Digital Twins via BIM CDE, IoT, PIM & AIM

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the broadcast is now starting all attendees are in listen-only mode I welcome to Nicodemus digital twin via BEM si de IOT Tim and a I am welcome to the presentation and thanks for your attendance today I'm bill king project development vice president at eco dumbest and Igor starkov co-founder and CEO of economists will be leading the presentation a few little items to address up front again thanks for everybody for attending the webinar and a lot of great interest I please right put any of your questions at the at the on the menu to the right and we'll get to those at the end of the presentation we will be recording the presentation also today and we'll be following up shortly after the presentation with any other specific questions you may have as well as a link to the recording so further ado I'd like to turn the today's digital twin via BIM over to eco Delmas over to ego or stock off Igor it's all yours thank you Bill hello everyone so we have lots of slides today I hope we're going to sit into one hour but yeah we'll try to answer your questions as well so please submit your questions first let's look at the agenda for today's webinar I will introduce economists to those who haven't heard about us before we will look at the definition of what digital twin is and what being CDE is what is common data environment is why is it critical look at some use cases then we'll turn over to standards for project information model stem and asset information models and why quality control is so important for developing those models then we also heard a lot over the past years about the organizations that want to support both traditional 2d based workflows that at the same time slowly migrate to them so we will explain how our solution can help with that a lot of the conversations right now going on about the single source of truth and integration of being with various other technologies databases software applications we will look at how beam can be integrated this project management computerized maid management systems computer-aided facility management enterprise resource planning as well as the hardware technologist popular topic is also mobile BIM deployment of BIM technology in the field so we'll show you some of the examples of how can it be done on tablets and smartphones what workflows can be covered and one of the important topics of today's presentation is integration within and out of things because that's what digital tween is about in a beam and IOT and how this can be helping with optimizing building performance and at the end one of the last few slides will be about point cloud laser scanning and using that in combination with them then we will go into questions and answers so first about the Adamas we've been around for eight nine years meteors Loski and I co-founded this company back in two thousand nine thousand ten and we were the first to take BIM to FM at that point digital tween was not yet I remain so we use the term beam to a frame or lifecycle them and for many years we were the only company who was doing that obviously the market is changing there are more companies coming into play but we were able to gather the best early adapters that clients in the several vertical industries we work extensively with the US government GSA Federal Reserve Pentagon army DHS VA terror as well as the commercial clients Google Disney if ever universities higher education clients Harvard USC Stanford and so every empirical industry by the way we it had a different entry point so for for example we recently started working with the water infrastructure facility about 30 years we never heard from them a couple of years ago we started working with industrial clients also for the first time airports is now one of the fastest growing sub industry for us so the technology the software has been developed all these years it's a great technology platform right now but even more important is the experience we acquired from all of these clients all right I'm not showing the logos of the architectural engineering construction companies who are our partners because we we partner with them quite a lot companies like Adkins aecom Parsons Jacobs et cetera on delivering these solutions to the end-users right so we are good friends with them we have complementary technology to their services and so if you are an AC firm reach out to us and we'll explain how we can help you out and so after this brief intro to academies I wanted to move on to the what is digital twin I took this from the Wikipedia page that described digital twin as the digital replica of physical assets but also the process is legal places systems devices and an important component of it is the integration with Internet of Things so just most of the people here on the call know wood beams dance were right so I think the easy to use formula would be digital tween is BIM + io TI I didn't come up with that it's just I think it's easy to imagine it like this right I also put in here a couple of slides from I think Deloitte and IBM how they see what digital tween is there are some other definitions doesn't really matter it is a virtual copy virtual representation that gives you some information about what's going on with the actual physical structure right and as an example I will show you the the digital twin for out one of our clients say it's a Sydney Opera House I assume most of you guys know this building so here with an economist we will just show how the guys are using it it's it's taken from the presentation upper house guys did themselves at the recent build conference in Australia right so here's the model so somebody the user is looking for this space g5 34 a it finds some systems related to that space finds a few spaces that have G 534 a in its name so here is that corridor now we look at all of the assets that belong to that corridor we look at the attributes of that space we look at the document that are associated with that space and we look at the issues or work orders associated with that