Digital Futures: Taking Fashion Online

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hi everyone welcome i'm georgia from the fashion for good team i'll just give everyone a couple of minutes to join the webinar so you sit tight and just wait a few minutes before we kick off we'll just give everyone a few minutes to get online Wow so many people thanks everyone for joining today we're just going to wait a couple more minutes till everyone's had a chance to get on online and then we will kick off hi Mariela from Argentina thanks for joining us just with few more minutes before everyone give everyone a chance to get logged in and then we will kick off hi Jade from Portugal as well welcome we've got someone from India someone from Cologne grades some of them Australia amazing well that's so far away that's great I'm from Tel Aviv from Paris Switzerland Austria fantastic Barcelona Amsterdam fantastic we like to see a local there to Brazil as well okay so I think we are going to get started and then hopefully people can dial in as and when they join so hi everyone I'm Georgia from the fashion for good team coming to you from London thanks for tuning into our digital futures taking fashion online I hope everyone's healthy and well and doing as best as they can in the current situation currently we have over 200 people with us today and hopefully more joining we usually host our events in person in our headquarters in Amsterdam and what we typically do at the beginning of these sessions is to check with the audience to see who's in the room so if you don't mind we're going to do a quick poll and if there aren't any type of technical hiccups this should pop up on your screen now so I can't vote but please get voting now okay thank you so can we see the results of that will they pop up okay hopefully in a minute so I'm pleased to welcome amber Fulton the co-founder of the fabricant and before we kick off I wanted to give a quick background about fashion for good okay it's just come up hang in a second so we have 33 percent of students 19 percent of designers 15 percent are working for a brand and then we have some who are consultants a couple who are working for a manufacturer and some who are just interested in fashion digital designers sustainability so a really broad mix today amber which is exciting so I'm looking forward to getting me into the Q&A in a bit and before we dive into our Q&A with amber I'm just going to give you a quick background about fashion for good this may be familiar to some but new to others so bear with me fashion for good is a global initiative set up to connect innovators and industry to drive commercial reduction of sustainable solutions at every stage of the supply chain over the past three years we scouted over 2,000 startups from around the world and supported over 90 of them via our accelerator and scaling programs we're really focused on supporting these innovators and enabling strategic opportunities such as pilot projects with the aim of scaling them up for widespread adoption in the fashion industry and we do this by working closely with our 18 corporate partners to make this happen over 19 and the ripple effect of the lock down on the fashion supply chain has highlighted three key areas that require immediate action one is stock management one is supply chain transformation and one is digital acceleration we'll be publishing a series of articles on each of these topics in the coming weeks but in this Q&A we'll be focusing on digital fashion so now to get to the fabricant the fabric and grew in batch six of our accelerator program and today we'll be talking to Amber about digital fashion it's linked to sustainability as well as how digital tools can be used to transform the way you design make and earn your clothes we've collected quite a few questions prior to this session but if you have any during please do use the zoom Q&A feature and we'll do our best to get them addressed we've integrated as many as we can already but yeah always tricky to get through everything so to kick off amber can you tell us a bit about the fabric and your role within the team sure so thank you so much for having us like like it's just fantastic to be able to do this over a digital format so I'm just gonna share my screen so you guys can see a little bit of these on the background hope that works yeah I can see it perfect so yeah so the fabric end is a digital fashion house we did not touch any physical clothing all of our collections are always digital and never of a physical because we believe that there's enough clothes in this world and that we need to think about the future and we've coded 19 it's been a really interesting journey to say the least and to see that digital fashion is actually taking off right now because there is no other choice that is very interesting my role within the fabricant is I'm the creative directors this means that I am in charge of anything creative related but also anything to do with designing digital fashion designing digitally in charge of the teams that work with digital fashion design and create the digital garments and basically yeah we tried to really inspire the industry to move forward into this new digital landscape because it's so extremely exciting and we really believe that digital is the future and and that it you know in in a sense it also doesn't waste anything but data and that is that is quite an interesting subject especially in these times so yeah I'm just gonna skip a bit through there some of the images that creates so basically we created all of this without even touching a piece of fabric and even having to go to any place in order to shoot this or we don't use any models this is all computer-generated so if you were going to show us how it works from scratch what would be the kind of first steps that you would start to do when you're building a new