Digimon Tamers | The Full Story

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Digimon Tamers mocks the third installment of the anime series and is quite the departure from his predecessors as he goes on to tell a completely new and original story Tamers has a much lower number of main cast members having been reduced down to three going on to also subsidize some of the side characters Into the Heart of the story and the show is all the better for it given the main cast has greatly been reduced the partner Digimon are far more fleshed out in this series compared to its predecessors as they do not need to compete for screen time amongst a horde of other partner Digimon the benefit this yields is that the three main Digimon partners for this show are far more developed in this video we will be covering the entire series having clicked I'm sure you can see the length of this video is not sure by any means so for those of you who simply care for my opinions of the series you can jump to this timestamp to hear my overall thoughts but those of you who are here for the Long Haul let's get started with going over some of the characters this is Takata he is a soft-hearted good-willed and empathetic young man this is the first series to introduce the Digimon TCG within the actual show and Takata absolutely loves the game albeit he's not the best player by a long shot but Elena of the trading game itself is what led to takato to inevitably be introduced to his Digimon partner Gilman he comes from a humble working-class background in which his parents operates a family-run business where they produce and sell different types of bread the series is generally quite balanced to the degree in which most of the main characters are given similar amounts of screen time but as the Story begins with takato he is the closest representation to the quote-unquote main character slash leader of this new group of kids in this series the kids are not called digidestined but instead are called Tamers a word they have adopted from the Digimon on trading card game in which players are in fact called Tamers takato has clearly been cuddled by his mother from a young age but the values his hard-working parents have instilled within him prevented him from turning out spoiled in any way but instead he has a correctly pointed moral compass although takato is not short of friends growing up as an only child he still finds himself lonely at times which is why when he eventually meets his Digimon partner he becomes extremely attached to it this attachment inevitably becomes cause for much concern and worry as to Carter continuously battles a paranoia that he will someday lose his Digimon partner furthermore as the series progresses and the states continue to rise to Carter Witnesses the great moral ambiguity of many characters he comes across during his journey not being equipped or experienced enough yet to be able to pass through the nuances which leads to humans and Digimon to make reprehensible decisions Takata finds himself in a position which he must either adapt to the brutality of life he is thrust into or loses innocence in the process by failing to do so he sometimes finds himself unable to control his own vitriolic reactions in response to witnessing or wrongdoing which renders him consumed by anger by which point he is willing to throw his moral virtue out the window in order to right or wrong which he has witnessed or to exact Revenge upon the given perpetrator furthermore takato has a crush on a character by the name of Jerry who is a sweet and kind-hearted girl she is a character who you will see on a recurring basis but in later parts of the show she will play a critical role in the story and is a key driving force in many of takato's decisions this is Rika Rica is an independent stronghold individual in every sense of the word out of the trio she is one of the two veteran Tamers Rika initially starts off as a ruthless Tamer who mercilessly strives to make her partner Digimon renamon as powerful as possible regardless of the means Beyond her cold exterior there is a Von child hidden in there which he yearns for warmth and Kindred ship a large part of this is due to her non-existent father and distant relationship with her mother who travels the world as a model as a result Rico was not socialized as other kids were which led her to exhibit anti-social Tendencies recover the course of the series must learn to work with as well as Place her trust in others this is Henry Henry is the other veteran tamer in the show out of the three he is the most level-headed and calm attributes which he developed through years of martial arts training as a young child which he initially misused by hursing another boy but soon came to deeply regret his actions as is in his nature he prefers to resolve matters diplomatically whereby possible but soon must understand in order to fulfill his role as a Tamer there may be occasions where peaceful resolution is simply not possible it's worth mentioning a couple of the members of Henry's family as they too are important figures within the overall story first off his father John Yu Wong who is actually one of the co-creators of the Digimon within this universe we will see and hear much more from Mr Wong as we get into the story Henry has two sisters one whom is older than him and the other being younger his younger sister Susie starts off as a reoccurring character in early parts of the show however in latter sections of the series she's present on a more frequent basis Henry is very mature for his age somewhat in contrast to his Digimon partner Terry and one who's much more aloof and childlike their personalities are the perfect juxtaposition of one another it just works and their relationship throughout the show is solid as a rock now there's some honorary mentions I feel needs to be made in regards to some of the other Digimon we meet in this series as I mentioned earlier this series flashes out many of the Digimon we are introduced to much more than the two seasons before it Gilman is a virus type Digimon and is by far the youngest in age compared to the rest of the main casts Partners having been only born at the tail end of the first episode due to his age he exhibits juvenile childlike behavior in which takato initially finds difficult to manage Gilman just as most young children are is kind at heart however his predatory instincts remain intact so if Gilman's senses danger is nearby he is ready to battle and defend at the turn of a second Gilman absolutely adores his Tamer with Takata having the same mutual feelings towards him too renamon like her Tamer exudes a cold exterior Rika selectively trolls renamon as her partner renamond although powerful in her own right is special due to her mindset and drive as she too just like her Tamer seeks to be the strongest regardless of the means they are to achieve it initially the relationship renamon has with Rika is distant however over the course of the series they are able to develop a profound friendship with one another which enables them to become closer with the other Tamers and partner Digimon terrioman is just an overall stud of a digimon absolutely chill and demeanor just as his Tamer out of all the Digimon we meet in this series terrioman is the most laid back which balances out the rest of the Digimon cast whom are far more rambunctious and volatile at times you'll often hear it say momentai which is its trademark word a word of Cantonese origin which can be translated to take it easy relax or not a problem this is calamon a digimon who was created in order to prevent a Calamity from befalling the digital world you see there was a period of time in the digital world in which an influx of wild Digimon began to digivolve the problem with this increase of digivolutions risked potentially Reawakening a dormant program within the digital world a program which if re awoken would have disastrous effects on the real and digital world with the help of the ancient beings known as the digital the Digimon Sovereign transformed into Catalyst of digivolution into a small Digimon called kalamon unfortunately it was too late and the dormant program began to show signs of having reawoken which led to zulong one sending kalamon to Earth in order to prevent its capture given it is now the source of digivolution and their only hope in defeating this enemy this is in one impermann initially starts out as a troublemaker who has a clear Prejudice towards humans and despises Digimon that choose to Ally themselves with the Tamer impmont spends a large amount of his time causing mischief and Mayhem across the city due to this many viewers will initially be put off by him but don't write him off yet as his backstory and character development over the course of the series is nothing short of amazing okay so now on to the story the series begins with this witness in kalamon being chased by Mel dreamon within what can be best described as the server between the real and digital world meldrumon is intercepted by dark taranamon which it manages to initially have the upper hand against that is until it digivolves into metal tyranamon whom is able to destroy melodramon kalamon is then soaring into the real world from the aftermath we meet takato who is at the park playing the Digimon TCG with his friend Kazu as takato is packing away his cards he comes across a mysterious blue card he goes on to make his way to school and is forced to stand outside for the remainder of the class due to being late he uses this time to finish his sketch of a digimon of his own creation which he later goes on to call piomon returning to the park he's surprised to find out that the blue card is nowhere to be seen But in its stead there is an odd looking device which in fact is a Digivice known as a d power after an unsuccessful attempt at swiping his sketch via the building reader on the digivise the d-power itself begins to scan every page of his notebook which includes data on Gilman such as its build and its stats a culvert organization known as hypnosis tracking the data anomalies across the city now they know full well that these anomalies are Digimon the organization's goal is to secure the safety of the public by destroying Digimon before all shortly after they buy or emerge into the real world their systems flag and Digimon is beginning to bio-emerge into the real world using his digivise Takata was able to track down the newly born Gilman whom initially approaches him in a menacing manner but it turns out Gilman is a sweetheart and takes an instant liking to takato and soul too does he we also meet recan rinnamon who take on a wild Goblin Rico is on the hunt to have renamana quite as much Digimon Data as possible in order for it to digivolve with kalimar nearby goblinman manages to digivolve into fugamon but the champion Digimon is unable to overcome renamon after Rika upgrades her partner's stats by swiping in some support Cards into the battle via Heritage of ice picato leads Gilman in a secluded area providing it a bunch of freshly baked bread to tide itself over whilst he goes to school Gilman begins to suffer from separation anxiety and manages to track takatos sent all the way back to his school after getting win that his dinner my partner has caused a school-wide commotion Jakarta goes looking for Gilman and briefly bumps into terrioman and Henry he does end up finding Gilman on the rooftop overlooking the city Takata goes on to scout for a place where Gilman can stay Gilman is suddenly kicked in the face by renamon and Rika Demands a battle but luckily for takato Henry and terryerman arrived just in the nick of time before the situation can escalate any further Rika decides to leave and takato ends up managing to find a place where Gilman can stay and goes on to thank Henry for his help we can run him on again attempt to fight Gilman but this time even with Henry asking them to stand down they refuse Terry Montage evolves into his Champion form gargamon and soon begins to lose control witnessing garglemon's change in Behavior leaves Riker visibly shaken she worries if that is what will become of renamon should it digivolve to garglemon comes back to his senses and after a while is able to evolve back into his form was at home takatu is sketching the build for Gilman's Champion form which he calls growlmon the next day was takato and Henry are talking a digital field in the form of a cloud begins to chase after Henry and terrioman from the cloud emerges guerrillemon we are given backstory explaining how gorillemon is connected to Henry and teriomon as well as how Henry became a Tamer Henry swipes in a support card enabling terrioman to defeat gorilla mod with some added help from guilmon Henry commands his partner not to assimilate gorillemon's data as he still has ethical Cons with having killed it Rika is frustrated as to how the inferior Terrier mod has been able to devolve whilst renamon struggles to do so she recalls the first day she met renamon Rika is an excellent player when it comes to the Digimon TCG but the game no longer challenged her so she became bored with it although she lives with her grandmother it's difficult for Rika to connect with her due to the large age Gap the absence of a parental figure during most parts of her childhood has led Rica to become cold and closed off she eventually wished for a digimon of her own a wish that comes true going on to select renamond as her partner she also goes on to receive a blue card which transforms into a d-power later on Rican renamon must confront the champion digimon.cugamon which has spun webs inside a digital field renamon initially struggles against its foe going on to take a beating even in her battered State renamon continues to protect ruika Rica realizes how much he cares for runamon which enables it to digivolve to its Champion form kubimon which goes on to swiftly defeat the cougarmon unfortunately Rika is still hesitant to fully Embrace this newly discovered feeling of care and friendship Gilman informs takato that he had a dream where he began to disappear during a walk with Gilman to Carter's partner's body begins to partially disappear he asked for Henry's advice but he too cannot seem to figure out the issue but hypothesizes that their world may be deleting their Digimon or sending them back to where they came from your Market also senses a presence is nearing in two kalamon returns to Gilman's Hideout to play with him Takata arrives and asks a kalamon questions such as if it has a home or if it's ever lonely but the childlike Digimon who only seems to care about playing has no interest in answering questions so leaves your Marky is getting pressure from his bosses in that he needs to stop Digimon from bio merging as they look for calumon Gilman and takato run into runamon and Rika who happen to be in the area takato wants to ask Rika some questions and saw their return to her home to talk he asks her once she defeats a digimon does she know if its data returns to the digital world Rica is inclined to Believe song and when takato asks if it ever makes her sad destroying Digimon hair expression shows signs of remorse on their way back to his Hideout Gilman fully vanishes this time leaving behind a distraught toccato but his grief is short-lived as his digivise begins to allow at him off his partner's location Takata called Henry and they both head over to Rikers to ask her to come along to help them find Gilman yumaki is plotting to release a program called hugoth which will prevent further anomalies from appearing via deleting them prior to entry whilst the trio made their way to find Gilman terrioman shows the groove that part of its body is beginning to disappear as they get closer to Gilmore's location so Henry asks that both terrioman and renamond leave before their own safety the kids make it to the location of where game 1 is being held which is within a digital field whilst at hypnos HQ Riley is being rushed by yomaki to launch the ucath program having reached a location and realizing that Gilman is being held within an energy field the kids all decide to enter after their digivices open up an entry points yumaki has already launched the yougot program to