space alright so we have a lot of different information about it and so let's say we want to move in so man in here right we remove this semi-transparency to look at the details in a bit more here I selected a lighting feature and look at the lighting feature properties all of these properties that have been extracted from the Revit model that the upper house maintained so I look at these attributes I see at the documents that are linked to that lighting fixture so I pull up the hope as you see like 50-year old drawing for this lighting schema and from here on I can also navigate go around and I noticed that there is some tag associated with the some box here so what is going on here I select this box and I see that there is an open issue right so what kind of issue there's a broken handle for this box all right so we will you know maybe handle it better next time now I walk down this corridor we are on the ground right now right it's below that top building we can go to the chiller room here most of you guys have seen chiller rooms like that before okay so this is just now now we go into the stage I turn on the layer with the chairs we can review what the chairs are or just what is cord down the corridor and going back outside this is what been provided the Opera House and now we can just take as an example one of the rooms here and navigate within this room and look at some of the objects so I see here there is a box what what is it is the second secondary heating water pump right and I I believe I have some data link to it from the sensors so I have some demo data set from my sensors associated with dogs' right so I can review how they've been performing this sensor so the data points can be linked to any object within the model okay so that's how we are looking and I'll talk about some other applications that Opera House is using where we will talk about integrations but this is just an example of a digital tween as we can see it can be used why would we need it right why would anybody need there are lots of different use cases that can be applied and bring the benefit to the end-user here's a case study I took some article I saw online about the London Airport I don't know which one but they had power supply issues some something happened with electrical system it failed it crashed their servers obviously nobody knew exactly what happened because 99.9% of people have the electrical system is defined as the piece of paper like here on the drawing right what can we do with it we can actually build a schema where the elements are still represented in 2d diagram that is easy to understand for the traditional mechanical engineers or electrical engineers but this schema is linked to the beam object so I can click here or this panel board and it will take me to the panel boards asset page where I can review it's in 3d beam or I can see it's real time a data point or I can just embed values from the sensors that are linked in real-time to the IOT bas sensors okay or another use case that happened in Moscow Airport where they had a small fire in the baggage sector in a smaller room but the smoke from it got into the main terminal and they had to shut down the terminal for the whole day so obviously the losses from just one day of 50 flights canceled could have covered the whole beam and GIS and sensors implementation for the whole airport right what what we could have done we could have identify which are the dampers that they automatically need to close or they need to code it manually by connecting these sensors and them okay another use case related to the client we had in the healthcare space what they did is they analyzed the time take it that they stand on let's say major plumbing leak if this and it if it's have or and plant utility shut down the way to do that using the BIM and IOT and GIS and some of the technologies integrated significantly less than the time they are standing right now so after a quite extensive calculation they have identified how much totally they can save in money but even more important be savings on the impact for the healthcare organization or some critical facilities like data centers it's not about the cost of the engineer it's about every minute cost tens of thousands of dollars right so so this kind of analysis and research shows the benefits for utilization of the technology like that and it's not just for the buildings right so here's some other examples of digital swings you can do that for the oil and gas refinery you can use it well like for bridges and highways you can use it for industrial facilities like factories process plants wastewater treatment plants so all different kinds of structures for this software doesn't even matter whether you deal with a kindergarten or a nuclear power plant it the matter of scale right so at least for our software other other benefits and ROI analysis you guys can read it's all available online publicly you can buy books like being facility managers or download this report from PwC this is a pretty fresh report from this year from March of 2018 published in the UK and it has lots of good numbers I like it because it really shows the value of them for the cyclist it's about four times more money you save and operational them during the designing construction even though everybody who talks about being primarily talks about design construction or the older reports from Ian are still useful so what is CDE now right we discussed it digital tween is great but how to get it right to get it you need to have an environment where you would assemble all the information related to this model right and you connect it to the sensors and everything else so CDE core common data environment is well known in UK and Europe because it's a part of the past 1192 standards but it's not that well known in the United States and some other parts of the world right so so CDE is their central repository we are also so the information is housed contents can be linked not just limited to the assets but also include the documentation graphical models and every pretty much everything ok so how I could