digital-only garment yeah that's a it's a very nice one usually how I work is there's ideas there's inspiration and there's things coming but then after that it's basically going into the software and going crazy it's like sculpting so the interesting thing is a very different way of working then you would normally design I can show a bit within closed 3d or what the software that I'm using what's going on or how that looks yeah that would be really good I think it's it's cool to see how it how you begin the process yeah I can show you a little bit so I have one file open which is basically yep so basically this is you guys see it yeah yeah so this is basically one of my files so just have it open right here so what it looks like is you have the 2d patterns which is usually what you always have how you actually cut it out of the fabric that's how it starts and you can basically create any type of shape anything you want without having to touch fabric so I've been school traditionally as a fashion designer so a background is completely like I used to I've learned how to sew I use I use patterns I used anything that was needed to create the physical garment and I know how to construct these so for me creating garments in 3d is like it's a whole different story but it does have a lot of the same things going on so there's baselines in the patterns there's things going on but then here you can see you can very easily see what it looks like and drapes like in this world in this in this sort of digital environment and what I love about this is that there is so many options you can say you can instantly this is one of the designs with it for the for the fluid collection you can basically change the color with a click of a button you can do anything you like in this new environment and for me as a designer this was a huge amount of freedom that I that I came across because I could I could be in control I remember struggling in school with not being able to go to the fabric store in the middle of the nights and running out of fabric saying you know the same is true for like when you're when you cannot get your samples from the factory and you're like how am I going to sell this this garment the digital you don't have that problem so the most amazing thing is that you basically can create out of nothing you can create a design which you like I mean I can show also a little bit of a demonstration maybe of what it looks like when you create something yeah that would be good just make a new file so usually it starts with an avatar which is just your avatar it's a basic shape you can choose anything you like and I'm using clothes ridi at the moment but this can count for any 3d fashion software that you would like to use so I'm not necessarily bound by tools but it's very nice to see that you can do anything and you can use any software you like so basically when I draw here in the zoo the environment it will appear immediately in my 3d environments it takes some time to get in use of these tools but it's actually quite easy to use and you can basically put the fabric anywhere you like I'm just gonna simply draw a shape which can be my neckline for instance it's very simple I just want to really show you the power of what it can do and basically you're able to quite easily create a shape if now drop this for instance this means I'm simulating and basically you can see that the fabric drops and if I don't think Oh actually I'm not that happy with the shape I can adjust it making it longer maybe on the back making it longer for instance sewing it together to create a dress like I'm completely in control over this I can like it looks quite slow on the screen but it's it's actually really fast if you're working on the computer so it's a real-time simulation which means that it's so quick to make adjustments if you feel like you want to create all kinds of different shapes it's quite easy to do it and see right now for instance it's amazing with the amount of freedom that you get from this and I remember as a designer when I saw this for the first time I was like oh my god how how is it possible that a computer can generate this type of you know movements yeah fabric and it's really about like getting started just playing around seeing what the material can do and seeing what the software has to offer someone asked what the software was so just to quick recap this is clothing amber is using but there are other software's available out there yeah it can be anything like I can show you as well like the thing is you have so much freedom in colors in anything that you would like to create so let's say I want to have this kind of dress and you know I can use all kinds of different fabrics so here I can say I would love to have a leather it's very stiff it gives me a completely different feeling yeah and when I click for instance silk chiffon it's it's it's giving it an immediate like different drape and I can do this for any type of fabric but I can also very easily choose for instance I would love for it to look like a satin or maybe velvet or type of material that you that you wish for long for leather metal even well there's the opens up a whole new wealth of opportunity to play around with different materials and looks and styles and different sizes as well in terms of like what the model looks like in a way that perhaps you couldn't in conventional in the conventional design process neatly yeah so when if the fabric and I've seen it written that the fabric is a digital fashion house what does that actually mean like what is a digital fashion house and and how does it operate yes so basically how we operate is we are actually in between the fashion industry and in between the fashion industry and sort of the 3d industry so we operate in a world that exists in between these two which means that we take from both these worlds what we think works really well