delete the digital field and so the kids are forced to make haste with the help of Rika and Henry takarta was able to save Gilman and all are able to exit the field just in the nick of time takato thanks Rick and Henry for the help and Rika responds by stating how Digimon are all simply just data now although we clearly know about this point that reek cares deeply for renamon she still struggles to let go of the over facade that she simply views Digimon as just data during the night takato is sketching what Gilman's Champion form will look like naming it braumon the following morning in class mrsaji informs the students that there seems to be a local prankster going around causing Mischief takato worries that this may be Gilman Gilman whom is at his Hideout is approached by the mischievous imman whom asks Gilman if he wants to go out to have some fun Gilman initially declines knowing his Tamer will not be best pleased if he leaves but after imman teases him continuously Gilman gives in and ends up going with the little troublemaker seeing it man's idea of fun is to harass people Gilman decides to leave the cartoons worried and upon reaching Gilman's Den sees that Gilman is missing Gilman returns to his Hideout and upon seeing an upset tokato guillemon asks what's wrong chakato goes on to scold the confused Digimon and runs off Implement bumps into a digimon named division who is beginning to bio-emerge and goes on to wreak havoc upon the city division one is seeking out a challenge and hones in on Gilman whom is currently chasing after his Tamer Takata having seen daviduman rushes back to his partner but finds that both Gilman and dividerman are staring down one another about to commence battle Rika successfully makes her way to the location too but randomon advises her Tamer that this battle belongs to Gilman and so they both remain on the sidelines the Henry and terrioman also watch on as guilmon launches an attack towards dividramon due to the level difference between the two Digimon and takatos amateur use of support cards Gilman ends up taking a beating whilst ipmann watches on terrioman overhears ipman omitting to himself how he was the one that was causing the pranks around the town terrioman tells to cartel the truth and Takata apologizes to his partner and with kalaman nearby Gilman is able to devolve into his Champion form Digi evolution [Music] oh wow full-size baby [Music] after destroying the vigil one grandma is stuck in his Champion form just as gargammon was takato tries everything to get his partner to return to his rookie form but nothing seems to work he bums into Jerry and reluctantly asks her for advice he gives her a hypothetical scenario where one of his friends has grown in a short amount of time and how he wants them to go back to the way they were before Jerry mistakes this for takato talking about the girl that he has a crush on who now has become taller than him and so she tells him not to worry as there's plenty of other girls out there for him with Jerry's advice being a bust takato has Graham on sleep in his backyard kalamon wakes Grandma up and wants to play leading to Carter to wake up to takato calls Henry for advice Henry takes some bolt to the same tunnel Gilman was trapped in before the tunnel turns out to be a good location to hide Grandma for the night imkmon also makes his way to the tunnel but Grandma advises that takato forbade him from speaking with imman impermann goes on to chase Grandma out of the tunnel by throwing Fireballs at him the following morning Ramon is nowhere to be found so takato and Henry and terrymon form a search party to look for him teriomon finds groundman sleeping in the middle of a playground with the kids sitting atop him by the time the two Tamers arrive Ramon has moved and is found hiding in the bushes Grandma informs to Carter what happened the night before we get a flashback and which shows him running from it mod for some time that is until Grandma had enough and launched a warning attack towards imman realizing Rama will now fly back impon runs away eventually groundman is able to DJ evolve after a rainbow appears which draws out the remainder excess data allowing him to return to his rookie form Rika is deep in thought wondering why she still does not feel satisfied even though renamon has been able to achieve her Champion form she also Ponders on what the trigger is that led to all three Tamers Digimon being able to devolve ice devimon who has bio-emerged is seeking out a powerful tamer in order to help it digivolve too kalamon comes across Rika and wants to play but goes on to run away after Rika gives it a Stern turning off implan is bored and tries to cause more trouble by telling renamon how terrioman was speaking ill of her renamon has zero interest in what imman has to say and simply dismisses him ice Devilman is lurking in the shadows trying to grab a hold of Rika who's visibly scared of this presence that has begun to surround her she calls out to renamon but renamon does not pick up on any presents around them and reassures Rika that she needn't worry as she will always protect her Rika is unsure how to process such a kind gesture and so instead it lashes out citing how she does not need renamon's protection impermann sees Henry takato terrioman and Gilman and tries to stir the pot but they too like renamon simply ignore him feeling humiliated imman tries to launch a fireball at them but Terry him on sends him soaring into the distance whilst renamon wonders how she can become closer to her Tamer Rica is captured by ice devimon and taken to its domain ice devimon cites he wishes for her to become its Tamer Rika is not interested as she already has her partner renamon is no longer able to sense Rika and Saul begins to look for her eyes everyone tries to manipulate Rika by showing her the similarities they share in how it too like her is willing to destroy Digimon in its Pursuit for power Rika acknowledges what she has done in the past was wrong and how Digimon are much more than just data iced everyone asks Rika to call renamon and when Rika refuses to the ice Digimon sends out a light which signals their location to cartoon Henry see the light too and make their way to its Hideout going on to demand the ice devimon let a Rika go ice everyone goes on to freeze Gilman and terrioman renamon makes her way to the ice cave but is not a match for ice everyone ice everyone asked Rika why she cares so much for renamon in which she finally omits that renamon is her friend which results in her Digimon partner digivolving to its Champion form for this pathetic creature she's my friend I care because renaman's my friend [Music] [Music] under the jungles [Music] you'll be more unfortunately qbiman is not powerful enough to take ice devimon on on her own and is in need of support Henry uses an expansion support card which allows Terrier mod to balloon in size thus Breaking Free of the ice along with Gilman with kubimon incapacitated Gilman with the help of takato's correct use of support cards this time around is able to destroy ice devimon due to her Rush of emulsions rikay's left a feeling overwhelmed and lashes out at everyone around her going on to sight how she hates all Digimon which leads to her and kubimon parting ways in opposite directions museumon begins to bio-emerge and terryerman wants to check out the energy field but Henry refuses to let him go using the ugoth program hypnos is able to prevent muzio mod from bio-emerging and but are unable to destroy it terryerman asks Henry why he won't fight but Henry simply states that he just does not want to battle kalamon makes its way to rika's room realizing she is sad it takes her digivise out the trash can and brings it Rica in an attempt to cheer her up renamon wishes to talk to Henry bolt exchanged their issues in which renamon is having an existential concern regarding its purpose given that she believes rika's only attachment to her is for her fighting ability whilst Henry voices how he wishes to find out the reason the three of them became Tamers in the first place neither are able to provide each other the answers they seek Takata decides to show Gilman off to Kazu and Kenta but the Shadow and sound of Gilman has them both run away in fear museumon reattends to bio-emerge and this time around completely destroys the you got program providing that it will attain its revenge against hypnot for foiling its attempts to enter the real world the first time takato and Gilman confront museumon who immediately goes on to attack them both their false agility has Gilman struggling to gain the upper hand Henry Witnesses a child running after a balloon who ends up in the digital field so he runs in after them Henry is forced to have terrioman join the battle as muzyomon is about to attacked the child Terry on digivolves into gargamon and goes on to destroy museumon Henry finally realizes that some battles are just unavoidable and so he apologizes to gargoma for taking so long to realize this believing takato trolled them earlier Kazu and Kento distance themselves from him with Jerry watching on as they argue recan renaman's relationship is still rocky after she voiced how she hated all Digimon without rika's Hub renamon is able to defeat multiple flybymon and Rika who's watching from afar concludes that renamon was just using her in order to evolve Henry and calumon were also watching and try to mend the two's relationship but have little luck in doing so yamaki reveals himself to Henry and takato citing how he wants them to stop playing the game they currently are with their Digimon Partners both are confused and ask him who he is but yamaki runs off Jerry having heard the earlier argument now wishes for takato to take her to see guilmon upon seeing his Digimon partner Jerry instantly takes to Gilman much to takato's relief from outside imp mon observes two children who are twins arguing in their room over a teddy bear as the twins fight over the bed they begin to refer to it as imperman this is the first Insight we get into implement's backstory in that these two children are his Tamers but due to their incessant arguing over everything he decided to leave them imman's experience with the twins led to his disdain towards humans renamon takes on harpimon next this armoreditch evolved Digimon proves far too much to take on along kalamon and Rika make their way to the digital field and so too do the other Tamers Rikers seeing her partner's back is up against the wall wants to help but she realizes that she left her Digivice at home and sold results to stabbing Harpy mod in the back as Rika is about to be attacked renamond did evolves into kubimon and destroys harpimon but this time chooses not to load its data going on to explain to Rika that so long as they have each other she does not need to load a data to get stronger the pair patched their relationship and Rica finally allows herself to openly accept kubimon as her friend to cartoon guilmon battle dark listed one but before they're able to finish the battle hypnos agents along with yamaki arrive going on to capture dockley's admon yamaki berates takato for continuing to play games by taking on wild Digimon it's made clear here from dialogue that dark lizardmon is seeking out a Tamer just as ice devimod was in order to ditch evolve he also cites habit wishes to stay in the real world but is taken away by hypnos agents nonetheless Gilman is excited with the amount of wins he's racked up lately which he believes will help him digivolve once again and make takato happy takato however voices that he does not wish for guilmore to battle anymore as he feels his partner May forever change after successfully testing another program called Juggernaut by using it to destroy dark lizardmon your Maki contacts his superiors to gain clearance in deploying the Juggernaut program to deal with the vast number of Digimon that have bio-emerged as of late his superiors explain to one another how many years ago a group of scientists created the artificial life forms called Digimon and provided them with Advanced forms of intelligence the scientists eventually tried to shut down the program as they eventually were not able to control the digital beings and so went on to turn the Digimon program into a simple children's game but little did they know that the Digimon began to manifest into organic beings the Market's superiors approve his request a shady man whom presumably is your Marquee approaches Mr Wong going on to disclose that Henry's dad was one of the scientists that created Digimon yumaki needs to know the location of another member of Mr Wong's team whom is still working on Digimon as they speak unfortunately he is unable to get any intel from Mr Wong as Henry soon arrives the Juggernaut program is launched causing a portal to open up in the sky which begins to draw all Digimon towards it however yamaki makes grave oversight not realizing that this digital portal he has opened although enables them to send the Wild Ones back to the digital plane it also provides the digital plane a direct link to Earth this enables an extremely powerful Digimon by the name of mihiramon to enter the city mihiromon telepathically lets yomaki know that he was the one who enabled it to enter the real world the head of hypnos refuses to take accountability and goes on to blame the Tamers and their Digimon mahiromon is too powerful for the Tamers Champion Digimon as not only is it an ultimate level Digimon but also is a member of the Deva a group of Digimon created by the Digimon Sovereign the DeVos sworn to serve the Digimon Sovereign and do their bidding it seems that takaton graemon are inextricably linked to one another as the damage inflicted upon grandma is also being fouled by Takata which eventually renders him unconscious in his unconscious day Takata meets grelmon whom convinces him to take on the Deva one more time a blue card appears in which enabled graemon to digivolve to his ultimate level that's more like it this battle has Only Just Begun [Music] Crystal Matrix Matrix thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] working as one we took out our wall ground mod is able to destroy my hero mod but not before the Deva curses the Tamers and their Digimon leading them to question as to what its maltes were Canton Kazu having saw wargram on In the Flesh finally believed to car told that he is in fact a real Tamer with the introduction of the Deva this episode marks a major turning point in the series as the stakes continue to rise over the course of each episode also if you happen to be enjoying this video so far please do like the video and consider subscribing to the channel was Kenta Kazu and Jerry show off Gilman to the rest of their classmates Rika spent some time reflecting on her previous misconceptions that Digimon would just data she feels guilty due to the way she treated renamon and other wild Digimon in the past renamon catches implan watching Gilman play with the other kids and she goes on to tease him citing that he's clearly jealous of Gilman whilst Rika is at the underground Subway the next day the Sandy Roman appears whilst kubimon is tracing after the state Digimon Rica shouts to Henry he's also nearby to call to Carter for backup cube in one struggles against the ultimate level Digimon and saw gargoma and lends a hand but even two Champions are not able to stand up to it in Pokemon knowing what takato is goes over team to inform him that the others are fighting a grueling battle whilst he's playing tag with his school friends before he makes his way Kazu learns to Carter the power modified support card using the support card grandma is able to destroy Sandy Ramon before it dies Sandy Roman proclaims that there are 10 more demons they must all face the rest of the Tamers introduced their Digimon to carto's classmates recontrolls her softer side with renamon offering her an energy drink as she feels her partner has been overworking as of late takato and Henry's class are due to go on a camping trip with the help of his school friends Takata was able to smuggle Gilman on board the bus at the campsite the two Tamers digivizes detect a small Digimon whom is beginning to buy or emerge believing the Digimon