almost is CD right so what do we do we actually participate into all of the phase we're lifecycle CD now there's a lot of CDs done that that exist for project right so as soon as project starts and finishes that that's that's all they do our city is lifecycle so we do participate in the design stages where we assemble the data collected validate the data and prepare to hand it over to construction in construction pretty much the same we check the model for developer for availability of information relevant to construction visualize it enable connect collecting information in the field and then prepare it to be passed over to the owners owners utilize that information for the use cases like I showed you earlier or for a couple of dozen of other use cases we can have a separate webinar just about the use case and then what is important that few people talk about is how the owners help to pass this information to the new design and construction team so they can continue dealing with facility model for the renovation project how they deal it how do they suppose to deal with that right so the facility model is what you are used for digital twin facility model is not just the result of one project it's all of the project that you have right typically it's created based on the record model and the record model is based on the design model updated to construction as build conditions and verified a lot of people in this industry call it LOD 500 or the level of development by frac which is the level 300 verified using LED 400 to get a very good record model so some of our clients I would say the most advanced clients are able to not just build one model but to maintain it throughout the life of the building so as you see in this example using a major favorite capability that everybody can use by the way these client specifically howard hughes medical have been able to maintain all of their existing and past projects as well in the single model so they can always go back and review when did we change this piece oh that was the 2007 transgenic Mouse web stamp laboratory that's how this information changed right so they have the complete history of the building and imagine the value of the building where you know everything that happens right is the same as when you get a car that and the seller gives you all of the oil change documentation and everything is clear what it what is going on you will get maybe five ten percent extra to add to the price of the car right the buildings as if nobody cares about and so definitely is valuable to have the historical information about it it definitely increases the cost of the building the price that your resale price here's the same facility one one interesting fact here is that this model was developed for the existing building it was not build from them from scratch this was done over their period of two three years they didn't rush it it was it was a background activity for the client but they were building this model as they had time as we were helping them with it so it's accomplished building as you can see curvy I don't think there was a single 90-degree angle here but all of them are pretty you know I have very highly accurate and all of these systems have been connected so what we're doing right now is connecting all of these Vav boxes beta that was calculated in Revit as supposed to run right we're linking it to Siemens Apogee bas and now we are seeing how it's supposed to run versus how it's actually running right now so the end user can analyze what they need to do with it right what kind of standards exist for all this work right we showed you the benefits and how it was to be built the standards that we like are primarily based on the UK 1192 standards that's where the definitions for asset information requirements come from as information model project information model its data um us maximum beam standard yeah I would say it's okay but nobody's following it I know because I was part of creating it it's a bunch of volunteers spent some time did it but obviously we didn't have a significant financial support that British guys had so so what what typically is important when you develop these information models what kind of requirements you need to define the asset types that are relevant to your use cases right what kind of attributes you want to collect what kind of document categories you have how you're going to be collecting this data how you can be preparing when this data is going to be collected not obviously we don't want to do this at the last minute right we want to do it throughout the whole thing in order to establish the quality control properly who is going to be collecting this data right it's not just oh that beam guy in the corner he needs to do it all it's impossible right if you need to collect the project information model correctly then you need to have a lot of people involved all right the best way to entry data is at the point of origination if it's the architectural data it needs to be entered by architects is it field data need to be answered by the field guys right there not just one single beam guy who will do it and where is data collected everybody likes Excel well of course Excel is free right but you spend more time and it can becoming more costly in the end then using a professional dedicated software for that so I will definitely recommend for those of you have seen the UK standards to review what the asset information requirements are aim 10 and what how they are all related right now let me show you some example of how these data is so being collected first of all yeah this is the this schema is what you've probably seen before this wedge schema is beam level 2 right now has been mandated in the UK everybody talks about level 3 but it hasn't been formalized yet so what we where we are right now is where the red line here is we are everybody is more or less comfortable with level 2 but don't know what to do with level 3 level 3 is actually going to be pretty interesting thing it's going to be at it it looked at as the integrated web services beam hub where all the