within the 3d environment or 3d industry you have a lot of companies that work with very good set up pipelines which means that you have a system where you can put in your inputs and you can basically create any type of 3d model in a very convenient way and with fashion companies obviously it's all about identity Beauty all these kind of things and within Sol 3d companies it's less about that so we really saw a huge opportunity between the fashion world which is very physical non digital and the 3d industry gaming industry we felt there was a bit of a disconnect because in a sense you know we live all of our lives online if you can see now it's even more because of Cogan I think we're all behind our computer screens so we have a huge amount of digital life that we are living and for me it was a bit crazy how we were still so physical in in fashion and how it wasn't really taking shape in the digital realm and what efficient what a digital fashion house is is basically we create this new narrative that takes fashion into this new world this new realm digital realm where we can create anything we can we are in control of the light I mean the first time I saw that I was in control of the sunlights I mean I was like thank sunup sundown make a perfect landscape yeah you can basically create any type of world you want it's a whole new narrative and we really believe that we want to we're not a traditional fashion house in that sense because we don't make collections but we also create experiences we help brands in other words so there's a lot of different things that we do we create videos yeah there's there's so many things that you can do I'm just going to show you one more thing just quite nice show that she's gonna walk in the background cuz that's always my favorites option and quickly or while we're on this someone asked if the fabric is changing shape to fit the avatar and if the you can also change the shape of the avatar so perhaps you can briefly touch on that before we move on to the next yes you can create any type of avatars you like if you want to create an avatar like it is good to use different software for that so basically this avatar is created in 3d it's Daz 3d which is for us one of the best softwares - I think for us it's one of the best software's to use because it really creates a realistic human model and we think that's very important to have a realistic human body but you can create them in clothes ragini a lot of like digital fashion software have their own avatar creation tool and you can set in the measurements that you like yourself for any type of model so for us as a fabric and we want to put out an image of that anybody is welcome so basically we try to always work with the project we did with vice for instance we worked with a lot of different influencers with a lot of different body shapes yeah and we modeled their body shapes I can show it later in the presentation we modeled their body shapes so it like a whole new you can create any type of body that you like there's no limitations in that sense okay great and that was um Chloe and then did so and what was the Avatar software that years so this is this is coming from does 3d yeah it's dead in KCI we can share a link as well in the in the comments too yeah so um let's now think about if you can explore the role between digital fashion and sustainability is and what role you see digital fashion playing and transforming the industry yeah this is huge this is this is huge because so many samples are still being created physically we need to you know there is a sample being created designed it needs to come from the factory then it needs to come back to the fashion brands they need to check if it's okay it's alright if it looks good fitting then it needs to goes back and it can go back and forth up to five times maybe even more and all these samples that are being created is all waste and the same goes for all of the clothes that are samples collections that are basically not sold because they have to be shipped to the buyers but usually they end up in sample sales which is a very big problem because brands just don't know how to get rid of them in a good way and it devalues your brand as well if you go for a sample sale it doesn't really make you look like you know you're a high-end brand and that's why I also a lot of brands struggle with the whole overstock and the fact that they cannot get rid of all of the garments that they have so firstly I would say digital sampling would enable a huge amount of waste reduction so you can really take these sample collections to the next level and you're able to sort of communicate on a distance because in a sense is this finite you already have a view of how this looks also if you see this garment in motion you have an idea of what the design will look like without everything to have made it in real life so for fashion brands that would already work so well to use this technique to sample digitally the next step would be to actually wear digital clothes which is a step beyond like the next thing which is going to be like the fact that we have a digital body or a digital representation of our body and then we will be able to wear clothes in the digital space instead of in the physical world and for sustainability this is also a very good idea because we're struggling a lot with too many clothes in this world if you look at you know I think for the coming 50 years we're still able to dress ourselves with the amount of clothes that are on the planet right now so we don't need more clothes and for us it is very interesting how identity is related to clothes and how we want to express ourselves as human beings because that's it's a human need like expressing yourself and really believe that this should not have to impact the planets so how can we create experiences where people still people are still able to dress