to be weak due to its small stature both teamers decide to leave it be that hypnos HQ even Riley and tally believing it to not pose a risk decide to leave it be and also to not inform you Marquee at night the two Tamers see a vulture like Digimon gazing into the distance this is the same small Digimon their d-powers picked up on earlier given that it was not causing any trouble they decided to take their Digimon Partners back to the Campsite in order to avoid a battle so as to not ruin this downtime Gilman Ontario mod have been long overdue overnight the bird like Digimon begins to growl exponentially in size in Pokemon shows up the next morning and as always tries to cause trouble but the kids invite him to join them in the water impmont accepts and plays with everyone the Digimon from last night called Sindhu Roman turns out to be another Deva it attacks Gilman terrimon and imman whilst they're playing a possessed owl under the control of sendurumon communicates to takato and Henry on Cindy Roman's behalf Henry realizes that the blackouts from the night before were caused by the Deva absorbing the electrical energy from the grid Ramon and gargamon are able to destroy the Deva by having it make contact with the river and thus its body which is ripe with electricity begins to short circuit and implode a mysterious man bumps into a kid who's shuffling his digimon cards the man drops a card in which the kid already seems to have and so the card ends up with Kenta who passes it on to Henry Henry decides to swipe the card via his digivise this results in the card transforming into a blue card he has his father analyzer and Mr Wong seems to recognize something in the code coming from the card but chooses not to inform Henry of this impermann is bored and wants to fight harrioman but to everyone surprised Mr wonk sees terrioman and imman In the Flesh Mr Wong is in shock and Henry refuses to talk to his father worried that he will take terrymon away from him and so runs off Rika meets up with the other two Tamers and all three attempt to Ambush the mysterious man who dropped the card to that kid from earlier instead they find two Digimon Deva have bio emerged called Pidgey Roman and vadramon gargamon struggles against pajiromon leading to Henry desperately swiping the blue card which is at his disposal enabling gargoma to digivolve to his ultimate level here goes nothing [Music] [Music] well it seemed like a really great idea at the time [Music] pathetic humans please [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] but the other day the vadramon is able to escape Mr Wong explains to Henry how 20 years ago he and his colleagues worked on a voluntary computer project they did for fun and ended up creating the first set of Digimon he goes on to further cite how the funding for the project was pulled and so he and his colleagues were never able to finish the original project they instead pivoted the project to using the assets to make a game he asks a terrier mod if it knows who inserted shaboomi's code into the blue card's data vadramon wants to talk with renamon privately without Rika present and so she allows her partner to go off with the Deva whilst Rika worries about renamon who's still yet to return Riley begins to have doubts in hypnosis ability to manage the bio-emergence of Digimon as the three children are doing a much better job of it inside a digital field a vajramon asks renamon to join the Deva by swearing allegiance to the Digimon Sovereign along with the Tamers kalamon also arrives into the digital field Kalama is about to be curb stomped by vajramon but grahamon manages to distract the Deva neither graemon or gargamon are able to hold her own against it renamon protects her friends by attacking the Deva but even after she did revolves into her Champion form all three of the partner Digimon are unable to overcome vadramon wishing to help her partner a blue card appears in rika's deck Rika without hesitation uses the card which enables kubimon to reach her ultimate level everybody huh a blue card now it's our turn [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] makes it clear to the diva that she was only using it to gain Intel on what the Davis plans are after running on defeats of agramon Rika commends her Digimon partner for job Walden Henry is at Dojo practice and his Sensei realizes that his student is distracted Henry cannot stop thinking about the Deva and so confides innocent say his Sensei informs him the mythological origins of the Deva going on to tell him how they are known to be good spirits whom fought against Azura who was trying to take over the world Henry is confused as the story implies the Deva are good his Sensei clarifies that how one defines another for being good or bad is all about perspective depending on which side you are on it can drastically change your perception of which party is good or bad another day where indrumon appears and implant mistakes the Davis laughed to be directed at him and goes on to pick a fight with the massive Digimon in German cites it can smell the twins Ascent on imp mon which floods him with traumatic memories of his past in drumon further insults imperman's la of ability to digivolve only further angering him renamon and Rika arrive which leads to indomin leaving whilst Baker hypnos HQ yumaki is being taunted by a binary code transmission which simply States we are Deva as to cartoon and his classmates play tag they come across a bizarre kid inpomon who spotted causing Mayhem across the cities taken away by renamond just as he's about to be arrested seeing how kalaman is always around when their Digimon did evolve takato deduces that it must be the one who's enabling them to devolve he wonders if their Digimon will ever be able to digivolve without calumon around whilst scolding in man randomon realizes that he used to have Tamers himself Implement voices his frustration in not being able to digivolve something that he now desperately seeks to be able to do indroman reappears on fully bio-emerges impermann does not listen to reason as he attempts to fight indrumon on his own impermann ends up taking a thrashing and just as he's about to be killed redemon saves him the Tamers win three Champion digimon's done no chance against the Deva hypnos deploys Juggernaut and yumaki incorrectly believes the program to have successfully destroyed in German after it disappears after looking for some time the Tamers are unable to find the injured in Pokemon Kazu brings his own blue card as a gift for takato in order to help Gilman digivolve the bizarre kid from earlier returns but this time tries to steal the fake blue card Rica cites how she's worried about in Pokemon as she and Henry continue to search for him indramon begins to bio-emerge once more whilst in yamaki shows Henry's dad the destruction Digimon are bringing upon the city as the Tamers Champion Digimon face off against indrumon yamaki brings all the Digimon makers together minus shibumi whom cannot be located Mr Wong begins to feel guilty and you Marky voices his suspicion that there may be other beings known as the Digimon Sovereign whom injected life into the Digimon enabling them to materialize as physical beings yumaki cites how he wants to wipe out out the digital world and needs the Digimon Maker's help to track down tribumi who is the one responsible for finishing the project after it was shut down using kazu's fake blue card and kalamon ready to lend its power to Kato is successful in enabling Ramon to Matrix digivolve to its ultimate level wargram goes on to easily destroy in drumon while sharing some bread with kalamon which she had purchased from takato's Family Bakery Jerry now shows interest in becoming a Tamer 2 and asks kalamon to become her partner Digimon their conversation is cut short when they are soon interrupted by the Deva called can be Roman a wild Leomon appears and sends the Deva soaring off into the distance Jerry takes this appearance as a sign that Leomon is her Digimon partner as he tries to get away from Jerry Leomon winds up in Gilman's Hideout where Takata bumps into him after an initial misunderstanding as to whether Leomon is picking on kalomon or not Jerry defuses the situation and clear tears things up she tells jakarto that Leomon is her partner Leomon makes it clear that he is a lone Warrior and knows nothing about this Tamer Digimon relationship that they all keep talking about can be Roman reappears and Leomon protects the kids from its attack whilst the odd child from the previous episode is lurking in the background watching calamon closely after a couple embarrassing failed attempts in using a modification card on liaman Via takato's D power Jerry is distraught to find out that she's not liaman's Tamer Henry has terrioman digivolve which activates calamon's Digi Hazard symbol seeing this the odd kid watching kalamon earlier laughs hysterically Leomon seeing that Jerry is upset destroys can be Roman with the help of gargamon liaman leaves as soon as the Battle Is Over the Digimon makers are hard at work trying to crack shibumi's code as an earthquake begins to hit Shinjuku Henry needs to leave his family apartment to check out what's going on Susie has hold of teriomon and refuses to let him go leaving Henry no choice but to take terrioman from her by force in which Susie responds by saying she wishes he wasn't her brother whilst out shopping with her grandma Rika bumps into Henry and they decide to make their way to the park where to Carter is at the park Jerry is seen asking the boys to teach her how to play the Digimon card game she shows off her deck which includes cards done not even Kazu all Kenta have Rika being the Digimon TCG Queen offers to teach Jerry the ropes and even goes on to console Jerry over Leomon leaving Henry realizes how all the Digimon Deva resemble animals which enables the Tamers to predict which Remain the types of Deva they are left to face off the weird kid returns once again and this time yells and just runs off the Tamers chase after him whilst the computers at hypnos HQ are being overwhelmed by an extremely large wild one who begins to bio-emerge takato picks up how the kid from earlier has been focusing his attention on kalamon the swan Deva the carolomon appears your Market orders Riley to prepare the Juggernaut program whilst all three Tamers wish for a blue card would their wish being granted they all go on to swipe the blue cards allowing their partner Digimon to digivolve to their ultimate level your Maki goes on to launch Juggernaut which Mr Wong condemns as the program and also destroy the kids Digimon too when he tries to stop yamaki Mr Wong is simply pushed over to a side the three ultimate Digimon struggle against the Behemoth Deva who goes on to open a gateway to the digital world with war grahamon incapacitated Henry and Rika believe in their Partners which enables them to break free from the carolomon talmon and Rapid Mongol on the offensive but before they're able to turn the tide of the battle the Juggernaut program reaches full power and starts to affect all the Digimon in the vicinity including the Deva Talman uses a spell to Shield both her and Rapid one takato is overwhelmed by the moment realizing that he was not ready for things to get Soul serious so soon and he worry is that he will lose his Digimon partner recan Henry reassure him that won't happen even talman's Shield is unable to hold off the program for long as it begins to delete both her and Rapid one the odd boy from earlier reveals himself as a diver by the name of maku Ramon and explains how humans have brought This calamity upon themselves by polluting the digital world and so the Deva Must Destroy the human world which endangers their own citing how kalamon is the key which they have been searching for a voice begins to speak to a beaten implant who goes on to inform him that it can give him the ability to digivolve makurumon goes on to easily destroy the Juggernaut program and restores the Vitality of the partner Digimon as well as vicarumon hypnot HQ begins to collapse and all personnel must evacuate the carolomon and the partner Digimon continue to battle refusing to lose faith in his partner to carto lets out a war cry which reignites war grahamon back into action while Grandma begins to overpower the carolomon seeing there is Rika and Henry call out to their partners and saw all three ultimate Digimon are able to destroy The Devout once and for all as makuramon attempts to steal kalaman liaman appears and tries to save it but is unsuccessful in doing so Leomon is injured in the process and Jerry's concern for him leads to a yellow d-power materializing in her hand which enables her to heal leonmon whilst also solidifying her as his tamer standing in the wake of the destruction caused by the battle the Tamers realized they must save their friend kalamon as well as prevent the Deva from accessing its power so takato decides they too must travel to the digital world the Enrique I worry about how they will break the news to their parents Jerry asks Leomon what his home is like Leomon informs her the digital world is beautiful yet dangerous and asks her if she's sure she wants to go she responds by stating she will feel safe so long as she has him by her side Jerry voices her concern in how she feels she's not good enough to be his Tamer liaman reassures her that she is and that she has the Heart of a Lion reek his grandma sees run him on but surprisingly is not taken aback in fact her grandma openly welcomes renamond into the family Rika tells her grandma that she will be going away for a while and not to tell her mom her grand gives Rika her full blessing as she has been given Assurance from renamond that Rika will be kept safe Gilman seems to have stumbled on a digital Gateway in his Hideout The Voice whom spoke to implement earlier has already began transporting him to the digital world yamaki is mopping around feeling sorry for himself as he fuels his years of hard work was for nothing after getting of stern telling off from Riley your Market realizes he can still rely on the Tamers to carry through his plan in securing the safety of their world takato Jerry Kenta and Kazu leave a letter for Mr Saji informing her that they will be off school for a while as they must go to the digital world Mr sargi rushes out after them after catching up to the kids she shocked when terrioman reveals himself their teacher begins to cry in worry but the kids go on to reassure her agreeing a time and place to meet at Gilman's Hideout Jakarta goes home and reveals his partner to his parents going on to explain everything to the them whilst his father listens attentively his mother is distraught and refuses to let to Carter go takato's Dad places his trust in his son and allows to Carter to go to the digital world moving on to prepare food for their travels Henry finally reveals to Susie that terrioman is in fact a real Digimon to his surprise Susie is on phase and doubles down on her affection towards terrioman unsure if they will make it back in one piece Rika decides to dress up for her mom knowing it will make her happy before the kids set off your Market appears before them and gives them his Blessing he also hands to carto a conservise that will enable them to communicate with him from the digital world they also make their way to the digital gate but soon find themselves free-falling where they land on a desert plane within the digital world makuromon loses its grip on kalamon's cage and the Tamers bump into meromon who launches an attack towards them Leomon incapacitates marimon and explains that they mean it no harm marijuana actually turns out to be quite friendly and states have it longs to go to the real world which is right above them a jagerman stampede is fast approaching the direction of the Tamers the kids managed to get away but meromon who's still fast asleep finds itself caught in the Stampede and is destroyed having witnessed this takatona realizes how dangerous the digital world really is is Left Behind and renamon explains how she believes that all along meromon has been trying to take over dragonmon's territory after showing the dragonmon kalaman's picture they point the kids