application talk to each other in real time using web services we were doing this from the beginning so they're using web services and doing the integrations and collecting all data that's why we believe this is pretty much doable even now without waiting for the beam level tree to be formalized um so this is a good schema to show the Tim product information model and as an information model right so it starts in design go through construction into handover and then into operation maintenance and then start again right the good thing about the standards the ISO standard was just approved I believe in December of 2018 for ISO 1965 0-1 and - - - of the - of the sub sub sections of the standards have been approved the third one 1965 0-3 is now under development so 1965 zero is about the handover and 1965 0-3 is about operational use all the standard the ISO standard is based on the UK standard so it's pretty much the same as 1192 is just internationalized so if you are familiar with 1192 it's going to be easy for you to move to ISO 96 I hear so yeah so these standards are important because that's how the whole world is going to be doing the BIM and preparing digital twins so even if you're not based in the UK I would suggest you guys look at it in more details we like open standards because we were involved with them for a while some of you know that we were the first to be certified middleware and we were promoting Cobie quite actively we still promote it's just one of the toolkits that we work with so what what I would suggest also to think about is what's happening on most of the projects versus how it's supposed right so I showed you the examples of good digital twins but unfortunately that's not the reality right so reality is what we get on every so-called BIM project which are they are not really about information modeling they are all just about 2d deliverables really bad many conventions properties are missing systems nobody really seems to be interested in connecting systems the duplicate asset surface overlap occurs so we get really bad models a lot and sometimes we spent a month if not years to clean them up so what we suggest is before you start modeling establish a proper requirements establish no systems matrix establish naming conventions define all of the attributes define the QC procedures because otherwise all of these standards don't really mean the same okay what we see that it's not just because everybody is lazy it's just because a lot of times it's because the owners didn't specify anything there is no requirements when they don't ask for anything then the contractors and architects don't know what to provide okay the other thing is even if you use an advanced authoring environment like Revit or CAD or Bentley quite often you are not using it to full capacity you're still continue to draft in it because if the final result needs to be producing the 2d drawing then why do I care about the system's let's say right because think about the standards especially at least and it is that there is new types of job descriptions are being introduced like information managers so it's not just the class coordination guy like in the past right there are there are new types of employees that are focusing on the quality of the information information managers so we suggest to think about having these information managers which is across discipline position so they need to understand not just what the what the beam looks like but they also need to understand what the other applications involved what their data structures look like project management solutions CMMS and catherine other solutions right again think about the tools you're going to be using obviously if you use Excel you're going to be limiting but what Excel can do for you schedule delays might I always suggest to link the data collection activity to your construction schedule very few people do that they have all when we need to deliver that at substantial completion all right we'll do it maybe a month before it's supposed to be over or even after the fact sometime they say we have some clients say look my ass bills will be ready a month or two after the project is over then that's when we will start thinking about what we're going to give to the fan guys right so obviously it's going to delay it by a year because being definitely helps with data collection and extraction but it also introduces the complexity to the process so when we Cody was introduced first I remember we're doing presentation everybody was saying yeah you know because now we can collect data we can package it best faster and instead of a year which typically takes to hand it over to the owner it may take only a few minutes the challenge is those few minutes are is only the import collection of the data is still going to take a lot of time and now because it's been driven project people expect more than they expected in the past in the past you just only you know maybe collect basic information about chillers boilers and that would be fine right now everybody wants everything because they will I do see that in BIM so I want it right so how can we help we can help with the performing automatic quality control for the asset information requirements and here's how we can do that this is an example has it information requirements from the US Department of Veterans Affairs and I was participating in developing them a few years ago you see here the list of asset types that the client the owner wants and here we see the list of fields that the client wants to collect right for those asset types within economists we can actually establish the similar schema we can define the structure of the disciplines and categories required and we can define the list of the fields that the customer cares about what are the standard naming for those fields right then we can build a structure where we map required fields to required categories let's say for pumps we need this field for valves we need these skills and these fields will be shown on the interface when you collect that data let's say I have extracted data from a model