themselves and express themselves without having to like create so many new looks all the time we really believe in this idea of bringing the fashion to the masses but not in a sense that it will pollute the earth like we've been doing the past 20 years or maybe even more so it's really interesting and I think as you say that there's this option for stimulating change within the kind of design and prototyping sample selling virtual showroom that would embed itself like business-to-business within existing brands and then thinking about actually rethinking the concept of ownership for us as as consumers or the public I'm really being playful around our identity and what it means to express ourselves especially through these new online communities and but perhaps to play devil's advocate how do you think the digital fashion might impact the job security of workers in the supply chain if we're moving to this more digital supply chain and production process yeah in a sense you know with this whole yeah with innovation always there is there's things that are being changed and there's change be made in the industry I just really hope that's these did that dead side of the industry the workers being treated like like that's just something that is not good anyway so we need to entirely rethink the whole system and I really believe that innovation does not have to be stuck by the fact that we've always done it in this certain way we need to look beyond systems that no longer work and I feel like there is a lot of even interest and willingness also of manufacturers to learn these new types of technologies because what I see really happening is that a lot of manufacturers are actually already using software and they want to educate the brands to use it as well sometimes it even goes the other way around and I think innovation should not be stopped by old patterns I think it should be reinvented and not being held back by things that we've always done the same way and it's so promising it's better for everybody that's what I think yeah and as you touched on it's about creating opportunities for people to upskill themselves to work with digital tools and having a better infrastructure for people working in the supply chain throughout the supply chain exactly yeah exactly perhaps you can touch on we've got a question that's around the role that the fabricant could play in McGrath's the gaming industry so perhaps something interesting if you could talk about like how things like your digital marketplace would plug into existing social media and gaming platforms yes so what it's very interesting is we believe that our digital identity will only grow bigger and what we would love to become is the the one stuff place where you will curate your digital identity so you will be able to concern platform address your digital self and be very happy with your expression of yourself and then move on to all of these different platforms so whether it be whatever digital platform you wants to go into you will have your look covered and styled and whatever you want to create which is now it's it's a a far-fetched idea but we believe that the digital spaces are going to become more important and that's that you still have to really in a sense be able to control your digital identity and we would love to see that you would be able to wear the same dress through to your fortnight so as to whatever place you want to go on maybe you want to have a 2d version that you can use for LinkedIn or there are some you want to have a vr space talk and you want to look good like all of these platforms need digital dressing and usually within games there's a set amount of products if you look at fortnight like I don't know if any of you saw the Travis Scott concert in in fortnight's a while back if you haven't I definitely recommend it's an incredible thing to watch it's taking concerts to a whole nother level in this sort of Metaverse of digital and all of the people that are going to the concert are actually wearing merchandise of Travis Scott for instance and it's being sold in the game itself or people can wear it so there's this huge opportunity in this in this market and a lot of fashion brands don't realize how much opportunity there is to take in order for people to want to look good in digital space like yeah people spend so much money within games to to look interesting or look nice or have these objects so yeah there's a huge like opportunity to combine the two and bring together the different digital identities that you have online to really create quite an expression full and my emotional marketplace I think it's really interesting and then perhaps you can talk about as well what role the fabric can play in the future of fashion shows how do you think that might benefit designers or like how can things like digital fashion interact with existing stores and showrooms so I suppose how do we interact and bring together the physical and digital yeah I think it's still a very big question I'll go back to this PowerPoint so I can share it some more images of what we've done I feel like you know right now to to combine if the digital and the physical is still kind of quite far far away because we don't know what is going to happen to the whole crisis and what's gonna go what's gonna go and how many times we can go back to the store again iced tea you know see people coming back to the stores that's nice but I feel like the whole sense of Fashion Show has been in a sense also something that is old-fashioned the way we share these looks for the buyers you know the way we kind of interact it I think we need to find new ways in order to present clothes there can be so much more creativity when you create this digital environment and I think these showrooms can exist entirely virtual because the emotion that you feel when you look at something like this is it's just as