in the direction of where kalamon is kentan Kazu are being chased by a day extreme so Rick and renamon got after him but they all wind up being caught in the Stream the four of them are transported to a different area within the digital world they managed to take refuge from the wind in Digimon and babymon's house who even got on to feed them and offer them a hot bath and warm beds while searching for recan the others to cartoon coal come across what seems to be an abandoned Village after they enter they are soon fast approached by an unmanned bike which begins to chase after them the bike launches itself into one of the nearby homes and in the process goes on to kill one of the chuchidarumon residing within it the chuchidaruman Tang to Tamers as Leomon managed to save one of their young impmod who's now in the digital world is approached by the dog Deva katsu Ramon the chichadarumon have no idea as to the origins of the bike but only know its name which is Behemoth and that it acts similar to that of a beast one which may have the potential to be tamed katsuromon manipulates implant emotions in order to gain his allegiance to the Digimon Sovereign back at the Village the bike returns and the partner Digimon have no success in slowing it down in an alternative events Gilman finds itself placed under the bike's control katsuruman sets the conditions for the deal in which impmod must exact Revenge upon Gilman and the others for destroying its Deva Brethren and by agreeing to do so the devil will give Impmon the ability to dig evolve impmann recalls the kindness that the Tamers and their partner Digimon showed him unfortunately he is unable to overcome the sheer desperation he now feels as he wants nothing more at this point but to be able to digivolve and soul gives in to the Davis request impermann begins to be pulled into a pool of lava Leomon is able to free Gilman from the bike's control but the bike too ends up being pulled into a similar lava pool in which from it emerges a digimon called Beelzemon the alzamon shows that he has full control over Behemoth and rides off into the distance Rika renamon Kazu and Kenta pulled into another data stream and they are transported to a new area full of massive gears where they meet clockmon and hagu Ramon the gears begin to move which awakens the ultimate Digimon mega drumon who sets its eyes on recap renamonditch evolves into his Champion form but is no match for Mega dromon another ultimate level Digimon cyber demon appears which goes on to destroy Mega Drummond cyberjramon turns out to have a Tamer by the name of Rio Rio loses control of cyberjramon and is forced to use his digivas to calm down his partner Rika seems to know who Rio is but upon an introduction he seems to be oblivious as to who she is Rika does not take a liking to Rio's seemingly know at all attitude even though he clearly means well Kazu and Ken to go on to State how Rio is well known in their Hometown for being the best known player of the Digimon TCG Takata and his group get caught up in a stream as makuromon continues to search for kalamon rika's group finds out that Rio has been living in the digital world for the last eight months he goes on to cite that his reason for coming to the digital world was due to the uncontrollable nature of his partner Digimon whom he struggles to control Kazu gets annoyed by rika's persistent sly comments towards Rio and so goes on to sight how she's jealous of Rio given that he beat her in a car tournament which causes Rika to walk off into the distance with renamond by her side riocides how he has not yet managed to figure out a way to leave the digital world the trap to carto and the others were caught in takes them to new remote location in which they happen to bump it into Kazu Kenta and Rio it's clear to Carter is also a fan of Rio and Henry explains how Rio disappeared after winning a tournament and highlights how Rio is known as the greatest tamer in the world Rika is nowhere to be seen having walked off from her group who would run him on by her side Jakarta gets real up to date on why they came to the digital world the kids spend the night in the location they are currently at but takato cannot sleep and stumble the partner lucky charm which has a letter next to it the letters from his mom in which writes to him words of encouragement and asks that he come back home safe to her she mentions how she's still working on perfecting her Gilman brother recipe signifying her accepting his Digimon partner as a member of their family the alzamon stumbles upon kalamon and simply stares at it for a while before riding off kalaman is happy to stumble upon the digi Norms whilst following the digital Norms kalamon unintentionally causes some Woodman nearby to digivolve into cherrymon the light of digivolution gives away kaliman's location to mukuramon Takata on the others see mccuromon in the distance and follow it cyber Drummond goes on to attack the Digimon that makurumon is riding on called Maji Roman both grahamon and gargamon offer support to cyberjaman but majiromon proves too powerful Rio uses the Goliath support card which enables cyberjramon to grow exponentially allowing it to destroy majiromon whilst the kids are all in awe of both Rio and cyberjramon Jerry is left feeling unsettled having witnessed the death of a digimon up close Rio cites he must leave due to cyberjramon's lust for battle having been ignited to Carter continues to worry about Rika who's still off on her own with radamon the alzaman continues to ride Behemoth around the digital worlds seeking out an opponent to test his powers against whilst a group search for Rika Gilman catches on to kalamon sent back in the real world government agents and hypnos Personnel are able to get hypnos HQ back up and running as a result the Communicator takato was given is back up and running too yumaki receives takato's email which cites that they have made it to the digital world safe and sound the alzamon uses a group of krusalemon as target practice going on to destroy hordes of them the remaining chrysalimon collectively digivolved into infomon and ultimate level Digimon which piazemon easily defeats also katsuramon reminds me I was among the promise he made to destroy the Tamers Rika is thirsty and saw the digital Norm around her take her to a nearby lake the digital arms suddenly become distressed and it becomes clear that a fast tide is rapidly approaching them Rika gets caught up in the tide to a surprise it's not random one but kalamon who saves her a second hide arrives and both are saved by renamon all three of them end up teleported back to the area they landed in when they first entered the digital world Gilman senses kubimon and kalamon fast approaching them the kids are all ecstatic to have finally been reunited but their reunion is cut short when the alderman arrives terrioman and renamod both realize that the alzeman was the imperman they once knew the alzaman goes on to State how he has come to destroy them Rika immediately has kubimon digivolve to her ultimate form whilst at the same time the government relaunched the Juggernaut program which causes weather abnormalities within the digital world as well as creates multiple data streams this causes biazemon to retreat before any battle can commence the government immediately loses control of the program but luckily for them your Market arrives just in the nick of time and able to bring things back under control kasuruman reveals itself to the kids and takes advantage of the ensuing chaos which allows it to steal kalamon Henry Takata ontariomon get caught up in the data stream yumaki and Riley shot down Juggernaut which stabilizes the digital world Jerry voices her concern for kalamon but is berated by Rika who tells her that she needs to toughen up renamon advises her Tamer that she's being too harsh on Jerry and so Rika listens and stops the kids meet Andrew Mont on ultimate level Digimon who's challenging another Digimon by the name of orachimon a rashimon goes on to injure the Android Digimon and Leomon intervenes and is able to save andromon the kids stumble upon a village inhabited by a large populace of geckomon who were making copious amounts of Milkshakes they asked the geckom on Elder to help them treat andromon the Elder denies their request as he informs them that one day the peace in their Village was Disturbed when orochiman dropped from the sky and immediately went on to enslaved them orachiman has them make it an endless supply of shakes the reason the Elder is not willing to treat androman is because every time they go to deliver the milkshakes over to the lake the righteous and Ramon begins to battle arachimon in order to free them but this inadvertently results in them having to clean up after the mess nonetheless the kids with leomon's help managed to convince the Elder to provide androman Aid androman goes on to deedage evolve into guardroman but remains unconscious arachimon returns and is able to kidnap Jerry going on to enslave her too Jerry keeps up with the ACT hoping that feeding it enough milkshakes will make it fall asleep which will provide an opening to escape informs Kazu of a way to save Jerry in which they can sneak up on arachimon by hiding inside the large container the geckomon used to transport the milkshakes perika and the rest of the group plead with the Elder for its help which it does agree to in the end Jerry does manage to get old but one of the heads to fall asleep but lucky for her Leomon and the rest of the gang arrive Jerry's plan to overfeed arachimon majorly backfires as the data within the shakes actually makes it more powerful after managing to destroy some of its heads the kids feel as though they are making progress but arachiman goes on to explain how all its other hands are simply simulations Jerry blames herself for the situation everyone is in but after Kazu tells her to toughen up Jerry uses a support card to help Leomon destroy arachimon recan the rest of the gang go on to congratulate Jerry much to everyone's surprise Kazu receives a zombie power making guardroma and his partner Digimon back in the real world some men from hypnos have Shibu me cornered but he manages to evade them takato and Henry tried to figure out a way to get out of the cave that they are stuck in the kid's parents demand the Digimon makers bring them home the parents ask why they felt it necessary to send their kids on such a dangerous Journey one of the Digimon makers goes on to explain that due to the way the personalities of Digimon have been programmed they are naturally drawn to children as children are able to provide them a great deal of power due to their imagination and also the fact that kids are generally more accepting of them than adults are the imagination of kids enables them to also open up digital Gates Jakarta was able to boot up the comm's device and reads the email the umaki sent him yumaki shares with the parents to carto's earlier messages the adults begin to communicate with the kids Henry informs his dad that they are trapped in a cave and their only way out is to swim Henry asks if their imagination will allow them to sustain their breath when underwater your Market tells Mr Wong that it will work and when Henry tests it out it turns out was right their path within the seabed is blocked by divermon divermon explains how he had thought that they came to attack the little otama one it apologizes to the kids and shows them a way out they spot the Digimon and follow them into a building where they meet a holographic version of goru Mizuno who goes by the Alias shibumi mizuna introduces himself and is already aware of whom takatu and Henry are when takato asks him why the ornament in the ceiling looks like their digivices he explains how their digivices are in fact arcs that transport data given the knowledge Mizuno has displayed Henry asks if he knows of his father in which he concurs he does they ask him if he knows of a way for them to get a home in which he replies that he does know he expands that they are a form of AI which evolved on their own he also goes on to explain how just as humans the Digimon and the digital world has also evolved adding that the blue card is actually an algorithm which enables Digimon to evolve further Mizuno planes are the only way out of the digital world is to reach its highest level but warns them that at the peak is where the four most powerful Digimon reside known as the Digimon Sovereign Jakarta believes The Sovereign to be good given that they are akin to deities in the digital world but Henry warns his friend that Aziz Sensei once told him that he should not be so quick in labeling something either good or bad as it depends on the perspective of which you are viewing things from Mizuno explains how the sovereigns seek to accelerate this evolution in preparation to fight against something he goes on to send Henry terryerman anticato on their way via the arc ornament attached to the ceiling which turns out to be a transport vehicle whilst Mr Wong takes Souza to the park yumaki approaches him and asks how shibumi fit in with the rest of the Digimon makers Mr Wong informs him that shuboomi's goals for the project was far more ambitious than the rest of his colleagues he cites how shibumi via the project aspired to create an entirely new life form the large Arc Henry and the others are traveling in seems to appear in the world at least for a split secondaries this causes the digital gate to open which draws Susie in now in the digital world the digital arms appear before Susie she tries to follow them but is unable to keep up Susie soon realizes that the digital world is not full of pleasantries as she had initially thought her cries are heard by terrioman Susie meets a Deva by the name of antietamon who's guarding the stairwell to the south gate and team one advises Susan that she needs to go back home but Susie states she doesn't know how to nor has anyone around her to help her Susie asks for antidemon's help in finding terrioman and tiramon initially says no as she must remain stationed at her post but after Susie begins to cry the Deva agrees to help her in the end as takartol struggles to find a way to navigate The Ark they are traveling in cherry on one comes up with the idea that they may be able to control it by wishing for it to take them to a specific location or person whilst Henry worries for his sister's safety she's having the time of her life as she's off searching for some food Susie bumps into Miku Roman who tries to kidnap her and tilamon saves her from the Davis clutches Henry and the others land where Susie is and watch on as until battle which ends with makuramon fleeing much to Henry's shock Susie receives her own Digivice making antilomon her partner Digimon and tinomon goes on to DJ devolve into her rookie form lothman kalamon finds itself dumped in a tower a tower which it feels it has visited before Henry asks lokman if she knows kalamon lopmon informs them that she does know and also explains how kalamon holds the key to digivolution she goes on to tell them how the Sovereign created the Deva out of the lingering data of destroyed Digimon in order for them to track down kalamon as The Sovereign need its power in order to help them fend off an enemy who will soon bring destruction upon the digital world lopman also confirms it saw kalamon being taken through the Phoenix gay in which the Digimon Sovereign is The Sovereign whom gave him on the power to digivolve into bialsomon the trial man also refers to kalamon as the keeper of light whilst Rika and the others all talk about how one another met Jerry continues to feel she's Unworthy of being Leon's Tamer liaman reassures her once again that she has the True Heart of a Lion and adds how there's no one else he would rather be with was takato and Henry discuss how they will infiltrate Sir Charles Palace they are attacked by the alzamon rapidman is unable to make a dent and is easily incapacitated takato calls out to Gilman a call which is heard by Grandma and the others a data stream travels towards them carrying the voice of takato and so they all enter it the dead extreme transports them to the location where takato Henry and rapidman are