I see my ball valve I see the generic fields needed and I see valve specific field near so I'm not looking for at 150 different Revit beam object files that have been from the beam library and figuring out which ones I need to postulate which I dot then we can define the requirements for different stages let's say for the as-built stage we specify that for pumps we need this field as mandatory and for valve it is needs some other fields mandatory right we can also establish the ranges of acceptable values list of acceptable options or some other values are predefined within the fields we can also define what documents are needed for different types of equipment all of it can be set up in the configuration and then we run our quality control and we understand what is it that we're missing right so let's say here in this specific example we see that our valve is missing these three fields and those two documents it's easy to fix you can select your documents and just drag them into the application here and it will upload those documents and the documents will not be also missing so it's not like in solutely where you need to republish the IFC file then somebody fixes the original model then republish is the file then somebody back and forth back and forth the same system used for both data collection and for quality control okay now the other thing that I do like is building a custom save queries or we call them filters you can define a criteria for any attribute for any type of your entity within the model let's say for systems for types for components for spaces you can use the standard attributes to build formulas and save those formulas let's say your doors need to start with dr dash and then some number let's adjust formula that developed him saved and everybody can be used here's an example how we can do that let's say we have here a bunch of various filters right the first field that I open called Vav that cost more than $200 the name contains Vav Purchase cost greater than 200 vamps I found 15 and types of bees actually components V bees that satisfy that condition or patents that are commissioned in January 2018 filtering and I found it I can do I can use the same filters in the viewer so I can use that so that the viewer I'll select the filter all the Avs cost and Multan 200 then I see all of this Vav 15 of them right and I can I also to see them more clearly I change my opacity in my viewer a little bit so they are more distinct right and then I investigate individual ones so ok this Vav is V V 1 1 0 3 and I see its properties attributed Sara I thought I can navigate through the list so like this V V 1 1 20 and find it in the model ok the same way I can go into my commissioned in January 2018 filter and it finds me objects that have been commissioned in January 2018 so like this boiler and I look at this boiler properties and investigate it further ok so in order to ensure that we suggest definitely having the proper language in your contractual agreements and requirements we do have a few templates that we can share they are not academy specific so if you having a desire to move into this direction and want to improve your data collection and implementation technologies we can share this with you so how do we help first of all we obviously explain how to create models that are useful and not just a fancy and have a good 2d drawings but those that have proper data sets we provide the technology to ensure those data set our that is fine the conditions we optimize the work of multiple contractors and subcontractors so you can extract only the section related to mechanical subs or only to electrical subs and make sure that they are entering the right data you have the means to exchange the communicate with them about the missing attributes and making sure that they understand what needs to be fixed and we also provide different type different ways of data entry so online app is one way but you can also provide them with the mobile tools like iPad and smartphones or you can even if they say no way I can do anything except where in Excel that doable as well you can extract the excel file from the federated database update that excel file and re-import it again so now let's look at the traditional 2d workflows because even though it's not really about being how we use how we typically look at it right we still have to deal with the 2d documents and files and understand how to manage it fortunately we have a fully electronic document management system built in the economics where every file is being tracked with the metadata and you can customize what kind of metadata is developed we have the ability to publish files from Revit that synchronizes your navigation in both 2d and 3d in the split-screen fashion so as you navigate in 3ds your cursor is moving onto duty we have the redline markup capability to mark up your typical PDF DWG DG ends and attach those markups to issues and manage those issues we have check and check out a versioning of the documents like here's an example of redlining you drag your document it's uploaded here you turn on the editing here zoom in select the thickness colors for your markups let's say let's do it in green let's do it in purple or pink all right and then we can create an issue and it will be tracked as an issue or we can do the PDF tags this is not obviously not the something innovative but it's people what's something that people do like to do it you know select a PDF file and then you can place a tag on it and link that tag to either and beem beem component or a space from the model or to an issue and then next time you can jump from here from the tag to the acid profile page to the component profile page okay customizable workflows we have the business process builder so you can define unlimited number of different workflows related to your documents issues and inspections so these are draggable boxes that where you define what happens when a document goes from work-in-progress to the shared state or from shared state to published or from publish to archive which is a typical path 1192 workflow but you