winning the original fight in four versus five as fake god had to walk his way up through the river and with the early health lead there even getting resets on broxah does not save clg's game dignitas they chased him through yes he got the one reset but fake god finally arrives renekton gets to stun you no matter whose soul you steal and they finish it off afromoo with the return on to smoothie and then this really does usually on ultimate on alistar but this is two people chunked out in the dive from dignitas versus just the one support kill on the side of clg yusui there with the r2 barely getting close enough but guess what if you sue he doesn't finish the job acadian will and that's that backline access if we talk about playing these team fights past mundo for for these divers on the side of dig they execute it here and even with the counter kill able to finish off that stun it was close with another ultimate in cast there from broxah to try and you know maybe get those dream resets pull back the fight if you could finish off a cauli steal the akali by body then maybe he pulls some magic out there but not close enough well finn still looking to be the big carry on the clg side really does have good mid game team fighting as you're mentioning though right the targets matter two thousand damage renekton will not kill him it will if it's someone like neo or yasui and yeah you ignore the muno for a while he will get the damage in his mythic's now done he's got sunfire aegis that's going to be you know a lot of extra damage there but you know does clg live long enough for finn to finish more than one or two kills because the last fight went four to two it was nickitas got the objectives didn't have more gold and hey nice that brock's have picked up some money there but that's not going to be enough and with double zhonya's available for both of the divers there acadian and yusui there's no reason not to go for these you know big dives around mundo back into the back line gonna be very interesting to track clg's attempts at the comeback here because they don't have a lot of options with areas have been swept out here from dig and you're generally looking for the leona varus combination onto somebody who's face checking or out of position and trying to burst them down if you can burst down one or two people then you open up your comeback opportunity of actually capitalizing into a meaningful objective but dignitas have no reason to give this opportunity to them and the teleports being available for both split pushers once again you gain control of the minion waves yeah tp advantage for both souls of dignitas as you mentioned in kobe is the top lane pressure is going well for yasui finn feels like he may have outscaled the matchup somewhat it's the mundu who has pressure down there sure fake god hits the w pops off the cask and you know eats that so there's no heal for finn but it's still the mundo who's got the lane pressure take some decent damage to the ezreal who is going for surreal dessert i think i actually like that one a lot based on the fact he's got to hit some front line and isn't in a lot of danger yasui going to be chained has to flash getting over the barren wall to stay alive walter did have what it took to get that kill so intelligent to make that one come through but now they're going to poke back and forth hey baron can be a cheeky setup here renekton pushing the bottom lane fake god's about to find himself a bot lane out of turret but acadian about to burn his zonia's hourglass to stay alive the chain could have meant to kill so now comes the tp flash done goodbye to wild turtle did not have his own flash to get away and if sue he's in for the second hole through his gone and finn could have chased down an assassin but what does it matter you are 2v5 yet again they kill everyone but the two bruisers then just walk away and start the baron yes sir guess what you chase too long and you open yourself up to teleport flanks then the assassins have a stun to work off of fake god easily nails that one and that is going to be dignitas baron well done baron secures in they it everywhere they can they put the control warts down process door in sight okay it's ours the dick baron is easily secured the red bull fare and buff is on the power play should include an infernal soul and quite possibly inhibitor or two as well the dignitas fans get to say the baron is coming home because dick baron is not the oldest meme in the lcs i love it there's the assassination well turtle now you see him now you don't and you silly follows it up with the kill on to pobelter akali level 16 here so r2 plenty of execute damage to finish that kill off they surgically remove the two carries continually fighting these fights around the front line through the front line is not how you want to do it and they just finish off both carries until they get the objective now your 1-3-1 is further bolstered by baron buff all that's left now is the march towards the base finn's sad you know mundo wishes he was one who could surgically remove anything but it's dignitas doing such a better job of it finding those incisions and getting rid of the big carries and yes look at the next one now 30 seconds on infernal soul clg i think correctly stepping up and trying for maybe a last stand here a turtle with flash up povelter the same maybe they could just find what they need but they're going to have to like bottom river guess what in the mid lane we go what kind of inhibitor you see digitized running a caravan with this wave everybody's just protecting the minions on the way up oh that is a bit speculative there by smoothie i don't like that one at all they were already grouped up what are you