kubimon pleased with the alzaman to reconsider what he is doing but he refuses to listen going on to attack QB month as Beelzemon is about to finish off kyubimon and enraged Takata well commands Grandma to take him down the alzaman easily throws Graham on the side and continues forward to finish off kiwimon Leon grabs hold of the alzamon and tries to talk some sense into him but bials Oman responds via fatally wounding Leomon as lyomon begins to die he reassures a distort Jerry that he will always be with her and how she must always remember that she has the Heart of a Lion the alzaman goes on to load leomon's data which causes takato to finally snap he orders War growlmon to destroy the alzamon to Carter commands War Grandma to digivolve which causes it to dark digivolve into a corrupted Mega Digimon called McGee drumon I order you to digivolve digivolve [Applause] d [Music] the mark on his chest is glowing what's happening to him [Music] he's digivolving do it that's it digivolve I order you the Digimon to Mega Takata upon seeing what his partner has become finally comes back to his senses whilst at the same time his digivise begins to self-destruct seeing this beastly form of Gilman even has Beelzemon shocked for a minute as magijamon attempts to devour bialzom on the hazard symbol on its chest begins to flash causing the ground beneath everyone to break apart magidroman's power is also affecting the network in the real world too your Market is shocked that such a powerful Digimon can exist whilst Mr Wong believing the kids demise to be imminent breaks down yumaki asks him not to lose faith in the kids yet as they are a resourceful Bunch whom are put him in his place more than once as biazemon struggles to push back megidramon makuramon arrives to berate the alzaman for not having yet ended this battle the alzaman goes on to destroy mccuromon and assimilates its data which provides him the Boost in power needed to hold back magidromon both Talman and rapidmon rushed to stop the elzamon but he incapacitates both of them using the ability he acquired through absorbing makurumon's data the alzamon traps them both into a bubble which begins to destroy them with some quick thinking Henry tells Rika to use the Alias support card which immediately DJ revolves both their Digimon allowing them to escape the bubble unfortunately the data from their ultimate forms is absorbed by Beelzemon which gives them enough strength to overpower and subdue McGee Truman piccarto apologizes to a mortified Jerry who refuses to let him come near her she blames him for having turned the sweet Gilman into such a monster back in the real world yamaki has fully realized his misguided ways and regrets the way he went about things he offers up the entire hypnos facility and his resources to the Digimon makers in order to help them bring the Tamers home as the unconscious magidramon is about to be destroyed to cartel rushes to his partner and refuses to leave its side as the rest of his friends scream for him to get out of the way takato manages to bring back his old partner and both solidify their bond The Carter wishes that they can both Fighters won this time triggering a biomerch digivolution right that's enough you sure you're okay yeah we're sure we're together we can do anything We're not gonna do this again are we I wish I could find him with you Gilman bielsman wouldn't stand a chance against the two of us together I'm sure there's a way to kacho maybe you just have to wish for it really hard it worked when you need a blue card all right then I really want to fight with Dion foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] continues to worry about takato the battle ensues and is evenly matched given that biazemon has consumed the data of four ultimate level Digimon as well as the data of Leomon and countless other champion level Digimon the alzamon calls upon Behemoth whilst Kenta continues to worry about what happened to takato now riding Behemoth and the alzamon has the speed advantage of the Gallant one Jerry continues to grieve and blames usal for leomon's death Gallant mon is not playing any games and goes on to launch an aerial strike destroying Behemoth in the process the sheer force of the attack causes the ground beneath everyone to further break apart orders katsuromon to destroy lokman tatsuramon arrives on the battlefield and goes on to attack Susie and block one Terrier one protects them both but is sent herling in the process redemon is able to get both Susie and lopmon to safety while Scarlet man goes on to swiftly dispatch katsurumon unfortunately biazemon goes on to inseminate katsuruman's data and now has the upper hand given that he has assimilated another ultimate level Digimon renamon goes on to retrieve and now injured terrioman whilst Kazu and Kenta continue to look for takato garment protects Kenta from the alzamon's attack and after hearing takato's voice coming from the night Canter realizes both Tamer and Digimon have become one he goes on to tell the rest of the kids whilst Kazu wants to help his friend and orders guardroman to launch a missile towards bialzomon whom has gallimon at gunpoint the momentary destruction enabled gallatmon to gain the upper hand against bialsomon you can't hurt us anymore [Music] your judgment day is at hand for the horrible things you have done now you must pay the ultimate price [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right excuse me as Gallant mon is about to finish off the alzamon Jerry calls off the attack citing that he's not worth it and how she cannot bear anyone else getting hurt this leaves the alzamon puzzled so she goes on to say how although she hates him for killing Leomon his death will not bring her partner back she also adds how she only blames herself for her partner's death the other one reflects on the sequence of events which led him to where he is now and the cast that came with the choices that he made as well as the lives which he destroyed he cites that he is nothing now and walks off into the distance takato receives a new digivise and whilst Rio's partner cyberdramon detects a new enemy has emerged more powerful than any other that they have faced before with lotmon's Guidance the group made their way to the chowman's Palace whilst Henry worries for Susie's safety Jerry remains withdrawn and sold to cartoon Rika to everything they can to convert her Henry becomes frustrated and is unable to deal with his sister as she wants to enter the Tower with them he ends up lashing out at her his fear of her getting hurt or Worse killed is what's causing Henry to act out this way Kazu encountered a few things by agreeing to wait outside and watch over her after calming Henry down the Tamers begin to think of their parents and takato tells them how he gave their parents updates on their behalf initially rikay is annoyed by the way takato Mater come across in his message but she ends up appreciating the gesture and thanks him nonetheless Henry is worried about Tyrion one given the damage he took earlier but terrioman reassures him that everything is fine having reached the entrance of zucha monzaler the Digimon all on edge after having felt an overwhelming presence amongst them upon seeing the child on both Rika and takato are paralyzed by fear but Henry grips down on his teeth and demands that The Sovereign hand over kalamon unbeknown to him that terriamon is still injured he has his partner digivolve into rapidmon takato and Rika back him and have their Digimon digivolve into their ultimate levels too all three Digimon are one-shotted to the ground and rapidman is clearly on the cusp of death Talman creates a force field to protect everyone against the sovereign's blazing fire whilst wargram one and rapidman press forward they are both easily pushed aside with wargram on otherwise occupied rapid one mounts a solo attack but before he is able to land and attack his energy runs out lopmon refuses to swear allegiance to the Sovereign and solves the chaumon launches an attack towards her wargram on Shields lopmon with his own body Susie who's outside realizes her partner is in danger and wishes to be by her side her digivise takes her to to lockmon rapidmon continues to fight but he's on his last legs and even though death appears to be imminent he refuses to back down after taking another hit rapid mod D dig revolves into terrioman Susie arrives too and is now knowing that Susie is In Harm's Way terrioman takes a stand refusing to allow Henry's sister or any of his friends to be her teriomon and the others spare on Henry who's now ready to battle alongside his partner which leads to them both by emerging by a turkey Henry not a chance come on let's do this together biomerge digivolution [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is offended that human and Digimon have combined into one being and so brings the ceiling down on them Mega gargamon is unfazed by this and goes on the offensive in which they are able to hurt The Sovereign by subjecting it to a barrage of melee and missile attacks whilst the Digimon makers are working on a means to bring the kids back home safely the child man reappears and attacks the kids talmon is able to cast a spell which places them all in a protective bubble both Gilman ontariomon violently go on to attack The Sovereign in their rookie forms but both are cast aside into the better water below as both Digimon are about to be finished a zulong one appears and protects them a zulong one berates to child mod for behaving like such a fool and asks that he put aside its Vendetta against humans bold Sovereign begin to battle but momentarily pause to discuss each other's viewpoints Henry asks what the sovereign's true enemy is and lopmon informs them that it's not fully known what it is all they know is that it is not a digimon but it's something entirely different the chairman choices how it wants to use the Catalyst to fend off their enemy but a zoo longmon having now seen the power which the Tamers and their partner Digimon wield when they fight as one believed that they will be able to help turn the tide of the battle against their ultimate fall the chowman launches an attack towards Gilman takato jumps out of talman's protective bubble towards direction of his partner leading them to both biomerge into Gallup mod once again a battle ensues between zachaelmon and gallopmon The Sovereign cites how all humans must be destroyed which makes staccato realize that there is no convincing it otherwise and so as gannetmon they must destroy as a child one the battle is rendered to a halt by a zulong one who points out fighting one another is useless as they should be focusing their energies on the true enemy Rio and cyberdramon come across ibon woman another one of the Digimon Sovereign points them in the direction of a battle where the fourth and final Sovereign by human is fending off a powerful fall Henry asks the two Sovereign whom their enemy is and both sides they do not know its name but know that it has been in existence for as long as the digital world has been around a zulong one cites how the digital world's substructure consists of six layers the enemy lived alongside their ancestors as well as the digital Norms whom they referred to as the ancient ones initially they all lived in harmony that is until the true enemy went on to destroy their Digimon ancestors after suddenly disappearing many years ago the enemy has now returned and has set out to destroy all Digital Life forms the Sovereign of the years acquired more power via the Catalyst in its original form which enabled them to create new layers upon the digital world where Digimon can live in peace and prosperity a zulong One Believes it and its Sovereign Brethren are to blame as their powers growing was what reawakened the true enemy after realizing this The Sovereign fell they needed to prove to the true enemy that they are not a threat and so zulongmon hid the Catalyst in the form of a digimon but it was not the Sovereign who created kalamon as they do not wield such power it is in fact the did you Norm who did as they have the ability to grant wishes and so went on to Grant azulongman's wish to turn the Catalyst into a digimon and Mizuno arrives with the digi norms and informs the Tamers the name of the true enemy the true enemy's name is the D Reaper Mizuno explains how the d-replays a program that Digimon makers created it was designed to eliminate any AI program which exceeded its original parameters he does find it odd how the D Reaper has the ability to destroy the now highly evolved Digimon and golden to speculate that the D Reaper must have eliminated hordes of Digimon in the past and Via assimilating their data it too was able to devolve itself to a level far beyond even that of the Digimon Sovereign the projection on Mizuno begins to fade away as his actual body begins to wake off back in the real world Rio observes the massive battle happening within the chasm underneath he and cyberjramon in which by human is fending off parts of the D Reaper sensing the D repays near a zoo Longmont begins to transport the Tamers away from the area takato continues to worry about Jerry Who's no longer the jury he once knew Jerry explains that when her mom died she swore should not let anyone take her place so when her father remarried she chose to keep her distance from her new stepmother even though her father's new wife wanted nothing more than to get to know her she highlights how she's not a nice person as everyone thinks she is and now having lost her Digimon partner she questions whether her Destiny is in fact to be all alone by whom one emerges from the chasm and collapses from exhaustion Rion not realizing by human was battling the D Reaper this whole time goes on to enter the chasm with cyberdramon the kids along with the two Sovereign look for kalamon but come across parts of the true enemy which destroys any object that he makes contact with the child mode descends down the chasm in order to destroy the enemy whilst Ryo and his partner reunite with the Tamers the chairman returns injured citing due to the ensuing chaos below it was not able to get anywhere close to the enemy Riker pushes forward to save kalaman unreal follow suit having seen the state Jerry is in Rika asked her partner if they can change leomon's Destiny but renamon reaffirms they cannot undo what has happened so Jerry must find a way to move forward kalamon manages to make its own way up to Rika Ryo says rikan kalamon just as they are about to be deleted by the D Reaper with the clever use of a support card cyberjramon is able to seal the hole in which the reaper is emerging from the seal does not hold up for long as the chaos begins to emerge from the cracks recast I didn't know for realizing they must stop it now else all will be destroyed which triggers she and renamon to biomerge I'm a digimon fighting is my way of life not yours what kind of partner would I be if I let any harm come to you Rico why won't you answer me we can choose our own destiny right yes can I choose to stay and fight with you break up [Music] biology [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] having sin and experienced the power of the Tamers finally lets go of his need to destroy the humans Jerry Embraces Rika relieved that she has not lost yet another friend the celebration is quite short as the D Reaper re-emerges once again The Sovereign asked the taimers to return to their world as this battle is not theirs to fight and can only end badly should they stay there are a series of earthquakes occurring across the real world due to the emergence of the reaper the market asks Mr Wong how much longer the ark will take to finish the ark is a highly engineered spaceship that the Digimon makers have been working on to bring the kids back home the alzamon now consumed by guilt allows for a group of chrysalemon to attack him with all four Sovereign to find within itself its true power and activate the light of digivolution in order to help them protect the digital world against the D Reaper now more than anything wishes to help the Sovereign and its friends it is able to locate the power deep within it with the help of the digital kalamon begins to