Digital Twin and its use in sustainable development.

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so this session focuses on our rapidly developing digital world and the benefits of utilizing digital twins to solve growing business challenges digital twins create relationships and streamline workflows by improving business processes optimizing operational intelligence reducing risk and enhancing decision making so Hopton over to you good morning everyone good morning to those in webinar land um to each and everyone a pleasant morning um it gives me great pleasure thank you for that introduction Phillip and um just want to also welcome you all to the 2024 series of webinar so as Philip mentioned my name is HT and Fergus I am the vice president of strategic solution at spatial Innovations limited today we'll be talking about using digital twin in sustainable development so the agenda is we'll look at what is a digital twin and also look at why use digital twin in sustainable development look at um artj in Transforming Our World through digital twin and gaining sustainable development um we'll also look at an example or some examples of digital twin one with Grenada and the other with um Jamaica but before we move ahead I just want to hear from our audience which country are you from so we have a poll and in the poll we'll just ask you to just respond as to which country you are from e so giving you another minute to respond to the question which country are you from e all right so we're about to end the poll if you have hand answered as yet please put your answer in and also please let us know if you're seeing the screen and the poll and you can put that in the chat e so if you have if you have if you have answered the question which country you're from okay and the second question is have you ever heard of digital twin and I recognize that everyone has heard of digital twin one way or the other very good so I have a very um Right audience so back to our agenda good so today we'll be um looking at um these what is digital twin why digital twin in sustainable development art J is Transforming Our World and um two examples of the digital twin creation so let us look at what is a digital twin a digital a digital twin are digital twins are virtual representation of the real world including physical objects processes relationships and behaviors J creates digital twins from the natural and build environment and uniquely integrate many types of different models so to further explain what digital twins are let us take a look at this [Music] video a digital twin is a digital or virtual copy of the physical asset or products the term digital twin was originally coined by Dr Michael Greaves in 2002 NASA was one of the first to use the technology for a space exploration mission digital twin connects the real and Virtual Worlds by collecting realtime data from the installed sensors the collected data is either locally decentralized or centrally stored in the clouds the data is then evaluated and simulated in Virtual copy of assets after receiving the information from the simulation the parameters are applied to real assets this integration of data in real and virtual representations help in optimizing the performance of rail asset digital twins can be used in various Industries the manufacturing [Music] industry construction [Music] industry the utility [Music] industry and Health [Music] Care digital twins are the next big thing in the for industrial revolution for the development of new products and [Music] processes all right so that give us a good idea better idea as as to what digital twins are now the question is why digital twin for sustainable development let us look at another video that explains to us why digital twin urban populations are growing at a rapid Pace globally people are migrating to cities and this trend is expected to double by 2050 how do cities keep pace to better serve this growing population you need a digital twin Urban digital twins provide cities with unprecedented insights and actionable information they're digital providing a virtual model via aerial imagery lar and [Music] more they're connected complete with realtime data exchange between systems and devices they're intelligent leveraging AI simula and analytics to identify potential problems and informed decision making make your city more livable safe and sustainable with an urban digital twin from right Urban so it's very important that we all have our digital twin for sustainable development as we have a growing population right around the world did you know that rjs platform is a very powerful tool in sustainable development through digital twins so in looking at the rjs platform it is used to create sustainable development through digital twins digital twins are abstracting and modeling everything from the local landscape we have the land information model our terrain and the natural environment buildings we have the BM the building information model which facilities structures the indoors we have the network through the network information model showing the utility pipelines roads and highways so there is also the city information model to Smart cities and City Planning the integrated digital twin is interconnecting content behavior and workflow it's impacting design and engineering and smart cities natural resources Asset Management sustainability through BM liim cim and Nim it is enhancing business processes communication decision making and also collaboration GIS is also interconnecting and integrated by creating relationships with streaming workflow it captures and integrate data visualizing real real time predict analyze share and collaborate data capture integration and management looks at data types such as 3D objects liar data mesh Extrusion while data model can be in the form of 2D and three dimension Bim allowing integration and management Dynamic visual ization models enhance realtime awareness and decision making through Visual visual Trends interactive uh slice and datadriven 3D GIS creates capabilities such as dashboards and Reporting and realtime iot integration insights and analytics and advanced visualization then we have G providing insights for future outcomes by transforming digital workflow this is done through classification machine learning AI modeling and predictive modeling and finally sharing and collaboration through GIS in engaging the community this enables better communication and engagement through website events and citizens collaboration so digital twin has become so necessary necessary over the years as it drives down the high cost of recurring updates increase efficiency sustainability accountability and transparency and simplifies communication at this point would would like to take a look and a visual Journey brada Through The Eyes of digital twin now just to give you a synopsis the project in creating this digital