Difficult Dictation - TEST YOURSELF - Duolingo English Test Practice

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Hi i'm teacher Luke an expert  Duolingo English Test teacher,   and today we're going to take a  look at the dictation question type. In my previous dictation video I went over the key  points, some tips, and also I gave you 35 sample   tests. If you haven't watched that yet, click  this card here. However, many of you asked me   to make more challenging dictation tests for you,  so i did! In today's video I have made 20 really   difficult dictation tests for you to try out. But  before you start those 20 dictation tests I want   to go over some frequently asked questions about  this question type. So let's look at that now! Can I use contractions in my writing? This is  a great question. When we write casually like   in a text message or an email to a friend we often  use contractions; for example I will becomes I'll,   I have I've. you had you'd. Those contractions  are very common in casual writing, but in academic   writing we typically don't use those. And of  course the Duolingo English Test is a test   of your academic English skills so I suggest that  you don't use contractions, instead write the full   form. However, if you do use a contraction, don't  worry too much, I don't think you'll lose points   for it, but just to practice proper and correct  academic English writing I suggest you write all   the words out in their full form. Okay question  two. Should I always spell out the numbers? My   short answer to this one is simply yes. I think  it's better for you to spell out the numbers   instead of writing them in numeric form. So a  quick example, instead of writing the number   3 spell it out t-h-r-e-e. this dictation question  type is designed to test two things your listening   skills and your writing skills. And of course in  writing, spelling is important. In other forms of   academic writing, such as a research paper, you  might see numbers like percentages written in   the numeric form; however, just for this dictation  task I recommend that you spell out the numbers.   Do I need to use punctuation like full stops  and commas? Another short answer yes you should.   Whenever possible you should use the punctuation,  some simple rules are, always starting a sentence   with a capital letter and finishing with a full  stop. And other more complex sentences might need   a comma. However, the most important thing for the  dictation task is that you listen and write out   every word you hear. so even though punctuation  is important and if you want to get the best score   total you need to use punctuation correctly, the  most important thing is for you to listen and type   out exactly what you hear. What subscore does  the dictation question type contribute towards?   That's a very important question the  dictation question type contributes towards   your conversation and comprehension subscores.  so if those are areas you're struggling with,   practicing the dictation will help you a lot. Okay  so those were some frequently asked questions, now   let's get started with the 20 difficult dictation  tasks! I'm going to give you one minute to   complete the dictation just like in the real test  and I will play the audio three times also like   in the real test. Your job is to listen and write  down exactly what you hear and I highly recommend   that you do practice typing it somewhere as typing  quickly is a skill that you should develop. Let   me know if you find this difficult or easy in the  comments below! Okay let's get started, good luck!
Channel: English Teacher Luke - Duolingo English Test
Views: 53,247
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Keywords: Duolingo English Test Dictation, Duolingo English Test, duolingo english test, duolingo english test practice, duolingo, dictation practice duolingo english test, study for the duolingo english test, DET Test Study, DET test, DET dictation, DET exam practice study, Luke Duolingo, Duolingo Teacher Luke, Teacher Luke English, prepare for duolingo english test, dictation study duolingo, study duolingo english test material, how to study english duolingo test
Id: CfyQVhkwiAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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