emit a light which enables the wild Digimon across the globe to digivolve into their mega forms kalamon is left exhausted and is caught by Rika azulong mon cites that the digital seemingly perished as they used up a great deal of their power granting kalaman's wish Jerry's deteriorating mental state continues to worsen as she is no longer speaking with anyone Mr Wong sends the kids an email advising them that the ark is ready to bring them home azulong one cites how they must return to their world as he suspects the battle will reach the real world at some point a zulong one also goes on to tell kalamon it is free to live out the rest of its life as a digimon should it wish to whilst the kids are getting ready to go a part of the reaper launches itself into the sky and is able to latch itself onto the real world renamon senses implements weakened presence she and Rika go to find imman promising the others that they will be back by Nightfall remmon sites are becoming one with Rika made her feel more connected and compassionate towards all living beings a statement which Rica concurs they both managed to find imman but he refuses to return with them however the kindness they both show him causes him to change his mind the ark arrives to pick up the kids but Rika is nowhere to be found Gilmore pleads with the ark to stop as takato is about to be left behind the ark appears to have heard Gilman and does in fact stop Rio helps Rika and cubie mod make it back just in the nick of time the Digimon makers are baffled as to why their arcs AI began to think for itself the ark's lead designer explains how the same cold used to make Digimon was also used to create the ark now on board the ark Kenta finds the Marine Angemon from earlier hiding inside his pocket along with the Digivice making him its Tamer Impmon feels unworthy to be saved and laments in his own head how they should have just left him behind Gilman explains to the kids how the ark agreed to stop for Rika and renamon so Takata goes on to thank the ark the kids find themselves stuck and tocato pleads with the ark to get them home the arc responds via the screen on board agreeing to do just that they all make it back to the real world and are greeted by their parents as well as yumaki and the rest of the Digimon makers Riley informed the market that Jerry's father will not be coming to pick her up citing his reasons being that given she had left on her own she should be able to return on her own too seeing the state his friend is in takato agrees to take Jerry home before he leaves the ark begins to be pulled back into the digital world on the train back to Jerry's takato realizes that she has become completely detached as she continues to not eat or speak takarto nonetheless continues to talk Twitter going on to disclose the crush he has on her further adding how kind she has always been to him as he states he feels guilty for the loss that she has suffered Jerry is not receptive to him one bit and only goes on to worry to cattle more when she begins to talk to herself he successfully manages to drop Jerry off to her father her stepmother Embraces her but unbeknown to her family Jerry begins to smirk menacingly on the news a shoulder D Reaper has begun to take over the city but the team is now realizing it had followed them to the real world your Market offers the Digimon makers all the data hypnosis ever gathered around Digimon in order to help them find a way to take on the Hostile program which now threatens the fabric of Both Worlds Mr Wong calls Henry who along with the rest of his family are staying at his sensors Hall due to their apartment being at the heart of the area the D Reaper has taken over takato fears that the Jerry he once knew may be gone forever whilst Rio's father picks him up and isn't best pleased with his son given how long he was away for impound decides to make his way back to the Twins home but he finds that no one is there he does find a notice addressed to him which the twins have left behind in case he returns to the house Jerry continues to act bizarre which freaks out her family and kalamon as the military prepared to take on the D Reaper the Tamers realize that they are the only ones who can protect the city Rika bonds with her mom you are going out there aren't you mom you know back when I got married everyone tried to tell me I was too young here we go again but I didn't listen turns out my daughter is as stubborn as I was and you should be allowed to make your own decisions like I did if you are going out there maybe you could wear this for me oh Mom well I just thought it might bring you luck besides oh Mom we match oh Mom thank you let's go right now with her full blessing behind her we can run them on make their way to the Heart of the City Mr Wong realizes hypnosis records have been digitally infiltrated by an entity that is not a digit one takato guillermon as well as Rika and her partner make their way to the heart of the now desolate City had me's distraught mother realizes her son and his friends are the only ones that can stop what is going on in Shinjuku and so reluctantly does not prevent him from leaving Jerry's stepmom cannot find her anywhere whilst the Army presses forward to take on the reaper to cartoon Rika meet up at the tunnel where takato hit graemon when he had first did evolved into his Champion form Henry also joins them both the military encounter multiple bird like creatures which are directly connected to the source all but Gilman are freaked out by the red-like creatures that continue to stare at them so they decide to run away the kids spend their night at Henry intercarto's school and the following morning they make their way to the Carters now vacant home in order to replenish their energy they use the ingredients in the pantry to make bread [Music] now we just wait for it to bake now we always have to wait for everything you always have to eat everything so what's your point well Rika what do you have to say for yourself now you pass the butter will ya azumaki and Mr Wong monitor the d-reaper's activity they realize that it has avoided entering Central Park impermann asks people on the street to help it read the notice board that was left for him at the twins house Henry's Sensei reads it for him now knowing where the twins are imperman thanks Henry Sunset and makes his way to the twins the military fell to heal the Mark is warning that they need to stand down the military launches a camera into the replay in which they momentarily catch a glimpse of the Reaper's base ryamaki Riley and tally arrive at Carter's Hallman greet the Tamers shibumi suddenly reveals himself to the Digimon makers and informs them of the D Reaper's Origins citing that its principal programming is to delete any intelligence which evolves beyond their set parameters shibimi expands how the reaper has become sentient as it too has evolved it seems to now believe all humans and Digimon polls a threat and some must be deleted whilst the Tamers get your market up to date imperman manages to locate the twins his Tamers are happy to see him believing to have located the core of the enemy takato is ready to mount an attack and so all three Tamers have their partner Digimon digivolve into their ultimate forms the twins voiced their regret regarding their past Behavior as their constant bickering caused implant to leave Implement 2 apologizes for leaving in the first place Taiwan realizes the bird like agents of the D Reaper have the ability to copy their attacks due to the link between each Tamer and their partner the kids all sustain damage just as their Digimon do Implement sees via the news that his old friends are out on the battlefield and so tells the twins that he must leave promising that he will be back one of the twins Mako offers his toy gun to help implant in battle and the other twin IE wishes implant good luck and tells him how much he truly means to them Implement warp digivolves into Beelzemon and the gun Mako gave him transforms into a real one the azaman also begins to grow wings having now mold changed into his blast mode he takes flight now knowing that he's fighting on the right side the Tamers Digimon are all exhausted it and saw two are they the kids cannot buy a merge Henry believes it is because their bodies are no longer made up of data as was the case in the digital world so they no longer are compatible to merge with their Digimon the alzamon arrives in the nick of time and is able to sever the cable linking the agent to the d-repath the three ultimate Digimon launch a collective attack and are able to destroy it tarmon and the kids thanked the ultimate for his help whilst everyone banters with the alzamon to Carter catches a glimpse of Jerry lurking in the tree near them he lets the rest of his friends know too but he's unable to Fathom how she could have traveled so fast to Shinjuku when she lives hours away the media goes on to blame hypnos for the emergence of the reaper the kid's parents write a letter informing the kids to make their way to rika's house Rob McCoy one of the Digimon makers does a segment on the news and provides the public background on Digimon and explains to the public what the d-reaper is whilst on their way back to Rikers takato catches another glimpse of Jerry running around the streets yumaki blames himself of what's going on believing that he is at fault for letting the D Reaper into their world Mr Wong arrives with great news that they have found the original data on the D Reaper via the help of a friend in Germany arika's house the kids are greeted by their parents whom have set a banquet for them Gilman finally gets to try his much anticipated bread named after him impermann stumbles upon kalamon who's out searching for Jerry ipmann is still consumed by guilt for having killed her partner and so sets out to find and bring her back safe and sound shibumi reviews the code of the D repair thanks to their German friend and identifies that the D Reaper behaves much differently in their world versus how it does in the digital world in the digital world it destroys any and all objects that it would come into contact with but in the real world it stays clear of the park which makes them think that it actively avoids any areas where there is greenery the kids having enjoyed their meals now must leave and although their parents do not wish them to go they give their kids their full blessing yamaki received an alert from the ark which was believed to have been destroyed the d-reeper's minions are after a young girl and her Digimon partner doblemon the team has gone to save them both the girl knows who the Tamers are and so too does her Digimon she cites her Digimon has been actively searching for them Rob McCoy and umaki try to get to the bottom of the cons he received from the ark and based on the photo frame on Rob's desk it's made clear that the Guild's Tamers just saved is none other than Rob's daughter yumaki wonders if the ark is sentient as he believes it is trying to tell them something the girl informs the kids that the D Reaper has relentlessly been trying to destroy dalbumon in order to prevent it from fulfilling its Mission before dabomon can explain what its mission is they are all attacked by a large skeletal B Reaper agent called creepans the kid's ultimate Digimon are unable to defeat it but their only way to survive is to buy emerge the girl whose name is Alice informs them the reason she bought daubamon to the real world is because its Mission given to it by The Sovereign is to help the Tamers to be able to biomerge in the real world but in order to offer them this ability dopamine must offer its life Falls to them Doberman thanks Alice for everything and bid to her farewell now having biomerged all three Mega Digimon are able to get right back into battle as Alice Mourns darwoman its Spirit lingers around her for a few seconds which allows her to embrace it one last time takato promises not to let dolber one sacrifice gold to waste they all begin to battle an endless barrage of Agents Mr Wong is frustrated as the kids are left fighting the reaper all along but yamaki reassures him using his own words that the kids are able to do what no other can and that he needs to believe in them and their Digimon prepand manages to get a hold of Mega gargamon whilst there continues to be no end to how many agents are spawning in your Market asks the ark's main programmer Daisy if she can re-establish a connection with it informing her that the ark contacted him Kazu having witnessed galatmon fighting the agent decides that he must help his friends Soul too does lot one gallopmon saves Mega gargaman and both go on to destroy creepans gallimon is captured by the d-re patents pulled inside of it Gilman cites he won't be able to hold on to their mega forms for much longer and so they land amongst the trees as Takata and Gilman wonder inside the reaper they find Jerry in there too he asks what she's doing there and she responds in third person Jerry seems to have become possessed by another being which goes on to sight how Jerry has proven invaluable in its research of humans as she begins to morph Gilman cites how the being in front of them is not Jerry The Imposter explains how it sampled Jerry to analyze the life forms which created the digital Network as well as the d-reaper itself it goes on to reveal its true form as one of the D Reapers agents citing that due to the defects of humans they must all be eradicated the agent then leaves on its own accord what's on the outside reek and Henry continue to worry about Carter they are both greeted by Kazu gajramon and also to their surprise another Mega Digimon called justimon justinmon turns out to be both Rio and cyberjramon whom were able to biomerge after Doberman sacrifice their reunion is cut short when a new D Reaper agent called horn Striker attacks a mega gargamon Rika is fuming as the reaper is constantly hurting her friends but just demon offers to take on the agent to allow for Rika and Henry to push forward so that they can find takato garduman and Kazu stay behind with just Iman to offer him some backup Mr Wong believes he's found the core of the D Reaper's Consciousness deducing that all of its agents must be connected to the call by severing the cables they will not only destroy its agents but also in theory the d-reaper itself the agent posing as Jerry continues to play games with takato making fun of the memories he and Jerry shared the toxic environment begins to disorientate to Carter causing him to pass out imperman and kalamon make their their way to the heart of the D Reaper to save Jerry who is trapped there they are both stopped in their tracks by an agent called bubbles but knowing the danger Jerry is in Implement warped digivolves into Beelzemon blast mode and holds off the Ager whilst he has kalamon pressed forward to find Jerry kalaman believes to have found Jerry but an invisible force field is blocking them from entering the alzamon is able to create a small opening which allows kalamon to enter but he is then immobilized by the d-reaper the alzamon Tells Jerry that no matter what it takes he will make things right kalamon speaks to Jerry but she remains despondent believing to have found a castle secure mon casts a protection spell upon herself and mega gargamon which should heal them from the harsh environment inside of the reaper agent Jerry reveals the real Jerry's deepest sorrows to takato the agent begins to chase after the now powerless to cartoon Gilman and was running Balter spotted by tsukumon whom rushes out to save her friends takiomon is stopped to a halt due to the effects the harsh environment is having on her body kenta's partner Marine anjumon appears and saves to cartoon guilmon Marine androman's bubbles seem to have the ability to neutralize the d-reaper and so is able to successfully scare away the agent and now exhausted sakumon lands by takato and Kenta with Marine androman going on to restore her Vitality Mega gagamon manages to blast an exit for them whilst Justin one continues to battle horn Striker on the outside coupled with the help of guardamon sukumon and mega gagamon justiman is able to destroy the agent after antilomon successfully