twin is a collaboration with Grenada Central Statistics Office the Ministry of Agriculture and Grenada um and also ezri now we may all know that Grenada is a very beautiful island which is made up of several other small islands with a total area of 348.50 kilometers Square it is a great place for agriculture known as the Spice Island and tourism however it is also known for its natural disasters so relax and take a tour of Grenada through their digital twin [Music] let's fly into Grenada and interact with both the original sensor data and the derived GIS content that makes up the 3D digital twin of the island the initial elements are aerial imagery and the elevation surface plus the dense lighter Point cloud content being shown on top of it this data all came from the recently acquired aerial survey for the island and it serves as a foundation for grenada's 3D Bas map light up points look realistic when showing the captured RGB colors but they become more powerful when they are classified into the type of objects that they've hit be that vegetation building or power line with classified light GIS features can be extracted from the point Cloud individual buildings can be identified and assigned an address and an owner as well as an estimated location and size of trees and then these can be used to plan for a more resilient future for example we can Model A 4 met storm surge and see what it might do to infrastructure a virtual world can be used to model and analyze real world problems before they happen analysis can be run on the derived elevation surface from the point clouds to detect potential hazards such as Landslide areas as we fly along and see where landslides are more likely to occur the 3D base map helps us understand the potential risk to people and property and such analysis can be scaled out for the entirety of the island the same is true for flooding Potential from rivers and waterways knowing where they are how they could spread out in a flooding situ ation and what buildings and power lines could be impacted helps with better planning and risk management tourism too can be served by highlighting hidden gems like Grand eang Lake a digital twin model connected with the expertise of people who understand what potential disasters and planning challenges the island faces allows the nation of Grenada to plan for its future in the best way possible [Music] okay so that's the digital twin of Grenada it looks like so much fun eh all right at this point we will also take a look at a project that's been done in West Mand Jamaica and this project requires a digital twin creation so this is the blue Fields West Milan Jamaica and the project name of the project is the blue Fields climate smart and resilience settlement and this this project is executed by spatial innovision it's um co-funded by the European Union the oacp and the O oacs research and um Innovation it's administrated by the University of the West Indies Sida and um Anon demom University in Surinam so in just to introduce um you know what's happening climate change as we all know has been producing alteration in the way in which human settlements interact with natural environment the rising sea level the greater intensity of hurricanes and a longer duration of the dry season compared to the wet the wet season are phenomenal that directly affect the Coastal Community of the cariban and in particular blue fields in the case of this project so just a background on the Bluefields area the community of Bluefield is a typical small coastal settlement located in Parish of Westman West Morland Southwest of Jamaica population of blue Fields is little under 4,000 um persons and of course an average um age of 31 years old the Bluefields um Community is a fishing community and it is susceptable to Natural Hazard typical to Jamaica and the Caribbean and our world the impact of some of these natural Hazard is damaged to some of um the homes and infrastructure due to Hurricane flooding tropical storm and heavy rains economic of marine and Marine activities are also disrupted by both natural and manmade hazards depleting the marine fish stocks and and decline in fish habitats and environmental degradation and increase in pollution levels the community of Bluefield has organized itself to develop protective strategies for its locality with the support of the Jamaican authorities and other stakeholders a matter of fact it has been um it is known as the best community as won the best community um practice in Jamaica so the objective of this project is to develop Bluefield as a climate smart and resilient Coastal settlement and this requires integrated approach greater approach utilizing knowledge skills and resources from citizens and from the government agencies and private institution so objective number one is to develop a community/ settlement riskmanagement platform then to integrate stakeholders and promote sustain sustainable Coastal development objective number two is to design and build a digital twin of blue fields to analyze predict and respond to climate change and natural Hazard so the methodology is to look at previous work do research um in the area of Bluefield in the community of Bluefield um following meetings and workshops with citizens and different stakeholders to gather information then to design the digital twin platform um design also and develop system to engage the community after which we update the digital twin with the information um collected from this engagement platform also to develop policy recommendations for improving National legal and policy framework and finally to conduct trainings and workshops with the development and planning agencies and citizens of blue Fields so the expected output of this project is one digital and regionally replicable model developed to predict climate at natural hazard in impacts and support evidence-based decision making for Coastal settlements two engagement of government entities Coastal communities stakeholders and research institutions so engage to co-develop policy recommendations for improving National legal and policy Frameworks for Coastal settlement planning and management local applicable that's the third um out put a local applicable digital risk monitoring Innovations for Coastal development agencies and local communities Target groups are citizens of blue Fields government agencies private institutions and those who will be benefiting from it will be the citizens of blue Fields development and planning agencies private institution government entities and academics so that's what the blue Fields project is about the blue Fields climate smart and resilient um settlement and this is in Jamaica and this project is done by spatial innovation in terms of the design the deed and the implementation and this project is also a part of a bigger project which is harnessing Innovative Technologies to support resilient settlement