relevant it's when you look at its online or on Instagram or you know even this is one of her dresses like it's been shared like it's been shared millions of times on Instagram while it never existed in real life you know so with digital space being here what does it even matter if you still if you don't have physical spaces anymore in order to show it you can even produce on demand for instance so if many people would have lost it look we could have decided to actually create it and ship it but this requires a whole sort of mindset shift from the the perspective where we push all of the clothes onto the people so it's like more and more collections people need to buy more they need to consume more and you know into this new system where we basically inspire people and see if they would want to create to have something and then after that we would want to create it or make it and for us it would not be creative because we don't create any physical garments we would want to wear it digitally but we really believe in this new this new mindset shifts and we really hope that's going to change a lot in the fashion industry and so then I think quite an interesting question that's come up is around this concept of ownership so I think it'd be great if you could touch on how it works in terms of like intellectual property rights and then perhaps how as a designer you could monetize your digital clothing yeah so how we're thinking about this right now is in in this English digital space where we're creating this new experience we basically would love to also experiment with new business models maybe new wants you you know something like blockchain is a very interesting one in this because you can create a very unique piece that is only tied 2-2 to a code that is only tied to you so you can own it yourself like what blockchain also allows for is that you for instance could own pieces of a digital look so if you want to own the sleeve of one of her looks it is also possible because in a sense digital ownership does not have to do with the physical products so you don't have to take it into parts but you can have co-owners of the same objects it can become a collectible it become again can become worth more over time so there's all these interesting things that you can do you can trade it you can mmm collect it it's like an endless thing and the nice thing about it is that with this that you have endless possibilities of sharing it online as well and wearing it online as well let me see if I can find the dress that we sold so then people asked one person's asked how does the fabricant make money what's the business model so the business model is I suppose it varies depending on the different digital solutions but from your perspective would be that you're helping create this whole story and narrative around the clothes and really bringing it to life in a very dynamic way that perhaps you wouldn't get from just designing a product in clothes or something like that so it's your role as the fabric in is really as this like storytelling piece as well outside of just creating the products completely and I feel like we have different business models because we are also exploring what it means to be a digital fashion house so we create our own clothes so our own collections this is one of our two pieces that was auctioned off last year in May a year ago we auctioned this for $9,500 but this was a 1:1 stop thing that we wanted to prove that there's actually value for digital environments yeah yeah so it's really interesting that you're basically able to create that sort of like look and emotion towards a digital product because someone actually bought it for $9,500 but our audio business model is basically helping brands to move into this digital space so we create videos for them and we help them digitize and also rethink their entire process so that's the whole idea that's our other business model and the newest business model is where we want to sell digital clothes so we want to have people be able to wear them on our platform so that's very interesting sorry okay that wants to get a hold of you with this get amber get the door so we've got about 10 minutes left so keep sending through your questions and working through them and trying to to bunch them together where where possible I think one interesting one is really around what's the clear or the most common business use case where the technology is huge so I think obviously the fabric on as you just said is this kind of overarching piece that you're supporting the brands with but I think a lot of people are asking you know how do you actually become a 3d designer like how can this be easily implemented within an existing brand so perhaps you can touch on some of their like early wins and easy next steps for someone who wants to move into this space both as a brand and as a designer yeah I think what is the most important thing is just to start and just to start playing around with it how I discovered this was basically I fell in love with it and I just started using it and it can be just a small thing that you always wanted to create or that you always wanted to do and then try to create that in 3d in in the 3d environment there's so many raises on resources online as designers being right so many resource online where you can watch these videos you can teach yourself how to use it or learn from it from different people there is a huge network of people that are able to support you online like within clothes ready for instance there's a huge network or any different software but we friends also have a Facebook group where you can ask a lot of questions on if you're a new young designer working with the software or if you are already within a company and you're trying to teach yourself how to use it you know all these things are arm you're able to share in this online environment and I think the