really getting off of katie to that one he'll zone is it worse so now that ultimate's on cooldown finn can walk up the turret's gone anyway just soul the dragon this one has already gone you get the wave cool you won't lose the nexus take the dragon take the reset go from there top lane by the way not in a great spot but also one thing that clg cannot answer they realize at the end okay indeed we will grab this dragon they will delay seoul fair enough but minute hip is gone and top waves going soon yeah they shouldn't stop there either uh you know top wave pushed in really quickly they still are gonna have the super minions arriving in about 20 seconds towards baron de piusui already opening up that mid lane so if they can they can actually time this look at the the beautiful timing mid lane already clear at the minion wave so that one gets inside hopes on a wave they've got the angle they know it's 5v4 they absolutely know it's 5v4 holder could tp at best but still four seconds of a channel first truck's gonna go down there's tv out to a minion broxah nearly dead finally teleports in but now without a turret there's no way you even defend the inhibitor why even burn the cooldown it's not going to change a single thing about the fight and out goes dignitas with two inhibitors down sure they delay seoul by five minutes but they just got a whole bunch more gold off four turret kills yeah and now they only have one clear path to finish it out very easily through the bottom side of the map no no kind of uh detour here for dignitas quick reset oh not quite enough for the death cap for you oh yeah he did there we go there is nice waiting around the little trickle of gold comes in sitting in the fountain and now freak you get to see akali in all of her glory seven stacks on the dark seal death cap completed rank two or rank three in the ultimate you're gonna see turtle go poof yeah to be fair uh renekton plus ezreal makes the same thing happen turtle is gonna be without his shell a lot gonna have to have a really good flash yeah which is you know one thing turtle's really well known for so i think he might get away with it but uh ace is looking good dignitas just shy of a 10 000 gold lead do a third item for wild turtle this roll this is in that doesn't feel too bad but even for good measure neo has hex drinker just in case pobelter somehow has the damage it's not gonna be enough here time for bot lane tier two baron buff is gone but that's okay the gold lead is gonna make this one happen anyway yes the top side super minions actually were pushed out a little ahead of time so there is some time here and neo not only does it get chunked down but hex drinker shield was proc two so he's actually in range uh uh well the red buffs have a really big deal though now that he's like past level 16 the rebec region's very very high it scales aggressively with character level uh and that's going to mean that he's full health for the next wave but turtle was actually an empowered cue with the w active away from just killing neo on like a third shot so there is some threat if the fight goes slowly enough yeah but as you say just back right off with the red buff no problem here for them they continue to whittle down and now finally you see the top double sack super minions made their way towards the base the middle ones are already on the nexus turret so you really have to take care of the garbage inside your base there we go get rid of the wards as well the gantas is going to go ahead and grab the rest of it as all of clg have retreated back to their base to hold their next droids alive it means they can walk up and get rid of all the defensive wars that clg had put down baron's up in a minute ten not sure they're going to need it digging house may just end the game before that comes up as neo puts the ulti down chunks off the wave they get that turret and now is it going to be a recall or is it a dedicated siege for bot lane the wave of clg is only so good they see leblanc top side you see he's still walking through mid-seas smoothie here as well now comes the attack on the trip with the half hp yes suey has respect the one v2 has a zony as i believe turret will go down until he's popped in after a bit low sun's gonna come through from smooth they're not gonna matter too much though fake out of the front heels back up going to be fine thanks for gorge drinker oh that is a lot of damage but usually only kills the clone now gotta be careful goes back into stealth looks for smoothie can't quite get that one either but now it's two of clg chunked out of the fight having to go back to the fountain and waiting for the region homeguard buff turned off for 10 seconds they're taking damage so wait for that one and now back they go final inhibitor is down barons up in 20 seconds toss make the call to run all the way back they are not ending the game here they're playing it more slowly letting minions knock down turrets there we go for nexus turret number one that is mini wave manicure correct and now one final recall to look for what the pings to be say baron yeah it's it's interesting because the inhibitor timer for mid is coming up in only 40 seconds but the lasting damage of all these double spawned super minions is going to be so much work for clg to take care of that time is still in dignitas favor and you can just go force them out to check around the baron and and you'll slowly and passively gain that extra momentum through the through their base because the super minions if left unattended will just retake that inhibitor when you have all three down it's enough to do it and all that dig have to do then is draw clg out onto the map and and the base cannot defend itself all right they