can customize it any way you like we can also define our remaining so as the files are being uploaded into this folder you can define by folder what are the appropriate main will be based on the metadata based on the auto name template fields you can also use this for not just for 2d issues management but also for the 3d issues management and 3d issues management can be used for the vectorized information that you publish from the 3d beam or you can use it for the point clouds we support file format like last 57 IP TX pts so what you see here is the point cloud loaded and for both of them you can create issues and Travis like for give you an example of how you can create issues let's say you navigate here in your model so let this fan you can see the fan properties if needed but in this case I just want to assign something to the sensor by the way you see the fan is selected this space is selected so I'm saying fan is not working it worked in the morning then bang and it stopped working and I can assign a priority and assign the person who needs to work on it and I just created an issue right the good thing here is first of all the issue is linked to this object and second is I can take a snapshot it takes it automatically I can mark up this snapshot right and I can attach that snapshot now to this issue I can add a comment because that's what one we standardized I will just mention requires so now you have you seen you have the you marked up issue associate a markup at any issue then what you can do is you can select a bunch of issues and export them as VCF file for those of you who don't know bc f stands for beam collaboration format you see it generated my VCF file and b CF is supported by other applications like mattis works delivery and a few others so you can exchange your issues with the other application now let's talk about integrations that's the complex light I I understand it's a lot of people but I want to explain it a lot of attempts have been in the past about integrating something which done something else like maximal with Johnson Controls or procore with BIM or to try rego with Revit except we looked at it a bit how we look at especially from the different angle we look at when BLB lowest common denominator you guys know from the math it's something that is relevant to everything right to all of the ratios because beam is so detailed it now enabled to become this schema for integrating of the technologies that in the past had to be point two point integration right so we take the data let's say from the geometry authoring applications people call it beam application I don't like code because they don't really do anything with information modeling they primarily do geometry modeling we take that in data geometry data collected integrated with the other sources of data let's say with project management tools or SEMS catherine tools or with the center's from the scalia or bas electronic document management systems erp systems increasingly recently we see a lot of potential integrations started happening with other technologies new technologies like drones so we're doing right now a pilot project with the indoor navigation drone based on the beam and we do into a space map in terror we are now doing vibration sensor integration integration CCT the video streaming augmented reality everybody is asking us about AI even though nobody's going to do it but everybody has to ask predictive maintenance there so there's so many opportunities here that you know the head is spinning but it's doable my personal feeling is that technology is now far ahead of what humans can absorb so I would suggest we look carefully first in terms of what we want to implement versus what is doable because everything is doable now the eye is everything it's just it to be careful when I'm asked about some advanced civilization advanced integration if it first try to learn how to name your assets properly and how to store your files correct then let's talk about artificial intelligence because artificial intelligence will not do it for you so here's an example of the integrations we're doing that uppercut right now this is the we dip integrations with the asset register with the work order management system with engineering drawing system with the custom database of whom the doors we use the Revit models there is integration with content management system and now doing the integration well just an example what we like what we don't like about integrations with other applications we like integrating using the API is especially API or the other package we have our own API which is read based we don't like integration using the files especially using the plugins that like for example the popular code be free copy toolkit for Revit it's nothing bad about it it's just not there not the best technology for doing it because it's a one-way upload of data and usually the model it rarely is in good could you know state or condition to be extracting data anyway we typically when we do the integrations we do data field mapping we do bi-directional integrations all the time we can embed links that are opening our application in the viewer straight away let's say you are in maximum at the profile page of Aaron one so you click on the page and it takes you straight into the AC one viewer with an economics okay if here's another example of integration with Primavera unifier it's project management toolkit as well as the facility management toolkit so let's say you have your Revit model here rabbit has our bean connector plug-in which helps you to select the data from the model which data you want to extract obviously you don't want to let's say extract annotation right so you select what asset you want to extract and send them from Revit into Adamas database you publish the 3d geometry from here into Adamo's right and now you have the virtual copy inside of the kadam's from here on you can publish it downstream to the other applications right here's your AC unit these are the properties and now we are in unifier so we can populate unifier assets using this integration or we