and the coastal zone of the Caribbean in short we call it hit reset Caribbean and of course the funding and implementing organization as we have seen as we have mentioned before the University of the West Indies Seda and andc University in Surinam and co-funded by the EU and the oacp so let us do a quick recap of what was discussed before and after which we move on to the question and answer so first of all a digital twin is a virtual representation of the real world including physical objects processes relationships and behaviors and J allows us to create a digital twin both the natural and the built environment and the reason for digital twin is to meet the growing needs of the urbanization through land land use optimization replicate replicate design smart mapping simulation model Mobility sorry and monitor climate change build permit building permits zoning and environmental compliance and the list goes on so J is very important in inter in in creating digital twins um so it is used for data capture real time visualization analyze predict share and also to collaborate uh so this is the end of my presentation and um I just want to thank each and everyone as we move into the question and answer um I have the first question for everyone and you can type in the poll what you have learned today one and two if you are interested in having a digital twin in your organization e yes is all right so we have the result of the question and um um 88% would like a digital twin and 133% responded right so I hope you have learned something new and the digital twin and at this point we'll have question and answer yes so rck ask are you hear me now so Rick is asking for the Grenada case is the electricity Water Authority and Telco infrastructure um included in it so you wants to know that um in terms of the the the the companies that would be a no but in terms of the um utilities or what is represented um as we have seen from the liar data um we have extracted um the utility polls and and lines so in that case it's a yes but in terms of the involvement of the different utility companies that would be know any more questions so he also wants to know so what about water and Telco would that also be included or would that also have not so water and Telco that can easily be included in your a matter of fact just just to step back a bit the digital twin is a representation so it can be included almost anything can be included that you want to represent on the you know on the Earth or whereever the beauty of digital twin is that it does a lot more than just um showing objects on the ground it also um provides additional information um whatever you want to call it 3D 4D 5D um it gives information as it relates to you know properties of a particular utility and so on it's it's just a way of pulling all the information together to make more meaningful decisions so as it relates to a digital twin the answer would be yes those can be included all right so question that is being asked is how do you integrate the twin into the Enterprise and integrate across multiple organizations um other question is how would one party get access to the twin info for the related work all right great questions so first of first of all how you integrate the twin into the various platform and um how you share that's one of the beauty of um GIS the rjs platform allows you to share right across different um whether it be rjs online into prize you can actually share information not only within your organization but outside of of your organization so that is something that um the platform allows um so they answer to that would be yes it allows the sharing and collaboration with other agencies and what was the other question and the other question was how would one party get access to the twin info for related work okay and if you're speaking specifically to to um to the digital twin being developed then you can just simply uh contact me um if you see on the screen you'll see my information and we can make arrangement for you to get the digital train information all right so Brian wants to know um what LOD is expected for the blue Fields project uh Brian could you just please clarify that for us okay great so in terms of the level of detail um it it is it is this this is um let me see how best to explain this so this is like a pilot project it will not have all the components that would have wanted to be in it because of the the time restriction um both time and finance however in terms of level of detail um we would be doing a a drone flight and that would be pretty much detailed drone flight to to pick up the terrain and the Terra and that will be created um created uh that will be used to create the digital twin um then we will also have engagement from the planning agencies and the local community so that it will improve the planning process in terms of visibility um and also information sharing so it the the project the blue Fields project in particular would be based mostly on the the urg most urgent need of the community and um that will be picked up from the survey that's done with the blue Fields Community I I hope I hope that answers um your question and we can talk more about it well Nik to wants to know um in terms of the learning curve so how is the learning curve for using the various models um example M cim Etc in making the digital TN intelligent all right so um that's the beauty of um the rjs platform it integrates with different um uh data set um um different platforms and you know from that you can pull information and create um different um scenarios and so on so in terms of the learning curve um and it all depends on their exposure some who would have been exposed to some of these already learning curve would not be so steep but if you a newb then you would have a steeper learning curve um however the artj platform simplifies or make it as simple as possible for persons to to do and and also just just to respond again um Nikita we can also provide you with um information um on this so at least you can have a better understanding as to you know how you'd like to proceed so we we have information in house and digital twin um that we can provide to you all right so seeing that we're not seeing well seeing that I'm not seeing any more questions um I would like to thank you all for joining us today Hopton we also want to thank you for um your in-depth presentation and your explanations um so do have yourself a great day and a great rest of your week if you have any other questions you can feel free to send Hopton an email atvp geospatial spatial thank you thank you everyone for
Channel: Spatial Innovision
Views: 22
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Id: bpj-KHHuOQQ
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Length: 37min 43sec (2263 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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