most important thing is just to start small starts and don't entirely like rethink the entire process yet but first start small and see how you can use it to your benefits and actually make your process faster at first it will become slower I can tell you but that's that's not like you know in a sense I feel like and that shouldn't stop you because it's gonna make things much faster and then the other end I mean if you can see like how you can change the fabrics how you can change the colors all these things with designers are of course amazing tools to use and give you loads of freedom and for brands I would say make sure that you think of where 3d can really benefit your process because there's so many implementations on how you can use it it can be in the supply chain it can be amidst Ellen it can be in the design process it can be in your marketing strategy there can be so many implementations before you actually sell the clothes you can do everything in 3d and even the clothes can even stay in in the computer and you can sell your clothes and make people wear them digitally so there's a huge huge options that you can take and choose from but you can also just say okay I'm just gonna first do this part of the business and make them into 3d there's a lot of brands that for instance first digitize their design process and then they go into digital selling and some brands also start with digital selling so working with us creating a digital selling process and then they make the physical samples or then they create like the physical garments it's like there's so many options to take but using 3d already a little bit in your process will be so beneficial and I think we see that one of our corporate partners PVH they I think they're at like 65 percent of their designers are trained in 3d design and they hope to have it a hundred percent by the end of 2020 and they have two companies that sit within PVH at the moment but they're looking to kind of expand and work with other players there and stitch and hatch they look at like 3d design and then virtual showroom so I think it's great to see that already the big players as well are moving into this space and really see the important role that it plays and one question that we have which i think is interesting to touch on it and does come up a lot through the conversations we have with our partners it's around like the resources used for digital fashion in terms of like servers and hardware and things like that and a lot of people are asking if you need like a really high powered computer to to use the software so perhaps we can touch on the impact side of things briefly yeah so we've measured this actually we've done a measurement of the impact of digital garments and the impact of a physical garment on there on the environment because of course we know very well about all the data that's being used to created and the electricity and the computer power so a lot of times you do need a very good computer in order to create this but this is an investment because it will save you time in the end which is right now it's all that's always have this with innovation at first it's gonna cost a lot and then it's gonna you know really save so much on them in the end but you do need to invest in the first stage of getting a good computer getting good hardware because it will save you time in the end if you have a slow computer I can tell you it's gonna drive you mad so you know like I had to like for me I'm I'm in a sense I'm a designer but I'm also a technologist and I'm also quite a big nerd so you know in a sense I love to drive myself into like these new technologies and I think it's good for any designer of the future to think about technology and how to use it in a good way and also understand computer before you start this it's it's a good good thing to to dive into that a bit and understand however it's not necessary like you can also just work on Clos like because it feels like a computer game honestly it's like the Sims but then used for a profession that's how I really experience it sometimes you can really get lost in the software it's like it's you have to say stop to yourself because it's very it can become very addictive but what I would say about the data use is we've measured the impact of physical garment being created without the aftermath so without the consumers actually using it so no washing etc yeah and those kind of things and the digital garment including everything so the computer power used in everything and it's actually 1/10 to create a digital government is one-tenth of the impact of physical garments but then not even the washing and everything and the consumer using mm-hmm as well so it's way less and if we use green power and a lot of different things to reduce the energy consumption it will be much better but we first want to agree like stopped the production of more clothes like yeah unnecessary textile I mean I myself personally if I if I if I look at things now especially during this crisis a lot of people start cleaning out their house a lot of people think like oh hey let's look at my closet what's in there and in Amsterdam they've actually closed all of the bins to recycle garments because they cannot handle it anymore all of the things that people are throwing out so yeah it's completely and saying if you think about it it's completely and saying how many garments we we hoard and we keep with us while we don't even need it and in a sense that is really also brought things to to my mind and I feel like you know with this digital technologies we would still be able to have fun and express ourselves but without this index and I think when we talking about these the inefficiencies in the design process and manufacturing process and we have an interactive Museum in Amsterdam which which obviously at the moment is unfortunately closed but people should definitely