can also exchange data with unifier project controls a unifier also deals with both projects and the facilities right so we can exchange the submittals and we can build the asset register within unifier as this middle registries base B is based on the bean types or each time a subcontractor upload the document inside of the unifier now we can see that linked automatically to the beam entity so when we extract the data nobody needs to manually associate assets and documents here we generate Cobie file here and the submittals are linked to the assets BBS integration also popular topic recently here's an example of what we did in the past and I'll show you what we doing right now let's say here we go into the campus this is the Google building here right so we look at the satellite for you see those air conditioning units here right and now let's go to that profile page within economist right we see that facility some basic data documents related to that facility now let's look at that facility in the viewer and here is that the same facility now with them and from here we can jump into individual location let's say we go into the kitchen and now we navigate here within this kitchen okay so we went from the bird eye view down to the coffee maker view we also started supporting city GML because more and more customers talk about the cities we have a couple of clients that see it is not just individual buildings so we started putting city GML and indoor GML which are open standards from the open geospatial consortium or GC so here is the campus of the university of southern california done in CT GML as you see these buildings are just led100 level buildings just the basic information about it like total square footage over there but we can within city GML we can define also the four properties or building properties or individual four properties and from here you can so-called explode the model to navigating to fully load if I've added them by the way this building that you see this is the School of Cinematic Arts our first project ever with the USC eight nine years ago which was the picture that you saw on my front page where I was introducing the company so now let's move quickly to BIM on mobile we have only ten minutes left so a quick screen shot of the iPad application we have a kendama mobile or iPad you can scan QR barcodes or use RFID find assets review their attributes or edit those attributes you can have access to your documents with supporters the folders and the document views and markups you can create and manage issues related to some objects fill out the forms you can create custom online forms and then use them on an iPad you can schedule inspections online and use them feel them out using the forms on an iPad here's a quick video of your navigation within an iPad let's say here is a concrete inspection right we go into the same building and let's say we have some concrete slab in front of the building that has some challenge all right so here is that slab and we create a work with a crack in concrete take a photo attach the photo to it and now we're done right similar approach we can use on smartphones we support Android and iPhone here is an airport and so it's a airport in Saudi Arabia so I can select an object here see its properties change the properties or create a work order for that let's say it hasn't been installed correctly okay in other things quickly about it everybody talks about Internet of Things but few people define what things they are trying to connect using sensors our approach is exactly describing those things right that's what beam is so every thing in the model is what we collect information about and then we connect it to the other things to the other sensors here's an example from Switzerland it's a Research Institute Neff step so let's say we find some apple here and I see that asset in my model but I also have the information for this asset collected over the period of time so I can review my data points here and build some analysis solution around those data points compare them you don't have to have the 3d for that by the way you see the same information is available if you don't have it 3d you can also link your data to the P&ID diagrams or piping and Instrumentation diagram so the beam and 2d can be interconnected the same client math Tempah here is the traditional 2d draw and I've embedded into this drawing some values from the real-time sensor or I can link some of the sections of the diagram to the beam object so I just jumped from that 2d to the acid profile page and now I say show me that asset in 3d and here's my asset in 3d okay I can also it's pretty easy set up set up these integrations so let's say you have this bas data points so yeah that's pretty much what you do you select which data points from your connection you want to use for this asset and now this chiller five is linked to the building controls and then you open the diagram builder diagram build a look like if I click Visia right so you can drop some box onto the diagram and say this diagram is linked to that asset and now your diagram shows this asset in there so it's pretty simple okay quickly about laser scanning we support it I mentioned earlier a 57 and last we also worked with Leica supporting the true views it's we can tag assets within the true use so you can click on this red dot and it will pull up the values for this asset that you specified here's some some of the use cases potential use cases let's say you have your work orders let's say pump that by making some noises smelly so you jump to the pub profile and then you're saying well show me that pump in my viewer and it will load that true view and we'll find within the true view where that pump is located so you can identify this pump right and pull up its properties and also in addition properties you can see document so all that information is going to be available to okay now we go into questions and answers again my contact info builds contact info you can read more about us at the books I mentioned one of them already being posted so it managed this there is a