manages to sever it's called the kids all returned to rika's home to regroup Susie informs Henry that both kalamon and Beelzemon have disappeared inside of the D Reaper Ryo gives a Susie her first modify card Rika is sad that they were unable to to really thank Alice for her and Dobermans a sacrifice takato continues to worry about Jerry knowing she is being held somewhere within the D Reaper kalaman calls out to be elzaman who's starting to lose Consciousness upon hearing his name Jerry is reminded of the loss she has suffered over the course of her life from the death of her mother to the recent death of Leomon Daisy had managed to make some improvements to the arc improvements which New Market highlights are made up of chrome digizoid the most powerful metal in the digital world he gives the ark a name calling it granny shibumi uses Henry's digivise in order to help granny to bio-emerge into the real world he goes on to say her after its original data was damaged instead of dispersing granny managed to retain large parts of his data set which is how he was able to communicate with yumaki Jerry's dad and stepmom have also arrived at hypnos HQ her stepmother continues to worry for her safety whilst her father remains visibly angry the Digimon makers realized the sphere which is holding Jerry captive is also the d-reeper's brain Takata goes on to plead with Jerry's father not to be mad at her whilst Justin one continues to battle the reaper on his own rika's mother offers Jerry's stepmom Comfort whilst Rika overhears the conversation and realizes how difficult things must have been for Jerry all along having suffered so much loss Rika commits to never feeling sorry for herself again realizing how good she has had it all along and vows to save her friend Jerry's father makes his way to get his daughter all on his own a massive agent emerges which begins to chant using Jerry's voice Jakarta and the others soon arrive to after the agent scans Jerry's dad it begins to malfunction when he identifies him as her father as it does not understand the concept of parents Jerry's father grabs a hold of the agent's tentacles demanding that it returned his daughter to him takato is fed up with it continuously using Jerry's voice and so bio merges with Gilman and launches an attack destroying the limbs of the agent unfortunately the agent simply regenerates should shibumi believes the reaper fears death as just as humans it too fears the unknown Justin once saves galatmon but they are all captured by the agent as Jerry cites how she is destined to be lonely the agent on the outside projects what she's saying for all the Tamers to hear after Jerry's father launches a vehicle into the agent it lets go of the three Mega Digimon and launches an attack towards the defenseless man gallopmon saves him but goes on to find himself trapped again guardroman adjust him on help release gallopmon from the agent's clutches whilst the kids are otherwise preoccupied by the numerous smaller agents attacking them chibumi Riley and tally are successful in helping granu to re-materialize into the real world Gallant mon struggles to attain enough height to get close enough to the agent's cord to sever it as things begin to become dire none other than granny emerges and provides Gallop mod with the means to take flight as his stead galimon is able to sever the agent's cord finally destroying it through Gilman takato realizes their stead is none other than the ark which brought them home Gallant one goes on to thank their friend for helping them once again he shouts out to Jerry promising to get her out with the d-reeper now having taken over the most of the city time is of the essence within the core of the reaper The ozomon Remains unconscious at hypnos HQ Riley and Daisy are working on upgrades for granny and stumble upon some images which granny had recorded when it was pulled back into the digital world they are shocked to see that the digital world has been devastated by the d-reaper whilst The Sovereign violently fighted Rob McCoy highlights how 47 of the digital world has already been deleted as everyone is beginning to lose hope your Marquee retains faith in human beings capacity to overcome the odds a lesson he had learned from the Tamers the D Reaper's core expands in size in order to protect itself the kids spot bials them on track and rush out to save him and Jerry Granny's upgrades are finally completed and it is able to take flight once again the elderman is kicked out of the core so he attacks the cause barrier in unison but the collective might is unable to make a dent Riley cites how their receiver implanted within the D Reaper has picked up a signal which now allows them to see from the D Reaper's point of view the receiver also picks up video of takato which is shown to the public via the news seeing a student battling mississaugi runs out of class calling out and cheering takato on your Market only now realized that the kids have merged with their Digimon and are in the heat of the battle leading him to feel guilty having placed them in dangerous way Susie uses her first modify card in order to Aid and tilamon who goes on to save Kazu and Kenta the reaper having scan Jerry's memory is taunt bialsomon the Digimon that destroyed Leoma destroyed lyoma destroyed Leon shut up shut up stop losing during boys [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] forgiveness I don't need anyone to tell me that what I do I can't change the past they save Jerry and let me tell you no talking eyeballs Gonna Stop Me step [Music] if you don't you even care I know everything looks scary bad right now but feel someone's not giving up so you should n't there oh Jerry please say how'd you like that not so Teddy now who are you what his special attack does not even leave a scratch on the reaper as it goes on to destroy the alzamon's gun your marker informs takato of a special weapon granny Wheels called the yougotha Blaster and asks that he goes ahead and tries to use it against the barrier the Blaster proves effective and is able to destroy the outer defenses of the core takato shouts to Jerry pleading with her to let the ulzemon help Jerry Witnesses the efforts bialzoman is making to save her but he's unable to break the orb she's being held within given the journey beyon has been on since the start of the series this next scene still gives me goosebumps even today [Music] he really wants to save me [Music] please help me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] having seen the spirit of an old partner through Beelzemon Jerry's unable to take his hand as she is paralyzed by her grief once again the alzamon is attacked from behind and is on the cusp of deletion whilst the kids do everything they can to help him to no avail believing the alzamata perished Jerry blames a servant to Carter wonders just how many more friends they must lose at the hands of the D Reaper however all is not lost yet as granny appears having caught the now unconscious Impmon on its back the market tells to carto that he and the kids must get out of there as the task force is soon arriving as the task force arrive the kids move aside the planes drop what is initially thought to be explosive bombs but in fact they turn out to be multiple communication jamming devices Johnny one of the Digimon makers Alloys informs them that it was his idea Jerry now wants to leave but her doppelganger refuses to let her out the agent informs her that it was her feelings of Despair and sorrow which had been powering the d-reaper this whole time but the agent goes out to tie her up whilst she's screams out for tocato the JAMA begins to work and the agent is dragged out of the orb even though she now knows a her sorrow and despair is what the reaper has been feeding off Jerry still cannot help but feel the world is better off without her the agent returns and begins to evolve even further as the D Reaper itself forms a massive being known as the mother Reaper around the core Takata having heard Jerry screams wants to tackle the thing head-on but guillot correctly highlights to him that should they enter the reaper now like last time they will be unable to hold their mega form the kids realized they must pull back in order to come up with a plan whilst the monster makers a new market tried to come up with a plan the kids all rest off takato meets up with his cousin Kai from Okinawa whilst Rika is having lunch with renamon her mother and her grandma Rika cannot help but worry about Jerry and renamon doesn't feel it's right for them to be sitting around like this but both agreed to stay for her mother and grandmother's sake Takata opens up to Kai regarding his concerns that the Jerry he once knew may be gone forever Johnny tells Rob yomaki and Mr that the D Reaper has begun to spread globally and highlights how some of the sensors placed within the areas that the reaper has now devoured provided them with crucial insights in how the data particles inside the reaper move at the speed of light Daisy sides how if they were able to create a tiny Big Bang inside of the reaper its data would in theory get pulled apart which may allow for them to either destroy or shut it down Mr Wong runs some tests on terriermon citing he needs to find out the compositional difference between Digimon and the D Reaper so that they can figure out how to Target the bomb they are looking to create as Jerry is about to strangle herself kalamon begins to break down in tears citing how lucky Jerry is and how all her friends including itself just want to see her smile once again as they Embrace kaliman is dragged Away by the reaper Jerry screams out at 4 to cartel's help which he does Somehow Here having heard and screams to cartoon guilmon realized they must leave now as Henry is heading out shibumi gives him a red card which he cites will help them to retain their mega forms with in the D Reaper's Quantum bubble having said their goodbyes all the kids make their way to face off against the reaper one final time Jerry is forced to helplessly watch on as the D Reaper slowly squeezes the life out of kalamon Rio arrives and all four Tamers swipe the red card via their digivices the red card proves effective as all four of them are now able to hold their mega forms within the Reaper's Quantum bubble the kids must face off against Legions of Agents one in which Knox Gallant mod off granny Jerry is able to break free going on to hold a now unconscious kalamon In Her Arms impermann is now with the twins as he lays in their arms they attempt to cheer him up the twins finally receive their own digivise II solidifying their bond with him seeing talomon hurt in front of her Jerry realizes that allowing herself to fall into such despair thus powering the D Reaper was wrong and not what Leomon would have wanted the d-reaper cites how much of an Abomination human beings are and must be destroyed a hole begins to emerge within the D Reaper which is all parts of your monkey and the Digimon makers plan Mr one goes out to explain how the whole is a link which has opened up between parts of the D Reaper which is in the digital world in which the reaper will use this connection to draw all its strength into one place you marking the others were banking on this and he got on to tell Riley to launch the Juggernaut program it turns out when Mr Wong was scanning terrioman he in fact installed Juggernaut into Henry's partner in which as Mega gargamon once they had entered the quantum bubble they plan to release the program at this exact moment the Juggernaut program being released within the bubble will enable them to create the Big Bang as Daisy cited earlier which should either destroy or reverse the reaper back to its initial primitive form call it their way of DD's evolving it their plans are rendered to a halt when a new creature of the d-reaper emerges from the hole this fall is extremely powerful given that it has assimilated hordes of data through killing numerous Digimon within the digital world takaton Gilman refused to back down and launch an attack at the creature it responds by drawing a scythe which tears into Gallant one the rest of the time has collectively attacked the creature which allowed galomon to press forward towards the Reaper's core after he is sent soaring to what seems to be his ultimate demise a voice begins to speak out to takato the now damaged granny appears and offers its life force and armor in order to give its friends the ability to fly enabling gallopmon to mold change into his Crimson form whilst galimon makes his way to Jerry she makes it clear to calumon that she has had enough of sitting around and crying going on to sight how it's time she gets them out just Iman comes up with a plan to destroy the creatures they are struggling to even make a dent against it Jerry Speaks out to liaman finally believing in herself which triggers her digivas to let out an array of Light which blasts through the roof of the prison that are being held in having received a secure man's energy just Iman is able to shred the creature in half believing to have finally destroyed it only for it to re-emerge shortly after agent Jerry has digivolved further and goes on to attack gallopmon all four Digimon Sovereign emerged from the hole and dragged the creature back to the digital world you marking the others begin the final stages of their plan Mr Wong calls Henry and informs him after the plan yumaki and the rest of the Digimon makers joined the call too Mega vagomon begins to launch the Juggernaut program and the reversal begins shibumi cannot help but feels he's missed something crucial whilst galamon is being beaten to a pulp but eventually has enough and goes on to destroy the formidable agent with a single punch gallopmon makes his way to Jerry as the mother Reaper is being sucked into the hole shibumi finally realizes that his calculations for the red card were off as he only manipulated the digimon's data wavelengths but he failed to account that their megaphones or hybrid forms made up of part human he deduces that the Digimon would not be able to hold their mega forms for much longer which turns out to be the case everyone D did evolves but Jerry and calamon still need saving Takata has Gilman launch him towards her whilst renaman goes on to save Henry having finally been saved Jerry Embraces to carto comes in clutch having his partner place all the Tamers and their Digimon within a protective bubble the nightmare seems to have finally come to an end the kids by this point for the most part have overcome their deepest fears and insecurities but are soon to realize that there is one final fear that they all collectively share which they soon must face impermann introduces the twins to the rest of the group and asks if Jerry can ever find it in her heart to forgive him someday Jerry puts his mind at ease as she tells him that he is Forgiven suddenly the tamer's greatest fears actualize as all their Digimon Partners begin to dedige evolve into their in-training forms Mr Wong appears and explains that the side effect of the plan they had executed to defeat the D Reaper would mean that any and all Digimon must return to the digital plane this was a decision that Mr Wong along with his colleagues did not wish to make but due to the risk the Deery proposed to both worlds and the lack of time they had it was a choice day regrettably had to make as the Digimon returned to the digital world takato promises that he will meet Gilman once again Mr Wong tries to reassure his son saying that everything will be okay but a teary-eyed Henry not which causes his father to drop to his knees in guilt life soon returns to normality for the kids and it appears that this series will be ending on a somber note Takata wonders if he will ever be able to keep the promise he made to Gilman and wishes that he will be able to keep his word he happens to be that a Digi Norm has flown by him and upon entering Gilman's Hideout takato's wish seems to have been granted as in front of him appears to be a gateway to the digital world and that folks marks the end of Digimon Tamers now where to start as there's so much to unpack with this season a good place to start will be some of the callbacks to the two