walk up and say do you have wards yes you do okay we gotta sweep those they are gonna miss that one board of the brush though so theoretically some death brush angles are going to be dead that is a hero award for clg but it may not matter dignitas instead say screw the baron coin flip there's always a chance broxah gets the big steal so look dragon soul is basically uncontestable there's really no way clg stems of this one so we'll send acadia we'll send nia we'll claim that one okay just check it off the box i really don't you know mind that one i think it's actually a smart play just guarantee you've got it infernal solos in beautiful now baron set up this is the time where i would prefer a push to retake the exposed inhibitors because i think it's too risky to try and set up and flip a possible baron that is a comeback opportunity for clg so for digg they're they're actually making the choice to keep akali towards the bottom side split pushing with the teleports clg have their teleports though so there is a chance for dit for clg this is their chance they've got a hard commit to this doing the damage acadian taking a fair bit of damage they don't really want afro stuck inside the pit i think they wanted to be in a better location to maybe start up uh another team fight mundo going to be answering quality should actually work pretty well for mundo yeah you see i think it's too risky to do the band that's why i like just taking the exposed inhibitors again because one inhibitor is defendable if only one is down that is not nearly the the onslaught of pressure that you need to be able to force these decisions from clg and the two inhibitors being exposed actually give you a pretty good area to fight those fights from from ding toss they've got a long range for the isu and acadian to dive back and kill the carries once again they're pulling them out into the red jungle they want to force the battle with ward control right now it's okay blue trinket pops the only one clg has you should be waiting in the wings here comes the team fight holder dropped low could be dead here comes akali as well wild turtle dropped and executed down goes one digitizer wanted the team fight they have found it but can they kill dr mundo finn pops the oath big stun comes in blast plan to keep him in range finn stunned a second time and finally will drop took a while but they've got all the gold they need to get these kills digital will finally walk into the base they've got the minion waves to reinforce that they will claim this win the guitars get back to 518 to 18 13 to 4 in kills an 11 000 gold lead and a couple of final kills to secure it all in the end dignitas to a convincing victory over clg good attention to their champ select you know playing off the top side off the renekton into mundo early power diving it with the diana taking advantage pushing him in building up that minion wave snowballing it then with the rift herald on top of it getting this huge advantage for themselves and playing the map good focus here from dignitas and and well executed it's it definitely took a while but they cover each step and move it forward without any sort of chance of giving up these possible comeback plays to clg well good confidence builder for dignitas to come away with the win clg they did find themselves to win the opening of the week they took down tsm in what looked to be a week full of upsets and a lot of those did come through we had the three a week from flat quest had two wins out of uh golden guardians again the clg tsm went had looked good but sadly for clg have not been able to replicate the success we feel like we get glimmers there's the 3-0 week that started with 100 thieves win with the viacom like that looked good people were like is it time to believe have they crashed the code that fell off they started bc right they started this week beating tsm okay they cracked the code again playing more sort of normal-ish compositions right like no longer did it look quite so wild but unfortunately they have not been able to string together that kind of look yeah and and then this one starting out with a level one where you know walking right in giving first blood as ezreal got to start with tyr and doran's blade it is really disheartening you know way to start out a game too when it's one of the ones where you're like oh this is an attackable one we need everyone to be able to get into playoffs at the end of the year so hopefully they can you know keep spirits high for dig toss though you know racking up another one here they've gone through their own tumultuous split with the roster changes and do seem like they they've come into their own as far as how they want to execute yeah and they're close to locking playoffs by the way i believe around like 19 i don't know 20 wins i think locks playoffs about the number here and they're at 18. right so win two or three games with last round robin and you are into the top eight you're battling flyquest and immortals primarily for an upper bracket
Channel: EpicSkillshot - LoL VOD Library
Views: 19,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LoL, LCS, USA, 2021, League of Legends, epic, NA LCS, Season 11, S11, Summer, S11 LCS, LCS Summer, 11.13, lol esports, lolesports, lol esports vods, e-sports, league of legends, na lcs, epicskillshot, game, play, match, pro, lcs vods, lcs vod, full game, HD, 1080p, VOD, VODS, lol vods, na lcs vods, tsm, lcs, c9, lcs 2021, 2021 lcs, DIG vs CLG, CLG vs DIG, Counter Logic Gaming, CLG, Finn, Broxah, Pobelter, WildTurtle, Smoothie, Dignitas, DIG, FakeGod, Akaadian, Yusui, Neo, Aphromoo
Id: _soPv84JIGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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