visit if they ever find themselves there and and the space is really about on the low ground or we talked about the past so we map out the journey of a t-shirt from design all the way through to end of use and I think the statistic is something like 20% of material ends up on the cutting room floor during the actual like manufacturing stage and so you have all of these losses throughout the supply chain that are already happening that I think things like digital design and sampling help to address and and then we move up onto the ground floor where we talk about the president so where we are now today and then the top floor is is the innovation lounge where we have different artifacts from different innovators who have been in our program and I actually think that the fabricant will be on display in some digital form or other soon which i think is really exciting perhaps you can touch a bit on Leela and and what that is and so people are aware of it yeah sure so yeah Lee Lewis is our platform it's like it's our baby we've worked on this from October onwards we had already a lot of plans for a year long to create this it's a digital fashion exploration zone we call it it's basically an identity exploration platform where you're able to dress your digital self and experiment with whatever you feel like would fit your identity and it has been like a really big journey basically these are some of the visuals of the platform because we needed to think about or actually we think the entire idea that we use clothes and where our clothes and fit close to our bodies and what does it mean to wear an identity to have an identity is your your digital body you know is that an extension of your identity and what is actually the meaning of identity this was very big questions that we tried to answer with this platform does this digital self feel like you or not and that's a very interesting topic that we are currently diving into and with Nina we wanted to provide a place where anybody would be able to dress themselves and with anybody I mean two separate words and it can be anything you want maybe for a day you would like to experiment what it would be like to be a man or have a non-binary body or you know there's a lot of different options in the virtual world that you cannot do in physical reality also for instance think about if you want to cut off your hair you can try out I'm almost getting to that stage now my hair is getting turned on during lockdown it's crazy and I mean in the physical reality you cut it off and if you're not happy you are stuck with it but in the digital world you can experiment with that identity like oh yeah truly feels like would be you and this is just some of the looks that we created it's still like very much touching on reality but it's taking it beyond into the next level of sort of weightless materials that are not possible in real life prints that move and like this is a little video of the platform and what it looks like so we designed it together with our our agency partner who designed the platform itself and we had to really do a lot of concessions like for instance it's a beta version so it's the first version out there but it's a self expression playground and we say you can dress up your multiple selves in the digital world and we wanted to provide that people people have fluid identity so not being stuck to one identity even basically having the fluidity to change your identity within the click of a button and yeah it's it's made for and cleon that do we need I'm worried about time I hope everyone doesn't mind if we weren't over by maybe five minutes I think there's some other interesting questions before we wrap up we've got a couple of questions around whether you need an avatar to have this like to own digital products and and if you do how do you get one and then I think someone else mentioned that in some of the images you actually don't have models at all so can you also explore the role of avid and also around like this concept of like actually even needing a physical person and within the clothes and to show that that'd be great yeah I have a one example I want to show you guys it's here yeah this is the one basically this entire video is like created without an avatar yeah you don't need an avatar to show fashion what we the reactions we got from this garment for instance was that people really saw themselves in the garment because there was no representation of a model so usually when you see a model walking on the catwalk you think oh I'm not that skinny or I don't have that skin color so I cannot relate to this person or I'm not that beautiful or whatever or maybe you think you're way more beautiful that's also possible but like there is like a disconnection when you see a model wearing the clothes and with this project people actually said that they saw themselves wearing it because it was more of an interaction and you don't necessarily see a representation but I do think that in a sense you need a kind of a digital body in the digital space but everybody depends on where you want to take it because maybe in the future we will be able to wear a digital clothes around us without needing to have a screen you know or without needing to have a digital space to wear it because our digital world in our physical world will collide more and we will be able to see digital objects around us you know you don't know how these things will develop but there's a big like like future vision regarding this that we're going to move away from screens and it's gonna be more integrated but you don't necessarily need an avatar to show the clothes however you do need an other throw is fit the clothes because in a sense there is an arbitrary inside here we just put it on invisible okay since yeah and then very quickly before we wrap up we're getting some questions around like what else apart from clothes