University Furnishings - College Dormitory And Student Housing Furniture Manufacturers

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whether they're going to sink in and relax in the country or plug in and philosophize downtown we can help when your residents move in they're only going to see the space you've created for them building amenities beds and nightstands coffee tables and sofas what they're not gonna see is the mountain of work that went into getting it just right amount of work yes but not for you pew when you work with university furnishings we make the process as smooth simple and hassle-free as possible so get comfortable we have an extensive catalog of options to choose from and we'll help you find the perfect fit if we don't have exactly what you're looking for we'll build it for you but it doesn't stop there at University furnishings we're here for you every step of the way with innovative solutions to address potential issues before they ever arise basically the best insurance policy you never knew you needed with a dedicated quality control team in every factory every day and total manufacturing who doesn't see across the supply chain your furniture will be in market 30 days before installation criteria logistics software will optimize truck pack out and ties directly dan voicing our experts will ensure installation runs smooth on-time and on-budget but we're still not done we have a less than 1% annual replacement rate but when stuff happens we've got you covered with our streamlined reorder process so from initial design consultation to our white glove installation the University furnishings is simply the only choice [Music] get comfortable [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 611
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: university, furnishings, furniture, dorms, dormitories, college, student, housing, manufacturer, manufacturing
Id: 0H2q6k5YoCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 58sec (118 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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