four year old book this book was published about three months ago being handbook most of you knowledge so this is the number one book in the industry three out of eleven case studies are from our projects Howard Hughes Stanford and Medina Airport are covered right here now let's look at what we have in terms of the questions can vendors upload a bill of materials and parts 3d data into the model data yes we we can upload any kind of attribute into the model it's the types of properties are extendable and it customizable so you can use let's say cost data or schedule data if this can be all assigned to a knobbed so for digital tween did they used to be scanning actually they did they had the laser scanning was I think was gifted to them by either like or somebody else because they are considered as the UNESCO heritage or something like that so they got red laser scanning for free well that's again I'm not sure but they did use laser scanning to verify the model okay well digital integrate with VMs or is it a separate package I was showing you today it could almost we can call this digital twin or we could call it any way you like it is integrated with be a mess but ours or is our software so it's a separate package are we using digital signature not sure what digital signature is there are definitions of signatures related to let's say in building navigation kind of environments like a kiosks etc you can build an object that is not the traditional let's say model object in Revit and inserted into our environment let's say again these kiosks or no video cameras people usually don't model them but they can be incorporated within the viewer and they can be associated with the attributes if the data feed intagram is dynamic it depends on the integration so some integrations are dynamic some of them are batch mode right so you can specify let's say this data every five minutes need to be updated these data should be updated every once a day right so that and some of the building controls are every 30 seconds right LOD what is the level of development of the model the columns whatever Model View import is going to be presented like so if you import LOD 100 model you will see they already 100 model if you will device 500 it will be already 500 rough order of magnitudes cost so we have some our software is has a standard retail price we can share with you our price list by email most of the implementations are slightly different from one project to another so we need to look at the scope of work like what would what do we integrate with whether it's just the default functionality that we have off-the-shelf or you need to do something additional to what we already have what kind of training number of users so that's all the factor when we develop the pricing [Music] when using 3d scans with the kadam's can you see use the point cloud similar to your ever generated 3d model when we import 3d scans we pretty much show 3d scans we can merge that model will the Revit produced model in the same window but usually the results look ugly because you overlay too much and it's difficult to see the claw at the scan or we can use this split screen you know in one window you show the 3d scan in a to it you show the rabbit produced model so I find it a bit more interesting best in the ration point for digital twins design on core ownership when do we need to start my suggestion is that start at any point in time because you can do it even for the building that is 50 years old I showed you a couple of examples or you can obviously if you start from if you start for a new building you have more opportunities to do it cheaper than if you do it for the older building when they need to pull up all of the old drawings and old documents and find it which is you know sometimes it's not available right is it only compatible with the Revit no I mean we support ifcs we did projects with Bentley which Tecla so it's just the rabbit has so far the best api and it's used by 90% of the projects but we also worked with PDMS for example we support Navisworks integrations can what else is here naming and layering conventions in version control are all defined by industry or other zinc atoms its defined by the users because we support we are present in so many different countries and every country has its own obviously on standards I would say mean in Germany or past 1192 in the UK and nothing else in most of the Asian countries so it's defined by the users that can be reused from project to project covers it is federated model we bring the economics which model separately we can publish models for each of the individual building and then merge them with a mcadams or we can merge them first and them being the federated model let me see what else is here we developed our first share your thoughts and your elf here connect there's other connectors with third-party CMMS part of the license or is it service based we some of the applications we already have developed integrations so it's easier let's say with famous or Maxima or with the curry go we've done one or two or more integration so it's easy to reuse there it's cheaper than building something from scratch for something we never touched before are the integrations with solutely possible yes using VCS because both Libra and economic support this year are there any ability to drop objects say from a catalog into the scene that's something I actually just defined a couple a few minutes ago we can add extra objects that are not model typically let's say sensors or video cameras or something else and then they will appear in the viewer with a Nicodemus but even though they are not present in the original model I think we run out of time so I appreciate you all guys we are available for your additional questions and I'm stopping recording
Channel: TheEcoDomus
Views: 18,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Digital Twin, BIM, BIM FM, BIM CDE
Id: WjJWzb4J-bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 45sec (3585 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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