you use to get the products to look like this is there anything else that people should be aware of when exploring the space to take it from Clos to where you are I know there's lots of steps in between perhaps we can briefly touch on it will you wrap up yep sure of course so we are like ripto agnostic so we don't necessarily set to one tool we use a lot of different tools to also with the people that we work with because some people that we work with use different tools and every project we work with different people again and then we change our workflow but what it comes down to is basically we use cloth Reedy some form of Avatar creation tool like the street II or any other software earth creates avatars and then we use any 3d software like cinema 4d Houdini Maya and then we use different render engines so we use redshift or octane any any render engine networks with a software that you're using so I would say there's always like different steps there's the modeling that's all being done in Co 3d and then there's the lighting rendering texturing that's all done in a different software so that's usually done in a real 3d software let's say so something that you can really create this 3d world with this is a different thing close because close quite limited for instance so 3d creation software is um it's a it's necessary to create the level of quality this this has been created for instance in Houdini redshift so okay thanks that's super useful there are a lot of questions that we weren't able to get to or perhaps we touched on earlier in the session I think we'll have to look at if there's a way for us to perhaps answer some of these in another way I think it's really great to see how engaged everyone is on this topic and do you have any closing out words before I do a quick wrap-up that you'd like to share on this topic I think it's really important that we take this step now there is no better time than now and I feel like you know taking a step back looking at your entire process and rethinking that now is the time to do that and to move into a new world a new way of working which is essential to the future of this planet I really believe that we still should be able to express ourselves as humans and we should have fun with fashion it's I density it's beautiful its storytelling and everything but I don't think we should do it the way that we've always done I think we should take it to the next level and even create more elaborate stories with materials that you cannot even have in in reality so I really believe that now is the time to move into this new space even if it's just a little bit even if you're just using it a tiny bit it's already helping so thinking along and yeah just start and of course you can always hit us up like we are very open to anything and we have the Facebook group like I said so you can totally join there if you have questions remaining about workflow or any type of things I'm a member of it I'm not a designer but I like seeing everyone's creations and it's great to see how much people actually interact on there people will post what they've been working on and then everyone gets feedback and I think it's a really yeah lovely community yeah yeah we really we're very proud of that we think that's super important to work together also work together that's a very important one use each other's resources and share knowledge because the secrecy in the fashion industry has been there way too long and I think coming moving forward we need to really share our knowledge instead of keeping it to ourselves great well thank you so much amber for joining us today it was great to chat through with this you make with you and I have so many more questions that I could touch on not just as the ones that been shared by everyone here but yeah diving into this in much more detail so thank you and we really appreciate you taking the time to speak with us and and to close out a quick mention that we have a number of upcoming events over the coming weeks so please head to our website I think Nicola has been very kind sharing links into the comment sections check out our calendar and you can also sign up to our newsletter which we send out different events that are going on not just fashion for good events but also wider ecosystem ones to stay up to date and we actually have our next event on Friday at 7:30 Central European Time so dutch tie and with Iris van Herpen and Berg Netherlands where we'll basically be doing it Q&A with her there so really excited about that if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us if you want any more additional information and when we can travel again please do come visit us at our interactive Museum in Amsterdam so thanks everyone for tuning in today and thank you again to Amber it was great yeah yeah and guys if you want to try it Lila you can go to digital dot fashion I forgot to say no is it live I didn't it's like okay yeah okay say if you want to make your digital identity your online persona then Nicola could you share the link to lilo or we can get that that's fantastic so how long will it be open for it will be open I think for a week now so four people can trick them can try it so that's that's yeah and then we're gonna close it again okay fabulous so everyone gets signing up because that's a fantastic place to play around I you you have to take a picture of your face don't you so you actually see yourself on the model which i think is really cool yeah okay thanks very much thank you so much and enjoy the rest of your day okay thank you bye bye
Channel: Fashion for Good
Views: 9,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sustainable fashion, digital design, digital fashion
Id: moHTzv4DleM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 11sec (3191 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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