previous Seasons there are so many little Easter eggs that have been placed in this series which give homage to its predecessors in the dark mississaugi is voiced by the same voice actor that had voiced Kari I heard that you know the rules if you show up late you'll have to wait who me not buddy it's TK Digimon Emperor I'm gonna slap a dark ring on him even mississauges occupation is a callback to kari's aspirations as she too wanted to become a teacher ready to have fun Curry's a teacher she actually likes being in school we also have nods to Davis from Adventure O2 his double voice actor narrates the beginning and end of each episode I must have something in my eye to find out if they can save Jerry in the world tune into the next Digimon Digital Monsters cobbled out with the fact that jakarta's cousin Kai whom we meet towards the end of the series is also voiced by Davis's voice actor besides have you seen this fantastic view Primo can I ask you something sure you guys are like out there to save the world or something huh there's even more subtle callbacks sprinkled across episodes here's some memorable examples in episode 1 asked carto's sketches Gilman he makes reference to argument I'm gonna make him even better than argument I'll call it as staccato is sleeping he calls out the phrase did your armor energize energize in that same episode the cards which were being used by kentonkazu are all the ultimate forms of the adventure all one Digimon we even get Kazu teasing Takata by referring to him as Yoli one of your rare take a shower days hey what's with the glasses Yoli in episode 3 a bystander makes a comment that Rika looks like Kari yeah I noticed and she's kind of cute too sort of like Curry punk you know sort of Edge and in that same episode there's a kid around the same age as TK was in adventure R1 who's voiced by the same voice actor who voiced TK in adventure R1 Hey look check it out it's a digimon yeah skipping ahead in episode 16 Henry uses a support card called wargreymon's Brave Shield [Music] activate [Music] which is not only a callback to call Greymon but also a nod to have its Shield is made up of the strongest metal in the digital world called from digizoid in episode 30 Kaiser mentions how we would love to have anjumon as his Digimon partner I'm glad somebody else believes it besides me I wonder which partner I'm gonna end up with maybe anjuman now that would be real power there are so many more clawbacks sprinkled throughout this entire series which shows the level of care that has gone into making it are there any particular references to the previous Seasons that stood out to you as a child I don't think I truly appreciated at the time the themes of the story and the journey these characters had undertaken given some of the subjects this series touched on you would be hard-pressed to find many kids at all with the required level of maturity and empathy to grasp some of the topics that were being toyed with here their series seems to have it all it covers topics such as the loss of Innocence to the damaging effects and getting grief can have on one psyche if not dealt with accordingly we even get stories of Retribution Redemption and sacrifice for the greater good how this series is so bold they even touch on topics like suicide impermanent 4-1 starts off as an annoying Troublemaker with seemingly little to no substance it's only until he Causes Chaos around the city and gets Gilman in trouble multiple times that we get a glimpse into his backstory we find out that the resentment he holds for humans is deeply rooted through his traumatic past with the twins whom regularly fought over everything they shared including Implement 2 due to being mere children they fail to realize that they were physically hurting him during these arguments the issue was much more deep rooted than a simple frustration with his juvenile Tamers as it became evident impermann felt out of place in both worlds and suffered from a lack of self-worth over the course of this series we see this lack of work lead him to make decisions out of sheer desperation decisions which led him down the dark path I love the character progression he went through as his Redemption Arc for me at least is the best out of any Digimon Series today we have Jerry who starts off as the overtly happy goal lucky side character whose vibrant personality radiates amongst her peers and especially to Carter Jerry could have easily been written off as a simple aloofside character which the MC has a crush on but the writers of the series have a different idea in mind when it came to Jerry little did many others expect from the midpoint Jerry would go on to become a central figure in which the entire series permeates around towards the end we get to know the real Jerry as a character who has already suffered immense loss in her life with the death of her mother at a young age which led her to become somewhat estranged to her father after he had remarried we also find out about the guilt she has been bearing on her shoulders for not being able to allow herself to accept her new stepmother who has been nothing but kind to her she inevitably snaps after Leomon is murdered and we as viewers witnessed this child drown within the depths of her grief her to even consider taking her own life many may find it annoying how Jerry appeared to have become somewhat of a damsel in distress towards the end but those who thought that completely missed the point as she never wanted saving in the first place if anything the mom and her partner Digimon died she checked out completely allowing herself to be devoured by guilt and sorrow it's important to know that it was never to cartaul that pulled her out of it but in fact it was calumon kalamon being the one to do it makes complete sense given the context having witnessed essentially all her friends kill numerous Digimon albeit in self-defense their hands were still now bloodied nonetheless out of all her close friends the only one that had not solid their hands with another's blood was none other than kalamon kalaman was technically the only one left in the group him still had their sense of Innocence intact as frustrating as it was watching her constantly curl back up inside of her shell it was oddly grounded in reality those that do not have the tools to deal with grief can often fall into such States and if their life has already been burdened with loss then some do consider opting out entirely which at one point Jerry even attempts to do seeing her find out overcome this and didn't feel cheap but earned we witnessed so many other friends including beelzeman do everything they can to save her but it was only until she made the decision to move forward and live that she was able to break her shackles of grief Henry's Arc may get lost on most as his trials and tribulations were somewhat less intrusive to the overarching story than most of the other main characters at least there's two main challenges he faced which stood out to me the first being his ethical conflict in killing Digimon this inner conflict and led him to seek guidance from his Sensei who gave him Insight in how to delineate between God and bad explaining to him how one's view of another is dependent upon perspective this was very important as it was able to help defuse the tamer's initial anger towards the Sovereign whom had sent the Davis to their world his second challenge was that of responsibility being an older brother he found himself frustrated by the situation when Susie had entered the digital world it was interesting to see the shift in Henry the moment Susie arrived there as he was left in the state of paranoia regarding her safety this led him to Lasha Asus on a number of occasions as his sense of responsibility to keep her safe would often clash with her desire for exploration and wonder the rest of his friends clearly understood why he was acting out this way and offered him support instead of berating him for his behavior one example is how Kazu and Kenta offered to stay behind with Susie so that Henry needn't worry about her so he and the rest of the Tamers can make their way through the Phoenix gate it's worth noting how the show didn't simply make every one of the MC's challenges a massive story beat which takes over the salt Focus multiple episodes at a time most of the time we get multiple story arcs being covered over the course of each episode which lends to this series pacing it definitely felt watching it much more tightly organized than the two previous Seasons Rika had the best character progression in a digimon series to date seeing her slowly make the switch from being a merciless Tamer to a character who has a great deal of empathy and compassion for her friends both humans and Digimon alive it was amazing to see whilst Rika developed she did not lose her fight IQ nor did she have any ethical qualms in killing a digimon whom threatens the world or her friends this is important as this aspect of Rican not being dropped allows the character to retain her originality and prevented her from being sidelined for the remainder of the show instead her progression aided in her becoming a far more balanced character a journey similar to what Henry went through but on opposite ends of the spectrum whereas Henry was far more of a pacifist who must realize that sometime times a fight not only isn't avoidable but also necessary whilst Rika was a warrior who wanted to win no matter the cost and actively picked fights so she needed to learn compassion and empathy yamaki was another character I grew to like as he followed a similar Arc as Rika did throughout the show albeit he took much longer to crack than Rika did takato is an interesting take for the quintessential MC unlike Kyle Davis takato is not a natural-born leader if anything from the day he met Gilman he's been out of his death constantly trailing behind Rick and Henry for the most part it's made clear being cuddled by his mother coupled with his innate softer personality has inhibited Takata from venturing out of his comfort zone this is something to Carter becomes aware of as the stakes continue to rise he realizes he needs to mature in order to face the challenges awaiting him he along with Gilman goal from the most inexperienced to the leaders whom the others follow suit of the show definitely has more grandiose moments for takato versus characters and that's to be expected given he and Gilmore are technically this series of mascots but the writers clearly were not worried about sidelining him where needed in order to give the rest of the main cast the space and time they needed to develop this in turn makes attainment overall one of the most balanced series to date now in all series is without its flaws and although none of these are deal breakers I think they are worth mentioning let's start off with Rio who is a character that's been part of the franchise as a whole for a long time Rio was bought into the anime in adventure O2 where he was present during the events which eventually led to Ken becoming the Digimon Emperor the franchise went on to retire Rio in the Tamers timeline making him a cemented part of that series Universe the issue I have is the way Rio was introduced and his role within this story for such a Legacy character Rio was introduced far too late his impact to the story was lackluster to say the least for example the only tangible benefit we are provided to the story when he saved the others from Mega Drummond and stole the dean Reaper agent in order for Rika and Henry to press forward his subplot with cyberger Mod was completely dropped it was implied that cyberjramon was searching for its true enemy his partner was sort and really that Rio decided to bring it all the way to the digital world to get it away from people after arriving back to the real world the next time we see Rio is as just him on and as just him on the tangible benefit he offered to the final battle was near non-existent miners saving garment a couple of times I really wish they implemented his character in a much more meaningful way beyond the art a couple of times he helped the Tamers I'm not sure why Rio was cast aside into the tamer's timeline Rio deserves his on Standalone Series where his character can be fully explored and fleshed out I have the same issue with Mizuno AKA shibumi you're marking the rest of the Digimon makers built him up to be the supplied mysterious genius figure and by all intents and purposes he was just that as he was directly and indirectly responsible for most if not all the events that happened in the show honestly I was kind of underwhelmed the amount of screen time he got was minimal and the times he was on screen he just came across as an aloof pretentious novel it left me wondering what his goals ever were Reno from Mr Wanda he was the odd one out amongst the rest of his colleagues and that he potentially had a God complex given that he wanted to create a new species but when we finally got to meet him he seemed ambitious of us as though he had little to no care about anything in the world I would have honestly liked him better even if they went down the cliche route of him being a simple narcissist with a God complex and his motivations being rooted in superficial desires then you have Alice a character who had little to not screen time but for me stole the scenes that she was in from the unique look of the character being in complete contrast to the others hoppled with the abrupt way we were introduced to her and her Digimon partner I was fascinated to find out more about her story it's a shame that she was completely dropped once dauberman's mission was completed the did you Norm played an important role within this story as their wishmaking powers were prevalent across the entire series from start to end what I don't understand is how azulongman had implied that they died after enabling kalamwa to access its full power but then they just reappeared right at the end of the show it feels like a bit of a cop-out that day unlike Digimon are able to go to and from the digital world as they see fit it wasn't a deal breaker by any means but having them around as wish makers somewhat reduced the stakes as the kids during the Deva Arc were able to summon blue cards by simply wishing for them to appear once they had realized the mechanics and how they had been getting the blue cards in the first place the final Enemy being the D Reaper for me was a nice change of pace instead of having the typical evil Digimon trying to take over the world or simply destroy everything the digivolution sequences are some of the best this franchise has put out overall this season although I'm not my personal favorite that's a spot solely reserved for adventure R1 just simply because of nostalgia however Tamers is by far the best Digimon series to date as it strikes the perfect balance across all the core components which make up a solid piece of entertainment which is that it has well-developed characters and World building and story also to add for the most part that animation wasn't too bad either I for one think Tamers needs to try treatment I would love to see where the characters are a few years on from where the show left off if you enjoyed watching this please be sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel if there's anything else Digimon related you would like me to cover you can let me know via the comment section Below on that note that's it for this one until the next time this is Ray signing off peace foreign [Music]
Channel: Raytaku
Views: 253,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, digimon, adventure, comiccon, cartoon, retrospective, pokemon, Digimon, Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure Tri, Digimon World, Digimon Fusion, Digimon Xros Wars, Digimon Data Squad, Digimon Tamers, Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Masters, Digimon Frontier, Digimon Savers, Digimon Universe Applique, Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, Digimon Adventure Last Evolution Kizuna
Id: NqIICCovD00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 39sec (8019 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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