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6 2 3 9 two plus plus six yesterday sorry sorry 10 plus and 20 20 plus six is 26 26 and 90 two plus six two plus six seven eight distill some eight cup of tea questions 876 into 67 minus 674 into 36 1 plus 3 1 plus 3 cover t 4 minus cover t minus say you guys only 6 plus 4 chest 10 10 plus 7 is 17 17 and 10 1 plus seven one plus seven carbohydrates only three plus six journey ninety one plus six one plus six seven seven seven carbohydrate answers eight three times sixty twenty four twenty four plus three twenty seven twenty seventy two plus seven two plus seventy two and three digital some three once in a couple of times one day seven plus two which is nine training six plus six is twelve twelve plus eight is twenty twenty plus by twenty five twenty five to two plus five seven digital some seventy covered either wrong answering any 56 into twenty four in the country off and twenty four cup of tea in left right hand side of the left hand sir twenty four into eighty nothing foreign 24 fourteen plus six is a twenty twenty plus one this is a twenty one twenty one and a two plus one two plus one covered two plus six one plus six six seven 7878 85410 plus 36085 65 65 plus three say 68 68 by 5 into 693 divided by 350 equal to 1 by 3 of 5 by 7 of 147 divided by 175 of question mark question mark search only actually 693 divided by 350 is equal to 1 by three into five by seven into 147 divided by 175 into question mark okay you put in simplify i'm fine sorry five items is twenty five okay now so thirty five times canceling the next challenge sorry twenty one um three low end times canceling the seven times canceling thirty five or seven times cancelling the five times canceling the market is 36 into 1.75 456 divided by 24 into 38 minus 958 plus 364 equal to question first in division operation division operation 456 point seven 676.76 plus one two three seven point eight seven plus eight ninety seven point thirty four three four minus question mark is equal to one two nine four point two five your money foreign five hundred minus twenty five percent of question mark is equal to one six four zero monkey question mark values only a percentage double zero zero digital summary concept news bye you
Channel: Chandan Logics
Views: 70,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ibps, simplification, simplification tricks, ibps rrb, ibps rrb clerk, ibps rrb clerk 2020, rrb, rrb clerk, rrb ckerk 2020, ibps rrb 2020, ibps rrb maths, maths, maths tricks, simplification basic concepts, best questions of simplification, chandan logics, chandan sir classes, cl, simplification by chandan venna, simplifications ibps, digital sum method, DIGITAL SUM TRICKS, MATHS TRICKS, SIMPLIFICATIONS TRICKS, calculation tricks, calculation tricks in maths
Id: otr3bUTdhnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 34sec (3514 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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